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Father, we pray for Your plans and purposes for America and for Donald Trump to be fulfilled.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“It was God alone.”— former President Donald J. Trump

What is it about Mr. Trump that offends his political opponents? From the early days of his political career, the anger toward this man has been irrational. The media vilification. Frivolous lawsuits. Impeachment proceedings. The list goes on.

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And now: an assassination attempt.

The assassin fired eight or more shots, with one grazing the ear of Mr. Trump. One inch from death. Even though the assassin meant to kill, his efforts resulted in Mr. Trump standing with his fist in the air shouting, “Fight, fight, fight.” The blood streaming down his face requires – does not suggest – the protection of God on this man. Sadly, another man, Corey Comperatore, was killed and two others injured. The sister of Mr. Comperatore put it very well: “The hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved the most.”

Say what you want about Mr. Trump’s personality, his business practices, and his policies … God has preserved this man through nearly a decade of assault, not just against him but, more importantly, the call of God on his life.

It’s not just about the person of Mr. Trump; it’s more about how God wants to use him.

Many have concluded they dislike Mr. Trump for some reason, but the entire country witnessed God’s hand of protection on this man.

God is bringing glory to Himself by orchestrating miraculous events. God is reminding us and accentuating that He has a plan for our nation.

Amid the events around the assassination attempt, we must not forget (and we must continue to pray for) God’s miraculous hand in elevating leaders He chooses so nations can accomplish divine purposes.

This is not the first time a miracle like this has happened involving our nation’s leaders. There are many examples to draw from, but two are similar to what happened to President Trump on Saturday.

In 1755, George Washington fought fiercely in the battle of Monongahela in the French and Indian War. It was a devastating loss; however, Mr. Washington survived.

After the battle ended, Mr. Washington found a strange tear in his jacket. He took off the jacket and discovered it was a bullet hole. As he inspected his jacket more closely, he found three more bullet holes, but not even a scratch on his skin!

Four bullets tore Mr. Washington’s coat but missed his body!

Centuries later, President Ronald Wilson Reagan took office. Sixty-nine days into his presidency, he went to the Washington Hilton to speak to members of the AFL-CIO.

As Mr. Reagan left the hotel and crossed the sidewalk toward his limousine, would-be assassin John Hinckley shot him. Mr. Reagan wanted to be taken to the White House, but Secret Service agent Jerry Parr insisted he be taken to the hospital. This very likely saved Mr. Reagan’s life.

At the hospital, doctors discovered the extent of President Reagan’s serious injuries. He was indeed close to death, as the bullet was very near his heart. Before surgery, he had already lost 50% of his blood.

The position of the bullet, the wisdom of Agent Parr, the skill of the surgeons — all of these variables could have produced a different result. But people were praying, and God saved President Reagan’s life.

A Native American sachem witnessed President Washington’s survival of that deadly battle. The sachem said, “He will become a chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the Father of a mighty empire.” We know how true this was. God saved George Washington so that he could lead the founding and establishment of the United States.

God saved President Reagan as well. President Reagan often spoke of the D.P., his abbreviation for the divine plan, his sense that God had plans and purposes for him. Certainly, his leadership in defeating the grip of communism throughout Eastern Europe was part of that plan.

President Reagan believed that the prayers of Americans were vital. He told John Beckett, co-founder of Intercessors of America, “I firmly believe in intercessory prayer, and I know that it’s prayer that sustains me. Thank you, and thank your people for me.”

Now to the man of Donald Trump.

President Trump echoed President Reagan’s sentiments, posting on Truth Social, “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”

The human brain is wired to react in one of two ways in life-threatening situations: fear or courage. The area of the brain processing crisis situations produces one of these two possible responses. President Trump’s reaction was courage. He could have stayed hidden behind the curtain of the Secret Service. Instead, he had the character to stand, pump his fist, and shout, “Fight.” His reaction was not focused on his safety; instead, his instant reaction was the mission of this nation and the well-being of the American people.

A person’s reaction in a crisis is the purest window into that person’s character.

I have personally watched Mr. Trump ask for spiritual wisdom and want to be directed by God. His statement, “It was God alone,” positions him humbly before God to realize how God wants to use him.

As we process this national trauma, we must not lose sight of the fact that this is a spiritual battle between God’s plan for a man and a nation and the demonic agenda to “steal and kill and destroy.” It is God alone who can safeguard us and our nation.

What is God revealing to you about this assassination attempt? What is he revealing to you about Trump? Share with us in the comments.

This article was originally published at Higher Ground Times. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121268832.

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Lydia B. Miller
July 16, 2024

God created a miracle for more than just one reason, first to reveal His divine intervention
He may also use this to open the eyes of those fighting against P. Trump , to let them see, He, God Almighty is on P. Trumps side fighting for Him, Don t mess with what God is doing.
There is some soul searching going on….and God may be establishing a healthy fear of God. Even though this may have not been His perfect will as He wants no harm to come to anyone , He transforms and redeems these earthly broken matters , turns them around for His honor and glory!!!

Certainly God will use this to bring increase to the Republican party…..yes I understand God loves both parties and it is not about partially at all, it is about a movement where God wants to bless the nation and restore our values that our fore fathers established many years go… satn doesn t get to have a say on what God wants to redeem.
God may also be working on the heart of the never Trumpers to bring conviction to hearts full of hate towards Trump. He never also a traumatic moment go to waste, instead He redeems and restores, and brings people back to him!!
This nation ought to be humbled, may they be awaken to the fact that if this can happen to an important political person that something is very wrong with the current state of our country!
Its not what a political party wants, (both parties have room for improvement….) its What does God want? What is He trying to accomplish?
God is rooting out the evil in all of us!

Lynnette Sullivan
July 16, 2024

Praise God for His interventions and continued unity worldwide through prayer
May God be Glorified!
Fear Not We will remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of evil

Margaret Clodfelter
July 16, 2024

I have believed for many years that God selected Donald Trump to save our nation from many who want to destroy it. I have watched how the demons have infiltrated our schools, our law and order including judges and lawyers. Only God can save us through a man He selected.

Jim B.
July 16, 2024

Donald Trump has been chased by the “hounds from hell” since he took office in 2016. All attempts to attack, indict and destroy him have failed and even the sniper’s bullet could not take him down. Truly God’s plan, shield and our continued prayers for Trump’s guidance and protection are working. May our Mighty God’s will be carried out for our nation and Donald J. Trump!

Linda DeMare
July 16, 2024

This country is being torn apart by pure evil. The woke agenda is part of this, along with a large majority of liberals. Evil cannot tolerate normality nor goodness, thus we have an extremely dangerous society. Prayer is our answer. President Trump was correct. The only thing that truly saved him was God. Pray that God will intervene against the woke mob of lost souls to save this election from their lying, cheating ways and let goodness prevail!

Diane Cooley
July 16, 2024

This response confirms everything that is in my spirit and mind. Being shaken with this attempt on President Trump’s life, I am more humbly shaken by the fact the we all witnessed the Lord’s Hand in real time. I believe we all experienced a glimpse of biblical realities. The Lord Himself responded to our cries for this country and has given us hope. His Words …”so that they will know” rings in my heart. Keep on keeping on dear saints! As in chess, the King has the final move. Glory!

July 16, 2024

Amid the prayers for the continued protection of President Trump, I am also praying for his personal faith and relationship with Jesus to be established or strengthened.

Doug Coleman-Roush
July 16, 2024

One prophet, I saw on the Benny Johnson show, prophesied in March precisely the way Trump was shot in the head…and other details. He also prophesied a serious economic collapse after Trump resumes the presidency.

I’m praying for God to restore our Republic….and our prosperity. God doesn’t give and then take away. His blessings are permanent and eternal…universal…!!!! Amen.

July 16, 2024

Thank you, Lord for his protection & may it draw us all to You.

July 16, 2024

Father we declare and decree that through this obvious intervention of YOU in his life that President Trump will more closely align his values with YOURS !!! Amen and Hallelujah !!!

Lauris Stancliff
July 16, 2024

The article “God has a plan for Donald Trump…”, resonated in my soul confirming my deepest beliefs.
From a very young age, I have believed that God’s will is the only certainty in life. It was God’s divine intervention that saved Donald Trump’s life.
No matter what happens in this world, we are children of the Almighty God who loves and protects us all. Prayers, giving thanks and praises to God.


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