I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that Your will would be done in our nation and in President Biden's life.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

President Biden’s press conference Thursday night was intended to placate the growing number of critics, especially after he introduced Ukraine President Zelensky as “President Putin” just hours before. How are you praying? What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments.

From National Review. Going into Thursday night’s press conference, the best hope for Democrats was that President Biden’s performance offered a definitive enough answer on his mental fitness to bring the brewing civil war within the party to a conclusion one way or another. …

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On the negative side of the measure, Biden was raspy and took a number of long pauses. He referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump … claimed he was taking advice from the commander in chief, referred to a nonexistent broad federal rent-control program … He mentioned how his staff had given him a list of reporters to call on …

At the same time, he did field questions for an hour, in some cases giving long and detailed responses …

As I said right after the debate, aging is not a linear process. Elderly people in a state of mental decline can have good moments, bad ones, or just okay ones. Democrats who fear sticking with Biden understand that it’s only a matter of time before Biden has another bad one — but as long as he produces okay ones, it will be hard to replace him as nominee.

From The Guardian. Should I stay or should I go? If I stay there will be trouble … This wasn’t so much a press conference, more a job interview conducted in front of an audience of millions. One where almost everyone had already made up their mind that they would rather almost anyone else got the nod.

This was politics as a bloodsport. Painful to watch. Like intruding on a personal grief. Because there could be no winner here. Were Joe Biden to be word perfect and razor sharp, the doubts would remain about his cognitive abilities. The US president cannot erase his recent past. The gaffes come with ever increasing frequency. The obvious confusion. The long silences. The middle-distance stares.

The tipping point was last month’s presidential debate with Donald Trump. Biden tried to pass it off as one bad moment. The reality was that it was an excruciating 90 minutes. A complete meltdown no pretence or artifice could cover up. You would be embarrassed if this was an elderly relative. No one should be allowed to humiliate themselves in this way. But this was the most powerful man in the western world. …

The post-Nato press conference was the first opportunity for the world to see Biden in the raw since the debate. Biden unplugged. Biden unscripted. Sure he could read his opening statement off the autocue but then he would have to take questions from the media. A test of whether he could hold it together for nearly an hour. …

Things didn’t get off to the best of starts. Ninety minutes before he gave his solo press conference he hosted the Ukraine Compact in front of dozens of world leaders. Making the introductions he referred to Volodymyr Zelenskiy as President Putin. And this was off an autocue. He tried to brush it off as a slip of the tongue. A joke even. But the damage was already done. …

We had been warned that he might only take four questions but he went on to take 10. He was on a mission to prove there was nothing wrong with him. That he could take on all comers. Except he couldn’t. There was no coming back from the Zelenskiy/Putin debacle.

The best that could be said about the press conference was that it wasn’t as bad as it might have been. Though that is to damn it with faint praise. There were long moments when Biden was perfectly lucid, with a stronger grasp of foreign policy than Trump could ever have managed.

But equally there were many moments when he appeared confused. His sentences would start nowhere in particular and then abruptly tail off. His delivery was dreamy, disconnected and detached. …

And of course there were the inevitable gaffes. Mistaking Europe for Asia barely rated a mention. Calling Kamala Harris “vice-president Trump” certainly did. That sent shockwaves through the nation. …

… It’s as if Biden is waiting on a miracle. To reset his campaign to a Day Zero when none of this has ever happened. Where all mistakes are forgotten. Only it doesn’t work like this. We’ve gone way too far for that. …

… The bar shouldn’t have to be this low. The Democrats deserve better. America deserves better. The world deserves better.

This video from the Wall Street Journal offers more on the press conference and reaction to it. Also, the WSJ is tracking where politicians stand on President Biden remaining in the race.

How are you praying? What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments.

(Excerpts from National Review and The Guardian. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86059695)

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Ann Shaw
July 14, 2024

Jesus is all thar matters. Jesus prayed from the cross “Father, forgive them” so we should forgive Biden.
In Jesus’s name Amen

George Leaf
July 14, 2024

Father God Almighty, in Jesus Holy name I cry in humble prayer for this man Joe Biden. I lay claim by your authority to pray to your mighty and holy power to rescue this man so plainly troubled before us. By the sacrifice of your holy and precious son, the very lamb of God.. the price of redemption, forgiveness, restoration, wholeness has been paid in full for all. Surely Mr. Biden is part of all. Jesus you said, ‘that none be lost’. So I stand in boldness of your words. I call intercession for this man Joe Biden, break the chains of his past from off him. Cut the strands of traps and snares. Fill the pits placed in his path. Restore his honor, his righteousness., his right standing. Bring healing and restoration to his body, soul,n and his mind. In all ways comfort him. Father Forgive Him please in Jesus name. Amen Amen.

Sandra Hammann
July 13, 2024

Praying divine protection for President Trump and that no weapon formed against him will prosper. Praying for the family of the patriot who was killed.

July 13, 2024

This is what happens when a party steals an election with someone who was already in mental decline! FATHER GOD please save joe biden and give him the mind of CHRIST and remove him and his entire administration from public office in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

July 13, 2024


July 13, 2024

Lord of hosts, please expose the deception of this illegitimate president! We do sincerely pray for salvation and wisdom for our government leaders, but you know dear God that this man is an installed puppet by an evil elite oligarchy pursuing world domination and obscene wealth. Many of us suspect he is not Joe Biden, nor that the one portraying him actually has dementia (hence unprosecutable). As we look at past photos/videos of Biden, constrasting the current one’s eyes/nose/ears/voice, his youthfully smooth skin, and that energetic walk (with noninjurious falls) – many of us are skeptical. Please bring complete exposure of these dictators’ increasingly clear intent to destroy America, apparently for China’s rule over the numerous compliant illegals they intend to replace us with. Most importantly, help us Lord to implement 2 Chronicles 7:14 in Your Church so we will deserve healing for this prodigal land. So be it merciful God, through the holy Blood and Name of Yeshua HaMashiach!

David Coe
July 13, 2024

Do not be Gaslighted
President Biden’s calling Zelensky “Putin” is further indisputable evidence of his cognitive decline
as are his regular and ongoing “gaffes”. Is he really the first black female president???
He needs to resign now for the good of our nation and for his own good.
God help us and him. Because he is suffering our country will continue to suffer

July 13, 2024

I pray for President Biden’s mental and physical health.

Brian Lynch
July 13, 2024

I pray that Biden continues as the Democrat candidate for re-election in November. This will give president Trump the best chance of being returned to the office of President. That is what we desperately need to happen in America. Four more years of Dem control will totally ruin our nation. Lord Jesus, I pray that Your will be done.

July 13, 2024

Matthew 19:26
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible”
P R A Y !!!

Akua Afriyie
July 13, 2024

If Joe Biden is a Republican, all Republicans will rally behind him no matter what just as they are 100% behind a Convicted Felon.
We have all seen Joe Biden’s skeletons in his closet but do we know what the one to replace him is hiding?
How do we compare a Convicted Felon to Joe Biden’s few mixing words?
Democrats are the ones helping Trump not the media.
Trump does not have one quality God requires in a leader, and these are, love, compassion, caring,kindness, humility and TRUTH. But Joe Biden has it all. I WILL VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN
May the Lord strengthen him and may the Lord help Democrats 🙏

    July 13, 2024

    Oh LORD!

    July 13, 2024

    Wow…Dear Lord Almighty, please impart discernment to this deceived soul, who is thoroughly unaware of what is happening due to the world’s corrupt mainstream media that serves the father of lies. Peace and hope to you, friend!

    July 13, 2024

    How can yourself a Christian and vote democrat? Every single one of their policies is diametrically opposed to Biblical values.

    July 13, 2024

    Why are you here? You are a hypocrite and obviously not listening to the direction of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian you are to obey God’s direction, even if you don’t understand it or like it. God has instructed every true Christian I know to support and vote for Trump. You should ask yourself why you didn’t get the message when millions of other Christians have. Satan has blinded you to the truth.

    Biden does NOT have love, compassion, caring,kindness, humility or TRUTH. Biden molested his own teenage daughter, is allowing and encouraging sex, child, and Drug trafficking at our southern boarder. Supporting 2 wars and giving weapons and money to our enemies. He supports abortion up to birth, LBTGQ, and transgender surgery and treatments for children. Plus Biden sold favors to China and Ukraine as a Senator and VP and used his family to launder the money.

    The felonies you accuse Trump of are bogus. At most he is guilty of a misdemeanor false records charged on which the Statute of limitations expired in 2019.

    Evangelist and Prophet Mario Murillo recently stated, in part;

    Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America. Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all. Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time. Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden. The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


      Ms Mary
      July 13, 2024

      Trump is the man that God will use to save America. Look what he did in his first term.

    July 13, 2024

    And will you also be a partaker of joe biden’s evil deeds as you stand before GOD to give an account of why you supported one who wants babies dead from inception to after birth! Why you support a man who believes men should marry men and women marry women! Why you support a man that showered naked with his teenage daughter! Repent before you leave earth or live for eternity burning in hell (probably with joe)!

    July 15, 2024

    Vote for whoever you believe is good for the nation but let us keep unfounded, self-opinionated impressions and self-hatred of Donald J Trump/anyone else, out of this prayer platform.

Christine Marshall
July 13, 2024

This is a travesty for Biden’s and our country and the largest organized scale of elder abuse I have seen! Bordering on criminal! Sad sad sad and so disappointing that his family would allow this public abuse to continue! Prayers for revelation, an end and rest for a clearly elderly man🙏


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