I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for our nation in these tumultuous days. May all evil schemes be revealed and the plans of the enemy be thwarted by Your righteousness. Thank you for pouring out Your Spirit and we ask that our leaders would surrender their will and seek Your ways. And help each one of us to usher more of Your Kingdom into the gardens You've planted us in.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We are living through a series of historic moments that, when combined and perceived years from now, will portray the battle for this country’s soul.

As Donald Trump walked onto the stage on the final night of the Republican National Convention, he was a visibly changed man.  Just five days after being shot, the look in his eyes was more captivating than the prominent bandage over his ear. He appeared genuinely humbled, a trait most would not ascribe to him.

His novel down-to-earth-ness could not be mistaken for weakness or fear because it was manifestly tethered to an up-from-heaven-ness:

I’m not supposed to be here.  I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God.

~ Donald Trump at the RNC

With astounding calm, confidence, and visible gratefulness, he delivered a speech that transcended politics, surpassed personality, and did something rarely seen in the public square:  It offered an invitation to courage.

A near-death experience does that to a person. It’s like being at an eye exam when the optometrist flips the lens you are looking through:

Which is better, this one [flip] or this one?

In this case, the [flip] was an assassin’s bullet.

I could have died five times in my life. I overdosed so severely on Ibuprofen in an Ironman race that my doctor told me, “I’ve seen people die in very stupid ways.  You almost died in the stupidest way possible.”

While free-soloing a cliff in college, I had to hang on to a crack in the rock for an hour, awaiting rescue. In 1996, on Denali, I broke a golden rule of alpine mountaineering and began to slide down the face of the mountain to the glacier 4000 feet below.  By the grace of almighty God, I miraculously grabbed a fixed line I was not clipped into and self-arrested my fall.

I was also in two severe car accidents.  In one, the voice of the Lord spoke to me seconds before the crash, and that divine directive saved my life.

These events are branded upon my soul in tangible and unforgettable ways, so profoundly that memories flash at the most unexpected times.

A most remarkable observation of Donald Trump’s speech: He did not give off a hint of PTSD. There he was, essentially reenacting the assassination event by standing behind a podium in front of tens of thousands of people, yet he entirely owned the moment. Bravery is not the right word to describe what we saw, although it was brave. Something different was on display for those curious enough to lay down their arms and seek it.

The media pundits who are telling us the assassination attempt was a staged photo opp or that Biden contracting COVID is equivalent to Trump getting shot are not only holding tightly to their arms: Their consciences are seared to a crisp.

Both David Dutch and James Copenhaver were critically wounded at the rally, and Corey Comperatore was killed at the scene. As Trump described talking with each of their families, we could hear in his voice how dreadfully close he came to a similar plight.

Be leery of those who frame this story around political victory or loss. There is a profoundly more urgent matter at hand: We are the audience to wicked spiritual rulers vying for our attention, aiming to lure our minds and secure our devotion. This is why we should always invite the Holy Spirit to help us understand and discern events beyond the headlines, chyrons, and memes.

When I look at the picture of Trump bleeding on the ground behind the podium, I hear Jesus’ words:

Take up your cross [flip] and follow me.

Matthew 16:24

Say what you will. This man carries a cross, and few would dare attempt it. We may never know everything that happened while he was on the ground, dog-piled by Secret Service agents.  But I do believe this was a baptism of sorts, and when he emerged with his latest cross upon his shoulders, he arose as a new man.  And our collective prayer should be that he will follow Jesus like he never has before.

These are not just words about a presidential candidate you may support or resist. These are the sights and sounds of an invitation presented to each of us — every day.

This hour’s metaphors, principles, revelation, and inspirational signposts are endless, so now, more than ever, may we understand and perceive the times we live in.  May we pray for our leaders and ask The Lord to heal our nation.  May we desire to embrace the [flip], seek calm confidence, and walk humbly with our God.

Please post your prayer for President Trump in the comments.

Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images.

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Bong Chapin
July 24, 2024

Father, I pray all the righteous leaders be protected by Your will. To bring this nation to good and safe. May the blood of Jesus poured upon President Trump for 24/7. There be no harm on him. Strength him continually, do the things what he has done and stand for this nation. And bless him to lead this nation according to Your will, in Jesus name, Amen!

Nan Johnson
July 24, 2024

Yes, we will take up our crosses and follow you, Dearest Jesus!! Also noticed the wonderful change in former president Trump that God wrought. Know our God is in full control of all that happens and that He moves in all our lives with great wisdom and power. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? “ Jesus we commit to you every day of our lives.

Terri B
July 23, 2024

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT

God is in control! I so believe that! Thank You Jesus for the salvation of us all! I believe Your coming soon! I believe President Trump was spared because You aren’t done with him yet! Protect him and his family along with JD Vance and his family as well! No weapon formed against them shall prosper!!! Remove all persons from office that have the demise of our Country in mind! In this I ask in Jesus name, Amen!!!!!

Sondra Stallman
July 23, 2024

Sondra Stallman
July 23, 2024
Lord God, we know that You Alone provide us with Grace & Truth! This is according to your word in John 1:17! We have seen your Grace in action as you literally saved Donald Trump’s life in a miraculous way, when you caused him to turn his head to view the chart of truth about the immigration disaster! IT was that slight turn of the head that caused him to miss the bullet to the brain! Now, please Lord, please turn his head to view the TRUTH of your WORD and consecrate him fully unto your will which I know you have for this amazing man. We give you all the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.!

Sondra Stallman
July 23, 2024

Lord God, we know that You Alone provide us with Grace & Truth! This is according to your word in John 1:17! We have seen your Grace in action as you literally saved Donald Trump’s life in a miraculous way, when you caused him to turn his head to view the chart of truth about the immigration disaster! IT was that slight turn of the head that caused him to miss the bullet to the brain! Now, please Lord, please turn his head to view the TRUTH of your WORD and consecrate him fully unto your will which I know you have for this amazing man. We give you all the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.!

July 23, 2024

Beautifully said
Thank you

Brian Ashurst
July 23, 2024

Yes, I entirely agree with Keith’s article. Let’s remember God is no respecter of persons. It also takes some courage for Karmala to come forward and stand in front of crowds in the present atmosphere. She needs our prayers for safety, if not for victory! Many of our leading politicians are confused and need prayer for clarity of vision and deeper understanding of the issues of the day. But God bless Donald Trump!

Marie Vasta
July 23, 2024

Sweet Jesus .. You promised to be with us during our trials a well as our joy’s … My prayers are for President Trump & his family ..That You may continue to protect & guide him as he fights the good fight .. I do believe You anointed him to lead our Country towards You as You lead him towards Yourself … I think of St. Paul & King David … You chose Paul while he was still a sinner & worse David who im sure u knew would sin against you bc of lust .. So those who are against Trump bc of his past & for his unpresidential way of speaking .. Scripture tells us Your ways and ours are not the same .. You write with crooked lines at times … And we must ‘know them by their fruit ‘ … All that this man has done when he was our President & in his personal life helping others in time of need .. shows only good fruit i.. And now with this attack that almost took his life I pray it will bring him full circle in his faith & closer to your Sacred Heart … <3

Molly Ruth Warring
July 23, 2024

Heavenly Father, we come to you humbly asking You to continue to protect President Trump, his family, his staff and all Americans. We thank You for all You have done for us as a country, as a nation. Please help us to walk in Your ways, to seek Your will. Jesus is our example, please help each of us to try daily to be more like Him. In His holy name we pray. Amen.

David Forrest
July 23, 2024

Thanks Keith! Good reminder how life can change suddenly. Since we are still alive, we need to stay focused in carrying out the Lord’s mission. Seek & you shall find….

July 23, 2024


July 23, 2024

Thank you for this very godly article.
I am so grateful for the prayers of godly people for President Trump.
God has laid out, for all who have eyes to see, the scope of evil that is
against His people. For those that are watching and listeniing for His
Word on everything, He has spoken and will keep on speaking His Truth.
When I try to think of all that is within my spirit, I fail to be able to put it
into words. Mostly, we cannot hold back anything, but must surrender it
all to Him and that is what taking up our cross signifies.
Thank You, Lord for the privilege of serving You, and thank You for
delivering us from evil; in Jesus Mighty Name and for His sake and via
presenting all the I AM of Jesus to You. Father. Thy will be done. Amen.

July 23, 2024

Once again, words inspired by the Holy Spirit are scribed by Keith:

We may never know everything that happened while he was on the ground, dog-piled by Secret Service agents. But I do believe this was a baptism of sorts, and when he emerged with his latest cross upon his shoulders, he arose as a new man. And our collective prayer should be that he will follow Jesus like he never has before.

Heavenly and Holy One, LORD of Heaven and Earth, Almighty and ALL knowing: I thank You that You know, I thank You for Your continued protection and providence in the life of President Trump, his family, staff and Your divine purpose for them, this nation and Your people.

Thank You for preparing us for the missions You have for each and every one us; each roll just as important as the other as we are one body, many parts. (1 Corinthians 12 —- and we know what was going on in Corinth…)

Father, enlighten, embolden and encourage us on this day and all days forward to continue in Your purpose during times such as these.

I pray this in the Mighty, Miraculous and Holy Name of Jesus.


Keith: Thank you for continuing to do your part in this purpose.

    July 23, 2024

    “May Pres Trump follow Jesus like he never has before” and walk humbly before God

Linda Nicholas Chevalier
July 23, 2024

May you walk humbly before GOD and seek his advice and instruction in every decision you make. Surround yourself with proven prophets of GOD for all prophesy and see in part. You put all the pieces together you have seen into the future. Rachel Hamm’s son is a seer and he sees spirits whether they be good or bad on people. Wouldn’t hurt for him to do a walk thru of people around you might help you find a traitor amongst you.

July 23, 2024

Lord, please protect President Trump, and send him someone to closely disciple and mentor him in the way of the Lord. Fill him with godly wisdom and continue to transform him and conform him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Versie Norwood
July 23, 2024

Lord please Baptize President Trump with your HOLYSPIRIT and FIRE!!!

Adina Tivera
July 23, 2024

Isaiah 54:17
New King James Version
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.

July 23, 2024

Thank you Keith Guinea for your insightful writing.

July 23, 2024

Dear Father God, remind Donald Trump and the world that it was You who saved him on July 13. I thank you for that demonstration to the world that You indeed are sovereign over this world. Keep us grounded in that experience so that Donald Trump and all of us may walk humbly yet boldly in Your name. All the glory to You for saving Donald Trump‘s life and letting millions witness to it.

Forever grateful, amen.

Linda T
July 23, 2024

Father God, I lift up President Trump to you for your protection and guidance. We know it was your divine hand that saved his life that day and I believe he does too. May he never forget whose he is and may he seek to please you and glorify you in every move he makes. Father you have given him a marvelous combination of skills and traits, suited perfectly for such a time as this. I pray the he will ever be aware that it is you who made him, who has been guiding him every step of the way and who has positioned him for this moment. Only through following you will he have success in leading this country and the world back to you. Make him bold and unashamed for you, Lord, in all things. Surround him with godly counselors and speak loudly to his heart so he can clearly discern your will. Thank you for his love of America and its people which through you can unify our country and return us to our roots in you. Put a hedge of protection and an army of angels around him, his family and those working with him that America may once again be a beacon for all to see your glory. Guide them each and every step of the way with boldness and courage, may his love for you be clear to all. Never let him forget that nothing he does is of himself but only you working through him. He is a flawed man, just like all of us, but may those who don’t like his persona recognize that you can and are using him just like David to accomplish your mighty will for us. Comfort the Comparatore family and bring swift healing to the others injured in this assassination attempt. Continue to confuse and thwart the evil plans of those who stand in the way of a revival in this country. Put a hedge of protection around our election in this country so that it is fair and honest. Father we give you thanks for all we have, for this great country that you established, and most of all for your precious Son, through whom we have victory over sin and death. In His mighty name we pray all these things.

Joyce Lloyd
July 23, 2024

President Trump , my prayer to you is that you never , I mean never let Satan get his foot into the door of your heart and overshadow what God has done in sparing you from death many times in your life. May you always give Him the praise that He so truly deserves. May you be humbled to always let others know about what God has done for you in your life! Seek His Will daily and I assure you that God will lead you to be the man He would have you too be as The President of the United States of America!! Only when you do this will you be blessed by The Almighty God of heaven. He is the alpha and omega! President Trump I have heard so many times people make the statement that only with Trump can America be great again and I want you too know that my thoughts instantly are”there is no way that Donald Trump can make America great again without God being the center of everything! Mr. Trump cannot make America great without God!!!! Please! I’m not trying to be disrespectful of you, I’m telling you that this is about pleasing God in all you do, not in pleasing you or the American people. It’s about pleasing God in what you do. Always go too Him in prayer and seek His face in all things. Thank you for loving America and the people enough to take this task on as our President. I will be praying for you and your family during these hard times that are ahead of each of you and May Gods blessings be upon you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray this! Amen!


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