I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: < 1 minute

President Biden stepped out of the presidential race on Sunday, but not out of the spotlight. It is helpful to read his words for yourself rather than depend on others to interpret it.

So now, Joe is out, and he has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President. Is this the Democrat Party’s choice? We will find out soon.

President Biden’s action does not relieve the concerns of those who have witnessed his decline and worry whether he has the physical and mental abilities necessary to lead the nation, even for just the next five months.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in the United States today to meet with the President and to address Congress on Wednesday.

This is certainly an unprecedented time in American history. How are you praying? As you intercede, what is the Lord revealing to you? Please share in the comments. Check out the Headline Prayer Live webcast tomorrow for a Spirit-led time of prayer for the nation.

Photo credit: The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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Russell Damm
July 22, 2024

Prayer must continue for this nation. This is an exciting time in history. I believe we were born at this time on purpose, not by chance. We need to ask God for wisdom and knowledge as we live in these most challenging times. Ephesians 1:17-18 is for all of us who takes Gods word serious. Blessings and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

July 22, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: Listening to everything, seeing things play out, it is extremely hard not to feel anxiety, disgust, and fear. But then, I remind myself that YOU ALONE ARE GOD. You are not surprised, unaware, uncaring or afraid. You created this entire world. You have known from day one who to call your own, and who also would not honor, love or serve you. You have a Plan. (Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you to give you hope and a future.) I know from reading your word you HAVE this. You know what is going on, you know how it will turn out because you are MY GOD. I pray your will over my life every day, over every situation that arises and faces America and your children (believers/followers). Knowing your promises which are for your children, I am calmed. I repeat David’s words knowing that in the time of trouble you will hide us in your pavilion and the secret of your tabernacle will you hide us (Psalms 27:5). Knowing I can and do STAND firmly on your word, it brings your peace that passes understanding and I can carry on until you return for your Church. I love you Father and stand in awe of you. I see you working and know that YOUR WILL will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. To you be all Power, Glory, Honor and PRAISE. You alone are worthy to be praised. Amen

July 22, 2024

I dont see where Biden endorse Harris in this letter. It appears that is misleading in your preface of the letter!

    July 22, 2024

    The article does not state that
    ” within contents of letter” zpres. Bifen endores Harris, it just says he does. On all reports conservative and “msmedia” outlets they stated Biden, minutes afther this twitter
    X letter he endorsed Kamala to be nominated fir Pres. nomination, but he will not ” step down” from hid term until Jan. So, I believe IFA is just reporting the news as they have heard as well.

July 22, 2024

Lord, have mercy on the people of USA. Open eyes of many to see the how the left and liberal politicians support ungodly agenda such as killing of unborn children, home sexuality, destroying the security of the nation by allowing illegal migrants, drug traffickers, human trafficking activities, etc. We pray for people to vote wisely, to support candidates who uphold Biblical values, support religious freedom as Franklin Graham mentioned. We pray for unity in the Body of Jesus to choose government officials who support protection of unborn children, religious freedom, etc. We pray in your name, Jesus. Amen!

July 22, 2024

Lord, you have promised if we, your people who are called by your name, humble ourselves, pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land. (2Chronicles 7:14 )

And so Lord today, we humbly confess we have sinned against you in so many ways. We have driven you out of our schools, out of our government and yes even, in some cases, out of our churches. We are guilty. And yet there is a remnant Lord, who loves you, who is standing watchman on the wall, and who knows that America cannot be saved, but through you. Lord we know we deserve your judgment, but we ask for your mercy. Show us, your church, the discernment and wisdom we need at this time so that we may truly be your feet on the ground influencing history and implementing your will on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Brenda Gray
July 22, 2024

I am just praying g for God to cover our country. The next few months are going to be so crazy. Keep us safe Lord

July 22, 2024

Lord, we pray that you help us with this election. We desire that Religious Freedom be protected. We pray for the unborn to be protected. You have seen how much hatred is there, in this Country for President, republicans and their supporters. We pray that you save this Country from that which is not honoring to you and only you, Lord can do it through this election.
Forgive us for our sins, and please, save us!

In the name of Jesus, we Pray!


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