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Father, we pray for our federal government to operate with values that are consistent with Your Word and Your will.
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A new guide to inclusive language published by the Department of the Interior is further evidence of the ideological capture of our federal government.

From The Daily Wire. The Department of the Interior published a guide to “inclusive language,” exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire, that tells bureaucrats to avoid gendered terms like “husband,” “son,” and “daughter,” and even instructs them to use the “they/them” pronouns for individuals rather than assume someone’s gender.

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The 24-page document, called the U.S. Department of the Interior Inclusive Language Guide and published this month “for official use only,” details what terms bureaucrats should use or avoid when discussing gender and sexuality.

The guide includes a list of 104 different terms that the Interior recommends bureaucrats replace with alternate, approved words. “Husband” and “wife,” for example, should be replaced with “spouse, partner, significant other,” the federal agency says. “Daughter” and “son” should also be replaced with “child” or “kid” according to the guide, which even asks bureaucrats to replace “cockpit” with “flight deck.” …

Another section of the guide asks bureaucrats to use “identity-first” language, substituting “blind person” and “amputee,” with “a person who is blind,”  and “a child with an amputation.” The Interior guide even tells bureaucrats to refrain from assuming anyone’s gender and to instead refer to everyone with the pronouns “they/them” to “avoid making assumptions.”

“When referring to individuals whose identified pronouns are not known or when the gender of a generic or hypothetical person is irrelevant within the context, use their name or a singular ‘they’ to avoid making assumptions about an individual’s gender,” the document reads. “It is recommended to use ‘they,’ ‘them,’ ‘their,’ for example. In informal writing, such as emails, plural pronouns may be used as a shortcut to ensure gender inclusiveness.” …

It even states that bureaucrats should avoid using the term “preferred pronouns” since it implies that gender identity is a choice. “Pronoun use requires specificity and care on the user’s part, and staff should always use the person’s identified pronouns,” the document states. “Staff should refrain from the term ‘preferred pronouns’ because it implies a choice about one’s gender. Use ‘pronouns’ or ‘identified pronouns’ instead.” It also advises eliminating the use of gendered honorifics entirely, saying titles like “Mr.” and “Ms.” should always be forgone. …

Interior’s guide to inclusive language is just one way in which the agency has embraced … far-left dogma and embedded it in its policies and practices. The federal agency is also celebrating pride month with a lesson on “LGBTQ American Sign Language” where bureaucrats will be taught sign language for “ally,” “drag queen,” and other LGBT vocabulary terms. …

The same department also celebrated “transgender day of visibility” by showing a documentary pushing for increased LGBT inclusion in the field of marine biology, the Daily Wire previously revealed. …

The DOI is just one of several federal agencies that has swung to the left and institutionalized ideological dogma under the Biden administration. …

Share your prayers for the DOI and our other federal agencies below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Sara Rampazzo on Unsplash)

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June 30, 2024

The people insisting on “new pronouns” have ties to demons and are spiritually affiliated to satanic powers. Jesus said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies and has been since he lied to
Eve. Jesus is asserting His power now over the enemy which He has already defeated. He his judging the Demo(n)crat Party and others who are using outright lies about His beautiful institution of Marriage between a Man and a Woman which God created to illustrate the relationship between Himself and His Bride the Church. Glory to Jesus, Glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit. I thank God I am seeing it come to pass in my lifetime (I’m 81)!!

Every evil tree
June 29, 2024

No matter what word or words are used to change the truth or mask the truth – they are the words of lies. The truth out lasts every lie and it is impossible for God to lie. Thank God. Psalm 37:35-36
“I have seen the wicked in great power, and spending like a native green tree. Yet he passed away, he was no more; indeed I sought him, but he could not be found”.
And so it will be with every evil tree – Amen.

Darlene Estlow
June 28, 2024

What foolishness! Father, give us leaders who will act according to your word, not just out of what seems ok.


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