I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for more voices for life among our elected officials. Pray for Christians who are elected officials to be encouraged in their personal faith and emboldened in their public service.

In this confidence let us hold on to the hope that we profess without the slightest hesitation—for he is utterly dependable—and let us think of one another and how we can encourage each other to love and do good deeds. (Heb 10:23-24)

This year IFA spearheaded a new prayer initiative at the March for Life called iPRAYforLIFE. Hopefully, you have seen the advertisements and many articles about pro-life issues in the last few weeks. We have an incredible story to share with you.

Last Thursday’s Informer Email asked you if you had prayed for Representative Katrina Jackson, who serves in the Louisiana State House. Many of you posted heartfelt prayers for her HERE. She was one of the elected officials who spoke at the March for Life.

On Friday morning before the March, a group of IFA staffers were waiting in our hotel lobby to meet up and walk over to our prayer tent. We started talking with a woman who was walking through the lobby about her lovely outfit. When she said she was speaking at the March, we realized that it was Representative Jackson. We introduced ourselves and told her that we were praying for her, and not only us, but also that we had sent an email to nearly 90,000 intercessors who were praying for her.

We showed her the email and she was literally taken aback. She was deeply encouraged. Her prayer partner was unable to accompany her to the March—we told her that she had a prayer team of 1000 partnering with her (that’s how many of you committed to pray during the March for Life).

We also prayed with her right there in the hotel lobby.

God orchestrated this “chance” meeting for her encouragement and for our confirmation that He indeed is hearing our intercessors’ prayers and using us!

You can watch her speech at the March for Life HERE: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4775194/life-unite

The Informer January 22, 2019 PDF Version

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Carol Carpenter
January 31, 2019

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

virginia blakeman
January 24, 2019

That young teenager – who stood closed-mouthed while waiting for his bus – reminded me of Jesus – “And He opened not His mouth” – mocking spirits seem rampant when we stand for what is right. The Lord told me to ask Him for His anointing oil in places of persecution like this to bring forth the new He has ordained for this time. That’s my prayer in the outcome of this walk for life. Father, forgive the mockers, they don’t know Who they are mocking.

Mary Blevins
January 24, 2019

This was so encouraging to me. Praying now for believers in the government to stand strong and let their voice be heard. I pray for the armor of God to cover them each day. Isaiah 54:17

Marilyn Jacoby
January 23, 2019

Thank you Lord for this precious lady who is standing up for life. We know every baby in the womb was created by you Lord. Psalm 139:13-15

We pray for an end to the murders committed in behalf of these little ones. You can do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think. To God be the Glory!

Jacqueline E Clemons
January 23, 2019

Thank you Yahweh for being with us, murder is wrong let the righteous be victorious continually in this war for life. Thank you for your servant Katrina Jackson.

Phil Freeman
January 22, 2019

This is strong confirmation of God at work. Amen!
Thank you for this report!

Dorothy F. Campbell
January 22, 2019

“We Fight For Life”very awesome and powetful words indeed.

Teresa Daigrepont
January 22, 2019

Would be neat if Katrina Jackson could contact Shawanda Rodriguez, who ran for representative out of district 2 in New Orleans. She is a vibrant Christian, too

Gloria Austin
January 22, 2019

For He (God) is able to do abundantly Above anything we can ever ask…!!!

Marie M Stevens
January 22, 2019

With God, ALL things are possible! Prayer is powerful and changes outcomes. He knows what we need BEFORE we ask, but it is up to us to ask.

kay abel
January 22, 2019

Help us Jesus to always put You first.

Kris Kubal
January 22, 2019

We had also just recently changed hotels so even though there were many variables, God had it all mapped out to give Rep. Jackson the encouragement and prayer she needed, and for IFA staff to see the hand of God at work through the alerts. You may think that praying for the person featured on the alerts is random, but we don’t always know how our prayer will be able to affect them. Keep praying for the people that make up our government, they are all in need of God one way or another!

    January 23, 2019

    This is an encouragement for me to pray more

    Barbara Decker
    January 26, 2019

    Yes, this is such encouragement. Prayer works, try it!! So keep praying everybody;
    our prayers are making a difference. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers.

Charlene Vlcek
January 22, 2019

WOW!!! PRAISE The LORD!!! He is faithful!

Milena Gonzalez
January 22, 2019

Thank you Jesus x this victory. We know you are in front us in these battle against abortion. We asking You to be with our leaders that are prolife and represent us in government. Amen

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IFA President
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