I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, as You have taught us, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem that Your glory may go to the whole earth.
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Please pray today as Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress. There have been very many credible warnings against attempts on his life and other threats regarding anti-Israel protesters and terrorists.

Pray these scriptures:

O Lord, rescue me from evil people. Protect me from those who are violent,  those who plot evil in their hearts and stir up trouble all day long.

O Lord, keep me out of the hands of the wicked. Protect me from those who are violent, for they are plotting against me. The proud have set a trap to catch me; they have stretched out a net; they have placed traps all along the way. Interlude

Lord, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud. Interlude

Surely righteous people are praising your name; the godly will live in your presence.

(Psalms 140:1-2, 4-5, 8, 13 NLT)

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu privately in the White House but will not attend his speech to U.S. Congress on Wednesday, an aide to the VP told media on Monday.

Politico reported that Harris had already committed to attending a sorority event in Indianapolis on that day.

This allows her to circumvent a politically fraught decision of whether to join many other Democrats who announced they would boycott Netanyahu’s speech over their criticism of Israel’s conduct during the war in Gaza. . . .

Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Monday evening. While their planned meeting on Wednesday was cancelled, due to the U.S. President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 diagnosis, officials have said the president expects to meet with Netanyahu on Thursday. . . .

According to her aide, Harris will reiterate her commitment to Israel’s security and right to defend itself, but will also “convey her view that it is time for the war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can enjoy their right to dignity, freedom, and self-determination.” . . .

“In recent months she has had quite a few problematic statements in the context of the war in Gaza,” Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., Mike Herzog, told Ynet News on Tuesday. . . .

Excerpt from All Israel News. Photo by Amir Levy/Getty Images.



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July 24, 2024

FATHER, open the eyes of our leader’s to YOUR WORD. And,
To know THE TRUTH, that Israel is already the 2nd State in Palestine of 1917,
1920’s 1st was Trans-Jordan and 1947-8, THE 2nd ISRAEL!!!
Israel is NOT an Occupier, Apartheid or Colonists.
Palestinians have NOT been victims of genecide, but greatly multiplied in numbers since 1948. Jacob-Israel has been, Yom Shuah-Holocaust.
Hamas, Islamic jihad, PLO Fatah, Hezbullah, Houthi, Iran, etc… want to destroy America “great sa-tan” & Israel, the “little sa-tan”. They desire the Mahdi, to bring back the caliphate like the Ottomans. A worldwide rule!

Susan CC
July 24, 2024

Exodus 15:3
Adonai is a warrior; Adonai is his name. The Complete Jewish Bible
The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is His name. HCSB
The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name. ESV
The Eternal is a warrior; the Eternal is His name. The Voice

Psalm 24:8
Who is this King of glory? LORD JEHOVAH, the powerful and the mighty man; LORD JEHOVAH, the mighty man and the warrior! Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle. NLT
Who is this Melech HaKavod? Hashem strong and mighty, Hashem Gibbor Milchamah. Orthodox Jewish Bible

Revelation 19:11
Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. Berean Standard Bible
Then I saw heaven open, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True; it is with justice that he judges and fights his battles. Good News Translation
And I sawe heauen open, and behold, a white horse, and he that sate vpon him, was called, Faithfull and true, and he iudgeth & fighteth righteously. Geneva Bible of 1587

Psalm 89:11

Father God, You are Adonai, Yahweh, Jehovah, Eternal, Hashem…The Name… You are indescribable…undefinable. You are the King of Glory, a mighty warrior, who wages JUST war and in every battle, You are invincible. I pray as Your purpose goes forward today, You hand is undeniable in every event. As Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to congress, I pray he is under Your protection and for all who wish him harm, may they be filled with shame. I pray as he speaks he feels Your power and authority and speaks only words of truth. “The Heavens are Yours and the Earth is Yours; You have prepared the world in its fullness.” This time is not about any man or woman but You. May You be glorified today, in Benjamin Netanyahu, in Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei, everyone who has breath and life. I cannot ask too much of You but I can believe too little. I believe Your mercies are new every (day) and pray Your mercy in each event which carries potential for good. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over all creation as I pray Lord, Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on us. We are sinners. Amen

July 24, 2024

Father God, bless, protect, and keep Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF, and the people and nation of Israel. Through your covenant with Abraham all the nations of the earth are blessed, Jew and Gentile. Arise, shine O Israel, I pray Isaiah 60 over you in Yeshua’s NAME, amen. Thank You for Your protection LORD. Amen.

Patsy Roselee Behney
July 24, 2024

Father God we pray a hedge of protection around Netanyahu and his staff while they are working with America.

July 24, 2024

🇺🇸🙏🏼🇮🇱Protection, Victory, Peace
Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Teresa Hall
July 24, 2024

We are praising His name,just as David did.
Pray without ceasing for Israel,their leaders and America and Trump and all you love this country truly

July 24, 2024

As we fast and pray it’s so easy for me to forget about Israel with all our local warfare going on right here in America. But we must not!
Father we pray that Washington responds to Netanyahu as a true ally instead of as an inconvenience. May he be successful in driving the murderers from Your land. But more than anything we intercede for them that Jesus will become their Lord. We speak REVIVAL to your land of Israel Father in the blessed name of Jesus! Amen and Hallelujah!!!

    July 24, 2024

    AMEN, praying for Bibi’s protection as well as his salvation. And, we must also intercede for the mostly secular people of his nation, Israel. Regardless of their habitation in the Holy Land, they are physically and spiritually endangered until receiving Yeshua HaMashiach.


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