I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help Israel's leaders and the IDF in their fight against Hamas. And reveal the truth about these accusations.
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Having planned to do so last week, the U.S. announced that it finds five units of the IDF guilty of human rights violations. How will this affect Israel and our relationship with them?

From Fox News. The U.S. found five units of the Israel Defense Forces responsible “for individual incidents of gross violations of human rights,” the State Department announced on Monday — though whether funding to the American ally could be cut over such abuses under the so-called “Leahy Laws” still hangs in the balance.

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At a press briefing, State Department principal deputy spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters that the human rights violations happened all before the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas militants on southern Israel and none happened in Gaza. Four of the units have “effectively remediated,” he said, while the U.S. continues “in consultations and engagements with the government of Israel” on the remaining unit.

“They have submitted additional information as it pertains to that unit. And we’re continuing to have those conversations consistent with the memorandum of understanding that we have with the government of Israel that was entered into in 2021,” he said. …

When pressed by a reporter, Patel admitted that the fifth unit is still eligible to receive U.S. arms at this stage. …

A senior State Department official told Fox News that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has raised the matter with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The State Department says on its website that “the term ‘Leahy law’ refers to two statutory provisions prohibiting the U.S. Government from using funds for assistance to units of foreign security forces where there is credible information implicating that unit in the commission of gross violations of human rights.” …

The development comes as Israeli officials are growing concerned that the International Criminal Court could soon issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials over charges related to the war in Gaza, reports say. …

America must be a friend to Israel at this time. Share your prayers and scriptures for our relationship with God’s nation below!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Israel Defense Forces – Kfir Brigade IDF Officers Practice Urban Warfare, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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May 2, 2024

All government has become corrupt and the US Government has been the worse. They accuse Israel of the very things they have done. Murder in the womb, death by experiment and intentional clot shot deaths and treatments. Trans treatments, allowing all countries to invade us without any vetting. The Lord’s judgement is upon all nations for their atrocities and putting their hands against His LAND. i will bless those whom bless Israel and curse them that curses her. Pray for His coming, pray for strength to stand strong and give out the gospal. The palestine flag has the same colors as the four horseman in revelation.! Cooincidence?.

Amy E Winchester
May 1, 2024

Lord, I as an American repent on behalf of this nation’s government for these egregious and fallacious measures being taken. No such outcry has come from our nation against the horrific acts done by Hamas on Oct. 7th, 2023, nor confronting Hamas regarding their chartered goal to destroy Israel. These actions by our government are bringing a curse on us and leaving Israel without its covenanted friend. Lord, help us through prayer to change the spiritual atmosphere in this nation, bringing every thought raised up against You and Your purposes for Israel and this nation to naught. We cry out Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!

May 1, 2024

LORD God of heaven and earth, we know that You love your people Israel. Thank you. Thank you for fighting for truth and righteousness. Thank You for sending out your Light and Your Truth and for leading Israel to your Holy Hill and to Your dwelling places. And in the Name above all names, we ask for You to start showing off. You are amazing!!! You are the miracle worker! Show your strength. Fight for Your people Israel. Let there be no doubt who is in control. You alone are God. Thank you for your faithfulness. We love you and honor You. Show yourself strong so that multitudes will come to know that You alone are God and be saved. In the the name of Jesus the Most High God, we pray Amen! Thank you.

Gail Segars Rainey
May 1, 2024

Where are the true intercessors????Maybe you will be praying with IFA tomorrow on the National Day of Prayer. It seems that several on this call are witches and warlocks by their comments. May our Lord deal with you individually!!!!!!! There is absolutely NO EXCUSE FOR THE MISINFORMATION RAMPANT EVERYWHERE, EXCEPT THAT IT IS DECEPTION BY SATAN AND ALL HIS CRONIES!!!! You imps are defeated and have been so since Jesus shed His blood on the cross and ROSE TO LIFE SO THAT WE MAY HAVE ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM!!! I am personally looking forward to the MILLENNIAL REIGN OF JESUS WHERE HIS TRUE DISCIPLES WILL BE RULING AND REIGNING WITH HIM. OUR LORD IS GROOMING US TODAY FOR OUR JOBS IN THE FUTURE. WE ARE SIMPLY PASSING THROUGH THIS WORLD OF DISORDER, CORRUPTION, UNTIL JESUS RETURNS TO CATCH AWAY HIS BRIDE, THE TRUE EKKLESIA, AND MAY ALL THESE LOST SOULS BE AWAKENED DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION. Eternity is forever, so prepare your hearts. The King of kings, the Lion of Judah, is returning soon. In the meantime, He will fight this last battle on earth with His chosen people of Israel, whether you acknowledge the truth or not. THE BIBLE IS THE TRUTH. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, AND REPENT FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!!! In the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, we pray. Amen and amen!!!!!

Maria R Diaz
May 1, 2024

Father God, You have provided fir, protected, and planned for Israel for thousands of years. We pray fir justice towards Israel at this time.
Protection for Netanyahu is also our plea, in Jesus’ Name🙌


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