I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for the safety of PM Netanyahu and for unity in Congress to respond to his requests.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Members of Congress greeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with cheers, applause, and a lengthy standing ovation.

This contrasted with the maggots and crickets that the DC Palestinian Youth Movement released at the 5-star Watergate Hotel, where the Prime Minister and his staff stayed in DC.


Netanyahu began with strong words: “This is not a class of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. . . .America and Israel must stand together.”

“I came today to assure you of one thing, we will win.”

Guests included freed hostages and families of hostages. He said that efforts to release the hostage were taking place even as he spoke. He thanked President Biden for his efforts on behalf of the hostages, heartfelt support of Israel and calling Hamas “pure evil,” and for visiting Israel during their “darkest hour.” He commended President Biden for half a century of support for Israel — he said that Biden calls himself a “proud Irish-American Zionist.”

There were also IDF soldiers in attendance. One of them literally ran 8 miles to the frontlines in Gaza to defend Israel on the day of the attack : “These are the soldiers of Israel: unbowed, undaunted, unafraid.” The Prime Minister then quoted the Bible: “they shall rise like lions” (Numbers 23:24).

He quoted the father of a man who died fighting in the IDF: “Because of the birth of Israel, the Jewish people are no longer helpless in the face of our enemies.” He said, “Never again must remain a sacred vow. Never again is now.”

Speaking of the anti-Israel protestors: “Many choose to stand with Hamas . . . rapists and murderers. . . . ” He said that Iran is funding anti-Israel protestors in the U.S. and stated, “When the tyrants of Tehran are praising and promoting you, you have become Iran’s useful idiots.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, held up a sign right at that moment: “War Criminal.”

Netanyahu then explained the biblical history related to the land of Israel and the fact that for 4000 years Israel has been the land of the Jewish people.

“Antisemitism is the world’s oldest hatred,” he said, explaining that antisemitic lies have always been used against the Jewish people and are intended to delegitimize the Jewish state. “Whenever and wherever we see the scourge of antisemitism, we must resolutely condemn it and resolutely fight it.” At which point, Tlaib raised another sign, “Guilty of Genocide.”

Netanyahu said it’s a lie that Israel is blocking food for Gaza — Hamas is stealing it and he assured Congress that IDF does everything to get civilians out of harm’s way but Hamas tries to keep civilians at risk. He quoted a West Point scholar who has studied all of the military conflicts in history and has concluded that Israel has done more to prevent civilian harm than any country in history and does far more than the law requires.

He announced that Israel will always defend itself. He pointed to Iran as behind all the terrorism, chaos, and killing. Khomeini said, “We will export our revolution to the entire world.” Netanyahu said America is the one who stands in the way of Iran achieving this objective and that the Hezbollah Foreign Minister said last month, “The real war is with America.” He explained that they chant, “Death to Israel” before “Death to America” because they want to destroy Israel first.

He told the Congress, “We’re not only protecting ourselves, we’re protecting you. . . . Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory.”

He was gracious to Republicans and Democrats: “Those who attack Israel will pay a very heavy price. As we defend ourselves . . . we know that America has our back–all sides of the aisle.”

He appealed to Congress for support, quoting Winston Churchill who had asked the U.S. in World War II to give the tools to finish the job. He clearly stated the goal is to destroy Hamas’ military capabilities and bring all the hostages home.

He also suggested demilitarization and deradicalization of Gaza, which he said worked for Germany and Japan. He suggested a security alliance to meet the threat of Iran. He thanked President Biden for bringing a coalition of nations together to defend Israel on April 14 and suggested building on the Abraham Accords to develop an Abraham Alliance. He then thanked President Trump for brokering the historic Abraham Accords. He also thanked President Trump for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel.

In closing, Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s support of America and the gratitude of Israel for America.

Photo credit: President.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67754784.

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July 27, 2024

God bless Israel & America ❣🇺🇸🇮🇱❣ Friends Forever

Jeane Whiteside
July 26, 2024

He who keeps Israel never slumbers or sleeps. Be their iron dome Father. Send angelic help to rout the enemy from their place and drive them from the land. Make Gaza part of Israel and the Palestinians can live there under Israel’s oversight. No more giving land for peace. Let Iran give land for peace. Make a quick end to this evil for the country of Israel. You alone can bring peace to this area and bless the people of Israel. Thank you lord for loving them. Bring the entire nation to salvation and expand your kingdom here on earth as in heaven.

Doris Matherne
July 25, 2024

God forgive us if we turn our back on Israel…. I stand proudly with Israel.. God protect Israel from the Evil Hamas Lord raise up the church & Esthers for such a time as this.. Dear heavenly father wake up the ecclesia and fill us with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, amen! Pray -Fast-Stand!!!!!

Michelle Grinstead
July 25, 2024

Father we stand with the Prime Minster and Israel. We ask that you expose the enemy who tries to bring anti-semintism into our land, into our government and our schools. Jesus give courage to congress to stand with Israel and stand and believe in the one true God. The same God who led our forefathers.

July 25, 2024

Jesus in your holy name we ask for your mercy& justice!👍🙏🇮🇱✝️🇺🇸🙏💪🙏

July 25, 2024


Mary Ann Canfijn
July 25, 2024

Thank you, Father, for Netanyahu’s boldness and clarity!
Help us in America, from Government officials to our Citizens, to honor You by standing with and for
Israel. Keep Israel’s Prime Minister strong and under Your protection. May the light of the Gospel
reach him some day, according to Your mercy and grace.
We appeal to the Prince of Peace for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel’s stability, to the Glory of
Your Name!

Martha Vazquez
July 25, 2024

Excellent speech ‼️
Americas’ public should, by mere logic, understand the very low standard and sickening actions in the hotel by their actions. The woman who represents Islam SHOULD NOT even be in the position she is, why is she even allowed to represent any American citizen? Are we that naive in out of touch with her real purpose? It should be crystal clear by her sign going up

Shpend Shyti
July 25, 2024

Thanks to the Lord that Blesses Jewish people everywhere they are in Israel and in the world.
Thanks to the Lord that Blesses Mr. Netanyahu and US Leaders who work hard to keep civilians safe.
May the Lord guide us who are surrendered to Christ to do our part in Blessing Jewish people.
May the Lord stop the hand of Jewish enemies, Christian enemies, freedom lovers’ enemies.
In the Name and in the Blood of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Janet Sellers
July 25, 2024

Israel is hated by the world because it hated by Satan. It is the land God chose to reveal Himself in. It is the land of the Bible. It is the land the Yeshua was born in. It is the land Jesus died in. It was the land Jesus rose in. And it is where He will return. For the enemy, Israel is a place of crushing, constant defeat. For the children of God, Israel is a place of everlasting covenant, hope and triumph. Netanyahu knows this.

Teresa Focarile
July 25, 2024

O Lord, we pray for your People and Plan for Israel.
We surround PM Netanyahu with Your peace and strength and supernatural protection. Open the eyes of our Jewish brothers and sisters, open up their ears and hearts to receive the Gospel and their Savior. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and declare “Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven” over Israel. Israel is bold as a lion! Her enemies will melt like wax before her. In Jesus name.

Tania Gonzalez
July 25, 2024

Israel the Holy Land of God…will prevail in the midst of adversity. God will not allow Israel to be defeated. Lord protect and shield Israel and all of it’s Leaders. Give them wisdom and discernment to make decisions. Make available Lord all that they need to win that war.
We come against all forms of evil and strategies of the enemy to destroy Israel and it’s people.
Lord you are the Lion of Judah that protects!
In Jesus Name.

Brian Lynch
July 25, 2024

I saw most of his speech to the joint session of Congress. I thought that he was very much on point, giving our leaders a clear, concise assessment of what has transpired in this war that Israel finds herself involved with. I pray that we continue as a nation to support Israel unconditionally in this conflict. We need to stand with Israel, and support their nation as they continue to attempt to find a peaceful resolution to this situation. Lord, please give Israel what they need in this fight, and may we continue to help them. Thank you, Jesus.

Patricia Massi
July 25, 2024

Netanyahu is a Lion of God. A remarkable statesman and a true hero.

July 25, 2024

I love Israel and every Jew! I’m a monthly donor to Christians and Jews! I believe in your defense of your land against terrorists! The United States will always stand with Israel! We have to deport all these Palestinians and their hate! They have no place in our country!

    July 25, 2024

    Please be careful where you send these Israel-haters. The countries neighboring “Palestine” have mainly closed their borders to the influx of so-called “Palestinians” simply because they are dyed-in-the-wool terrorists whose prime thoughts focus solely on destruction and martyrdom ( they still get paid stipends to all families of “martyrs” which helps encourage foolish young minds to do stupid things ! )
    Anti-American “politicians” have NO PLACE IN CONGRESS – JAIL is their “Natural environment” for the safety of “We the People” !

Vickie Unrue
July 25, 2024

Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, I thank you for the honor and priviledge of having the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, step away from his most urgent priorities during Israel’s time of war and attack on 2 fronts, to make this trip to visit with our President Biden, and our Congressmen and women in order to express in person what is so very urgent, and critically important for everyone to understand so that the lies about Israel can be revealed for just that, and the truth, God’s holy truth prevail and reign victorious in order to spur our leaders, including former Persident Trump and everyone in this Country and around the world to support Israel and become faithful allies to assure a rapid end to win this war in Gaza against Hamas, and bring home all hostages safely, and quickly, and end this war by ending Hamas, and capturing all those who are performing acts of terrorism against Israel and her people, including holding those responsible for paying to promote Hamas or other terrorism or genocide against Israel and her citizens. We know Iran is paying for and pulling strings to further harm usng many factions including Hamas to wipe out the Israeli people. Father, give these enemies of Israel and America no place to hide, remove their power structures, dry up their income streams and cancel their resources, and we ask for your holy justice to be done to see that those who seek or have brought genocide and terrorism, rape, murder, and all forms of evil atrocities against Israel and the Israeli people, as well as any intended on her American Allies
must be brought to justice and held accountable, made to pay the just penalties for such evil acts and war crimes against humanity. Thwart all efforts by Hezbolla to start another war on the northern border of Israel. Restore quickly the land and homes that were burned and the homes to the Israeli people who have been so grievously displaced for so very long. Give back to them what the enemy has tried to steal and destroy and make the enemy repay them ten fold. Cause the scorched earth to thrive and be fertile as never before. Bring peace to Israel and Jerusalem and give them great and swift, precise, victory over every enemy. Father, cause every member of Congress and the President of these United States, no matter who holds that office, to remain faithful and loyal to Israel and the Israeli people, our friends and Allies, and to quickly aid and support them in any way necessary to overcome this evil that comes against them, both now and forever. Most of all, please reveal the love and truth of the Lord Jesus as the one true Messiah, Savior of all to the hearts and minds, spirit and souls of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and their team and supporters, every member of Congress, our Justice System, former President Trump and his entire Team and supporters, and to all peoples of this world, both Jew and Gentile, that the truth of your great love and the love of Jesus might be known and touch the hearts of all leaving them forever transformed by the encounter. I pray for the protection and safe return of Prime Minister Netanyahu back to Israel and ask for your special blessings upon him, upon Isreal and upon the Israeli people everywhere and may God bless the USA. In Jesus’s mighty name I pray. Amen

Maynard Beck Sr
July 25, 2024

Bibi’s speech will go down as one of the greatest of all time. The only thing he didn’t cover was the MSM. While the protestors are “useless idiots” the onsite “reporters” and newspaper pundits who paint the conflict as “Israeli genocide ” are “useful fools”. Both are tools of satan. Most impressive was his detailed account of history and how blood libel has followed the Jewish people for so long. The Bible is the infallible Word of God. Those who bless Isarael will be blessed. Those who curse Israel WILL be cursed.
Arthur Morse wrote a detailed book about the Holocaust.
Here is a good review of that book:
While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy, by Arthur D. Morse, was the first book written about America’s response to the Holocaust.

In the aftermath of World War II, Franklin Roosevelt enjoyed near-iconic status in the public mind. It was virtually unthinkable to criticize the president who shepherded America through the Great Depression and led the free world to victory over the Nazis. Moreover, the 1950s and early 1960s were a time when presidents were not subjected to the kind of scrutiny that later became routine. Journalists often refrained from investigating rumors of presidential indiscretions.

As a reporter and director for Edward R. Murrow’s See It Now series on CBS Television in the 1950s, Arthur Morse authored influential exposes about race relations, the dangers of smoking, and McCarthyism. In 1964, he was named to succeed Fred Friendly as executive producer of the CBS Reports series. He soon began work on a segment about a question that had long troubled him but which had never before been seriously examined: how did the U.S. government respond to news of the Holocaust? Morse began filming interviews with U.S. diplomats and government officials who had been involved in making policy decisions in the 1940s. But for reasons which are unclear, CBS canceled the project. The footage from the interviews was never released. Morse resigned from CBS, and spent the next three years writing a book, While Six Million Died, instead of filming a documentary.

With an advance feature story in the New York Times and serialized excerpts in Look, While Six Million Died was a sensation even before its release in the spring of 1968. Although some important archives were not yet open to researchers, Morse was able to piece together key aspects of this difficult, sometimes shameful chapter in American history: refugee ships that were turned away from America’s shores even though the immigration quotas were largely unfilled; reports about the mass killings that were suppressed by the State Department, because it feared such news would increase public pressure to rescue the Jews; gas chambers and crematoria that could have been bombed, if the U.S. had been willing to exert a minimal effort to save Jews from Hitler. Morse also described how Treasury Department lawyer Josiah E. DuBois, Jr. and his colleagues blew the whistle on the State Department’s obstruction of rescue opportunities, and helped force FDR to belatedly take limited steps to aid the Jews. Morse was the first to discover and quote from the extraordinary expose that DuBois prepared, titled “The Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews.” FDR’s fear of this report reaching the public helped convince him to establish the War Refugee Board. Despite its small budget and staff, the Board helped rescue over 200,000 Jews from Hitler near war’s end.

Morse’s book cracked the ice and made it possible for large numbers of Americans to begin considering the failings of a long-idolized president. In the years after While Six Million Died, historians such as David S. Wyman would gain access to archives that Morse did not see, and reveal many additional chapters to this history.

Morse died in an automobile accident in Yugoslavia in 1970. He did not live long enough to see the profound impact that his book had. For example, Stuart Eizenstat, the U.S. envoy who later led the successful effort to compel Swiss banks to pay restitution to Holocaust survivors, has cited While Six Million Died as a central influence in shaping his understanding of America’s response to the Nazi genocide and thereby influencing his own work. Prominent Soviet Jewry activists, such as Glenn Richter of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry and Joseph Smukler of the Philadelphia Soviet Jewry movement, have said that While Six Million Died helped motivate their activism. Many pro-Israel activists, too, have said their efforts on behalf of the Jewish State were galvanized by what they learned from Morse about American apathy during the Holocaust. The knowledge that his book had such an impact no doubt would have given Morse much satisfaction, in view of the final words of his preface: “If genocide is to be prevented in the future, we must understand how it happened in the past–not only in terms of the killers and the killed, but of the bystanders.”
God bless our Sister Israel and God Bless America

    Mary Beth
    July 25, 2024

    This brought tears of frustration, shame, and grief – emotions that I’m glad arise when gross injustice is encountered and recognized. May our nation, but even more so, the body of Christ be awakened to join the cry – “Never again!!” Thank you for sharing, Maynard.

Queen aleta Parker
July 25, 2024

Father God, please put people in office that Love God and Love America and send ,those that hate Israel and America back to where they came from so that they quit partaking of the blessings of America. Of course, we pray for their salvation but they can get saved anytime even going back to their country. Father God, In Jesus Name thwart the plans of the enemy against Trump since they place the blame of what they are doing on the innocent.

July 24, 2024

Father, bless and protect Benjamin Netanyahu and family with the Blood of Yeshua and give him great wisdom in leading Israel. May the USA always support Israel. Thank you, Lord, and may the hostages be freed and this war ended. Amen.

    Judy Biemer
    July 25, 2024

    Amen. May we as a nation always agree with what you have said in your Word! To bless and support your chosen land and people now and always. Ty Yeshua that you are a shield around them!

Darlene Estlow
July 24, 2024

Father, thank you for raising up Israel, making it their land, even before they came to be a people. You promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have drawn them back in the 1900’s from around the world and made them a country. Protect them and give them victory in this war. Open their eyes to see Jesus as the Messiah they have been looking for.

July 24, 2024

Rep. Tliab is a disgrace to our country!
Isaiah 29:20

    Patricia Tom
    July 24, 2024

    Open Rep Tliab’s eyes and anyone else who hates Israel. Visit them in dreams, in the back corners of their minds, while they are resting and when they arise. Remind them You are Lord and every knee will bow and tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Thank you oh great, merciful, compassionate God. Thank you for helping to release more and the rest of the hostages. Amen and amen.

    Sandy M.
    July 24, 2024

    Anyone who hates the American way like the “squad” has no place in our congress or white house.

    July 25, 2024

    She has to be returned to her country! We don’t want her here! McConnell allowed that law to be removed that was in our laws since the 50s that band all Muslims from holding office in our country! I call for congress to reinstate that law and deport the Muslims from our country! Palestinians too! They have no place in our country we stand with Israel. We have our place for these people! Ow dare those terrorists burn our flag and riot! Ship them home now!

      July 25, 2024

      PJ – You are so right in that there is no place for islam in any Judeo-Christian country. I suspect fear of precisely what Hamas perpetrated against Israel is the primary reason for godless politicians constantly failing in their duties !
      That “way of life” is not and can never be compatible with civilisation. As of 2024 there is no antidote acceptable (yet) to modern society. This latter “may change” as the TRUTH prevails.


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