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Thank You, Father, for giving us a staunch ally of Israel in Sen. Fetterman. Keep using him to bless the Israeli people.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lori Meed, one of IFA’s contributing writers, recently pondered whether Fetterman may have undergone a “miraculous transformation.” Is this evidence of such a transformation?

From Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle. On Jan. 27, 2024, in an incident that crossed the firm line between protest and targeted harassment, a group of Palestinian independence protesters gathered outside of Sen. John Fetterman’s house in Braddock, Pennsylvania. The incident was marked by taunts from demonstrators, accusing the senator of complicity in genocide against Palestinians. Fetterman responded in the most appropriate and commendable way possible: by standing his ground, and displaying an Israeli flag from his roof.

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This protest demonstrated the long-standing issue of popular-elite divides in foreign policy discourse. It also demonstrated the deep ignorance of those gathered outside of Fetterman’s house of the necessity of the United States’ commitment to its allies abroad, particularly in such a volatile region as the Middle East. Unlike Saudi Arabia, whose state-sanctioned Wahhabism creates vulnerable internal politics, Israel remains one of the United States’ most consistent allies in the Middle East. This is something that Fetterman clearly understands. …

[Implicit] in this “Free Palestine” activism is apologia for terrorism. The Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7 should leave us as Americans reminded of our own experiences with the Al-Qaeda-led terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. We should remember that, at the time, there was no room for sympathy with the enemy forces who attacked our country. We should similarly have no tolerance or patience for any sympathy with such entities who would launch an assault on a United States ally, regardless of their motivations.

This is something that Fetterman, as a U.S. senator, comprehends firmly: The United States must stand by its allies and must not call for solutions that kowtow to a mutual enemy. The state of Israel, a steadfast U.S. ally, is under attack — yet a swarm of demonstrators hassled a U.S. senator for the purposes of threatening and intimidating him into turning his back on an allied state plagued by a war it did not ask for. …

Fetterman has shown a great deal of strength and commitment in his response to the crisis faced by Israel. He understands that the United States cannot allow a weakened Israel, and that any cease-fire or conclusion of hostilities must occur on terms that are favorable to Israel — and by extension, favorable to the United States. …

What do you think of John Fetterman? Share this article to encourage others to intercede for him.

(Excerpt from Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle. Photo Credit: Governor Tom Wolf – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Grant Windholz
February 10, 2024

Yes Lord God Almighty, thank you for Senator Fetterman and his support for Israeli people and Isreal! You place people to do your will and we as a country pray for other important leaders to follow the same direction. Your the one who is always in control. AMEN 🙏!

February 8, 2024

I commend him for standing up against the protesters. People who use protest to force their will or intimidate others need to be shown that their actions will not be tolerated in this country. These protest at someone’s home should be met with arrest. The pro abortion have ridiculous laws passed were you can’t pray in front of abortion clinic without being arrested. That is a double standard and our justice system is completely broken. O God we seek your grace to heal our country so as to return to You. Amen

Andrea LS
February 8, 2024

Great decision to stand for Israel, Senator John Fetterman! God will not forget his kindness and the way he stood against opposers who are anything but understanding of what they are against. Unfortunately, all who are against Israel do not understand that they were God’s chosen people, though not always obeying Him (just like the rest of us). They have suffered much all down through time. Most people who do not understand this don’t believe IN God or they are misinformed. Father God, please protect Senator Fetterman and his family from uninformed, unbelievers who are blinded by hate, and or hateful teachings as children and do not know any better. We also pray for these who are so hateful, that You would touch them with understanding, that only could come from You Father God, in Jesus name amen.

February 6, 2024

God is doing an amazing work in Mr. Fetterman’s life!!! 👀 ing forward to seeing what happens next. May God’s will be done and May God be glorified. Will continue to pray for him.

Sara L
February 6, 2024

Not trying to troll, but this article makes me queasy… “Al-Quaida led terrorist attacks on September 11”? I think it’s widely known that OUR OWN GOVERNMENT did that – to lead to the “needed” take down a nationalist leader like Hussein. The Establisment didn’t like him, that’s a fact. I think everyone needs to take a step back and think before responding to what’s happening in Israel- I stand with Israel too – but let’s not all be like war-mongering Lindsay Graham and Nikki Haley here!

    February 7, 2024

    You say our government hired terrorists to fly passenger carrying jetliners into the twin towers and the Pentagon? I think not. I am not naive. I am certainly aware of mass corruption in high places of our government. But let’s pray for our nation and pray for terrorists to have an encounter with the living God rather than try and create anxiety and pointing fingers for its shock value. There is no higher purpose to that.

    Judith Connor
    February 7, 2024

    You say our government hired terrorists to fly passenger carrying jetliners into the twin towers and the Pentagon? I think not. I am not naive. I am certainly aware of mass corruption in high places of our government. But let’s pray for our nation and pray for terrorists to have an encounter with the living God rather than try and create anxiety and pointing fingers for its shock value. There is no higher purpose to that. Father, we thank you for Sen Fetterman’s support of Israel. Who would’ve thought? Only you Lord – the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Cathy Rae
February 6, 2024

What a total blessing….God showing his Glory like a biblical story out of the O.T. Bless Fetterman for listening to the call and shame on me for shaking my head wondering how did he get in there? Your knowledge is beyond what I could ever comprehend and I love and adore you. What joy to participate in your sense of humor wrapped in your Glory. I Love you Abba Father.

Ron Deere
February 6, 2024

There was a lot of “eye rolling” regarding Sen. Fetterman and his hooddie wearing days. But it is very evident that a number of faithful brothers and sisters were praying for him. And God has answered, hallelujah!

Kathleen Duffy
February 6, 2024

Is there anything too hard for the Lord to do? NO!!
Thank you, Senator Fetterman, for your courageous stand for Israel. Praying that Mr.Biden will catch what you understand so clearly!! We must defend ‘the APPLE OF GOD’S EYE!

Norman Phillips
February 6, 2024

Just proves that God really does elect our officials. I thought when he was elected it was a mistake. I was wrong. Thank you John Fetterman

Lou Willadsen
February 6, 2024

Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for people like you who stand UP for God’s Chosen! I was touched by your words. We need more leaders like you, who realize WHO they are – GOD’S own children!

February 6, 2024

I am pleasantly surprised to see this man take such a truthful and courageous stand against Satan’s liars. He is an answer to the prayers of many seeking God to raise up courageous righteous men and women who stand for truth and justice in the midst of the darkness. God bless him and all who stand for the ways of our Lord. Lord protect them and their families.

    Lou Willadsen
    February 6, 2024

    You really said it! I say AMEN to all of your messages .

Jeannie Huppert
February 6, 2024

Truth: anyone who does not stand for & with Israel, the Jewish people, will be in trouble with God. People who voraciously, viciously, hatefully murder people who did NOTHING wrong to them are from the devil, period. We are supposed to pray for ALL people: for ALL of us to see, hear, know, understand as God Wants us to.

Sharon Hessler
February 6, 2024

Bless you John Fetterman for standing up for Israel. I pray for your continued support for them and for the United States to stand alongside them.

Ann Miller
February 6, 2024

Soo Grateful for Sen Fetterman’s stand for Israel. Praying for the eyes of all in the USA to be opened to the atrocities that have happened to Israel
and to stand firm & resolute in support of this Great
Nation. Help our leaders, those in positions of power & prominence & prestige to see the truth & to come along side to help Israel, no matter the the cost.

Tina McGee
February 6, 2024

God many times uses the things and people we would never have thought about. John Fetterman may be a strange person but he can be used for God’s purposes. If Fetterman had been an acting Christian and professing to be, would he have gotten elected ? I wonder.
God moves in strange ways. I find it refreshing when I see God moving in ways we would never have thought or seen for that matter. I like standing on the side lines watching when God does His unseen work, I want to shout and clap “Go God!”

Mary Ellen Caris
February 6, 2024

We are praising God in PA for this remarkable stand from this man who has been dubious, at best, in his positions in the past. May God be glorified in this first-fruit of a major harvest to come, in Jesus’ Name.

Linda Oleson
February 6, 2024

I commend Senator Fetterman taking a stand for Israel. May others do the same. Thank you GOD.

Becky LaBarr
February 6, 2024

Thank You God for Senator Fetterman’s stand with Israel!! 🇮🇱📖🕎✡️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏💥🕊️🔥✝️🇮🇱
May we in the U.S. stand strong with our Godly ally Israel! Pray for the peace of Yirushalayim!! May those who love you prosper in Messiah Yeshua!! Thank You LORD, Amen

Jeff Johnson
February 6, 2024

Father God, Bless and protect Senator Fetterman as he stands with your chosen people Israel. Bring the evil of terrorism to the light and help us to see the light of truth in Jesus Christ.

Sherral Clark
February 6, 2024

TU for your support of Israel!

Francis (Frank) MARLOW
February 6, 2024

Thank you, God, for Senator John Fetterman! Please give him the strength and knowledge to carry on!

    Sherral Clark
    February 6, 2024

    Yes! 💕

    Lou Willadsen
    February 6, 2024

    AMEN AMEN!! God has protected His chosen people for Thousands of years and He isn’t sitting idly by. NOW . He is ‘up to something! I pray the truth that the”Messiah the Jews have been ‘waiting’ for to appear,, has already come exactly as was promised by prophecy. Praying that the recent devastating events they are suffering, will contribute to their eyes being opened to the truth.

February 6, 2024

Fetterman seems to have had a radical change of heart on this Israeli situation or it hit a nerve; a good one!
Give him more revelation Lord of his true identity.

Joanne Price
February 6, 2024

our Father, thank you for sending laborers into the path of John Fetterman! to share your love and the gospel that He may be saved and his household. Thank you that you are opening His eyes of undersstanding to KNOW you first! Jesus! thank you for His stance for your chosen< Israel!

Vicki Rowland
February 6, 2024

Father help Senator Fetterman to continue standing strong for Israel and not fear the liberal activists who are blinded by false ideology.

February 6, 2024

Praying for John Fetterman – God to protect him & his family, bring healing to his body and help him continue to live out God’s plan for his life for the good of our nation

February 6, 2024

I do agree that God is answering our prayers and that Senator Fetterman is a changed man. We have a God of miracles! On this website it’s so easy to pray for our government leaders and I try to do this each day. God is changing hearts! Praise God!

Pat Groves
February 6, 2024

Praying for him to keep strong

Bruce Rondo Schanck
February 6, 2024

I agree, 100% with what Fetterman believes in supporting Israel. If it is true that President Biden gave 6 billion or eight $8 billion to Iran when he got into office, if that is true, then he paid for the training, and equipping of Hamas,Hezbolah,Houthi’s, moolah muslim brotherhood radical jihadists and all the terrorism that they commit.i’m a 61-year-old veteran and it’s above my pay grade or understanding of how Iran has nuclear capabilities. they should not even have a firecracker with their history. My whole life they’ve been all about terrorism 1979 in Tehran , 1983 Beirut barracks, don’t forget their proxy Hezbolah in 1996 killed 19 and injured 498 at Khobar Towers using 50,000 pounds of explosive in a tanker vehicle that one got imprinted on the hard drive in my head. i’m not the sharpest Crayola in the box, but I am a believer! It’s about corruption in our politics, the greed and the love of money, power, and prestige. When Israel became a country in 1948 I believe that was the beginnings of signs. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom ! I believe the biggest problem in the world is that we wake up for ourselves! It’s all about his image for his great namesake. Individually and corporately, we must repent and seek God in spirit and in truth, and walk in love, show mercy, and make peace. Iran used to be called Persia, the principality called the prince of Persia mention in the book of Daniel. is what we’re dealing with along with their Allah another principality. father God, from whom I come forth from, have your perfect way in me and through me. thank you for your mercy and your grace. Thank you for your word. and your long suffering. El Hay yeh help us to focus on what Jesus went through and not what we are going through. You are the faithful one and you will perfect that which concerns us and you will finish what you started in us 🙂 you are our shield and buckler and the lifter of our heads Hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
May your shalom rest on those that believe, May your spirit lead us with holy fire, to help those who are asleep to wake up and believe and accept your son as their Lord and savior, in Jesus name amen

    Laura Laurain
    February 6, 2024

    Beautifully said!! Praying for our Government leaders to follow the Lord and support Israel. So proud of Fetterman for doing the right thing !! Our Prayers are being answered ! Praise Be To God!!🙌🏻🙌🏻

    February 6, 2024

    Standing with you Bruce in this battle we face against Israel this very day! Hallelujah indeed

    February 6, 2024

    Well said sir. I remember the Beirut bombing well. We should never give into the demands of any terrorist organization. Period. May we continually watch and pray. Blessings.

February 6, 2024

Bless you. Praying protection. Keep psalms 91 around you.

    February 6, 2024

    Lord bless you Jan, I will ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 🦁


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