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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we thank You for Your just nature. We know that injustice grieves You more than it grieves us. Bring about justice in America.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I miss precedented times. Since the pandemic started in 2020, the news has warned us about the unprecedented times we live in seemingly every day. There have been enough historic news events in these past few years to fill entire libraries. The very saying “unprecedented times” has become almost meaningless, considering how often both sides of the political aisle have used it to describe newsworthy events.

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Nevertheless, we truly are living in unprecedented times. The conviction of former United States President Donald Trump exemplifies this.

On May 30, 2024, Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 charges of falsifying business records. Trump was already the first former president ever to face a criminal trial. Now, he has become the first former president ever to become a convicted felon.

President Trump’s sentencing will take place on July 11. He could face a simple fine or probation, but Judge Merchan could also sentence him to up to 4 years in prison. This could lead to Trump, currently the leading candidate in the presidential race, campaigning from a cell. This would be yet another first for the former president, as well as for the nation.

But what exactly happened?

The Trumped-Up Trial

The prosecution accused Trump of poor record-keeping, improperly recording hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. While the defense argued that these payments were unrelated to Trump’s campaign and political ambitions, the prosecution argued that they should have been classified as campaign-finance expenses.

It is important to remember that business-records charges are not felony offenses. To elevate the charges to felonies, the prosecution relied on an expansive legal theory, alleging that Trump falsified business records to conceal the underlying crime of defrauding the American public.

Throughout the trial, the defense cast doubt on Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness. Cohen, a disbarred former attorney, did implicate Trump in his testimony. He also, however, admitted to stealing money from the Trump Organization, painting his testimony and honesty in a dubious light.

Many feel that Trump never had a fair chance in this trial, regardless of how the arguments played out. After all, how could he? Alvin Bragg, the district attorney who brought this case, is an outspoken Democrat with a long history of opposing the Trump family. Judge Merchan formerly donated to the Biden campaign in 2020, and his daughter has worked with Democrat campaigns and political action committees. Above all else, Trump stood before a jury in one of the most deep blue areas of the country. The odds were not in his favor.

New York law allows Judges much leeway in application of legal process. At one point he instructed the jury they were able to convict while not finding him guilty. The jury was not required to be unanimous on each of the 36 counts. We will never know what the actual vote of each count actually was.

So what happens now?

Trump’s sentencing could be delayed, but it’s unlikely that Merchan will allow that. In preparation for the sentencing, probation officers will complete an advisory presentencing report, and Trump will gather letters attesting to his character. As all parties prepare for the first-ever sentencing of a former president and leading presidential candidate, we look forward to more unprecedented times in July.

How We Can Pray

Many are saying that May 30 was a dark day in American history, describing the conviction as a hopeless crossing of the Rubicon, a crushing victory of the forces of darkness over the people of God. But there is always hope in Christ. This darkness cannot and will not suffocate the light. In fact, Isaiah 60 gives great hope that when darkness is heavy and thick, the glory of the Lord rises on us. That  is where my focus and my hope is.

Trump will almost certainly appeal and fight his verdict, which is a lawfare-fueled attempt to keep him out of the White House, and we’ll pray that it won’t stop him. Even now, we pray that God’s will would be done in November and we pray that the election will be fair and accurate, with Christians exercising their responsibility and privilege to vote.

Above all else, we will continue to hope. The enemy is always seeking to demoralize us. God uses his attacks for our good and His glory. And God will have the last word on all human affairs.  May His will be done.

Please post your prayer in the comments.

(Photo Credit: Justin Lane-Pool/Getty Images)

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 3, 2024

Heavenly Father, I come before Your Throne of Mercy and Grace on behalf of President Donald J. Trump claiming Your Promise in Psalm 103:6 ESV – “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.” Surround President Trump with a hedge of Your protection from the evil one and all those bent, not only on defeating President Trump on November 5, 2024, but on destroying him personally, financially, as well as his legacy as a former President of the United States of America. May You, O Lord, have the FINAL say in his criminal conviction. May justice be done as You will in this case and not by the will of those seeking to retain political power by selfish and corrupt means. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray for the United States of America. Amen.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 3, 2024

Heavenly Father, in the case of the City of New York vs. Donald J. Trump, I claim Your Prophetic Promise found in the Book of Job 36:7 NLT “He [God] never takes His eyes off the innocent, but He [God] sets them on thrones with Kings and exalts them forever.” I pray, O Lord, that this profound Scripture verse will apply prophetically to President Donald J. Trump’s run to return to the White House as a result of the 2024 Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. May Your Justice be done for the United States of America. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray for the United States of America. Amen.

Sandra Hogue
June 3, 2024

Job 24:2….”Evil people steal land by moving the boundary markers”. God Himself set boundaries for mankind for their own safety, goodness of life, and for His glory. He loves us. ” Unprecedented” is equal to the moving of ancient boundary markers……we see it in evil laws and evil agendas for “moving” boundaries of marriage, gender, murder of innocent babies in the womb, pride declared over sin that God hates, and the obvious lies and twisting of justice…..calling good evil and evil good. Job 24:13….”Wicked people rebel against the light. They refuse to acknowledge its ways or stay on its paths.”
Praise God that His light can never be extinguished…”John 1:5…”And the light shines in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it.” (can never extinguish it).
May God hear our cries of repentance, cries for revival and restoration of the “ancient boundaries” he alone sets. God, we pray for the strength and resolve of President Trump to watch Your mighty hand restore Heaven’s justice, and reset the boundaries of Justice in America in every area where evil has tried to move the ancient boundary markers. In Christ Jesus, we ask these things. Amen

Craig Roles
June 2, 2024

Lord and Heavenly Father…
I pray and ask that you give President Trump strength, courage and perseverance, as he is attacked on all sides. What a glorious place to win the US Presidency…. in a jail cell. All I think about is Paul, praising the Lord and bringing many to Christ while living in his jail cell. Jail is not the end. Often it can just be the beginning.
May President Trump win this election, not upon earthly measures… but by the mighty hand of God. Lord, I pray, if it is your will, that you place President Trump in the highest office in the land and assist him in bringing your values back to the American public.
I also pray for the lost in America. It is a travesty to see our morals and values sinking to new lows. I pray for the young, as they encounter liberal leftist views and a worldview that is so counter to your Word. Lord, help them see the error of their ways. I pray for that one youth, that sees you, first as a glimpse, then as a blinding light. Change them. Help them. Help us help them.

In your name we pray….. JESUS

Craig, your servant

Debra Askew
June 2, 2024

Regardless of how this happened in the courts,I truly believe that God will be glorified, evil will not prevail, may God ‘s will be done 🙏 ❤️

Sheldon Livesay
June 2, 2024

Father, You have a remnant left in America who like Nehemiah has fasted and mourned and wept over our nation and repented of her sins. We know you have heard our cries.

Lord, we pray You will hear and answer our cries and that all hell cannot thwart Your plan nor interrupt or cancel Your answering the prayers of the saints for this nation.

Our nation has been invaded and highjacked by the ungodly. Raise up your standard in this nation once again. We join David in his prayer and plea in Psalm 35 over this nation and those who have attempted to take control to abandon the covenant made by our founding fathers.

Meet us with your mercy and grace Lord. But meet us as the Lion of Judah against the wicked. In Jesus Name.

Delcia Chisolm
June 2, 2024

When I heard that the jury had reached a verdict my heart pounded into my chest would we get justice or would tyranny prevail. Alas, for the moment tyranny seems to be prevailing. I was shocked the Alvin Bragg would say that the trial was just like any other. This is so false it is amazing that he could even get those words out, but when you are a liar then lying comes easy.
If I did not believe that God is just and He is the Avenger I would be in utter despair that this nation who was conceived in liberty is now a nation who is adopting tyranny, I would have never thought this would happen in America.
My prayer is that believers in Jesus Christ will stand up for what is right. They would take the time to check out the platforms and decide to let the Scripture guide their decisions. We can either say that Jesus was not political and step back or let the Scriptures speak for themselves. Jesus was very political most of his encounters were with the Scribes and Pharisees which were not only religious leaders but also political leaders. They were concerened about their following and losing influence with the Roman government. So how in the world do we say that we should just fold our hands and just get along. Evil is evil and the Scripture did say the light overcomes darkness. As belivers in Jesus we don’t act unseemly, but we stand for truth, and justice rooted and grounded in love. So my prayer would be: Lord you see what is going on and we are asking for you to grant to us boldness to stand on your word and to accomplish the work that you have placed in front of us. I ask that you strengthen President Trump and surrounding with wise counselor and let his conversation be with grace season with salt that he may know how to answer every person. I also pray for the protection and unity of his family. In Jesus’ name.

June 2, 2024

A spiritual shift took place over America as the deceptive & fraud certified election was pushed through in 2020. Once the fraudulently installed Biden was sworn in, that shift took place. It was as if a sizable portion of hell was unleashed & by all indications, over the last 4 years…it has been. The WH, administration, policies, rulings, etc. were/have become hotbeds of celebrating & endorsing perverted lifestyles. The Biden’s & others walk away freely though mountains of evidence against them are exposed. We watch as the S. Court is attacked for their just & correct decisions (as well as the justices personally), law enforcement is told NOT to enforce laws – the list is endless. Increased crimes, no prosecution of crimes, increased anti-semitism, attacks on prolifers & churches, shortened sentences or releasing pedophiles, etc.
Lord God, we desperately need You, your forgiveness & mercy, your holy spirit to rule over our conscience & nation. And we need Your perfect justice for the ongoing injustice & corruption in our nation. Help us Lord!!

June 2, 2024

When I think of July 11 and sentencing, I see in my mind’s eye the banquet hall where Belshazzar drank from cups taken from the temple in Jerusalem as a sign his power was over the God of Israel.
A hand appeared and wrote on the wall — you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. God is creative so I don’t imagine Him repeating that supernatural sign, and yet I wonder how He will judge Judge Merchan.
My prayer to Father God is for the fear of the LORD to come upon everyone in this nation and around the world: that You, Elohim, will make Yourself unmistakably known as You have done in the past by Your miracles, signs, and wonders.
You are holy and rule all You have created from Your throne of righteousness and justice. May everyone of us bend our knee to Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as LORD over all.
So be it and Amen.

George Leaf
June 2, 2024

Father God Almighty, I thank you for the truth of your word. The season comes when the sunlight, former, and later rain shall see to the crop the seeds of this political president has set. For those who intended good May their crop come, and those that intended harm May their crop come. Thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold, that the truth of their doings become plane that all might see the enormity of the wisdom or the folly of the doings so publicly done. Amen

Linda Esquibel
June 1, 2024

I stand on God’s word:

Psalm 43:1
Vindicate me, God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation;
Save me from the deceitful and unjust person!

June 1, 2024

Vindicate Donald Trump from all maldiction and false charges. May the forces of darkness be pushed back to hell in the name of Jesus Christ. May your glory and goodness reign supreme over President Donald Trump though this thick darkness is trying to shut him down. Let Donald Trump know you are for him, near him and give him an overcoming spirit. Send many strong warfaring angels on his behalf to strike down lies and false accusations.
We give you glory & thanks & pray in faith believing You. In Christ’s name. Amen

June 1, 2024

our Constitution has been put to the test again and again especially since the unconstitutional shutdown in 2020 of our way of life. Our founders created a Biblically based form of government, a fabulous piece of work. My sister and I spent 7 years in NYS supreme Court in Steuben County NY (Bath NY.) fighting Chase Bank’s predatory loan and foreclosure on our mother’s property. We stared directly into the face of evil corruption in the court, lies, cheating, incompetence, and we were Pro Se because no lawyer would take our case. We battled with only God as our counselor. We lost of course, but we shined a lot of light on the corruption, exposed the predators, and we cost the bank much more to fight us ( we were just two widows up against Goliath) than they could ever have imagined. the courts are filthy, but God will see that justice is done in this atrocious case brought against Donald Trump.

    June 2, 2024

    Thank you Patty for your courage in sharing your testimony of staring into the face of evil.. as Chase is definitely a grandiose example of that .
    I applaud your tenacity to stand in there for 7 years-, and again thank you for exposing the corruption. I’m certain it must have had some good effect down the line in planting seeds of some type-, for people to be able to use your case as precedent for future battles.
    We all-, or.. many of us-,bank with Chase.
    I do-, and it’s unfortunate.
    I’ve been looking for other Banks.-, people are starting their own systems.
    It’s a long subject that I don’t understand but it’s happening.

    Blessings to you and your family

Betty Weinberger
June 1, 2024

President Trump is being attacked like Daniel in the lion’s den. We pray that just as God delivered Daniel, He will deliver Donald Trump. We pray President Trump will humbly call on You, Lord, for Your strength and help. The corruption is so deep only You can work through it. We pray a humbleness and revival in the heart and faith of Donald Trump that will make waves throughout the whole world and that the world will see that only God is supreme and only His plans succeed. We pray that You Lord will surround Donald Trump with Godly advisors and please remove those advisors that are not following You and are steering him the wrong way. To God be the glory.

Sue Brauer
June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father. We know your word says, ‘God will not be mocked. Whatever you sow, you will reap’. Seems there’s a lot of reaping going on Lord. I pray for your intervention to set us straight and on the right path as a country that acknowledges you, worships you, and is obedience to you. We need your help,Lord. May all the glory be yours. In Jesus name Amen

Kaye Watson
June 1, 2024

I prayed

June 1, 2024

My birthday is May 30th. The southern widows and mothers chose May 30th to honor their Civil War dead! Memorial Day! I have always felt special to have been born on such an important day! In 2017 on May 30th I purchased a beautiful forever home! On May 30, 2022, my very close cousin went to be with JESUS, sitting outside praying and calling on JESUS NAME! Fast forward to this May 30th when the greatest injustice in our country’s history was perpetrated by a man as evil as Hitler, joe biden! However May 30th is not a dark day because CHRIST always comes to the rescue of those treated unjustly! Satan through biden has exposed his hand! Our GOD always has a ram in the bush! FATHER GOD thank YOU that all of our Hope is in YOU no matter what things seems! Please surround and protect President Trump and his family and us that support him! FATHER GOD we trust YOU alone! Let us get into our Bible and our prayer closets more that ever now as we wait on YOUR deliverance of President Trump! “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him (Trump) out of them all! Please order our steps and direct our path today and always in JESUS MIGHTY NAME I pray! Amen!

Victoria Z
June 1, 2024

Proverbs 26:7 When a man’s ways please the LordHe (the Lord) makes even his enemies at peace with him.

Jesus’ enemies and Paul’s were obviously not at peace with them, they were flogged, imprisoned,
Jesus was killed, nor were David’s or other patriarchs enemies outwardly bowing down peacefully allowing them to walk in God’s calling. Jesus knew his calling was to die he knew it involved being betrayed and handed over to be crucified, and God told Paul in advance of all the things he would suffer, so obviously this verse does not mean literal outward peace, it mean’s the enemies will not be able to overcome God’s will and ultimate calling for that’s man life. If our enemies are seeming to keep us from fulfilling God’s calling it’s time to seek God alone to find out why. Biblically for Israel that usually meant sin, idolatry, looking to the arm of flesh. If God has called Trump to fulfill 2 terms as many believe, time is running out. When He once again sits in the White House as President, He will have overcome, until that manifests he may need to deeply repent of things that may have delayed him and kept that 2nd term at bay since 2020.

    C R
    June 1, 2024

    David was anointed King while Saul chased him and tried to kill him! Time is not running out because GOD is the keeper of all time! I hope we speak the WORD only and keep our opinions to ourselves! GOD honors HIS WORD, not our opinions!

    June 2, 2024

    I Share your heart and sentiments..
    Technically a person can only repent if they’re a Christian.- except for the first time they repent to receive Christ.
    As I understand it..it has been widely reported that he’s on the pathway-, at some point.. but he has not really repented of his lifestyle.. which is not criminal and doesn’t deserve anything that’s happening to him.. but he’s not a Christian. His mom and his aunt and I think another woman related to them were christians.. and he was in a Christian environment.. except for his dad didn’t really follow that as I understand it
    When a person repents that’s when they receive Christ.

Ann Shaw
June 1, 2024

Hallelujah, praise the LORD. Jesus has already won the victory.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Debbie Quackenbos
June 1, 2024

You said it very well in the comments, I come into agreement with those comments. God is still on the Throne, He has the final word. He will use what ever means possible to usher in the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of darkness WILL NOT PREVAIL..our responsibility is to pray, pray and continue praying. Keeping our heads up for our redemption draweth nigh. We must stand firm on God’s Word and let our lights shine. We must seek the Holy Spirit for revelation and instructions daily. The enemy may be sitting back grinning, thinking he has won the battle but he will see his own defeat, it will backfire into his own face. Time is running out, God will prevail.

Maria Quaresma
June 1, 2024

Que Deus tome conta dos USA e te abençoe para governares a nação, querido Donald Trump.

Roland Boyce
June 1, 2024

Why is no one citing that the Statue of Limitation had run out in the tryinig of this case?

    June 1, 2024

    Right! They did many illegal things in their jealousy/hatred of President Trump! Our prayers will prevail in JESUS NAME!

    June 2, 2024

    Because the regime that is running the government doesn’t follow any of the laws on the books to observe that statute of limitations

June 1, 2024

Proverbs 17:26 To impose a fine on a righteous man is not good; to flog noble men is wrong.

June 1, 2024

Dave, every time you have shared and repeated your hope from Isaiah, it has been so encouraging. In December, I put it on my phone as a wallpaper. I found another version in February and refreshed the picture to that. Thank you for faithfully sharing the vision God has given you. It reaches and carries our hearts upward.

Darlene Estlow
June 1, 2024

It is said in Proverbs that we should not rejoice over the fall of our enemies. We are to bless them. So Father, as we ask you to bring justice and righteousness, may we be mindful that we are sinners and these evil doers are captured by Satan to do his will. So we pray for them for repentance and salvation. This doesn’t mean evil does should go scott free, but that you will bring righteousness and justice to be to glorify your name.

Victoria Z
June 1, 2024

Father, in the name of Jesus, my only source of righteousness enabling me to stand before you boldly making a request, i ask for mercy for former President Donald Trump, i ask your Holy Spirit to burrow a deep mourning and regrets in his heart, mind and soul for his past indiscretions such that will bring about true and deep repentance and seeking you in his heart, mind, and soul. May He realize he needs to look only to YOU alone one on one, not to spiritual advisors who are the arm of flesh. May he seek your face and arm for help right now to reclaim his presidency. Father I believe many presidents former and current are guilty of some of the same things Trump has been guilty of and even worse such as absolute national treason, yet they have not been caught or prosecuted as they are being protected by Satan’s human world power minions. Father this is so unfair that that one of the most patriotic and best presidents in my lifetime at 64 yrs old, has faced election interference to the highest degrees no average American would ever think possible in America, yet the true political traitors of our nation have gotten off scot free. Father ONLY YOU can help Trump and help America. We look to no other, we recall Your great interventions and miracles for Israel and know you mercifully hear and answer prayer. Please answer these prayers for Trump and our nation. Please turn this situation around and convict the true political traitors of our nation and mercifully allow Trump to just be fined not incarcerated. Father work true deepest repentance in his heart mind and soul of the purest kind that truly changes him from the inside out, then if it is your will put a new fresh kingly presidential anointing on him and allow him to win the 2024 election by a landslide like in 2016. Father if you will to keep him from another presidency, please raise up another truly patriotic wise candidate whom you can anoint, mold, teach, and lead to save our nation out of the grip of powerful men and women who are greedy to remove our national borders and sovereignty and hand us over to communism, to the World powers already in place, such as the NWO, the WEF, the WHO, and other World Organizations we may not have even hear of yet. Father forgive us our sins, our apathy, forgive your church, forgive Donald Trump and raise us up and the candidate you choose to save our nation, to preserve our national sovereignty on every level and our constitutional freedoms. thank you for hearing and answering. Our nation does not deserve the least of your great mercies yet ask these things be done for YOUR great glory in the name of Christ and for His glory as the nations are truly already His through his sacrafice.

    June 1, 2024

    God is preparing Trump!

    June 1, 2024

    And you know he has not repented regularly, how? FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect and deliver President Trump against ALL of satan’s democrat crowd! I bind the spirits of jealousy and hatred on biden and the other democrats that causes them to persecute their perceived political enemies just like Hitler did! FATHER GOD the only difference is Hitler murdered physically, while the democrats murders financially, reputationally and emotionally! Let them fall themselves into the traps they have set for President Trump and all of us that support him! FATHER please send YOUR vengeance and justice and deliver President Trump from evil in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

June 1, 2024

In the process of our personal fires, God takes care of our enemies too. The guards who threw Hananiah, Mischael and Azariah into the furnace went up in flames themselves. ( Dr. David Jeremiah: “ The Handwriting on the Wall”)

The “Fire Men” walked out, the guards did not.

Divine Revealer of Mysteries, Sovereign LORD, Your Armies of Heaven are being called upon to thwart the attempts and attacks of the evil and minions against President Trump, his family, advisors, attorneys and the Republic of the US. Shake what can be shaken and make stronger and bolder those that cannot.

Bring to light to those who need to see it, the truth of the evil that is about this Administration and those that support its’ tenants, the justice system and the efforts to defraud the true vote. Allow them to actually see what the evil one and minions look like.

God of the Ultimate Multiplication, increase and favor those who stand and will stand on Your principles, perspective and precepts- create in us a strength beyond our ability and shift the atmosphere around us by the Power of Your Holy Spirit.

LORD, thank You for Your Mighty Hands of Justice and Restoration.

In the Anointed One, Jesus name.


Kathy Warrington
June 1, 2024

Father, you are the God of Hope. Our hope and our trust are in you alone. Thank you, that according to your Word in Romans 15:13, you will fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in you, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I pray, decree, and declare this scripture over Donald Trump, his family, and all of those who support him. Faith and trust in You bring the victory that will overcome the world.
In Jesus Name, AMEN

Maxine Arvidson
June 1, 2024

Micah 6:7
That you may know the righteousness of God.
Saying this in prayer.

Maxine Arvidson
June 1, 2024

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O man what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And walk humbly with your God.
Say this again in prayer.

Maxine Arvidson
June 1, 2024

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O man what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And walk humbly with your God.

June 1, 2024

In the name of Jesus, I declare and decree that God will deliver and defend him from his enemies that rise up against him, amen.

June 1, 2024

Father God, I pray your hedge of protection will be upon Mr. Trump, as his campaign continues forward. I pray for your work and intervention behind the scenes concerning this ruling. I pray your will be done throughout trumps appeal. In Jesus name, amen.l

Barbara Janicki
June 1, 2024

The judge told the jury they could convict Trump while not finding him guilty???? This makes no sense – but then none of this does. Lord God, we look to You alone to right these wrongs and to deliver us from the mess we’ve made as a nation when we turn our backs on You and do what is right in our own eyes. We repent, we intercede for our leaders and our nation, that we might return to You and Your ways and that You would heal our land. Let Your light shine brightly and expose all the lies that hold us captive to our own foolish, darkened thinking. May Your truth set us free. Your Word is truth. Help me/us to hold to Your truth, especially when lies seem to be winning the day. The battle is Yours and You are mighty to save! In You we trust- let Your will be done. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Angel Alimurung
June 1, 2024

God your Judgement are fair and timely. I lift up to you your chosen vessel in President TRUMP and that Your WILL be done in what you have told your prophets. I agree with your word that “because I am righteous I will see you and when I awake I will see you face to face and be satisfied” Psalm 17:15 (NLT)

June 1, 2024

Man can not do it!
Only a Holy, righteous, miracle working God can take this scrabbling, this confusion, this injustice and turn it around for His Glory alone!!

Matthew 10:34…
Jesus did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Your will be done Heavenly Father. May your children be on their knees now more than ever, and may we be so enraptured by Your grace, Your truth and Your spirit that there is transformation power that causes the dead to see Your light and come to life. May the masses who today stand opposed to Your ways and Your truth be turned around for Your glory. May the scales be removed and their voices speak of their change in repentance. May our world be struck by a concert of a new song and a new direction for our God birthed nation The United States of America!!

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
June 1, 2024

The expression “that the devil is the detail”, can’t be more truthful than it now is time. We have a current President who as one bishop describe as “CAFETERIA CATHOLIC”. We have an administration that is anti-Christian. With out doubt the Devil is about prowling for souls and he has a basket full.

June 1, 2024

GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD! But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. Psalms 37:13

barb m
June 1, 2024

Psalm 34 is so rich for these unprecedented 34 counts! I’ll be praying them all over President Trump and reminding You, Faithful Father:

Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.
Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
Psalm 34: 19-22

I praise You that You are in control and all of this is happening for a reason. I trust You. I adore and worship You. I fix my eyes on You, and You alone.

I will bless the Lord at all times,
His praise shall continually be in my mouth!
Psalm 34: 1

Cecil Kestner
June 1, 2024

Lord God Almighty. You are greater than he who is in the world. Your purposes will prevail in spite of all this apparent evil. We pray that You will continue to expose the evil and that the world will be shocked enough to return to You. We pray for revival in the Name of our Lord and Savior, and to You be all glory.

June 1, 2024

Lord, we ask that your Will be done and your Kingdom come in America, and the nations, as it is in Heaven. I declare that the Glory of the Lord shall arise over America, and we will be a Light unto the nations. For it is You, Oh Lord, that we place our trust .
YOU, Oh Lord, is our strength, Refuge, and Shield. Lord, have your way, and execute your Justice, and Righteousness on behalf of all who have been persecuted. Thank you Lord!!!!

June 1, 2024

Father we stand on your word and pray your will over this and all the horrible situations that Americans are now facing. We humble ourselves before you and in repentance we pray that you will intervene on our behalf. Psalms 103: 1-6 “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name. Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all thine benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases. Who redeems thy life from DESTRUCTION and crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies thy mouth with good things so thy youth can be renewed like the eagles. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all who are oppressed.” Father we know that you alone are our judge. We ask father that you work in Mr. Trump and all of us who love you –YOUR WILL to perform and perfect. We are grateful that you offer us forgiveness and mercy when we repent and seek you with all our hearts. I as an intercessor stand in the gap for Mr. Trump and lift him to you for your divine help as only you can fight this battle for us in the spiritual realm. To God alone be the glory as you answer our prayers. You are worthy to be praised!! Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty.

Sandra Cooper
June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray you continue to Bless this great nation. Keep exposing the evil that seeks to destroy America. I pray your will be done and that Justice will prevail. May we continue to look to you for guidance in a world that seems out of control. Amen.


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IFA President
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