I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord, for having our leaders take action against TikTok. Guide us all going forward, and shield our children.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Biden has signed the TikTok ban into law, making waves throughout the country, especially in the online space. Here’s what you need to know about the legislation:

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What Does the Ban Say and Do?

  • The legislation targets TikTok’s China-based parent company, ByteDance.
  • ByteDance has been given a nine-month window to either sell TikTok or face a nationwide prohibition in the United States.
  • If ByteDance demonstrates a path to divestiture and makes “significant progress,” the president can grant a one-time extension of 90 days, extending the timeline to one year.
  • Even without the extension, the earliest a ban could take effect is January 2025. With the extension, it would be April.
  • Legal battles may further delay the process. TikTok has already promised to challenge the legislation.

How Will the Ban Affect the 2024 Election?

  • The short answer: It won’t. The ban won’t take effect before the 2024 election.
  • TikTok, with its 170 million American users, will remain active throughout the campaign.
  • Candidates can continue using TikTok as a platform to reach predominantly younger voters.

What About the Algorithm?

  • ByteDance’s core algorithm, which shapes content recommendations, will not be a part of the sale, due to China’s export control rules.
  • Successful buyers would inherit the brand and the user base but face a technological overhaul.
  • TikTok’s addictive appeal lies partly in its algorithm, making this a critical challenge.
  • The absence of the algorithm from the sale may scare off buyers, as analysts have stressed that “the value of TikTok is the algorithm.”

Who’s Looking to Buy?

  • Potential buyers include Steven Mnuchin, a former U.S. treasury secretary; Bobby Kotick, ex-CEO of Activision Blizzard, who is potentially partnering with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman; Bill Ackman, chief of Pershing Square hedge fund; and Kevin O’Leary, an investor well-known from his time on “Shark Tank.”
  • Some analysts have also floated companies like Microsoft and Oracle as potential buyers.
  • Big tech players like Meta and Apple are effectively excluded due to existing antitrust issues.

This legislation could ban TikTok, keep it nearly the same, or reshape it entirely. Whatever the outcome, we should be praying throughout the whole process.

What do you think of the TikTok ban? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures here below.

(Photo Credit: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)

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May 20, 2024

President Biden

May 2, 2024

I feel we should not deal with China. They are very underhanded and I don’t trust them one bit.

Ann Shaw
April 28, 2024

Abba Father, show us the pathway to use your wisdom to proclaim your truth.
In Jesus’s name Amen

April 27, 2024

Banning tik tok is the beginning of a larger censorship plan.

April 27, 2024

Coffeeandcovid.com. Friday, April 26 edition. You’ll be glad you read the whole thing. We should not be happy about this or support it.

“Now, note that a second under-reported part of the so-called “Ukraine aid” package was a new law allowing Biden to steal TikTok from the Chinese. Twitter sold last year for $45 billion dollars, at a time when it was unprofitable and unpopular.
How much is TikTok worth?
But the story is even bigger than that. The badly-named TikTok bill actually gives the President authority to ban or force the sale of any foreign-owned technologies, apps, or software — not just China’s, and not just TikTok — whenever the assets pose a risk to national security.
And guess who decides whether the foreign asset poses a risk to national security? Biden, himself, and nobody else. Biden, who can’t even read a teleprompter correctly. Do you think he understands high-tech chipmaking.
The U.S. has never ever given the President such broad, unilateral authority to ban or force the sale of foreign-owned companies and assets in peacetime, outside of war and a declared national emergency.
So — follow me here — while we were all focused on the $61 billion Ukraine aid package, Congress just gave Biden the right to steal all kinds of stuff from other countries, if the U.S. can get its grubby hands on them.“

April 27, 2024

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. In Jesus’ name, Amen

    April 27, 2024

    Father, turn around what satan means for evil into good. You are a great GOD who is able to do the impossible. Help me to trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Brian lynch
April 27, 2024

I am glad to see Biden FINALLY doing something to benefit our nation .No surprise that the ban will not take place after the election. It needs to be immediate and NOW. Typical of the Biden Administration. Give the CCP several more months to spy on TikTok users, and don’t upset anyone who might vote for Biden. This needs to be followed up by more action to protect our nation from the CCP. Their intent isn’t anything good for America, for sure. Lord Jesus, by Your grace, please, make a way for the CCP actions be dealt with by our government. in a way that protects our freedom. Thank you, Jesus.

April 27, 2024

My view on this is the same as my view of the recent selling of huge areas of valuable American farmland to China– some of which is very close to USA military bases!
Talk about a Trojan Horse!

Anthony Gaby
April 27, 2024

I find it very ironic that Joe Biden would sign an act of Congress thwarting Tik Tok..as THIS individual IS one who continues to use it EACH & EVERY DAY .FOR HIS OWN PERSONAL USE….THINK ABOUT IT!


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