I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would protect the vote. We ask You to guard our elections from non-citizen voting this November, and we pray that any attempts to give non-citizens the right to vote would fail.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Democrat leadership is urging representatives to vote against the SAVE Act, while Republicans are pushing for its passage ahead of November.

From Axios. House Democratic leadership is bringing out the big guns against a Republican bill set to be voted on next week that would require proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in federal elections, Axios has learned. …

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State of play: The House is set to vote next week on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, which would require “documentary proof of United States citizenship” to vote in federal elections. …

  • The legislation would require non-citizens to be removed from voter registration rolls, require election officials to ask voter registration applicants for proof of citizenship and open them up to legal consequences if they do not.

Driving the news: In a whip question — a roundup of the coming week’s votes with instructions for how leadership wants rank-and-file members to vote — House Minority Whip Katherine Clark’s (D-Mass.) office told House Democrats they are “urged to VOTE NO” on the bill. …

  • The bill, Clark’s office said, would “prevent Americans from registering to vote with their drivers’ license alone” and would make a passport the “only acceptable standalone form of identification.”
  • They added that the bill would create an “extreme burden for countless Americans” and further intimidate election officials and overburden states’ abilities to enroll new voters.”

The other side: Johnson’s office released a 22-page report making the case for the SAVE Act, which points to a “loophole” in current federal law that only requires voters to attest to their citizenship status, rather than being asked. …

What do you think of the SAVE Act? Discuss your thoughts with other intercessors below.

(Excerpt from Axios. Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

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July 20, 2024

Democrats would have a hard time getting elected running on a platform that is anti constitutional. Also Clark’s office is lying on the ID part because no quote from actual bill backing that statement. Be safe trust in God and God bless.

July 11, 2024

If your not an American citizen then they should certainly not be allowed to vote in America absolutely not

July 9, 2024

Everyone, no matter how underprivileged, has identification.
They cannot pick up welfare without it. Can’t buy alcohol without it.
If they have a green card, they are not eligible to vote. If they just arrived here, they are not eligible to vote.
We need to remedy our whole situation in issuing state IDs and drivers licenses. That should not be linked to voter registration. There needs to be proof of citizenship to be registered to vote.
Insisting on a passport may be tough, because many US born citizens do not have a passport. And they are very expensive, and they take weeks to arrive. But those people can bring their birth certificate, and that should suffice. People who have received their citizenship after following the rules and regulations will definitely have all the paperwork, stating that they are a citizen. So those without their passports, without their birth certificates, and without their papers indicating they are naturalized citizen, should not be allowed to vote

Richard Lashley
July 9, 2024

It is common sense that only American citizens should be allowed to vote,proof of citizenship should be a no brainer and be bipartisan,anybody who would oppose this must have cheating in mind.

    R. H Price
    July 10, 2024

    Well said Richard and what a novel concept. Be it as you have spoken.

Mary Carter
July 9, 2024

I haven’t read the entire act, but from what I have read I encourage passage of the bill. The Democratic comment that it would require a passport is completely false. If you are a citizen, you will have a birth cirtificate or proof of naturalization. It is too easy now for anyone to vote and non-citizens do not have that right.

Darlene Estlow
July 9, 2024

Father, I pray that the Save Act would pass. Move all those who would vote no on it to examine their minds and beliefs about the nation and noncitizens voting. May they decide to protect this country by voting yes.

July 9, 2024

Lord God Almighty,
I pray Lord that the SAVE Act will pass. Lord you know the corruption and lack of integrity in the election process. Lord intervene in the lawlessness of each state’s voting rolls. Non USA citizens, dead people names are on the rolls are being used to bring illegal votes in elections. Many do not want this corrupt system to be changed because it benefits their evil agenda. Lord hear our prayers. cleanse this election process. We pray in Jesus name.

Brian Lynch
July 9, 2024

It is my hope that the SAVE Act will become the law of the land. Otherwise, illegal aliens will be able to vote. This will be disastrous for our nation, since Biden has allowed them to come to our nation on his watch. Lord, I pray that the Dems, including Biden, will not be reelected, and that the evil New World Order agenda will fail miserably. Thank you

July 9, 2024

What’s the big deal? you want a credit card? you gotta show an ID which shows you are a citizen or not. You want to buy a car, or a piece of furniture you gotta have a ID. You go to get medical help you gotta have ID. ????? What’s the big deal about presenting an ID that establishes a person as an citizen ????
Voting is for citizens of a country; not people who are in it but are not willing to take the responsibility to become a citizen. no matter how long they have been living here.

Sharon Smith
July 9, 2024

I do not believe noncitizens should be allowed to vote in our elections.

July 9, 2024


July 9, 2024

Oh, LORD, I praise You and thank You that THERE WILL be certainty needed and provided to know who is eligible to vote and that the eligible voters will be protected from any harm or danger.

Nikki Hole
July 9, 2024

I no that this world is in total chaos . I pray Lord today . Lord Jesus please save our republic I pray voting rights to only voter IDs . I also pray Lord for very limited government in our affairs and put the Americans first .I also am asking you close that boarder and start a deporting sega in Jesus Christ I pray

Al Teasel
July 9, 2024

Imperative the SAVE ACT be passed to ensure fair and honest elections and prevent non-citizens from voting who should have no right to do so. Democrats again are trying to use whatever means possible to sway the election in their favor – even by illegal or dishonest means.

Susan CC
July 9, 2024

save: to preserve or guard from injury, destruction, or loss

Psalm 33, PRAISE TO THE CREATOR https://biblehub.com/hcsb/psalms/33.htm
-He loves righteousness and justice;
-Happy is the nation whose God is Yahweh—
-Now the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him—those who depend on His faithful love to deliver them from death and to keep them alive in famine.
-We wait for Yahweh; He is our help and shield. For our hearts rejoice in Him because we trust in His holy name. May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh, for we put our hope in You.

Hebrews 7:25; 9:24 Therefore, He is always able to save those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them. For the Messiah did not enter a sanctuary made with hands (only a model of the true one) but into heaven itself, so that He might now appear in the presence of God for us.

Dear Lord and God Almighty, I thank You and praise You for Your faithful love. I know only You can save and I know I can be confident as I pray for the security of our election process. I believe everything moves in accordance with Your purpose and at Your command and I believe You sustain all things by Your powerful Word. I pray You will speak a powerful Word over each member of The House. May this effort to safeguard our privilege be covered in Your Powerful Word…the Word that became flesh. I ask this and so much more in His Name, Jesus Christ. Amen

July 9, 2024

I do not have a passport. So it would be difficult for me to vote

    Ellen Hoffman
    July 9, 2024

    Neither do I. I vote every time. You just need a driver’s license or an ID.

    July 9, 2024

    Do you have a birth certificate?

    Annita Louise Mattson
    July 9, 2024

    Do you have a birth certificate? That would prove where you were born.

    July 9, 2024

    Jan, a lot of people do not have passports. Do you mean a birth certificate?
    If you are an American citizen either born or naturalized, you can vote.
    If a person wasn’t born here, they don’t vote. I hope this helps.

Allena Jordan
July 9, 2024

Father, show us the way to protect legal votes. Show us the way to protect and uphold our Constitution. Without morality, this society will break. We need revival, Lord, and spiritual awakening. In the meantime, help legislators find the right wording so that people have to prove they are citizens. How about a birth certificate or passport? Lord, we need You. Grant wisdom and insight into how the vote can be protected. Thank You. Amen.

Pam Lambert
July 9, 2024

Election integrity and honesty is imperative for our country to continue to exist. Only real citizens to be allowed to vote.


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