I Prayed have prayed
Father, set Your guiding hand upon our elections this year. Prevent any nefarious interference in the race for the White House.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As I listen to the discussions surrounding Biden’s mental competency and the use of the 25th Amendment to remove him, I can’t help but think of winning a battle while losing the war. God gives us wisdom, and that wisdom is peaceable and pure, rather than driven by selfish ambition and every evil thing. It would appear that the Republican Party and those in leadership need to be on their knees praying for such wisdom, rather than simply reacting.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


Let me clarify. The 25th Amendment allows for a process to have a president removed and replaced by the vice president. This can be done in the case of the death or resignation of the president. But it can also be done amid assertions that the president is incapable of performing his duties. Section 4 of the 25th Amendment states: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of … the principal officers of the executive departments … transmit … their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

So, what would this look like practically? It would look like a letter from Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet secretaries of the Biden administration to President Pro Tempore of the Senate Patty Murray and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, stating that Biden is unable to discharge the duties of his office because of his mental incapacity. But it’s not over at that point.

If President Biden sends a letter to Murray and Johnson stating he is able to discharge his duties, but Harris and her majority of cabinet secretaries continue to insist he is incapable, then the matter goes to Congress. Both houses have to vote, and a two-thirds majority is required to remove the president. If they do that, then Harris becomes president, and she then gets to nominate whomever she wants for vice president. Confirmation of her nomination requires only a majority vote of both houses in Congress. This is covered in Section 2 of the 25th Amendment.

So, after a volatile political circus, we end up with Harris as president and whomever Harris chooses as V.P. Now what? Well, that has absolutely no impact upon the presidential election taking place in November of this year. Holding the office of president or vice president does not automatically make anyone a presidential candidate. Moreover, with the Democratic primary well under way, putting their names on ballots for the Democratic nomination would be virtually impossible. There is a separate and specific process to be nominated in August at the Democratic National Convention in order to be in the general election in November.

This is where we need to be focusing our prayers and attention so as to not lose sight of the bigger picture. It is the delegates of the Democratic National Convention, of which the victor needs 1,968 of 3,933 in total on the first vote, or 2,258 of 4,672 total delegates, which includes 739 super delegates — high-ranking Democrats, such as congressmen, governors, and former presidents — on the second vote. What is also interesting is whether the initial delegates are in fact bound to cast their vote to the winner of the primary election in their respective states, as the DNC rules simply state that they are to vote their conscience in a way that reflects the sentiments of those who elected them delegates. This can create rather murky water in a climate where the mental capacity of the nominee has been called into question, even in op eds in the liberal New York Times. The super-delegates are undeniably not bound.

Now, let’s craft a really interesting plot for a political thriller. You’re controlling the Democratic Party, and the DNC’s assumed nominee has already been determined behind closed doors to NOT be the candidate intended to run for president in November. There is nobody else on the primary ballots who is a contender, so all the focus and all eyes are on the assumed candidate and his ability, or, more likely, inability. Then, without warning, at the Democratic National Convention in August, Biden voluntarily steps down due to personal reasons to spend more time with his family, thereby saving face. Now the delegates get to select whomever they want. But, the DNC has strategically held the convention in Chicago, home of former President Obama, who steps up to nominate as a Super Delegate his wife, Michelle, giving her his hearty endorsement. This endorsement comes amid thunderous applause and all the name recognition, political machinery, and money this charismatic community organizer can muster. Suddenly, in an instant, the Democratic Party has a nominee that infuses life and motivation back into the presidential race. Conversely, now President Trump has only approximately two and a half months to campaign against this new opponent.

I realize that, for many, this may seem ridiculous and unlikely. However, many times God gives insight to potential future events to prepare His people and motivate them into a posture of prayer and fasting to avoid a looming crisis. I believe that as we humble ourselves and pray, the above storybook tale will remain fictional and never come to pass. Let us not be distracted! Let’s keep seeking God and His purposes for this nation. And I’m hoping you will join me in praying that the narrative I’ve just described never becomes a reality.

IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal discussed this issue with Cynthia on last month’s episode of Constitutional Corner. You can watch this informative webcast below.

Will Biden remain in the race, or be replaced? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, an author, a constitutional scholar, a Regent University professor of government, a former law professor at Liberty University, an ordained minister through the Federation of Ministers & Churches International, and an IFA board member. She and IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal co-host Constitutional Corner. Follow Cynthia on X or Instagram; view her videos on Freedom Focus; or schedule her here to speak at your next event. Photo Credit: vargas2040 – Flickr, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

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Dave Smith
July 1, 2024
April 3, 2024

Oh Father in Heaven, we are so comforted by Your Words that confirm over and over again Your sovereignty over everything! You have created everything and You own everything and You are the King of the universe! Nothing will thwart Your sovereign plan O God! We ask that You thwart the evil plans for the leader of this nation, although we deserve Your judgment for sure! This nation is evil Lord, but You still have a strong remnant here Father and our responsibility is to cry out to you in prayer and fasting! Raise up Your army of disciples tl do this Lord and intercede on behalf of this nation that is Yours. Humbles us God, use us God!

March 11, 2024

Praying in agreement hallelujah and Amen 🙏🏻❤️

March 11, 2024

Lord, we consecrate our election process to you and ask that nothing that the enemy is scheming will succeed as this Nation belongs to you and we choose to trust and obey you in Jesus name

March 5, 2024

Abba , we cancel , break , declare null & void all evil plots , plan & agreements -& return to the sender 7x – Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven-now because we agree with Gods plans on Earth/America . Amen

March 5, 2024

Let’s not even entertain thoughts and writings about their possible scenarios, instead keeping our focus firmly on the Father and His anointed candidate, Donald J. Trump and the glorious days of our new nation manifesting. Father God, we rebuke and cancel ANY and ALL schemes of the enemy to deceive, kill and destroy this nation through politics or any other means. We stand together praising you and shout, Your will come forth, Father and all glory and honor to you! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    March 5, 2024

    Judith, you said: “Let’s not even entertain thoughts and writings about their possible scenarios.” And then you prayed a “blanket” prayer.
    We need to know what we are praying against and pray and plan accordingly, Just as the Prophets of old were told by God of the enemy plans, so they could warn the King and people, and Respond accordingly. Respond, in wisdom, not just React. And Prayer needs to be specific.

Verna Knox
March 5, 2024

Father God, You set kings over kingdoms and you remove kings over kingdoms. I lift up the offices of our elected officials to you I thank you for revealing through the ones you have in office now, the truth of what has been going on in the swamps of politics in this nation for years. You promised in Your Word that You will reveal what has been done in darkness. Thank you for the praying warriors and intercessors. I pray protection over everyone of them and over your remnant church in this land.
I ask, Father, that You take over our elections this year and restore America and her covenant relationship with You. May your will be done in America as it is in Heaven.
We honor you as Lord and Savior.

    March 5, 2024

    Thank you Verna! beautiful prayer and I am coming into agreement with you!, judith

    Iris Winters
    March 13, 2024

    Father God, I know that as the Body of Christ (with hands and feet and even a mouth and ears) having the MIND of Christ, that YOUR PRAYER TOWARD US IS that we act as Your ruling saints of old did, going to war in Faith like Moses , that You are with us as we do what we can and what we know to do. You had commanded that the evil people living in the Promised land had to go , so Your people who obey Your Words can take over.

    The two spies, spied out the land,(good idea): But instead of planning how to pursue the task, all the leaders (except Joshua and Caleb) voted NO saying ‘we can not do this task.’ The two voted YES that all things are possible when we follow God’s lead and direction and commands. And those two had to wait until all who voted NO had lived out their lives and could not interfere with the generation saying YES WE CAN.

    We have free will. That is our part. Father god, YOU CAN NOT go against Your OWN WILL to let us have that free will to do or not do things WITHIN Your will. So I can’t ask you to MAKE us do the right thing.
    But I can ask you to give us scenarios and out spoken prophets that can persuade us to do the right thing. You know what will bring us to our knees saying “Father we need Your help to make things right. ”
    You know what our leaders need, to bring them to see that Your will is in fact the best plan in their eyes for what ever reason.
    So I pray that You encourage those who love YOU to be able to hear Your voice clearly as HOW to pray specifically within Your Will to the end that America like Nineveh repents of her current public wickedness and returns to seeking You and doing righteously.
    Please hear my prayert o disassemble the NEA who have declared in their mission statement, that their goal is the destruction of America. May they never rise again. Show Yourself Mightier than their 20, 15, 10 etc year plans have been. They think they have won and they were good at following their plans to the letter.
    But God… May righteous Christianity once again rule in our public spaces. The NEA has declared that is the reason that America used to be strong and prosperous, and that is why Christianity had to be removed from the public mindset, in order for their goals to be achieved.
    Give us an army of Joshuas and Calebs who can and will win this spiritual battle over the soul of America. I thank you in advance for the outbreak of young people who openly want Your Presence in their lives and will do whatever it takes to let Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us people in all generations who Say “Hell NO!!! HELL doesn’t rule us any more.”
    “JESUS!! YES !!! You rule over us. Your will be done in America and on earth as it is in Heaven. Let righteous people take over the rule in America. Help us be strong and very courageous in restoring America back to her first love.” So I pray that only truth prevails on our airwaves , social media and in news print. Rise up fearless journalists who know how to persuasively speak the truth to the public. Give them faithful armor bearers who will see to it that they always have their armor on. Give us men who know how to formulate excellent strategies for winning this war.

Angela Nicholas
March 4, 2024

God, your word says that you establish kings you lift them up and tear them down for your purposes God, we ask for a God-fearing leader to walk in your will and your ways and lead our nation back to Jesus Christ may great repentance lead to great revival, and may the holy fire of God cover this earth, until the coming of Jesus

David Fassett
March 4, 2024

Why are those who stand for the origins of this nation continue to be paralyzed by what might go wrong properly following the rule of law? Why are those who see malevolent forces at work continue to shy away from bold moves that might cause short term instability yet would enable long term correction? Have we forgotten how that last POTUS was asked to take extraordinary measures to verify his mental capabilities? No problem. But when it is asked of the current POTUS who has now by definition been determined to be of diminished mental capability by an official in his own executive branch no actions are to be taken because it might cause instability?

No life is worth living without risks. Freedom is not free and itself is risk. One can never advance when always playing defense. The forces opposed to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness certainly have no inhibitions to the risk in making outrageous claims, bills, laws, actions and pursuing them regardless of the short term consequences (ie knowing they will fail) and over the long term have won the war (keep asking for more than they know they can win and negotiate back down to more advancement) if not lost the battle. They always are on offense to take yet more ground.

There are at least a few in Congress who recognize the extreme danger of a compromised POTUS whose hand is on the nuclear football. US Rep NY-24 Claudia Tenney is pursuing the challenge by asking for the same cognitive impairment tests performed on the POTUS be performed on the current POTUS. Not only fair but given the recent determination, critical to national safety regardless of what it might do to some future election outcome.

The army of God was paralyzed by Goliath of the Philistines for 40 days with all his taunting and domination of the air waves and bullying. King Saul and his entire army shaking in fear even knowing God was with them and had directed them to deal with the Philistines. Resolved finally when a young shepherd boy recognized the Will of God as opposed to the negative potential outcomes could be and not believing the narrative from the enemy’s camp and not giving in to their intimidation. Because of his certain understanding of the Will of God regardless of the potential negative outcomes the Philistines were routed.

Bullies understand but one tactic – to be equally confronted. They will not stop until they are confronted.

Freedom is not free and not without risks. Isn’t it worth the short term instability to do what is right? Even if certain to fail? We are at a precipice of no return and with little time left. When will bold action at least trying to follow the as written rule of law be followed?

From Ronald Reagan’s 1964 speech “A Time for Choosing”

“You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin – just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? “

“You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.

We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

John Stuart Mills inaugural address to the University of Saint Andrews:

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

I do not want my children to ask what we could have done to preserve what freedoms we have left and chose to do nothing because the outcomes didn’t look beneficial short term or didn’t have a certain favorable outcome.

Joanne DeBord
March 4, 2024

Point well made. I agree with you in prayer.

Cynthia Abbott
March 4, 2024

I am praying fervently that the scenario you outlined does indeed take place. Put Trump behind us. Move forward in a Christian manner with a Christian president with though word and deed like Michelle Obama. What a wonderful declaration for the world! The Republican Party is and has been ignoring and turning its head for too long. The black church will be behind her, educated women will be behind her. What an amazing thought!!

    March 4, 2024

    And I, an educated woman, am and will be fervently praying this storybook tale will remain fictional and never come to pass.

Mary Meens
March 4, 2024

I think it’s way past time to recognize this person is Michael, and not Michelle. America has been scammed in so many ways and this was just one of them. Donald Trump is already our rightful President now, and will be for the near future. America shall be saved!

    March 6, 2024

    This is the most hateful, unchristian thing I have read today. Very ugly of you.

Sheila Price
March 4, 2024

As I am praying over this… I can’t help but focus on the RINO’s… and say… Father God, jerk a knot in their tails! In Jesus’ Name!

March 3, 2024

Prophetess Amanda Grace was given this word from the Lord on May 24,2021 “ And I the Lord say this day “NO OBAMA THIS LAND WAS NOT PROMISED TO YOU OR ANY WHO SUBMIT AND FOLLOW SUIT WITH THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS AND THE RADICALNESS AND CONFUSION OF ISLAM, NO THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND OR THE LAND OF THOSE WHO ARE ACTIVELY CHOOSING TO DISMANTLE AND PURGE ANY SENSE OF GOD IN THIS COVENANT NATION.”. Lord, we come into agreement with this word that you have spoken, and we say NO the spirit of Absalom working in the heart of the Obamas will not overtake America! Lord, we declare and decree the only your David will sit on the throne of the United States of America as president in the 2024 election, in the mighty name of Jesus.!!!

March 3, 2024

God alone knows what is ahead of this country, especially in this upcoming presidential election and the months prior. Be ready for anything…but trust the all knowing sovereign God that nothing will surprise Him or keep Him from executing His will. Keep praying. Stay focused on Him and His will. The powers of darkness are desperate. Things can and will get ugly. I believe God will protect His faithful praying remnant. Amen!

March 3, 2024

Oh dear heavens – let it not be so.

Susan S.
March 3, 2024

Maybe it is a time for an Esther fast for such a time as this. After the fast, give God feasts of praise and worship and wait for him.

Kumaravel prasadh
March 3, 2024

Please help urgent your power prayer supports.
I am poor family .No help. & No supports me .
Omana 15 years. BED. Braian stroke . Good eyes sights
Body divine healing . Blessing . Long life . Divine fire annionting .
Devil &. Evilma s create all the problems destroy

Please help urgent your power prayer supports .
Thank you .

Peggy Sue Pulliam
March 3, 2024

May all the Esthers and Mordecai arise, fast and pray for the enemies’ plan to be thwarted.

George Leaf
March 3, 2024

May all things bear their fruit on time and in due season. Amen

God Fearer
March 2, 2024

Reverse the scenario – who will the republicans nominate when trump is convicted or declared mentally incompetent?
Nikki Haley? Or …

    March 3, 2024

    That is up to GOD! Ask HIM! Personally I believe it is time for a Civil War! I’m ready! Are you?

      March 4, 2024

      It’s about time for a David to be called of God to slay the Goliaths in power. Biblically it is not a woman’s place to rule over men. Personally, I would like a women POTUS, but I know that per God’s Word, I believe sincerely that we cannot have a woman POTUS without severe consequences to our nation.
      “But the time will come when men will no longer endure sound doctrine” and that time is now, I fear.

      March 5, 2024

      Roberta, you have no idea what a Civil War would do.
      It sounds like a good idea. . . BUT. How long did it take our nation to recover from the last Civil War?
      Did you even see the damage caused by the BLM and other rioters? A small taste of war.
      Our WAR is in the heavenly realm, against the Powers and Principalities behind the evil persons who have given themselves into service to The Evil One, Lucifer.
      And our Prayers are for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, to VOTE and choose wise and Godly leaders; and stand against the evil servants of Lucifer/Satan. And if needed, March Peacefully.

Helen Y.
March 2, 2024

Father God, I ask that you give your people discerning hearts to observe the situation and the possibilities in our elections this year, and to seek your wisdom for how to proceed–not the wisdom of the world but wisdom from your throne. Help us to speak your words into our lives, into our neighbors and into our nation so that righteousness will once again be exalted and you will be honored above all else.
“Psalm 40:10 I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth from the great assembly.”
Watch over our leaders, from the local level all the way to the highest national level, to protect them, and to give them discernment in keeping with your principles and judgments. Save our leaders, Lord, if they don’t know you. If they won’t listen to you, Father, then I ask for you to remove them from office and replace them with someone who will listen.
“Daniel 2:21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
Help us, Lord, to seek your face, hear your words and act on what you say. Help us to stand for what is right in your eyes, regardless of what the culture around us may indicate. You are our salvation and we seek your presence in our midst.
“Isaiah 54:17 ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue [which] rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] from Me,’ says the LORD.”

    March 3, 2024

    Lord, I join in w/ Helen in her well-worded prayer.. May we guard our own hearts, seek Your face & Your wisdom, so we can be light in the darkness. And bring hope where there is little, For we trust in You & You alone. Amen”

    Carole Mckeown
    March 4, 2024


March 2, 2024

Following in the steps of American freed slaves, they could have spread the gospel of hope and freedom. They could have educated the nation on the myriad contributions to the USA by the educated freed slaves. Instead, they followed the steps of corrupt self enriching traitors.
Yet, God uses everyone to fulfill His purpose.
Father, reveal your heart to those who hate you.

March 2, 2024

Let’s be clear. Michelle Obama is no woman. He is a Transgender male born as Michael LaVaughn Robinson.

    Victoria Z
    March 3, 2024

    i am not a fan of Barak or Michelle Obama but Michelle is 100% female, who gave birth to two daughters, websites and posts stating she is a male or transgender are false. Her baby pics are female and the hospital and state records record her as female.

      March 3, 2024

      I don’t believe she is a trans but a manly woman but I’m not sure she ever gave birth to those girls from what I hear they could never find a picture of her being pregnant and that’s odd. All I know is I don’t want her president of United States 🙏🏻

        March 6, 2024

        You know enough to spew hate towards Michelle Obama. Your words are deplorable, Carole.

Tim Birmingham
March 2, 2024

Roger Stone said M. Obama will be our next President 18 months ago.
The lies surrounding this individual makes a mockery of the office, our country and blasphems God.
If this happens, repent and be ready to go, cause Jesus will be here for the church soon.

    C R
    March 3, 2024

    And if HE doesn’t? Are you ready to stand in tribulation? Let’s lift up our voices in prayer night and day while it is yet day! The night comes when no man can work! Let us trust our GOD that will work all things out for our good in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Karen Secrest
March 2, 2024

The last news interview I saw: Michele Obama said her husband had been so mistreated, there was no way she would want the job. She’s an attorney..

March 2, 2024

My Lord we pray that u will ban this woman from the White House all the damage that the Obamas have made to this country since 2008, except for the 4 years that President Trump was elected.
We ban in the authority of Jesus Name all the forces of hell that want to take over. We trust The Lord for Justice in the system and in the Covenant that The Lord has with this Nation in Jesus Name.

Darlene Estlow
March 2, 2024

Thank you, Cynthia Dunbar. It is indeed a matter of prayer and perseverance. We ask God to work in our nation for his own glory and our good. May we be faithful in prayer that God can again restore our nation.

    March 4, 2024

    This kind comes forth only by prayer and fasting. Politics won’t bring revival and healing. Elections are polarizing by their very nature.
    Trust only God, because the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it?
    Many well intentioned starts have become evil endeavors after greedy, power hungry people come on board.

Janet McPhilimy
March 2, 2024

Barak Obama has been ‘in power’ during Biden’s presidency. I believe he has been pulling Biden’s strings all, to continue his agenda of bringing America to her knees. Why else would he continue to live in D.C.? Having his wife as the Democratic nominee is just part of the game of staying in power. God help the USA!

March 2, 2024

Oh no, let it not be. Obama would have a 4th term in the WH and further ruin our nation. NEVER, NEVER. NEVER!!!

March 2, 2024

Thank you for this excellent explanation. Would you explain how Governor Newsom could be put in as the nominee of President if it’s different than what you describe for Mrs Obama?

March 2, 2024

So this will be one of the more complicated situations to try to describe-, seems that the delegates are key players.. so..
Lord I pray that you would orchestrate events that men’s and women’s hearts are in line with your will.. and that those who are deviating would be convicted to repent.. Lord-,and that this process.. as muddied as it has been in the cloudiness of sin.. Lord -would be cleansed by fire ..Holy Spirit fire and yet people’s hearts would come in line with your will.. to do their jobs as the delegates know they should.. and then we know that when you appoint someone to a job.. ultimately that person always is ultimately in the position you decide they should be..no matter their personal character traits.. and we know that you have appointed Trump for such a time as this ..and we never really understand Lord most of the time the pathway from your Administration and ordering of events.. to the outcome of how those things manifest. Lord equally as important Lord is the edification of the process of Congress each state Lord functioning smoothly and honestly Lord and that men’s and women’s hearts in those positions are Guided by you and convicted by you and that lawmaking and execution of laws are carried out according to the Founder’s vision.
In Jesus mighty Name, Amen

Pam Deaton
March 2, 2024

Michelle Obama, who has stated her dislike of our country, would not be beaten. So we must make sure that this scenario never happens.It would be Obama’s 4th term. We must pray, but we must also act

    March 3, 2024

    We always speak those things that be not as though they were! Michelle obama or any other Democrat will NOT be president no matter what it looks like in JESUS NAME!

March 2, 2024

Praise to Jesus for the righteousness of America be restored!

Marilou Barton
March 2, 2024

This gruesome twosome – Barack and Michael Obama – have done more to divide this country than any other issue. They are two of the biggest racists on the planet. They hate America. All this evil and perverse LGBTQ+++++, I truly believe started with them. He wanted to “fundamentally transform” our country. He’s actually serving his THIRD TERM right now and continues his destruction of our country. They have made untold millions and millions of dollars while spewing their hatred for the founders of our country and our “Constitution”. They shredded it on a daily basis. while he was in office. We cannot let them back into our White House. They sullied it more than enough already. I pray dear Jesus, do not give them any more time to finish their mission. Please dear Lord continue to bless our country. PLEASE!!!

    Djamilah Alexander
    March 2, 2024

    Thank you , I pray to God with you against this as well

Margaret Nezhadpour
March 2, 2024

You have painted a picture of a very real possibility. I keep hearing that Michelle Obama does not want to be President, but the key seems to be what Barack Obama wants, since it’s pretty evident he is pulling the strings behind the scene. That is why President Trump needs to focus on policy, not persons, and why we need to be praying. I trust the sovereignty and omniscience of God, but let us not use this as an excuse to fail to pray.

Kathy Calhoun
March 2, 2024

About two years ago, the thought first came to me that Michelle Obama would be the next Democrat candidate. I never mentioned it because it seemed so unlikely, however, with all the talk of President Biden’s mental capacity, I now believe it a possibility. Thank you for this article that encourages us to not be passive in our prayers on this issue.

Mary Canfijn
March 2, 2024

Agreeing with Cynthia Dunbar. May the narrative she presented Never become a reality. May God have mercy on our Nation! For His Name’s sake and His good will!

Jane Powers
March 2, 2024

May the will of God overcome every thought of evil influence in our nations election.

March 2, 2024

Are you aware the Michael “Michelle” Obama is a man? So it would behoove us to not get fooled again. Especially by the originator of the drag queen story hour.

March 2, 2024

This scenario seems extremely possible in light of the demonic activity in our culture today. Churches have abandoned the WORD and prayer in favor of DEI and inclusivity under the guise of God is Love. God is a jealous GOD and a God of Wrath when sin abounds is. not to be forgotten. LORD, have mercy on us. We are a complacent lukewarm nation of churches. We do not deserve your favor but we beg for your protection. Please send a fire that may ignite a revival and turn us around.

Beverly Steckler
March 2, 2024

If Michelle Obama were to run for president I believe her
( questionable) identity would be fully exposed. They would not take this chance.

March 2, 2024

Biden admitted to being counseled daily by Obama, since Day 1. While Kamala Harris would be a disaster, Michelle Obama would take us right back to the two woke Obama terms, but worse as they have been preparing for this for years. Praying God reveals any plans not of Him, and brings revival and reformation worldwide!

Cathy Tankersley
March 2, 2024

Lord: I do believe you reveal the evil schemes of the enemy to your saints that we might partner with you to do battle in the heavenly realm. I do believe the enemy is brazen and proud and over playing their hand, waking people up to their evil ways. Even unbelievers and deceived believers are waking up to the truth. I do believe it is you will for Trump to have a 2nd term. I pray that you continue to wake people up to the truth. That a land slide victory for Trump will overwhelm every wicked scheme the enemy is employing to remain in power. Give godly wisdom and discernment to all that stand in your name that we might overcome all the evil schemes of the enemy. Bring repentance and awakening to this nation and return us to our biblical roots. Protect America from the enemies evil plots. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    March 2, 2024

    The “landslide victory” already occurred once at the last election, and was stolen by demonically infused technological intrigue. We must honestly ask ourselves – What has changed in our voting systems to prevent such a steal from happening again?

    Carole Mckeown
    March 4, 2024


Catherine Christie
March 2, 2024

3/2/24 The choices may seem daunting thru our eyes…but God says that He knows the end of a matter from the very beginning…so, if I pray & as I pray, repenting personally & corporately, binding the interference of dark forces & agenda in the delegated authority of Jesus, & also ask for His mercy in the midst of judgement for all concerned…I trust that He will work all things together for good for those that love Him, the triune God, and are called according to His purposes. I believe Holy Spirit will guide & direct our prayers & when we find we do not know how to pray…the safest way to pray is “in the Spirit”, the Heavenly prayer language He has available to us as evidence of our salvation & baptism in the Holy Spirit. That pure & perfectly coded communication between us & our Heavenly Father as the Holy Ghost gives us utterance…It’s safe, private, pure & confidential…rarely interpreted by those around us, & in perfect agreement with what God is saying & is intending & declaring by His Word to do both now & in the future, unbound by man’s time. I trust our Almighty God’s love for us & all those in our nation & all the nations of the world & His capabilities to bring us back into right order, righteousness if you will, repentance, salvation & restoration, for our time & the times to come. He has so much more in mind for us in His Kingdom on earth than we can conceive…but I believe in the “LORD’s prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray…”Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven…’ in this season, LORD, in this season. Amen! Cath in WA

Jean Knight
March 2, 2024

I am praying fervently with you for God’s choice of our next president; and I sincerely appreciate this article and the wisdom of many men and women of faith who also love our country. We must be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves, looking to Jesus, continually wearing the Armor of God, and humbling ourselves before our Father in heaven, praying earnestly in faith. Thank you.


March 2, 2024

Father God, Let us be humble. Let their pride come before the fall and prepare your saints for the victory you bring. Let our mighty roar be your battle cry and let us not be idle in these days, so that we may not be fooled and prepared to do your will. In Jesus name.

Chris Robinette
March 2, 2024

Michelle Obama as president? Please God no!!!

    March 2, 2024

    What is a WOMEN? For Christians who are still in the dark…..The DEMS have been long gone………….and replaced by Marxist/Communists. The last real Women in the Multi-Colored
    House of Cards were: Jackie Kennedy & Melania Trump.

March 2, 2024

Dear God I pray that your people who are called by your name may we humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our Wicked ways that you will come and heal our land. To God I pray in the name of Jesus that you will make our hearts tender towards you and knowledge and wisdom I love you father God I trust you and I know that you are faithful may we stand strong and faithful to you in Jesus name

March 2, 2024

Dear Lord,
In the OT we have many stories of hope of the nation of Israel repenting and praying for your Mercy and Deliverance. But most recently I have been reading the book of Jonah. You sent Jonah to a people who were wickedly evil much like our nation today…What You God revealed to me in this short but powerful book is that YOU are willing to have Mercy on all who seek Your Face in humility and sincere repentance. You reveal in the story of Jonah us that through the repentance of the people of Nineveh YOU postponed the destruction of their city! After watching and praying yesterday on IFA’s First Friday I am so encouraged of the report of the global reset and how many nations are on that list…even though there are a few nations that are questionable (ie North Korea, Iran), I couldn’t help believing a remnant of Your people are humbly coming before you and praying and repenting not only for their own nation but also for America! And, we also see in Your Word that You only need a remnant to perform Your Will according to the prayers of Your people. So my hope is in Your Word of Truth and that our prayers will perpetuate Your willingness to have Mercy on America and ALL Your people in the nations who are humbly coming before you at a time such as this… Thank you Father for your Son, our Savior YESHUA…and it is in His name we pray for the salvation of our Nation(s), and we pray also for the PEACE of Jerusalem🙏🕊️🇺🇸🇮🇱🌏

Grace Martin
March 2, 2024

Many true prophets of God have prophesied for years that it is GOD’S WILL for President Trump to do a 2nd term as President but, we the church have to pray it into existence, believe it and declare it in order for it to come to pass. (1 John 5:14-15) (Romans 4:17)

March 2, 2024

It’s funny you still think “Michelle” is a woman.

Mari Williams
March 2, 2024

Thank You OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, for YOU are ALMIGHTY and no one can thwart YOUR plan.
One word from YOU, LORD JESUS, is all it takes to calm the storm and to bring us to where YOU want us to be.
Terrify those who oppose YOUR plan, LORD GOD.
May the fear of YOU grip the minds and hearts of those involved in nefarious schemes to rob YOUR people of YOUR plan and Your glorious purpose for this land.
I pray for all of us who have been so graciously saved from hell, and blessed with the grace and ability to pray, to go to our knees and implore YOU LORD GOD to hear our prayers, to save our children, and to save this great and beautiful land from all who would bring harm to its shores and attempt to govern it with the lies of the devil rather than with the TRUTH of YOUR HOLY WORD. In JESUS NAME and for HIS GLORY, hear our cry and come quickly LORD JESUS to help us. Amen.

Jessica Echeverria
March 2, 2024

John Fenn received a word from the Lord about the president suffering a health event this month. It could go either way, but the Lord urged him to pray that the president pulls through because the worse situation for our country is if Kamala assumes power. Pray fervently!

    Susan S.
    March 2, 2024

    I was thinking that he would resign or announce that he was not seeking reelection around the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation which is about 2 weeks before the Democrat’s convention. However, if he turns his back on Israel, then God will turn his back on Biden and John Fenn could be right. March 25 is Purim and the last week of March is Holy Week. I am not a prophet so I suppose that we will have to wait and see.

Mary Pucci
March 2, 2024

Hello Cynthia,
Thank you for your excellent word. My name is Mary Pucci. I remember you, when many years ago, we met after a service in Houston. You requested prayer for your difficult days ahead. I was very glad to intercede for you and your family. And have done so throughout the years. When I saw your name today, I had to say hello! IFA has been my prayer resource for years. So thanks again for serving America’s intercessors. God bless you, Mary Pucci

Neil J Sogge
March 2, 2024

Lord, we pray for the repentance of our nation and a reliance upon You to override the devious plans of the enemy. Satan thinks he can come up with a crafty and foolproof plan to maintain his reign of evil over the White House and nation, but You Lord see all his nefarious ways, have prevailed against his plans before, and will again. Please move on the hearts of the American people to be alert, especially Christians. May You send out your Truth through us, so people see Your ways, and not go for, not vote for, the contiuation of evil. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Diane Cooley
March 2, 2024

Praying for the Lord’s mercy on our country. We have strayed so far from Him and, if we are honest, are undeserving of His mercy. Yet, in faith, hope and trust in Who He is and not who we are, do I join my prayers with all who trust in His benevolent love for His wayward people in our Nation. I pray for the Holy Spirit will strike our country with a spirit of repentance that the world has never experienced or seen. Repentance so deep that it will have its full, complete, perfect sustaining result…revival and return to YHWH in Yeshua Messiah. All for His glory that is due to Him alone. YHWH forgive us, help us as You burn off the dross. In Yeshua’s Name I pray. Shalom!

    Paula Hammock
    March 2, 2024

    Yes, be our help and our shield as You burn off the dross. Give us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within the church that, in turn, flows out into the country. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us of all unrighteousness. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen

Ericka Greene
March 2, 2024


Brian Lynch
March 2, 2024

This is an issue that I personally need to leave in God’s hands- He alone knows what is best for our nation. Please, Lord, let your will prevail, not the fickle, temporary whims of man.

March 2, 2024

I’m saddened that most Americans believe our vote even counts. Wake up lukewarm church! Our president Biden is only a puppet! They are handpicked by the elite satanic illuminati powers that be. Jesus is coming very soon, and it starts with the church. Repent of your sins, and be in an intimate relationship with HIM!! Once the church is removed the antichrist will reign. Is your pastor talking about the end times? Jesus coming soon? Repentance? Or here’s a shocker, Hell fire?? Or are you all being lulled to sleep by these fluffy puffy pastors who are too afraid to speak the truth?? I vote for Jesus!! Also, as a side note, “Michelle” Obama is really a man. Do the research!

    Paula Hammock
    March 2, 2024

    If the church doesn’t vote, evil already wins (look at the churches who did nothing during the holocaust – 60 million people died). We can’t go down without a fight – our vote allows Jesus to rule, in our government, through the men and women who trust Him to do what He says. Jesus already won through the cross, now, He expects us to follow Him and win what belongs to Him – this country. Be encouraged – the government of hell will not prevail against the church. We can’t wait to be raptured, we have to fight the antichrist spirit now or we lose. He gave us armor for a reason.

    March 2, 2024

    Unless you have been in her dressing room, your comment about Michelle Obama is based on gossip and gossip is sin. Be careful what you say.

    March 6, 2024

    Your only evidence for that last statement are your own hateful feelings. It would be better if you publish your delusions.

March 2, 2024

None of this is “ridiculous”. I’ve shared in the same prophecy, if you will. Biden was never the candidate of choice for 2024, that’s why so much damage is being done in his 1 and only term.

Paula Hammock
March 2, 2024

The Word says that God is the one who removes the proud from positions of authority and He exalts those who are humble. I command blockages and hindrances to be placed before any person, including Michele Obama (along with any other seat that has come available for this year’s elections), if that heart is proud and set on the destruction of this nation. I declare the seat of President of the United States is occupied by a humble, just, and good person whose heart is set on God’s purposes and is willing to fight to see His agenda prosper. I declare that we are a nation whose God is the Lord. And, as for me and this country, we shall serve the Lord. Come Lord Jesus, Come into the government of this nation. Rule and reign through your kings and priests here and now. In the mighty name of Jesus, the One that government rests on His shoulders. Amen

March 2, 2024

LORD, YOU know the way YOU want things to happen in this land.
We the People have made a mess of things for far too long, and must turn away from the transformational and wicked ways and paths that we have been on that have been instituted already to fundamentally change America.
LORD, please help our Nation to come back to realization that YOU LORD should individually be our first priority above all else. We PRAY millions who have true heart for YOU would recognize that fact, and begin coming together in PRAYER linking arms and asking YOU LORD to HEAL OUR LAND. If millions in sincerity did that, we TRUST that YOU LORD will then lead us to fix the mess that we created, and most importantly lead people to YOU as their own first priority in life. When that begins to happen in earnest, we TRUST YOU would lead us to the men and women in public square that YOU would guide to lead us.

Victoria Z
March 2, 2024

i read at least a year ago or more that was the plan, that Biden would run but back out at the last minute and Michelle would be the new candidate without even campaigning. Father turn their plans upside down and bring in the candidate of your choice.Thank you fir hearing and answering our prayers.

March 2, 2024

This is exactly what I think will happen and it has been planned for a while. Michelle Obama most probably is a transgender man. This is why the transgender agenda has been shoved in our faces the past few years. So we would get desensitized to it by the time Michelle is nominated for President. Keep your ears open, your eyes on the cross, and your knees on the ground in prayer for our nation.

March 2, 2024

The enemy is causing distractions and division amongst the saints. We have to wake up and watch an pray. Unfortunately, politics and race are among the top for the enemy. I for one will not fall for the enemy’s tricks. I get it. Free speech. I don’t understand this platform. I think there is covert racism/sexism within this platform. This almost seems a platform for undercover hatred. The more so-called prayers I read the more I see through these types of prayers. We are to be the example, a light, and the salt of the earth. Real Christ Followers/ Christians do no speak in such a manner nor do they care about the parties. Real Christians don’t get sucked in and brainwashed by rhetoric, ism and schism. Real Christians pray about the right person being in office with regard to their being a Christian, hearing from God, standing for God, morals, integrity, excellency, courageous, they are for We the people, For the people, By the people no matter about race, creed, ethnicity.

2 Chronicles 7:14-15 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.

God wasn’t talking to the lost, He was talking to His people. The people who know who God is; the people who know who they are in God, the peculiar people, the royal people, the holy people, His possession. The effective and fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. We know things have to come to past biblically but why not just pray effectively for real.? Those prayers are the prayers that are holding God’s for-real wrath back. God is a MERCIFUL God.

    Susan S.
    March 2, 2024

    I agree with some of what you wrote. However, in this country, party affiliation is not unimportant. Read the party platforms and decide which is more biblically based. When you represent a party, you agree with its platform. When you vote for a Senator or a Representative for Congress, you are are not just voting for an individual but also the leadership of Congress that these individuals will choose. People can be passionate about their beliefs, views and opinions and there may be racists or sexists on this site but I don’t see it very often. We are all works in progress and hopefully in the process of sanctification. Just because you oppose someone who happens to be black or a woman doesn’t necessarily mean you are a racist or sexist. You could just oppose their policies irrespective of their race or gender. I don’t oppose Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris because they are black or women but because I oppose their policies on climate change, abortion, illegal immigration, biological males in women’s sports and probable nominations to the Supreme Court among other things. If they were white or males, I would feel the same way. I have had personal attacks and ridicule for just being female have only come from liberal democrats.

      Pam Deaton
      March 2, 2024

      Exactly!!! We absolutley must keep the issues upfront.

March 2, 2024

I’m praying but I feel war will come to US because of all our murders and wrongs! Leadership is a fearful thing, if not followed by GODS’ governing by laws, fairness for all people!

March 2, 2024

Declaring God’s Word over all elections in our nation and the world . Psalm 129:89-90 “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven, Your faithfulness endures to all generations; You establish the earth, and it abides”.

March 2, 2024

and/or, should Biden/Harris somehow remain on the ticket and get re-elected, Double Goodbye to America and it’s future!

Michele S
March 2, 2024

The forces of evil are plotting against the saved every day. So, anything is possible. However, I believe Biden will be the fall guy for the current so-called “failed policies”, and the newly installed person during the election cycle will act as though the atrocities that have occurred up to this point are his fault and fein ignorance, all the while continuing to promote those policies. But hey, that’s politics, right? Our hope is in God! Thankfully, we know who the ultimate Victor is in the end.

March 2, 2024

The “Mooch” in the White House , AGAIN !?? That is a thought even scarier than another Biden / Harris term . Should that ever happen we should just say goodbye to America and hello to a third world hell hole !

March 2, 2024

Jesus we invite Your kingdom to come and Your will be done on earth that it is in Heaven in this and all political situations in 2024. We are believing Matthew 5:16 that “Your light would shine in this situation in such a way that they would see Your good works and glorify Your Father in Heaven in the powerful name of Jesus, amen and amen

Shirley Portley
March 2, 2024

Father God, I set a blood line against every EVIL plot, and declare, NOT SO! In JESUS name…..you will not prosper! I declare a removal of the name, face, and OBAMA CARE FOREVER! They will NOT invade the white again on any level, by any means or any relationship in the name of JESUS! BE GONE !

Anita Malaro
March 2, 2024

Father because we know You are Almighty & Jesus our wonderful Lord & Savior has given us the right to come before You. We pray stop the evil plots that the democrats & the liberals are trying to bring. Father we pray not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit bring about the changes You require that Your mighty Will & purpose transpire to bring Your Kingdom & Your glory over America 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ is Lord over the United States of America 🇺🇸

Ana Sanchez
March 2, 2024

Father God we can’t turn this country towards you without your help , guide our steps and protect us from evil. We know the same forces behind Biden running this land would continue to rule behind M Obama, I ask that you not allow this Lord in Jesus name

Pamela C
March 2, 2024

This is not the first I have read about this sickening theory but I hope it’s the last. We play into their web of evil when we share such “what if’s” and it doesn’t help anyone or deter their evil. I have only grief for our country and I hope God will yet use me to lead others to Him.

    Cynthia Dunbar
    March 2, 2024

    I am sorry you feel this way. I can only assure you my intention was not to “play into their web of evil,” as you said. Rather, I felt prompted by the Lord to give a warning to mobilze intercessors as I do believe that the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. May we all lead many to the Lord! Abundant Blessings!

      March 3, 2024

      I try not to get pulled into ‘What if’s…’ (Esp. my own.)
      However, I am so grateful for your warning scenario!!!

      As intercessors, most of us are very aware of the how important this election is & how fragile the state of our freedom….

      You laying it all out—not as a ‘what if’ but more of a ‘most likely would happen’, I think is valuable. We cannot be complacent or uninformed. We must be constantly in prayer, & knowledge pushes us to do so, I think. And to hopefully put out the warning to those who aren’t as aware.
      Thankyou for this post.

        Cynthia Dunbar
        March 3, 2024

        Thank you, Debbie. I am glad you found it informative. God Bless!

Jim Ludwig
March 2, 2024

I think there is still a chance that neither Trump or Biden will be their party’s presidential candidate in November. That being said, the chance of Biden not being the candidate is much greater than the chance of Trump not receiving the nomination of his party.

March 2, 2024

Father God,
Please do not allow Michelle Obama to be our president.
Save America. Keep your loving guiding hands on our President Trump. AMEN

    March 2, 2024

    And remember she stated and I heard her say she hated America! But she could be the one that destroys it! We will have to pay for all the murdered babies and others our government has has dine behind the scenes! Remember nothing is hidden from GOD!

Shellie Maheu
March 2, 2024

GOD willing if we even make it to another election. America is about to be judged. GOD judged Sodom and Gomorrah, and America, by itself IS MUCH worse, but the whole world is, but America is modern day Babylon, and if you read Revelation 17-18, the description of the whore that sits on many waters, and being described as the Great Merchant, certainly DOES sound a lot like it’s the Statue of Liberty (the woman it’s describing from 17, sitting on many waters) and the Great Merchant, Ch. 18 goes into a greater detail of how it’s literally destroyed within in 1 hour. That has to be from a nuclear weapon!! It’s chilling to say the least reading those two books. After I read it, even though the commentary says otherwise, the description sounded a lot like America!!!!
America is all that I have ever known. It’s where I was legally born. I love my country, I cannot help that GOD created me to be Caucasian and instilled love into me either for my country. I will never apologize for who GOD created me to be, because GOD doesn’t make mistakes, everything GOD does is with purpose and for a purpose. GOD created us different for a reason but it definitely isn’t for what it’s being used for today, to keep us divided which our nation has never been more divided than it is today. This country has changed so much. It’s unrecognizable to me! It’s no longer the place that I grew to love. America is filled with so much hate, puffed up with pride, and it’s become fat too from being blessed. Worse than that, America has lost its love for GOD, at least it has for GOD of the Holy Bible. We always hear and have been taught to say it ourselves, even sing it “GOD BLESS AMERICA” but how can we continue to even ask GOD to bless America? It’s so far away from GOD now, how can we get that back? A house divided won’t stand. Neither will a country.
America has entirely too much freedom too. This country allows illegal immigrants to flood freely into now, and with that comes a much higher cost than just the free handouts they take off of taxpayers dollars, it’s them bringing over here their “false gods” into our country, a country that was created and ordained BY GOD, of the HOLY BIBLE, who our forefathers believed in, with fear and trembling too! America has lost its way. It’s into a deep abyss.
We are going to see the Great American Eclipse this April. I read from Prophecy News that this coming happens to land as an “X” on America, if that is not enough to make the hairs upon your on head stand, maybe learning it supposed to be only visible to like 7/8 states who happen to have cities in each called Nineveh!!!! If that ain’t GOD giving more mercy by giving more signs, please tell me what it is. HIS WORD said we’d see these things happening in the mon, the sun, and the stars-Luke 21:25-28.

We are living in the dead last moments before JESUS takes “HIS CHURCH home”
I don’t care what anyone would think of me for saying it, and believe me, even in church and with a lot of church people, I have received backlash from that, but I will still say it because I truly BELIEVE that! And we live by what we truly believe, they believed it could happen THEN in biblical times after JESUS went baca to Heaven. They lived as if it could happen right then and it could have but so much had to happen too, but the point is they weren’t so bold to say it couldn’t happen within their lifetime. ISREAL is the fig tree, and time really started ticking for end times here in 1948 when ISREAL became a nation. We have to be so very much closer now than ever before to The Resurrection of the Dead and the snatching away from the church of JESUS CHRIST.
It’s just so much is happening now and such a much faster pace. True enough NO one knows the day/hour but GOD, but we can definitely feel it’s getting closer and closer to it really happening. A lot has to happen for JESUS to actually come back, to set up HIS kingdom this is true, but NOTHING whatsoever has to happen for the Rapture, which ushers in the Great Tribulation right in, which will bring the greatest revival what the Bible says ever, because anyone that either wasn’t a sincere believer or lived as a back slider, after this finally does happen won’t be anymore. Nothing is happening to bring revival. We see that happening in pockets but it’s going to take something HUGE to get the Greatest Revival. It’s long overdue for the church to really prepare for JESUS. JESUS CHRIST is coming to take HIS Philadelphia CHURCH home. That’s the church that’s living their lives fully for HIM, living HOLY, which is set apart, not Perfect. It’s the church that is living their Faith on Fire for HIM, and watching, and praying, keeping the oil in their lamps burning brightly for HIM.
America is not ever going to become great again UNLESS it becomes HOLY AGAIN, set apart for GOD, UNDER ONE GOD, GOD OF THE HOLY BIBLE. HE IS JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND RISEN SAVIOR. We must never forget that, no matter how unrecognizable it continues to become. And I pray every single day for my country, for GOD to remove the wicked out of the Whitehouse, out of our total Government. We need to definitely be a praying people and pray everyday for this country. It’s sold out to the Antichrist.
Revelation 18:4–5 (KJV): Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, And that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven,
And GOD hath remembered her iniquities.

    March 2, 2024

    but NOTHING whatsoever has to happen for the Rapture,

    Were you are that the concept of the Rapture, in selfie, is only about 70 years old??

      Shellie Maheu
      March 2, 2024

      I’m not going to entertain the devil and play into arguments. The word Rapture is not in the Bible, The Resurrection is, but it is still the very same meaning. GOD’S WORD says from James 1:5 that we can ask for wisdom of anything we lack understanding of from GOD, if we ask for it “in Faith” with no doubting, HE will give that wisdom liberally, so instead of you trying to create an argument with me, a sincere believer BTW, but in which I am not going to do it though, but you should go ask for what you do not understand from only who can give that you do not understand, to you GOD, not me.
      But I can’t wait for GOD to silence the naysayers.
      Soon every single person WILL KNOW where he/she stands with the LORD, because when JESUS takes HIS CHURCH home, right out of this world so that judgment can be ushered, because judgement isn’t for HIS People, but he/she will know just exactly where he/she stands with the LORD, the Rapture of the church will reveal that. It will leave that laid bare!
      I will not argue back. You can have the last word, it’ll only show what’s in you, doubt and unbelief.

    March 2, 2024

    Absolutely America must BLESS God!

    Lord thank You for who You are. Bless Your Holy name. Lord thank You and protect all who faithfully defend You and Your Holy Word. Lord only You can change the heart of America. You are sovereign and mighty. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May You increase the workers for the harvest is ripe. Jesus let us be The Church You desire, faithful and true to You, expectantly watching, on fire, ready to share the Gospel, diligently working until the day You return. May our nation’s offices be filled this election year with God fearing leaders. May You receive all the glory and honor as You orchestrate it all. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

    March 2, 2024

    So true I see you read the Word! I can almost hear the Father say Son go get your bride. It is soon coming and very close to the years count down. Praying for all that will to get saved and go in the rapture!! Evil has taken our Country!

Patricia Overbey
March 2, 2024

I do believe Biden is mentally incapable of being President, however, be careful what we wish/pray for Harris is [in my opinion worse] & if this was to happen Michelle would even be worse. I believe with all my heart, even though there has always been racism it became 100 % when the Obama’s were in the White House. I am 86 yrs old & I honestly have not seen such bigotry & racism since the Obama’s took office. Also the fact they have managed to remove GOD from everything. I pray God will come back & save the USA.

Richard Jude Spurlin
March 2, 2024

“Michelle” Obama is a man pretending to be a woman. The entire charade is an abomination.

    Nancy Gunow
    March 2, 2024

    There is a video of Joan Rivers stating that “Everyone knows that Michelle is trans, and Barack is gay.” She died in hospital soon after these remarks, under somewhat suspicious circumstances. How does one verify or debunk these remarks? A couple of my co-workers within the black community have confirmed they have heard these “rumors.” If these people are in high positions, should we not seek out the truth?

      March 2, 2024

      Look up Michael Robinson. That is his given legal name.
      I pray for God’s will to be done.

      March 6, 2024

      What N. Gunow is doing is called “bearing false witness”. Your idea of evidence is just conspiracy theories. Why do you traffic in such hate speech?

    March 7, 2024

    Look in the mirror. There’s your abomination.

March 2, 2024

This is prophetic insight that should not be ignored nor disregarded, but one thing is certain: Our GOD & FATHER reigns; and the systems of this world will bow to Heaven’s system.

We decree & declare that the throne of USA is taken away from the opposers of truth and righteousness. Thank You LORD.

William Bucher
March 2, 2024

Last night on Facebook there was an alarming piece about how China is behind destroying our food chain. It showed various large food manufacturing plants being torched etc and them and Bill Gates buying up farmland etc. Then selling food… I pray against China & others attempting such. & that Gods protection of Ps 91 for us. Other Psalms like 37 say wee Believers the Just He will profane such enemies will not prosper to say the least. I pray for God to do it again and come against the evil to protect the innocent! I pray in the NAME, AUTHORITY AND THE BLOOD OF OR “ SAVIOR JESUS.

Gregorio Calvo
March 2, 2024

From the Island of Guam, “Where America’s Day Begins” as a territory of the United States out here in the Western Pacific:
We pray for the stability of all the primary and general elections for all national, state and territorial offices in the respective executive and legislative branches. And that the Lord’s sovereignty be over all these matters, as we come against the works of satan and his darkness, in the Name of Jesus Christ. We pray II Chronicles 7:14 “If My people which are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Deborah Moore
March 2, 2024

You said what I have thought the Dems are plotting all along. Scary indeed. And yes we must pray as never before.

Douglas J. McCoy
March 2, 2024

Biden will not be the Liberal Corrupt Demonstrating Socialists Party, ( they call the Democratic Party, candidate. Never was! Those that control the above Party have known that for a long time. Last couple months, or less, switch with the person all ways intended to come to power again. That includes the Obamas! But, only one can hold the title of President.
They will simply run on “age” factor & not having to hear about past law Suites, etc.
They will try to look like heros, while wanting to keep the past secret so they are not prisoned or run out of the Country!
They have been running the White House since day one thru their cronies in the power positions that were never elected! Evil still lurks in WH & DC & that Liberal Socialists Party! They may even be the AntiCrist!
God keep that from happening
! Wake up people, Citizens of the USA!


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