I Prayed have prayed
Father God, in Jesus' name, we lift up the leaders of Israel to You. Please pour out your Spirit upon them. Bring them together to dwell in the good and pleasant unity of the brethren, and let them hear Your wisdom from above right now.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The relationships between the three members of Israel’s war cabinet have soured even more than when this article was originally published. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant recently publicly attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two strongly disagree over how Gaza should be handled after the war is over, with Gallant believing that the Palestinian Authority should be allowed to take the land over.

As these sharp disagreements and attacks continue, we felt it was valuable to republish this article by IFA contributing writer Jamie Rohrbaugh. As you pray through these 21 prayer points, we encourage you to specifically pray for reconciliation between Gallant and Netanyahu.

Are you praying diligently for Israel? If so, here’s another tool to add to your spiritual prayer arsenal as you pray for Israel’s leaders.

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On April 16, The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled “Israel’s War Leaders Don’t Trust One Another.” That article details how, for various reasons, former military chief Benny Gantz, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are not getting along—and are not in agreement about how to handle current military threats against Israel, including the best strategy for responding to Iran’s recent military attack.

As Israel’s leaders deal with the very sensitive situation in the Middle East, they can definitely use our prayers. And, as with any other situations, we can send strategic prayers based on God’s Word into the situation like arrows of help from above!

So what Scripture passages can help us pray over Israel’s war leaders–Gantz, Gallant, and Netanyahu?

Let’s look at five specific, targeted passages upon which to base our prayer efforts. I’ll list all five Scriptures, and then we’ll pray through a list of 21 prayer points below that.

pray for israel

First, let’s pray for unity among the brethren based on Psalm 133:1-3:

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore (Psalm 133:1-3 NKJV).

Secondly, let’s ask God to give Israel’s war leaders a fresh outpouring of the anointing of the sons of Issachar, based on 1 Chronicles 12:32:

… Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command (1 Chronicles 12:32 NKJV).

Thirdly, let’s ask the Lord to make these leaders acutely aware of their dependence on God, based on Psalm 127:1-2.

This passage says:

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep (Psalm 127:1-2 NKJV).

Fourth, we’ll pray for all three men to have the wisdom from above, based on James 3:17:

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy (James 3:17 NKJV).

And finally, let’s pray for deliverance for the whole nation of Israel as described in Psalm 124:1-8:

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,” let Israel now say—“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us alive, when their wrath was kindled against us; then the waters would have overwhelmed us, the stream would have gone over our soul; then the swollen waters would have gone over our soul.”

Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth (Psalm 124:1-8 NKJV).

Those five passages give us a powerful framework to pray for these three key leaders of the nation of Israel.

Are you ready to pray? Let’s pray as follows:

  1. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit of unity and the bond of peace upon Mister Gantz, Defense Minister Gallant, and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
  2. Pray that they would realize they are brethren and are fighting mutual enemies for the better good of the nation of Israel at large.
  3. Ask the Lord to anoint them with fresh oil.
  4. Pray that all three of them would be submitted to the appropriate authorities, and that order would reign in their dealings with one another.
  5. Ask the Lord to command the blessing upon the unity He is bringing all three of these men.
  6. Ask the Lord to pour out the anointing that He originally gave to the sons of Issachar.
  7. Ask Him to give all three of them an understanding of God’s spiritual time, chronological time, and political time.
  8. Pray that all three of them would have GOD’s ideas and “know” what Israel ought to do—and that they would be in agreement about it.
  9. Pray that all their brethren would be at their command.
  10. Ask the Lord to make Gantz, Gallant, and Netanyahu all acutely aware of their dependence on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in this situation and every situation.
  11. Pray that they themselves would ask the Lord to build the house of Israel.
  12. Ask the Lord to give them revelation that only He can give Israel peace within her walls and prosperity within her palaces.
  13. Ask the Lord to actively guard every city in Israel, for these three war leaders to only implement the plans and strategies that cooperate with the Lord’s plan.
  14. Pray that all three of them would get adequate rest and refreshment during this time, with sleep that is blessed by the Lord, as they listen to Him in all things and let HIM steer the country.
  15. Ask the Lord to give all three of them His (God’s) wisdom from above, which is “… first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy” (James 3:17 NKJV).
  16. Pray that these three Israeli national leaders would eagerly and readily submit to Jesus, the Man in white, and to His Holy Spirit, as He gives them this wisdom from above.
  17. Remind the Lord that He has always been the Defender of His people Israel. Thank Him for having always been on His people’s side in the past. Ask Him to remind Gallant, Gantz, and Netanyahu of the mighty acts of the Lord on their behalf in past millennia.
  18. Pray that they would bless the Lord for not previously giving Israel as prey to the teeth of their enemies.
  19. Pray that the “waters” of stress, pressure, division, anger, frustration, and any other evil thing would NOT overwhelm them; but that the Lord would protect each one of them in their mind, will, emotions, body, soul, and spirit.
  20. Pray that praise and worship would break out in their meetings, in their hearts, in their synagogues, and in their homes.
  21. Ask the Lord to remind all three leaders collectively that their help is found ONLY in the name of the Lord—and to let them know also that His name is Jesus of Nazareth.

We may not be able to reach Mr. Benny Gantz, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in person to encourage them. However, we can definitely see the Lord strengthen them and bring the power of the Holy Spirit to their situation. Let’s lift them up in prayer and see what God does!

What are your favorite prayer points to pray over Israel’s leadership? Leave your most-used ideas in the comments below for other intercessors to employ!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and WorshipherePhoto credit: U.S. Secretary of Defense – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons.

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Ruth Monge
May 21, 2024

Lord God I lift up the leaders of Israel. I pray they have ears to hear you as you lead them and guide them. I pray for unity within them and relationships healed in Jesus’ name. I pray that realized that you have brought them together for such a time as you did Moses, Arron, Marian and Joshua this to lead Israel. Bless them with wisdom and salvation if they are not save. I pray the enemy will cease from attacking Israel in Jesus’ name. I pray the nations around Israel and around the world would know that Israel is the land God promise the Jewish people in Jesus’ name. He will not allow anyone to take their land away. Let God Arise and His enemies be scattered! Amen!

May 19, 2024

Dear mighty KING JESUS have YOUR HOLY SPIRIT bring humility to these power hungry men to see their way to YOUR Devine Will so that our nations leader will keep our oot oy the struggle against evil

Darlene Estlow
May 17, 2024

Thank you, Jamie, for these prayer points. May God bless these Israeli leaders with unity.

JoLinn Kampstra
May 17, 2024

Eschatology matters! Watch the debate between Dr.Michael Brown and Mike Sullivan on youtube! What a game changer!

Karen Mahaffey
May 17, 2024

I’m so grateful for these prayer points, thank you for reaching out with these.🙏🙏🙏

May 17, 2024

Satan is definitely at work trying to complete his master plan of dividing GODS kingdom. We unite as one to oppose this in our savior Jesus name !! Amen and Hallelujah !!


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