I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us discern Your truth in what we read and watch through the media. (Jn 8:32)
Reading Time: 2 minutes

During an appearance on a podcast last week, CBS News correspondent Lara Logan said, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Boy, she wasn’t lying. In a moment of bravery or serious miscalculation, Logan decided to tell the truth. And it wasn’t about anything salacious — an extramarital affair, fabricating a story, anything like that. Instead, she said what we all more or less know: The media is biased toward the left.

The CBS correspondent, best known for her reporting from war zones, had made the appearance on the “Mike Drop” podcast with former Navy SEAL Mike Ritland, who had said that the media was “absurdly left-leaning,” a “huge f—— problem” and a “disaster for this country.”

“I agree with that. That’s true,” Logan said.

“The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just the U.S.,” she said, according to Newsbusters. “But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered Democrats. So that’s just a fact, right?”….

When it came to the liberal sameness of the media, Logan said it represents problems when it comes to trust: “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated?”….

When it came to the liberal sameness of the media, Logan said it represents problems when it comes to trust: “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated?”

And it wasn’t just media: Logan said that “creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me.”

Logan also cast doubt on so-called “grassroots” political campaigns.

“We don’t even question if what we see on social media is real or not. We don’t even question if a grassroots movement is really grassroots,” she said….

And there were other truths to be served up: “We’ve become political activists, and some could argue propagandists, and there’s some merit to that,” she said, later adding that, “Responsibility for fake news begins with us.” (Excerpts from C. Douglas Golden article in The Western Journal)

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The Informer February 21, 2019

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March 4, 2019

Father we thank you for Lara a for her speaking truth into the darkness. We ask Father than you reward her 7 fold for what Satan has brought against her. Raise up a 1000 more 10,000 more Laras who take the risk and speak truth. Silence the liars and hates in the media. Close the doors of all who have a hidden evil agenda.
Lord thank you for you mercy which is new every morning great is your faithfulness

Felicia Penner
February 23, 2019

May the News Monopolies be broken up, dear Lord. May more and more Americans flee CNN and go to Fox. May Fox stay true in reporting, and may those who are not true be fired. May Blexit and Walkaway continue to save those who have been deceived by well orchestrated lies. Awake us Lord to truth, in Jesus name, Amen

Betty B WI
February 23, 2019

Thank You Heavenly Father, for allowing the Truth to be made known. I ask for protection for Lara and her family that they not be harassed for her speaking the truth. May more media personnel be bold for the truth. We are tired of the lies trying to manipulate the people and laws of this country.
May more people in government & entertainment stand up for the truth, too. Again the lies are affecting the way we vote & run our country. Let Thy Kingdom Come and let Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Tim Keith
February 22, 2019

Father in Heaven, Amen to all of the above prayers and the ones to follow mine. These are powerful words spoken to You because we know by faith that You hear our pleas for You have bestowed upon us to be Prayer Warriors. I pray that You will bless Laura beyond her imagination and continue to use her as watchman on the wall (Ezekiel 33:7). Stir up many more bold ones like her who choose to speak the truth. Moreover, place a hedge of thornbushes about all those who speak lies so they are deterred and are convicted of their sins…..bring them all to repentance. I ask all these things in the mighty name of Yeshua Hamashiach….and may all these things come true by the power of the Ruach Hakodesh.

Alan K. Veasey
February 22, 2019

Thank you Lord that when the enemy comes in like a flood, you raise up a standard of righteousness against it. Set the watch, as
journalists are watchmen for a free society and hold them to the standards of Ezekiel chapter 34. Please restore the respect for truth, which is also a respect for you, to those who man the information ramparts.

February 22, 2019

Lord I place the full armor of God over Laura Logan and claim Psalm 31 over her. Lord thank you for sending a truth Slayer to expose the deception and lies that are dividing this Nation Lord let the wicked be ashamed v17. Keep Laura safe, provide for her needs, find favor over the work of her hands. Remove the deafness and blindness of the American people Lord. Thy will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Lord You are the King of Kings the Lord of Lord’s of the United States of America. Glory and honor belongs to no one but You Father. In Jesus name. Amen

Eleanor Ciaravino
February 22, 2019

G-D is in control and Laura is in His will. Truth will prevail. I pray that Laura is one of many who’s voice is heard and heeded. The light is pericing the darkness. May Laura’s courage to speak the truth and be contagious to many who know the truth and are not speaking
because of fear or cowardest.
May G-D arise and the enemy be
To G-D be the glory in the Mughty Name of Jesus Christ.

Miley Cyrus
February 22, 2019

Interesting article….

M. House
February 21, 2019

Thank You, Father God! Please pour out your blessing on Lara Logan for taking the risk to be open and honest. Thank You, Father, that You are in control, that you are more powerful and mighty than dishonest media and people who become frenzied by fake and biased news. please protect your children who trust in you. Please protect our President and those whom he trusts. please heal our nation and send a mighty revival drawing the hearts of all people to worship a your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Barbara D
February 21, 2019

God bless you, Lara, for telling the truth about the media. I remember when you were attacked, beaten, raped and your body was almost pulled apart during the Arab Spring and no one came to your defense. None of the liberal women or feminists; it was truly horrific. What happened to you should never have happened to anyone and not been headline news. You are brave and I pray that you will find success in the media because an honest voice will be the beginning of others leaving the pack and speaking the truth. May God keep you under His wing and don’t let the attacks stop you from speaking out. You have a cheering gallery with me.

Robert Boone
February 21, 2019

Praise God for your courage to take a stand for the obvious. We will loose our “Freedom of Speach” if we don’t SPEAK UP!
I am grateful Laura Logan, for your service – Time to start a grass movement!

G Harris
February 21, 2019

Thank you, Lara for speaking the truth. Something we knew but your opening up about the issue really helps to reinforce what is happening in news and media today.

Concerned and praying
February 21, 2019

I pray that people who have believed the lies will open their minds and hearts to the truth.

Laura Nguyen
February 21, 2019

I praise You, Lord, for all the recent media stories that expose the heavy media bias. People are jumping to conclusions based on seconds of video or a snippet of news. Thank You, Lord, for our president, who withholds judgement until he gets all the facts, even as politicians and the media condemn him for not taking a stand immediately. I pray that you keep him strong and full of Godly discernment. Also, Lord, You have a sense of humor, so I thank You for some of Trump’s scathing tweets. They give me a long-lasting laugh and I pray they reach the minds of those who can consider the logic of what he’s pointing out. In the Name of Jesus, Who confounded the Pharisees.

Patricia Owens
February 21, 2019

I have often thought what an awakening to truth it could be if every News anchor person in the country would read Frank Peretti’s book THE PROPHET. Thank you to Ms Logan for publicly speaking what many people were fully aware of.

Marleen Walaitis
February 21, 2019

Yes, thank you Lara Logan! Thank you for speaking the truth! Thank you for being brave! May God reward you and bless you and put you in a spot He can use you in!

February 21, 2019

I thank God for answering prayer. I have prayed recently that God would raise up influential people to speak truth about the mainstream media bias. I commend and thank Lara for her courage.

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