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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that Your wisdom be brought to bear in this upcoming court hearing. (Ps 75:7)
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A Trump-appointed judge has been assigned to hear the two lawsuits against President Trump’s emergency border wall declaration that have been filed in federal court in D.C.

The two lawsuits were brought by environmental groups and Texas landowners who argue the president’s move is constitutionally dubious and his reasons for the emergency are suspect. They’ve asked the court to halt any fence-building beyond the $1.375 billion Congress approved.

Mr. Trump has said he has found an additional $6.7 billion he can use, shifting the money from drug interdiction, military construction and a Treasury Department forfeiture fund.

Judge Trevor N. McFadden, appointed by Mr. Trump and confirmed to the court in 2017, will hear the cases.

Another lawsuit was filed Monday in California by 16 Democrat-led states.

Lawyers had said Mr. Trump’s opponents would have better luck by trying to get an Obama-appointed judge to hear their legal challenge. (Excerpts from Stephen Dinan article in The Washington Times)

The Informer February 21, 2019

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March 4, 2019

Lord Jesus Christ we acknowledge that you are our source of help. There is not God beside you. We ask that you continue to extend mercy to this nation by closing our borders and making them secure. We recognize this as a battle between good and evil not Republican and Democrat. Satan is using people to try and keep the borders open so that drugs, sex trafficking etc. can continue. God have mercy on us for our sins are great but you are greater than our sin so we ask that your Holy Spirit be poured out on this dry land. In the power of Jesus name I pray.

March 2, 2019

Dear Father in Heaven,
You gave Nehemiah the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. John saw the walls placed around the future heavenly Jerusalem. We do not ask for selfish reasons to have a walls but we ask for walls to protect our homeland from those who choose to come in through illegal means and who would bring harm to our country. Lord, please bring righteous justice to bear on any judge that is hearing the cases brought by Texas and California and that You will stand in the gap for President Trump and the monies needed to secure our border with a WALL.

Jerry E Sauls
February 28, 2019

Father God show Your mighty hand of power through this issue of constant needling of our president. Encourage him, give wisdom and knowledge as to what should be done. Bring the right people into play. You are able to accomplish that which You deem necessary in order to bring Your will to pass. Let it be so in Your great name! Amen!.

February 25, 2019

I also pray that a holy revival will break out at the border. It only takes one to give his heart to You Lord, and You can change many others’ hearts as well. May Your Holy Spirit hover over those immigrants as well as the ICE patrol. I pray for order at the border. Thank you for moving Lord!

February 24, 2019

Father, I ask that you give Donald Trump the strength and courage to stand against tyranny and to build the wall that is needed to protect us from all foreign enemies. I ask that you fill the minds and spirits of each of the judges to find favor on behalf of our President to build the wall, to get justice against all corruption in our government and to pass a law to protect the sanctity of life. This I pray in your mighty Name above all names Yeshua.

    February 24, 2019

    Amen I agree let that wall be built, open the eyes of the judges and people to see.

Elisabeth Kohlstadt
February 23, 2019

Amen and Amen! Lord have mercy, as we humble ourselves before you and pray, heal our land! Grant Your Wisdom and Your guidance to the Judge,
may Your Will be done and Your Kingdom come to earth as it has been
predestined in Heaven!

February 23, 2019

I just love all of your prayers – they are wonderful, and may the Lord answer prayers of the righteous who care so much for our President and our country. May we be a STRONG FORCE against the devil and may his tactics fall to the ground. Wickedness SHALL NOT PREVAIL. We will win! Praise the Lord!

February 23, 2019

Dear Father and Creator of the Universe and all that is good. I pray Your divine wisdom will attend to the hearing and Your justice will prevail. Hear the prayers of Your people who lift up the concerns of the needy and those who long for peace and righteousness and justice to return to our beloved America. Only You Lord!

Felicia Penner
February 23, 2019

I am horrified at the lack of respect of this article, which reminds us what we prayed about Re: the news outlets and the people who run them. Lord God, I ask a hedge of protection around our President, he is looking haggard. Lord I pray you would surround him with those he can trust. I pray that Prayer task force is happening with the Vice President and those that pray on the hill. I ask that you would make this crooked road straight before our President. I pray that all that goes on behind the lines that is not known publically will also go the way the President needs it to go. i pray a cleaning house of the FBI and DOJ and CIA, i pray justice would come back to our courts. I pray that all those judges still waiting to be confirmed after a year wait will be confirmed. i pray our military will be renewed and back this President not just with duty but with their whole heart. We pray all lies would be seen through, and logic and reason will return to these United States. in Jesus name,a nd for your glory Lord, Amen

    February 23, 2019

    Amen Felicia and I pray Isa 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. In Jesus Name by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    February 23, 2019

    Lord protec, strengthen and refresh our President Donald Trump’s. We love him and love the good he is doing in our country. He cares about we the people, he loves justice and mercy. We believe you are for him and who can be against Him. The King of Kings is the great I am and no good thing will you withhold from those who walk uprightly. People are believing good is bad and bad is good just as you forwarded in the last days but we pray that our Almighty God will cause Righteusness to reign in our land and white house so that we can be a beacon of hope for the lost. We need you Lord and desire Your goodness be extravagantly bestowed upon Donald Trump. Bless him Father and may his efforts be honored as he does what is good and right in your sight. Praise the name of Jesus amen.

    Donna M W
    February 24, 2019

    Amen,amen, I agree and may the Blood of Yeshua be on President Trump as he protects us. Help him win in this demonic battles. Cover him & all those helping him in the armour of Yeshua. WWGIWGA

Joshua Claassen
February 23, 2019

Even if a physical wall at our southern border is not built, Father, in the Name of Jesus I ask You to build a wall of fire there in the spirit realm and staff it with Your angels as Border Patrol, in order that no one with a heart to change this nation to match Satan’s motivations to steal, kill and destroy would be able to set foot or voice soundwave here. Protect this nation Yourself from evil, Lord God, regardless of what does or does not get done in the natural realm. As it’s written in Your Word, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the Lord guards the city, its watchmen stand guard in vain.” Therefore, Father, in the Name of Jesus I ask YOU to do something to secure of our southern border, whatever that is, and whether anything gets done to standard physically or not. Amen–so be it. Thank You, in Jesus’s Name.

    February 23, 2019


    February 24, 2019

    Agree! Not by might,
    not by power, but by Your Spirit, Father! Send help from Your Sanctuary as we attempt to secure our national border.

    February 27, 2019

    I so thank and applaud the words above. Regardless of anyone’s actions, no one can stand against Your Will Lord. There are so many issues to be concerned about in Your world Lord. Give us wisdom in picking our battles, give our elected officials wisdom in their battles. May we all turn to You first for direction and guidance. In Jesus’ Precious Name. Amen

February 23, 2019

Lord, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Arise O Lord and let your enemies be scattered! Create a wall the enemy cannot overreach. Bind up witchcraft, stubbornness, and rebellion. Gag the enemy to silence, bound, and shackled, until judgment Day. We call forth reinforcements , join the heavenly army with the saints who have not bowed their knee to baal. Like David give your Servant President Trump (as Priest and KIng by the Order of Melchizadek ) a weapon of direct hit to take down the Goliath of this day. Expose, reveal, crush and destroy the agenda of the enemy. Fulfill Your purposes that Your Name would be exalted , The Holy of One of Israel. So be it!

Stephanie De La Torre
February 22, 2019

Thank you Father for your favor, wisdom and President Trump. Praying for you to minister to our President, let his words be your words, give him the mind of Christ. I pray for law and order to returned to our land that you have blessed us with. Praying for a righteous judge to preside over this National Emergency that has been on going for over 70 years. Your will be done as you are a God of order that has promised if we humble ourselves and turn from wickedness you will restore our land in Jesus name. 1 Corinthians 14:33, 1 Chronicles 7:14

    D. H.
    February 22, 2019


    Vicki Moore
    February 22, 2019


    Cynthia Todd
    February 22, 2019

    O God, You are not the author of confusion. You are the one true God. You are love, joy,peace. You ordered all. All should be ordered by you. We look to You for our help. Man’s plans are many. May they align with your truth,will,way so they succeed. You order the steps of the righteous. We trust you. Help us obey, pray, seek you with all our being.

Bruni O.
February 22, 2019

Judge Trevor N. McFadden

PSM 89:14 “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; faithful love and truth go before you.”

Father God I pray for Judge Trevor’s guidance and discernment on this aborrece lawsuit for the Wall. That you Lord, send your Legal Angels from your Heavenly Courts to give him WISDOM to judge with clarity, transparency and righteousness🙏 to apply the Law!
Oh my Lord, to the God of ALL creation, I Ask with humility, to the only One King, the Holy One, the JUST and Righteous God; OUR Commander in CHIEF and the one that gives and takes away; your Wisdom upon this Judge And fulfill your Agenda here on earth! I also pray for the President’s Heavenly Protection & Shield him in a Supernatural way. For his
Family, his staff that’s around him in order to fulfill Your purpose & your AGENDA during these troubles times! Let our prayers be heard in Heavens’ Courts & multiple your Grace on the POTUS & Judge Trevor 🙏 In Jesus Precious Blood, I ask, AMEN!

    Doug Brown
    February 22, 2019

    Amen! All praise, glory, and honor to the King of Kings. May all those who serve Him be blessed!

February 22, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. Lord I pray that You continue to provide protection to this country from all forces that would harm it. Dark spiritual forces motivate selfish stubborn and sinful godless people. Lord pull those who are feeling guilty and ashamed of their sinful acts, please Lord pull them towards You. May Your will be done Heavenly Father concerning our southern border. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    February 22, 2019

    May all who are seeking power be convicted and rescued from being enslaved to it. Awaken their sleeping conscious and make them immune to demonic charms. I, too, pray that the men and women in congress will be motivated to serve and pursue You, dear Abba and promote Your Kingdom values. In the mighty Name of our Messiah. Amen

      February 22, 2019

      Who is Abba?

        February 22, 2019

        I’m so glad you asked. It is Hebrew for daddy. An intimate name I use when I’m speaking to God.

          Cynthia Todd
          February 22, 2019

          What is the word for Grandma in Hebrew.

          February 22, 2019


Alan K. Veasey
February 22, 2019

Dear Lord, holy and true, thank you that we can freely petition our King and our causes will be heard and adjudicated justly. Such is not always the case in this corrupt world. Please defeat the forces of legalism and mutiny against U.S. law and authority and allow this President to serve as you intend.

    February 24, 2019

    Amen, Alan! Yes, it is key that our President is sensitive to the Voice of
    the Holy Spirit, and not listen to any other voice that might mislead him.
    May President Trump’s heart be fully aligned with God’s will for this nation.
    We need strong solidarity in standing for righteousness which includes protecting the unborn, allowing prayer back in school, teaching truth in our universities, respecting the rule of law throughout the judicial system and our land, and honoring the One True God who created us and our universe. May we all humble ourselves before Him and pray not only for our country but for our enemies and neighbors. Jesus is Lord, King of Kings and the great I AM and He is our only hope! The future of our country and the world depends on our believing and trusting in Him and His Word and standing strong.
    Could it be that simple? Yes, by His amazing grace only.

      Alan K. Veasey
      February 24, 2019

      Amen Toni. We should both keep praying on this topic and waiting on God’s deliverance. The pouring out of His grace is indeed the answer.

        Toni Sharp
        February 25, 2019


Darrell Mordente
February 22, 2019

To better infirm our prayers it is important to understand that we are not talking about “ The Wall” but rather about a continuation of walk/barrier building that has been going on since the Clinton administration with bipartisan support. The only reason President Trump is having difficulties now is that the Democrat leadership is acting as obstructionists. Pray accordingly.

Carolyn Simms
February 22, 2019

We plead the precious blood of JESUS for POTUS Trump to be granted favor to BUILD THE WALL and be given wisdom in ALL matters as Commander in Chief! Thank you,LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of HEAVEN and EARTH!

Barbara D
February 21, 2019

Lord, we ask for your supernatural hand in this court case. This president is having a horrific time fulfilling his campaign promises. It is his duty to protect the citizens
of this country and that can only be done now with a border wall. Thank you, Lord,
because I know that you know the outcome of this. Continue to bless our president every day as he works for the interests of the every day ordinary American.

    Estelle D. Montoya
    February 22, 2019

    Amen & Amen! Thank you our Lord & Savior for what You are about to do after our confessions of our disobedience of Your Holy laws. Please hear and consider our petitions for Your blessings once again. Our faith is strong in You and what You are about to do for and in this fine country of ours which was originally founded on Your Holy principles by our founding fathers. You know what the liberal leftists, the foolish demon-inspired LOST leaders and their foolish followers have done to our country and we, the moral majority, ask for Your forgiveness for allowing these messes to get this far. We will pray, repent, and pray some more for Your blessings once again as we come back to Your guidance, commandments, and we will influence those around us as well. We love all peoples as You do and as You have commanded us. However, the “illegalities” are Not in Your Holy Will or blessings and we trust You to put an end to ALL these demoniac attempts. Please continue to bless and guide our President and Vice President and our godly leaders; give them the wisdom and power to carry out Your Holy Will. Please allow the wall to go up to protect us and to deliver us from All illegals and their selfish, demoniac, murdering ways. Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for our horrible sins if we confess and repent, and for Your promise of heaven with You. Again, we are reminded in 2 Chronicles 7:14 wherein Your Holy Word says that: “If My people who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and heal their land” Amen!

      February 22, 2019

      Amen. Lord forgive the sins of Your people. Forgive rebellion, those who are complacent, idols put before you, greed, and all other sins Lord. Heal our Land Lord! Find favor over the decision of this Judge to build this wall Lord. Bind Satan and take us from evil to good for Your glory and praise. In Jesus name. Amen

February 21, 2019

Dear Great and mighty God creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them. Lord we come before you in need of your mercy and your grace your power and your protection for the United States of America. Father we pray that nothing would get in the way of providing the wall of protection needed for this country. We ask that the spiritual walls would be built up around this nation as well as the physical walls. Thank you for raising up prayer warriors who can take the rubble and rebuild that which is torn down and lies and ruins. In Jesus name. amen.

Evangelist Louise L Schmaling
February 21, 2019

Come Lord Jesus Yeshua

Shirley Kufeldt
February 21, 2019

For the Lord is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us. Isaiah 33:22 (NLT)

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, Because these Words are True in Heaven and on Earth, I pray for a judicial ruling that reflects true borders that results in true safety for Americans north of a border wall, and discourages lawlessness south of a border wall.

Please continue to guide the lawsuit to a positive ruling for Americans. In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen

    Betty Lough
    February 21, 2019

    Thank you so much for the prayers, will be praying for the wall to be totally constructed on every inch of our southern border & for favor with the judge! Turn his heart towards the safety if your people!🙏🙏🙏

    February 21, 2019

    Yes Lord. Hear our plea and we claim this promise.

Judy Peterson
February 21, 2019

Dear Heavenly Father, Your knowledge and power are beyond human understanding so thank you for hearing our pleas. We ask that you be with this judge in D.C., but with all the judges who will be deciding these vicious lawsuits. I think a wall is a good solution (or partial solution) to the illegal traffic so I am asking you to help Mr. Trump as he tries to protect us. Amen

Joan Kaskeski
February 21, 2019

Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that you have made the way for us to come into your presence, Because of what our Savior and Lord, Jesus has done for us on the cross. I ask that your Holy Spirit would guide the judge and give us the victory for this wall which is needed. Lord lawlessness abounds but you are Greater and I ask that you lift up a Godly standard, and that you open peoples eyes, to see truth expose the evil so men and women may repent before it is too late. Please send your Holy Spirit to Draw all men, women and children to you before your return. Thank you that YOU are in control.

    February 21, 2019

    Hallelujah! I agree with this prayer. Matthew 18:19. In Jesus’s name we ask. Amen

Helen P
February 21, 2019

Lord God Almighty, Creator of all things seen and unseen, thank you for President Trump and for Judge McFadden. I ask that You protect them, give them your wisdom, discernment and knowledge to make righteous decisions.
Father God, have mercy on us according to your loving kindness and mercy. Bless our leaders abundantly who come to you for strategies to solve complex decisions. You will never fail them. Amen

February 21, 2019

Our Father, we ask in Jesus’ name for wisdom and integrity to guide every decision regarding funding of the wall. We pray for our country’s coming together in unity to support this President who loves America and who embraces a culture of life. We lift up a neighbor who is suffering emotionally as a result of being viciously attacked and left for dead by an illegal alien (with a criminal record) who crossed the border in Texas. Even as we pray for security for Americans, we ask for hearts that are free from prejudice and free from ill will toward the innocent people who want to find a better life in America. We ask that the same standard held in most places in the world….legal entry only….would be granted our nation as well. A few years ago we crossed the border in Texas to shop and our documents were examined closely and we were interrogated before being allowed to enter Mexico, so let the same standard be afforded our nation. We continue to ask You to guide our President and this administration to carry out Your will for America.

Laura Nguyen
February 21, 2019

Dear Lord,

Hear my prayer and those of others who support Trump’s
side of this court case. Let Trump overcome all the obstacles put in his way by those who put their political agenda ahead of our nation. Help those who have property near the wall see the wisdom of stopping illegal immigration and help them come up with ingenious solutions that keep their community safe and yet maintain the neighborhood feel and spaciousness that motivated them to own land where they are.

Lord, we need you to keep people calm and reasonable. Give the judge discernment and an ability to communicate effectively his decision, a decision I pray will be in Trump’s favor and will set a precedent for further litigation.

You know I have so much more to ask of You regarding so many issues facing the country now. Again and again I have asked You to intercede and I have seen You work things out to Your glory. I praise Your Name and I pray that others may be brought to know and to love You. You are a faithful God and I know that whatever the outcome of the case, You are in control and that You are either causing it or allowing it to happen for purposes known only to You but which are larger, wiser and eternal.

Please forgive our sins as a nation. We know what we all have done to dishonor Your name, mostly out of ignorance, because we
truly did not know Who you were. We plead guilty and throw ourselves on Your mercy and that of Your Son, In His Name, Amen.

    February 21, 2019

    I come in agreement with your anointed intercession. Truly God works things out to His glory and He is in control.

    Judith Froehlich
    February 21, 2019


Susan Mitchell
February 21, 2019

My prayers are that this Judge allows God to guide him in his wisdom to do God’s will in this situation. Maybe monies we send to other countries that waste our money can be used for our wall instead. Amen 🙏🏻

Ira K. Dawson
February 21, 2019

Dear Lord, we asked that your will be done in this case and may all
the judges be guided by your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus Name I pray,

February 21, 2019

My prayer is that they consider de-funding Planned Parenthood to get the money for the Wall.
I pray wisdom and discretion for this Judge to be able to handle this case with integrity and transparency. Above all, may God’s purposes and will be fulfilled.

    February 24, 2019


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