I Prayed have prayed
God, we lift up President Biden before You. We pray Your will for him and we pray for him to radically encounter You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is President Biden mentally fit to run the United States? If not, for how long has he been unfit? And how will his acuity affect November?

From Axios. While Biden aides grapple with their response to the president’s anxiety-inducing debate performance behind closed doors, media pundits and editorial boards have publicly joined the chorus urging him to step aside.

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Why it matters: President Biden’s poor performance at Thursday’s debate has ignited deep concern from Democrats on Capitol Hilladministration allies and left-leaning media pundits, triggering some to call for him to withdraw from the November election.

Driving the news: Editorial boards and editors from the New York TimesThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The New Yorker have joined well-known cable commentators and columnists in pressing the president to step aside and pave a path to the top of the ticket for another candidate. …

What they’re saying: The Times’ board — in an op-ed entitled “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race” — said Biden appeared as “the shadow of a great public servant” at Thursday’s debate, contending there are “Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency.” …

Context: This is not the first time the New York Times editorial board has bypassed backing Biden — in 2020, the board endorsed Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar amid a crowded Democratic field. …

The big pictureAxios has reported that pundits and pollsters are not the voices that would convince Biden to leave the race. Rather, he relies on a small group of loyal companions who propelled his 2020 bid for the White House. …

From New York Post. More questions about President Biden’s cognitive state are emerging as a new poll showed a jaw-dropping 72% of registered voters do not believe he is mentally fit for the job.

While many Democrats were left flabbergasted and sent into a tailspin by Biden’s debate debacle last week, the 81-year-old president’s cognitive slips have been nothing new to his inner circle.

White House aides have been meticulously working behind the scenes throughout his presidency to minimize his exposure to situations where his cognitive slip-ups could flare up in public and to adapt the day-to-day of the presidency to the needs of an octogenarian. …

From shorter stairs when boarding Air Force One to guiding him on jaunts over concerns about his gait and proclivity for appearing lost, his team has reportedly been forced to step up its efforts over time to shield him more and more.

“I know many of these people and how the White House operates,” said Chandler West, the White House’s former deputy director of photography under Biden, in an Instagram story after the debate, Axios reported.

“They will say he has a ‘cold’ or just experienced a ‘bad night,’ but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago,” West said. …

The White House has hit back at these characterizations of Biden’s mental acuity. …

In addition to his mental issues, the elderly president reportedly often wears orthopedic shoes and has undergone physical therapy to help combat stiffness, the White House physician previously disclosed. …

Press access in Biden’s White House has also been remarkably limited.

Three and a half years into his presidency, Biden has held the fewest solo press conferences of any president since at least the late 1980s — despite several raging wars, a migrant border crisis and economic upheaval, according to data from the American Presidency Project. …

Several reporters have alleged that Biden campaign officials have sought to dissuade them from talking with rally attendees who were questioning the wisdom of having him as nominee.

At times, Biden has quipped about his handlers demanding that he limit his own question-and-answer sessions during press sprays. In September, an official was heard telling the press that the conference was over — while Biden was rambling on. Staffers appeared to turn on music to signal the end as well. …

‘Watch Me’

On Thursday, Biden was on the debate stage unfiltered before an estimated 51 million Americans to see.

Biden had long sought to prove his naysayers on age wrong with the simple retort: “Watch me.” Media pundits and Democrats did just that. And it left them deeply rattled and panicked.

The president was onstage with a raspy voice, which he later attributed that to a cold, and struggled to give coherent answers at times while staring blankly into the cameras at others.

CNN liberal analyst Van Jones appeared to be on the verge of tears afterward. He was not alone.

Others felt they had been fooled by the White House and Biden’s allies about the exact state of the president’s condition. …

Unease about his age had long lingered over his presidency, but now efforts to obscure it fell apart on national television.

Some Democrats told The Post they believed Biden’s inner circle has fallen prey to a certain level of “delusion” on Biden.

“The level of delusion is wild,” that Democrat said. “I don’t know the team around him is seeing what everyone else saw. And they need to focus on getting back on track.” …

Clean-up duty

Top Dems such as National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison as well as former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have all sought to nudge the party to calm down. …

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 84, and Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), 83, did Sunday news interviews seeking to thaw out concerns over Biden. …

Pelosi sought to defend Biden by hitting at Trump.

“There are healthcare professionals who think that Trump has dementia,” Pelosi contended on “State of the Union.” …

Biden himself acknowledged that he had a rough go of things Thursday night while at a rally in Raleigh, NC, the next day, and privately felt humiliated as well as “devoid of confidence,” NBC reported.

Bleak polling

Initial polling in the wake of the debate suggests that faith in Biden has been shaken.

A staggering 72% of respondents in a CBS News/YouGov poll said they don’t think Biden possesses the “mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president.” It was 41% among Democrats.

But as the Biden campaign noted in a recent fundraising note, enthusiasm for an alternative candidate isn’t particularly strong, either. …

Share your prayers and scriptures for President Biden below.

(Excerpts from Axios and New York Post. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86059694)

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Kathy Emahiser
July 4, 2024

Father, you admonished for us to pray for our leaders, so I lift up President Biden to you. I pray that he will have a spiritual encounter with you and that he will give his heart wholeheartedly to you. I also pray that he will be healed in his mind, sole, and body. Father, it is not only your desire that all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but it is also your desire that all be healed and made whole. Thank you Father for the work you are doing in President Biden that will bring you glory, amen.

July 4, 2024

As a child growing up in the Fiji Islands, I had this admiration for the American Nation, thinking of America as invincible and blessed. America was indeed The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Now in my prayer before the Father, my heart aches for America- how can such a person as Biden be even chosen to lead such a great Nation, how can unjust judges be in those positions…. are Americans off their rocker, have Americans lost it, what the heck!! So Father God, I lift up this great Nation asking that you guide its people by the power of your Holy Spirit;
I cry out to you Father, send revival, open the eyes of the American people that they see, their ears that they hear; may they vote according to your will on November 5, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

July 4, 2024

Our Nation is in desperate need to turn back to God & unless we do as II Chronicles 7:14 admonishes us to do our Nation will fail as the greatest country in the world. I pray 🙏 earnestly for President Biden that while his mind is still lucid he will turn to the Lord & repent that our Nation would be lead by one who is seeking God for guidance & direction. It’s very obvious that mentally & physically he is not capable to lead America. I also pray for all who have the authority over us & for those who are unwilling to see or acknowledge that Predident Biden should step aside. Pray, Pray, Pray 🙏 for America we are in a very vaunerable state right now.

July 2, 2024

It’s been obvious since 2019 that Joe Biden was not fit for office and that his mental capacity had greatly diminished. Democrats used covid as an excuse for Joe not campaigning but in reality he was physically and mentally unable at that time.
It’ll be interesting when all truth is revealed to see who’s been running ( purposely destroying) the country .
I have always suspected it was Obama and Joe does what his handlers tell him to do.
If Joe’s heart was for this nation he would have never ran any in 2020 much less tried to run again in 2024.
Sadly even if Joe steps down much worse may take his place.
I pray for God’s mercy over this nation and that no Democrat will contol our White House .

July 2, 2024

It has been obvious that he was put in place for the wrong reason. Obama wants to continue his changing of the USA Fundamentally. He knows of “jokey’s “frailties and dreams of becoming President even if in name only. just remember the rhetoric between the Biden camp and Obama’s. one saying they did not want or seek a former president’s support??????. the other stating “if you want anything F’D up five it to JOEY” what a mess we are in!

Victoria Manayan
July 2, 2024

Father, we trust You that when we ask for good and righteous gifts, You will answer and give us what we ask. We ask for a man after Your heart to be propelled to leadership in our Nation. We repent for trusting man and not You. We repent for not walking close enough to You to have discernment and good judgement. We ask for Your guidance in choosing our next leader, that he be a person who believes Your Word and acts accordingly.

July 2, 2024

this poor man is being abused by every family member from his wife to his son to his brother. he’s hurt a lot of people so perhaps this is some kind of justice, from his incestuous pedophelia, to all the other children he’s abused, is obvious treason and cowardice all arond him. They are lying to him, using him. He is expendable.deservedly so. but it’s a shame none-the-less. our country has been taken over by unconstitutional corporations. no one should be above the constitution. Certainly no corporation..Lord god please return and save us from the enemy that prowls looking for whom to devour.
I askin Jesus’name

Michelle Jackson
July 2, 2024

Perhaps the Lord is allowing all of these things to happen to show us we are desperate without Him. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

July 2, 2024

Lord,I pray for our country and the people that are in charge, may we have leaders who are for the people ad not for themselves. May we come before you as a counrty,with humility and confession of our sins. Lord show mercy on this country.

July 2, 2024

I will never again vote Democrat, that being said, I question the sanity of those that do. This poor man, Biden, is an elderly puppet and he needs to be able to enjoy the days he has left on this earth. He is pitiful and to be honest, has been a complete disaster. So sad. I pray for our country, and pray wisdom abounds during this coming election.

July 2, 2024

I find it curious that the democrats keep saying Trump is a threat to democracy yet it is obvious that Biden is not competent to run the country and is being used as a figure head. If someone other than Biden is calling the shots, someone we did not elect is that not circumventing democracy, is that not a danger to democracy.

July 2, 2024

Lord , thank you for exposing and dismantling demonic structures over the USA, cast down Jezebel/Ahab demonic structures. Bring us all into alignment with your truth and righteousness. Set us free through the precious blood of Jesus. May the seed of Abraham possess the gates of Washington DC.. Help us stand strong with Israel. Be glorified like never before in our beautiful Country and in all the Earth. Uproot the wicked and godless and plant and strengthen the righteous through your righteous judgements. Bless your Holy Name Father!

July 2, 2024

Lord Father I lift up this nation to you. We are a nation of dire need of you. We need your help, we need you to wake up your church from our apathy of your presence and sovereignty. Please forgive us for thinking we know best. Please deliver us from those who only seek after evil and destruction. Please raise up leaders who have a godly fear of you and have a biblical world view. Please move us with your Holy Spirit be in constant prayer for our families, cities, states and our country. Please forgive us and grant us your mercy and grace.
Your Will will be done.

July 2, 2024

I believe Biden has Lyme Disease because he has all of the symptoms, including the sun glasses when in the sun. It is epidemic in our country right now. Information that went through the Lyme community awhile ago was that several in Congress had Lyme. A person can get it from any biting insect, i.e., mosquitoes, flies, fleas, ticks, etc.

    Jane Houser
    July 2, 2024

    Biden has all the signs and symptoms of dementia not Lyme disease. He stares into space not knowing where he is, loses his train of thought, rambles on and he is getting worse. He is totally unfit to lead our country and shame on his wife and all those who say he is fit and are propping him up. They’re money hungry and power seekers.

    July 3, 2024

    He also has symptoms of Parkinsons disease, per a doctor analyzing him from a distance.

Dave Allen Legge
July 2, 2024

You have got to be kidding me. He is a disaster and has not a clue on what to do. He has done nothing for the American people.

July 2, 2024

Father, I ask that You would bring compassionate people into this situation who have the President’s best interests in mind. It appears he is not well, and may be in a position where he is being taken advantage of. Move the hearts of those surrounding him to seek Your will for his life, and not their own. I ask that You would change their hearts God and draw them closer to You. Although we don’t deserve it, I ask for Your mercy on this nation God. We are vulnerable after this exposure Lord, and I pray for Your hedge of protection over our nation, in the name of Jesus.

Mac Garrison
July 2, 2024

“President” Biden is obviously mentally unfit to be President. He has been morally unfit for many years.
Currently no one knows for sure who is running the country. We can only assume it is being run by a committee of unelected people with left wing beliefs.
This is unacceptable, and puts our country on very shaky ground. Our enemies know this all too well.

Brian Lynch
July 2, 2024

The recent debate gave us further indication of what we already knew- Biden is in fact in cognitive decline. He needs to be replaced as President. I pray that Donald Trump gets elected this fall. Biden is a train wreck, and incapable of leading America, quite frankly. It would be rather difficult at this juncture to replace Biden. Lord Jesus, please, let Your will prevail in this scenario.

July 2, 2024

Thank you my Dear Savior that I can and do stand on your word. I know that in Luke chapters 8:17 and again in 12:2 & 3 that you tell us that things that are done in secret will be revealed. Even words spoken in whisper in closets will be shouted from the housetops. I ask that you allow that to happen in all of these situations where handlers, media or devils demons try to “pull the wool over our eyes.” I know that you are faithful and just Lord and that your WILL will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven so I will not war, be anxious, or fearful for I know your will and plans for us are always GOOD. I will be like David (Psalms 27:14) and Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he will strengthen thine heart, Wait ,I say, on the Lord. Thank you for always knowing what we have need of even before we ask and I trust you, my Lord and Savior that all things will work out for good to those that love and serve you. I love you, Lord, I exalt you, you alone are worthy to be praised. Amen

July 2, 2024

The first item of note here is the obvious; the White House and the media (which is owned by the Left) have been bold face lying about Biden’s condition. The rest of us have know for quite some time. But I’m praying for those who have believed what they were being told, that they would wake up to the reality that this administration and the media have been lying to them about all kinds of things.

But one of the biggest questions we need to be asking right now is this; “since it is clear that Joe Biden is incapable of running the country, who is running the show behind the scenes?” It’s time for the shadow government to be exposed and they should be forced to give an account for what they’ve been doing.

Joe Biden has led us into all kinds of problems from the open borders to this proxy war with Russia, but since he’s not of a sound mind, who’s the person or persons advising him in these decisions? We the people must demand an answer to this question. We’ve all known about this but it’s time to demand answers. Pray that the truth will be brought to light and may the wicked be removed, in Jesus’ name.

    July 3, 2024

    Michael, I agree with you. Ever since the election I have been praying for Truth to be revealed. It seems every time we get close something else comes up. The enemy is definitely prowling our nation and working hard. I am continuing to pray for Truth in our nation to come to the forefront and that America will once again be a shining light leading people back to our roots and standing firm on our motto: IN GOD WE TRUST.

    Please, Lord Jesus lead us to turn from our sins and back to you; help us to be strong in our faith, to trust you for everything, to be humble, to love one another and to give you all the glory!! Amen!!

July 2, 2024

We live in such difficult times, in just about every aspect of lives. At timrs like these, its difficult to know what or how to pray. Thank you IFA, for helping us to put the spiritual things in perspective, with the daily walk we must take.
Romans 12- 14 also helps us to know what our responsibilities are to society and our government, and how we need to deal with each person, and our governing authorities. Its always an excellent resource to help us put it in a Spiritual perspective. Some vs. to comptemplate:
Rom. 12:1-2, and pertaining to outside of our churvh body, 9-21
finally, who chooses our authorities, really? Rom. 9:14-20, the whole chapter is important, of course; but, these verses show an interesting Truth. The purpose of the Pharaoh’s position over Moses and the Hebrew nation.
God truly is in control, Always and Forever!
We truly can be thankful, and walk in confidence through Jesus Christ, that we can have no fear, just need His Strength and Power everyday!


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