I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would protect us from this storm. And, Lord, if You are using these storms to render judgment upon America, we pray that our nation would repent.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hurricane Beryl is currently making its way through the Caribbean. Here’s what you need to know about this dangerous storm.

From USA Today. Hurricane Beryl strengthened to a fierce Category 4 storm Monday and was poised to make landfall and bring devastation to the Windward Islands in the eastern Caribbean.

Who is praying on the wall?


Beryl is expected to remain an “extremely dangerous major hurricane” as its core slams through the eastern Caribbean, National Weather Service forecaster Eric Blake said in an advisory early Monday. Some weakening is expected in the central Caribbean by midweek, but Beryl is forecast to remain a hurricane. …

The historic Beryl reached tropical storm status Friday before becoming a major hurricane Sunday as it raced toward the Caribbean with winds of 130 mph − a gain of 95 mph in just 42.5 hours. Record-warm ocean temperatures led to rapid intensification, a phenomenon that occurs when a storm strengthens by at least 35 mph in a 24-hour period. …


  • Storm surge in the Windward Islands could reach 6 to 9 feet above normal tide levels and bring “large, destructive waves” to the coast, the National Hurricane Center said.
  • Rainfall could cause flooding and is expected to dump 3 to 6 inches in Barbados and the Windward Islands by Monday morning.  Up to 10 inches are possible in isolated locations, especially in the Grenadines. …

Will Hurricane Beryl hit Florida, US?

The hurricane center expects Beryl to remain a hurricane as it reaches Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula on Friday. AccuWeather hurricane experts expect the U.S. to avoid any major impact from the storm. Still, residents should not let their guard down. …

What are the Windward Islands?

The Windward Islands are the group of Caribbean islands in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. They include Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago are sometimes included in the group.

They are called “windward” − which means upward from a given point − because they are more windward to arriving ships than the Leeward Islands. …

What is the 2024 hurricane season forecast?

Federal forecasters have predicted a hurricane season unlike any other, with as many as 25 named storms possible.

It is the most storms the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has ever predicted in a preseason outlook. “All the ingredients are in place for an active season,” National Weather Service director Ken Graham said in May. …

How is this storm spurring you to pray? Share your prayers and scriptures with us in the comments below.

(Excerpt from USA Today. Photo Credit: ABI imagery from NOAA’s GOES-16 Satellite – AWS S3 Explorer)

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Marsha Bashor
July 10, 2024

Thank you Lord for your protection thus far in our country. I pray that you continue your grace and mercy upon us, that we may become a righteous nation once again.
I pray for the state of Texas, as they have been under seige with the border issue and the storms. Greg Abbott ,this Christian man who believes in you, has worked so hard to help his state. For instance, a wall has been built along their border. I ask you Lord that you help Texas, and the people there. Thank you for hearing my prayer🙏

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 6, 2024

The Lord Jesus Christ Calmed the Storm:

“Jesus’ disciples went with him as he left in a boat. Suddenly, a severe storm came across the sea. The waves were covering the boat. Yet, Jesus was sleeping. So they woke him up, saying, “Lord! Save us! We’re going to die!” Jesus said to them, “Why do you cowards have so little faith?” Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!” [Matthew 8:23-27 GW] I Pray that Christ Jesus will calmed this storm; Hurricane Beryl. Amen.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 6, 2024

Merciful Heavenly Father, Your thoughts are not our thoughts, and Your ways are not our ways. In Your divine wisdom it is apparent that You are allowing this dangerous and disastrous hurricane, Hurricane Beryl, to befall the the citizens of the State of Texas soon. Keep all Americans from despair and do not let their faith fail them, but sustain and comfort them through this trial and tribulation. Direct all efforts by the first responders and others to attend those who may become injured, console the bereaved, and protect the helpless. Deliver any who may be in danger, and bring hope and healing that they may find relief and restoration. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray for the State of Texas and the United States of America. Amen.

July 5, 2024

It’s a punishment for abortions in Texas!

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 4, 2024

Heavenly Father, I know Your greatness and our weakness, Your majesty and our unworthiness. By the threat of this present storm, Hurricane Beryl, You call us to the knowledge of our sin and to true repentance, lest we forget Your just judgment against sin. Do not let us be condemned with this wicked and evil world. O Lord, we are helpless and need Your protection. For Jesus’ sake abide with us. Lift up Your face and be gracious to us in this fearful time of this potential danger that is approaching us, and do not test us beyond our strength. Protect our homes and our dear ones, especially those who are weak and helpless. Send Your holy angels, that we may continue safely to our journey’s end. Give us faith to cast our anxieties and cares on You, who stills the storms and guides the souls of men through every danger. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Stephanie Williams
July 2, 2024

I disagree that God would use a destructive storm to exact judgment on the USA. Jesus said he came that we would have life and that more abundantly. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy which that storm is doing so that shows it is clearly not the workings of God. Let us not fall for the world’s lie that it’s “an act of God”. We have repented and He has promised He WILL SAVE America!!! Not tear it apart.

Paula Merkouris
July 2, 2024

Lord, we pray for the nation of Jamaica as they are scheduled to be hit tomorrow, Wednesday, July 3. We pray that you would protect them from any danger and harm. Weaken the storm, Lord, as it moves, so that no lives will be lost and little, if any, damage. We know there are many in Jamaica who cannot afford to be affected by a hurricane and so we pray that You will provide shelter and food for them. They are a praying nation. Bless them, Lord. in Jesus’ Name, AMEN

July 2, 2024

There are 3 conditions coming together in the Atlantic. As one weakens, the others increase in strength. Much as our warfare as we defeat one enemy another arises. This appears to be the Fathet awakening the sleeping ecclesiastical too move swiftly too defend their property and livelihood as well as life itself. For some the day of decision is now. There won’t be a tomorrow
So we can be known as children of the King. HE who saves, heals and delivers. A day of judgment is coming
But none know the day or hour

Washed by the blood. Hes required to pass over

Margaret Nezhadpour
July 2, 2024

Father, I pray for Your protection for those islands threatened by Beryl, especially the Cayman Islands where the daughter of a dear friend is in vet school! Move Beryl out to sees and lessen it’s threat and damage, in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

July 2, 2024

Lord I pray you calm this storm and protect us all from harm .

July 2, 2024

Lord God plese protect us from these terrible storms, bring repentance to our country the USA. Bring justice and peace to all who love you, sane the trafficked and all abused people today.
I ask in Jesus’name

Darlene Estlow
July 2, 2024

Father, protect people in the path of the hurricane. Use this to draw these people to you, to find salvation in you. Give us hearts of repentance and faith in you.

    Lee Smith
    July 5, 2024

    They deserve what God gives,
    Death and destruction for sin!

Mary Beth
July 2, 2024

YHVH, You are Lord of heaven and earth – and of the wind. Accomplish what you desire through this weather system. Please give warning to those seeking shelter in You, and provide safe haven in the midst of the storm. In Your judgment remember mercy.

July 2, 2024

this is not a valid prayer, the thief comes to steal kill destroy but Christ came for life more abundantly. Further, God cannot send what doesn’t exist in heaven. Lastly we are under a period of grace not judgement and too many things are atributed to God as judgement when its the god of this world thats doing it and shifting the blame.

    Darlene Estlow
    July 2, 2024

    This may not be judgment, but discipline. And Isaiah says that God creates disaster. Since he is sovereign, he sends things that cause us to turn to him. All things are subject to God including Satan. He cannot do bad things unless God has let him. And since God does all things because he is sovereign, good and wise, he knows when it is best to let Satan do his evil work.

    Lee Smith
    July 5, 2024

    It’s definitely a punishment.

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