I Prayed have prayed
God, we ask You to protect our border and install leaders who will enforce the laws.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Even as Biden has taken action on the border, his administration also seems to be making it easier for people to get into our nation.

From New York Post. On the same day the Biden administration announced new restrictions on how many migrants will be allowed over the border, a memo was sent to border enforcers mandating new measures to make it as easy as possible to claim asylum.

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Instructions from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Patrick J. Lechleitner to his team includes the installation of signs seemingly instructing migrants what to say to qualify for asylum.

The email also points to “trembling, shaking” or even staying completely silent as behavior, which can back up the “credible fear” of being returned to a home country migrants need to display to claim asylum. …

According to Lechleitner’s email, signs must also be posted in several areas of ICE detention facilities.

They say if migrants are “hungry or thirsty,” need “medical care,” fear “persecution or torture if removed from the United States,” or if they are “victims of abuse … sexual assault”, or “have witnessed a crime” they should tell an officer and “your claim will be heard.” …

There also must be a video “explaining to noncitizens that they should raise these concerns” that “should be played on a loop.” …

The Biden administration’s latest migration rules lift restrictions on those who arrive as “unaccompanied children, victims of a severe form of trafficking, those who face an acute medical emergency or an imminent and extreme threat to life and safety,” senior administration officials said Tuesday.

Those exemptions will be abused and utilized by cartels in Mexico who are in the business of migrant smuggling, retired Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge of the El Paso Station Clay Thomas told The Post. …

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(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: CBP Photography)

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June 7, 2024

Lord, expose the lies that we have been hearing from both sides of the political aisle. The border is being use to making money by the people who are gaining with the open border policy. Dry up the source of this money. Your word says that the “love of money is the root of all evil”. Help us Lord in this nation to turn to you as this time of trouble.

Darlene Estlow
June 7, 2024

Father, you are Sovereign. You are dealing with our nation as we have turned away from you. Turn our hearts back to you with repentance for our rebellion and evil. Save our nation so we may once again be a light for the world.

Michael and Ellie Briney
June 7, 2024

Our borders have been in crisis for a long, long time under President Joe Biden. I am convinced that the church, as a whole, has not been praying as it should concerning this matter. Help us, Lord, to establish as real commitment to pray for a turn around in this situation, both individually and in our local churches. Help to realize that it is not important for our will to be done but for the will of almighty God to be done and to stand firm in our commitment to God. Without God we will have nothing. With God and his leadership we can and will have all we ever need. Help us Lord to surrender to Your will and guidance for our lives and our nations. In Jesus name. Amen.


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