I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that America would not forget You and that we would remember all that You have done for us.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

What was the most important day in our nation’s history? Many would say July 4, 1776, and for very good reasons. We celebrate Independence Day — the day our forefathers signed one of the most important documents in history, the Declaration of Independence. Yet there was another July 4 that may be the more miraculous day: July 4, 1787.

The Revolutionary War had been fought and won at great cost. The founding fathers wisely structured a government called the Continental Congress. But by 1787, a permanent government structure for the long haul was needed.

They gathered in Philadelphia to put the structure in place and to write a constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation. It was not going well. The delegates could not agree on how states would represent themselves. This appeared to be an insurmountable obstacle that could not be overcome. Anger and tension filled the air. Some delegates walked out. Some threatened military action against other delegates. Frustration and disappointment abounded. Those who had pledged their lives and fortunes in hopes for a new nation, were now unsure their dream would ever come to pass, the outcome hanging in the balance.

On June 26th, 1787, all seemed lost. Suddenly, Ben Franklin asked to speak to the assembly. By now, he was an elder statesman known to be the least spiritual of all the founding fathers. This well-respected man walked to the front of the gathering, stopping at the podium. With great conviction and immovable resolve, he spoke to the delegates. I’ll paraphrase and put it in modern English. “In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were in sensible danger, we had daily prayer in this room for divine protection. Our prayers were heard. They were graciously answered. Have we now forgotten the powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance? I have lived a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proof I see of this: God governs the affairs of man.

The hall was quiet. No one dared speak. Yet, this riveting speech demanded a reaction. Therefore, a motion was immediately put forth and passed for the leaders to begin each day of deliberations with prayer and have a chaplain attend the meetings to lead this daily prayer. Additionally, they passed a motion to break and take three days to fast and pray. As the meeting adjourned that day, each man went his own way to enter into a time of prayer and fasting.

They reassembled on July 4, 1787.  When they gathered, everything was different. The anger and animosity was gone. Agreeable conversations took place where ill feelings had once resided.

One of the delegates, Jonathan Dayton, wrote in his journal…every unfriendly feeling had been expelled, and the spirit of conciliation had been cultivated. Prayer triggers cooperation. Prayer releases divine solutions.

That day, they formed a committee that created the representative structure of the House of Representatives and Senate. With representation based on population (the House) and equally assigned to each state (the Senate), they called this plan the great compromise. It was the final large piece of the puzzle for the Constitution. A final draft was produced in about six weeks, and then the states ratified it.

Today, I pose the same questions to our leaders that Ben Franklin asked the Continental Congress. Are we smart enough now to not need the assistance of the Almighty? Have we forgotten our powerful friend? Why would we not want to solicit the Supreme in the affairs of this nation? Why would we not want to petition for the power of Providence to act? Why would we not entreat the eternal God for wisdom? And why would we not appeal to divine power to solve the issues of today?

Our nation was founded on prayer, and it would not be here without prayer, nor would it continue to thrive without prayer. This year, let’s celebrate both July 4 days that shaped the United States of America, and let’s pray that our leaders would ask God for the wisdom they need.

David Kubal is President/CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA), which serves over one million praying Christians every month. David serves on the National Faith Advisory Board and the National Day of Prayer Task Force and is also frequently featured in national news outlets such as Victory Channel, CBN, and Fox News. Photo Credit: blackrancho via Canva Pro.

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July 14, 2024

Amen. May God strengthen someone in congress to bring back that ritual of prayer before during and after congress meets. May all branches of our government ask for God’s guidance in all matters big and small. May all who vote seek God’s counsel on the best candidate. Be safe trust in God and God bless

Pastor Earl Wallace
July 8, 2024

America’s Founding Generations from the 1620 Mayflower Compact, through the 1776 Declaration and the 1791 Bill of Rights all were Bible believing, born again Christians who prayed to God, in the name of Jesus. They had fled the government enforcement of Catholicism and its Britisch counterpart of rosary praying Anglicanism. Today America’s government predominantly is run by people who pray the rosary, a non-Biblical prayer that violates Ten Commandments one and two. 2 Chron. 7:14 explains the conditions for which God turns around nations. God says if we do four things, He’ll do three, which are 1) hearing from heaven, 2) forgiving our sin, and 3) healing our land. The four parts we must do to meet God’s “If-Then” proposition is 1) humble ourselves to see ourselves as the sinners the Bible defines us; 2) pray (appropriately, meaning the “Our Father,” and not the “Hail Mary”); 3) seek God’s face — as He has revealed it in The Holy Bible, and 4) turn from our wicked ways, which requires us to repent of idol worship and pray appropriately. There’s hope for our beloved USA, but we must meet God on His terms! View The Biblical Basis of The Bill of Rights: https://libertycf.org/1591-2/

    July 8, 2024

    Thank you for calling Your church to rise up and stand for Godly values! Please enlist more clergy, and ministers of the gospel
    1. To educate themselves about the freedoms they so ignorantly take for granted:
    2. To pray and intercede for America
    3. Teach and preach their congregations the full counsel of Your word
    4. Stand for truth, righteousness and justice in the pulpit and the public square.
    5. Invest in and protect the freedoms we all enjoy
    6. To unite in brotherly love to fulfill the call on the body of Christ

Teressia Phillips
July 5, 2024

Our God is in charge of everything and when we forget then we are lost and without hope! Never forget to thank Him for his blessings, ask him for guidance in his Good will and daily communicate our needs. Communication is so important to our God! That is how He knows that we Believe in him!

July 5, 2024


Marrell Greutman
July 5, 2024

Thank you David for your faithful leadership in this vital need for our country. We are praying daily.

Betty Lanoie
July 4, 2024

Amen. I prayed. Holy Spirit direct us in Jesus Christ Name. Amen and Amen

July 4, 2024

Happy Independance Day to all Americans.
As a child growing up in the Fiji Islands, I had this admiration for the American Nation, thinking of America as invincible and blessed. America was indeed The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Now in my prayers before the Father, my heart aches for America- how can such a person as Biden be even chosen to lead such a great Nation, how can unjust judges be in those positions, how can antisemitism be even displayed on American campuses, are Americans off their rocker, have Americans lost it, what the heck!! So Father God, I lift up this great Nation asking that you guide its people by the power of your Holy Spirit;
I cry out to you Father, send revival, open the eyes of the American people that they see, their ears that they hear; may they vote according to your will on November 5, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

July 4, 2024

Father how grateful and thankful I am to have been born in 🇺🇸. I look around at the world and there is nowhere on earth I would rather be. I am thankful for all the men who were wise enough to seek you in forming our foundation, the constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This United States was founded the only nation to serve you. Many have strayed but there are still many who stand faithful to you and to your word. You say if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land. We humble ourselves Lord asking forgiveness and stand in the gab for our country. Send your spirit across this land bringing a great awakening turning hearts back to you. I honor you on this 4th of July without you there would be no 4th of July. Thank you!!

Darlene Estlow
July 4, 2024

Thank you for this article. May our leaders realize how important prayer is!

Josephine McInnis
July 4, 2024

Amen God is the almighty Creator of Heaven and earth. In Him alone can we trust and pray the governing body of our Country remembers, God is our hope for the future.

July 4, 2024


Sandra Redding
July 4, 2024

Excellent! Pride in ourselves and what we can accomplish means nothing without God’s guidance and inspiration. He is the Supreme Ruler of our lives and our nation. He will lead us to His Kingdom if we but ask and follow. God bless America!

Buddy lemmons
July 4, 2024

If you are a born again you do not have constitutional rights! There is not one thing in the constitution that came from God. Except all men are created equal but our forefathers did not live that way by treating human beings worse than live stock. Jesus says life and death are in the tongue, can’t sue for money, can’t get divorce or remarry, can’t kill if someone comes to rob you. To be a godly country the constitution would have to be changed . Gods children is commanded to live by the word of God only!!!! Not man’s law!!!

    Mike M
    July 5, 2024

    Women are 2nd class citizens now and are in slavery in America today.

July 4, 2024

Amen, May our leaders and Nation be turned back to pray for wisdom from a God who loves us and wants to have His people ask for mercy and Justice.

Fred Rivenburg
July 4, 2024

I did not know how great the struggle was to write the constitution. I do know the power of reaching out to our God in prayer. It is very encouraging to see this and be reminded once again of how much our Founding Fathers depended on God.

Thank you Lord for this reminder, and our need as a country for our leaders to follow it again.
In Jesus name, Amen

Emily Underdown
July 4, 2024

Thank you for speaking up!! We do need to ask God to save America from all who would destroy everything our father God has blessed us so richly with and give God the confidence He deserves.

July 4, 2024

Father,American Christians have wasted year’s entertaining ourselves and putting on a pretense of doing “church”, forgive us, have mercy, infuse us with the Holy Spirit that we may become a light to the world as we were destined to be.

Diane Lemyre
July 4, 2024

We have so forsaken You O God on so many levels. I know we are past the place of mercy because we are still compromising when we address the killing and slaughter of our babies. Please open our eyes to understand this and lead us to repentance
In Jesus Name
Lord have mercy!

Kevin Krzyske
July 4, 2024

What a wonderful article and a powerful acknowledgment of the Almighty influence in our nation at the beginning and in our nation today!! Very well done!! May our Father repeat the miracles today as His divine providence was on display (through their eyes of faith) at its forming, In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Christine Stott
July 4, 2024

“Jesus said to him,

If you can believe,

all things are possible

to him that believes.”

Mark 9:23

Brian Lynch
July 4, 2024

Lord Jesus, help us to never forget our national heritage and what it means for us. More importantly, may we never forget that our true freedom comes from You. Thank You Jesus, for making a way where there seems to be no way.

Bernadine Reid
July 4, 2024

Father in the precious name of Jesus, we humble ourselves and we recognize that we are powerless without You. We pray for those in authority over us will submit to Your sovereign rule and seek Your face as to how to lead us Your people with all godliness and authority. We ask that You would forgive Your Ekklesia, for not being obedient to Your Word. We humble ourselves according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 as we turn and return back to You we will see the manifestation of Your Word and Power overcome the plans of the enemy. America is being saved NOW! In Jesus name Amen.

Van Gray
July 4, 2024

You are exactly right. We MUST humble ourselves and pray.

Linda Rice
July 4, 2024

I didn’t know. Thanks Dave for that information. Now I am awed because Tennessee politicians have called the Church to prayer and fasting for assistance.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 4, 2024

Heavenly Father, Ruler of all the nations of the world, on this day, July 4th, when my country, the United States of America, celebrates its birth, I thank You for all the spiritual and temporal blessings enjoyed in our land. By Your merciful love, You have sustained this nation in times of trouble and preserved its liberties. Teach Americans anew to treasure especially that dearly won freedom of conscience and worship that is the cornerstone of this nation’s principles. Let us not misuse this liberty nor forget that true freedom is freedom to serve. Give us a willingness to share in the process of democratic rule, to respect our country’s laws, and to work for the preservation of its institutions. Forgive our past sins committed as a nation in the name of misguided patriotism, self-interest, or political expediency. Confound all those who, for the sake of partisanship or other motives, would sacrifice the greater welfare. Grant wisdom to our leaders. Strengthen all those who strive to do Your will. Increase loyalty to You and to our beloved country, the United States of America. Protect us from all subversive or terrorist acts. Above all, Heavenly Father, speed the course of Your Gospel among all Americans, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit hearts are turned to that freedom from sin and death that You alone graciously give through Your beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In His mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Mary Beth
July 4, 2024

May we individually, and as a nation, seek You diligently and trust You to guide and direct our steps. I humbly ask that You have mercy on this nation.

Carolyn Nelson
July 4, 2024

Thank you LORD for July 4, 1787! May we return to You in humility and prayer as our founders did.

July 4, 2024

Ben: the least spiritual yet a great discerner. How can that be? Can it be that the tiniest presence of the Holy Spirit can make the greatest impact in a situation? Is there such a thing as a “tiny” presence of the Holy Spirit? (No — I say.)

Can it be that Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 20:16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” applies in all situations?

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

And so goes Proverbs 1- 10.

Adonai, LORD, Chief Shepard and Overseer: By wisdom You laid the earth’s foundation, by understanding You set the heavens in place, by Your knowledge the deeps were divided; and the clouds let drop the dew. (Prov 3:19-20).

Bring and pour out Your Holy Spirit to the places of all government interactions: front door, back door, in secret and in public. Guide these men and women in the way of Your Wisdom and lead them along straight paths. Holy Spirit, shift the atmosphere in all interactions: official and unofficial.

For those walking in the way of evil men, expose their wicked ways, expel them from governing this nation and heal us from the consequences of the perverseness, discord and squandering actions and edicts. Whatever help they need to see the wickedness of their actions, deliver that help.

“We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but NOT the wisdom of this age or the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and the God destined for our glory before time began. 1 Corinthians 2: 6 -7.

:9-10. However, as it is written: “ What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived—- the things that God had prepared for those who love Him. — these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit.”

Father, Thank You for the Word, that the Word was with God, and the Word was God; for the hope and power we have in Christ and Your Holy Spirit. Amen

Dinah Conner
July 4, 2024

I pray that the Lord will grant us the wisdom we need to bring an end to the evil ruling in Washington DC and that those living in the fear of the Lord will move with fierceness in following the Lord’s leading now and in the upcoming election. Thank you, King Jesus!!!

Chip Murray
July 4, 2024

Abba Father who reigns in heaven,
joyful praise we send to thee.
For answered prayers and bright tomorrows, to awake the sons of liberty.
In a dream of fresh ascending, I saw the dark clouds fade away,
And in their place, a new beginning,
“On earth as it is in Heaven!” I swear I heard him say! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BPJ-aX3-2aY&pp=ygUcQ2hpcCBtdXJyYXkgaW5kZXBlbmRlbmNlIGRheQ%3D%3D

July 4, 2024

Wonderful article Dave. Thank you for this. Prayer most certainly changes things – ourselves and others. I continue to wish someone with strong connection to our Savior would request and get a meeting with either or both of the presidential candidates and help them to “really” find Jesus. One is a harsh business man who I am not sure is saved, but did more things in his term that would align with God’s statutes. The other professes to be a Christian yet sanctions gender dysphoria and confusion, homosexuality, and abortion all things I know God does not sanction. They need someone who would honestly speak to them and lead them to Christ. We need to get back to one nation UNDER GOD which is how we were founded. I didn’t care much for history class, but I thought that was why we broke away from Britain was so we could practice our own religions in freedom.

My Dear Father in Heaven: Have your way Lord. Shine your light into the dark place that has become America and put into place whom you want as leader over us. The current leadership has nearly destroyed our Nation, dividing people and allowing even more of satan’s practices to be put into place. I apologize for our indifference and am truly ashamed how things have become. One thing current leadership has accomplished, however, is it has certainly made many of us return to our knees seeking you for help. If that was the intent, Dear Lord, it has worked as I have never prayed harder or more earnestly and often. I repent in behalf of America and humble myself before you, crying out to you for you to heal our land.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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