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Father, we pray that You would unite Americans in desiring to secure that which makes us a nation—our borders. We pray especially for unity among the many Christian legislators who are serving in Congress. (Rom 2:13)
Reading Time: < 1 minute

President Donald Trump’s use of a national emergency declaration to access billions of dollars for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border has sparked fierce debate and legal challenges. Since the Friday declaration, Democrats on Capitol Hill have united in decrying the move….

Republicans have split on the issue. While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., have backed the president, others voiced concerns. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., warned Trump’s move might take the country down a “rabbit hole,” with future presidents seizing unchecked executive power to accomplish their agendas. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said, “No crisis justifies violating the Constitution.”

White House adviser Stephen Miller argued the president is upholding, not violating, the Constitution: “What the president was saying is that like past presidents, he could choose to ignore this crisis, choose to ignore this emergency as others have. But that’s not what he’s going to do.”

The declaration immediately triggered legal battles. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced that his state plans to file a lawsuit against the move….(Excerpt from  Harvest Prude article in WORLD)

The Informer February 19, 2019

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Betty B WI
March 10, 2019

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Pres Trump and him being willing to stand strong to protect America. I pray that You will give him creative ways to handle the border situation. The drug trafficking and sex trafficking that comes through our southern border needs to be stopped. People who have lost spouses, children, friends, and other relatives to illegal immigrants entering our country for criminal purposes would surely agree with walls or other better protection at our border. Father, You know all things so I ask for wisdom & knowledge for our President and other leaders who are working to protect our nation.
These things I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

Felicia Penner
February 23, 2019

Yes Lord, i agree with almost all these prayers, and i ask that you would continue to give us insight and wisdom as to how Satan uses represenitives to sway a public, to trick us. Lord God, i can not ever see a wall between us and Canada, and our seaboads will always be there to receive cargo. Lord we are so very blessed with all the natural resources we have here in America. The only way the Left could defeat us is to have us annihalate one another, so i would ask your truth, mercy and peace to fall on America. I pray for revival, i pray we Christians would allow your admonishment and repent and then allow the revival to go to those who do not know you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

Marlene Falvey
February 20, 2019

In Revelation 21:10-12 In the New Jerusalem “coming down out of heaven from God….it had great high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates.” God does believe in walls, and even though “its gates will never be shut,” vs 25, “Nothing impure will ever enter it”.vs 27

February 20, 2019

I agree with all the comments and prayers except Frieda’s.
Lord I thank you for President Trumps tenacity and dedication to fulfilling a campaign promise and not bailing as many others would have. We have need of security now more than ever. Protect Your people oh Lord just as You did throughout the centuries. Amen

February 20, 2019

I support President Trump. He is doing the right thing with building the wall. Wall are to keep things in or keep things out. He is a God sent to bring our nation back to where it needs to be. I pray that the country will open it’s eyes and see it. Pray for unity, pray for security, pray for President Trump.

Sunny K Lemming
February 20, 2019

We pray for unity in the GOP to support Pres. Trump’s declaration of a national emergency. Obama did this numerous times, only it was used to send aid to Islamic nations instead of securing our borders. I also pray that these lawsuits would be nullified and thrown out by the courts. Let support rise for Pres. Trump’s plan to deal with the caravan invasion.

Amapola Hansberger
February 19, 2019

President Trump was sent to us by God as an answer to prayers. He needs to know that we love and support him. That we understand the pressures he is under, and won’t criticize his actions. That we will continue to pray for him daily.

Robin Romano
February 19, 2019

I think it’s way past the time when we needed a wall. I just wonder if that is even enough. We need God’s protection from the corruption surrounding us today. May He have mercy on us and May God’s justice prevail. It is the foundation of His throne.

February 19, 2019

May we all support President Trump. He is for us but some people do not understand that. May God enlighten them quickly.

Deedee Phillips
February 19, 2019

I am thankful to have a President that has the courage to defend the ones he loves! Our safety is his first responsibility!

Elfrieda Peninger
February 19, 2019

1. I too worry that doing the right thing the wrong way isn’t God’s way.
2. My spirit is bothered about the wall. Security we need. Walls best job are as confinments. We know one day we will be in an imprisoned state. I wonder if this is how.

    Magdalena Botello
    February 19, 2019

    All the Bible verses talking about building and rebuilding walls to protect Jerusalem may give us peace knowing that there is time to do it. Nehemiah was rebuilding walls and they were also ready to fight the enemy. I know all those caravans are paid to come to the US. Otherwise, they would starve or faint. God is in control. I pray for wisdom and unity in Congress to support our President.

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