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I Prayed have prayed
God, please raise up informed intercessors at this crucial time. And empower churches and believers to get involved in government!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A testimony from IFA Georgia.

Last December, Georgia Baptist Mission Public Affairs Representative Mike Griffin invited intercessors to the state Capitol. I joined 10 other participants eager to become better informed about what happens at the Capitol and to pray for those making public policy decisions.

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Griffin stressed the educational component, saying, “We cannot pray effectively for people if we don’t know who they are or for issues that we don’t know anything about.”

Throughout the tour of the four floors of the Capitol, we learned about our state leaders and explored the issues they face. Our public affairs representative led us from the governor’s office to the legislative offices and committee rooms to the House and Senate chambers, describing what goes on in each area of the building.

As we stopped, we had a time of prayer for Georgia’s political leaders preparing for the legislative session to begin in January.

One of the legislators we met emphasized the power and influence of pastors and lobbyists. This legislator encouraged pastors to seek out their legislators because a pastor’s influence is greater than a single individual since they represent the values of a whole group of people. Lobbyists need our prayers as well because they have significant leverage.

Other highlights of the tour included viewing the Foundations of American Law and Government display of nine framed documents: The Mayflower Compact, the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence, the Magna Carta, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the national motto “In God We Trust,” the Preamble to the Georgia Constitution, the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, and a description of the image of Lady Justice.

The tour of the Capitol encouraged us to have our churches display these documents to teach the congregation about America’s true foundation. A non-profit organization called Ten Commandments Georgia equips Georgians with resources to share about our godly heritage.

Entering the press conference area, we prayed that the truth would be spoken from that place. We asked God to prompt more Christians with a biblical worldview to enter the profession of journalism. Inside the Judiciary Committee Room, where bills are selected for consideration, we prayed that the The Religious Freedom Restoration Act would be passed into law.

While we visited many legislative offices, the highlight was to arrive at the executive floor on the second level with the offices of Governor Kemp, Lt. Governor Burt Jones, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Governor Kemp was absent that day, but we prayed inside his office. We had the opportunity to pray with Lt. Governor Burt Jones, who commented that we should pray for many more mature believers to take office. The Lord impressed on us what a blessing it would be for prayer warriors to join the Governor’s staff, and we prayed that God would bring the Governor employees with a heart for intercession.

Intercessors stand on the poinsettia-decked halls of the Georgia Capitol with Lt. Gov. Burt Jones (front center), Georgia Baptist Mission Public Affairs Representative Mike Griffin (second from right), and Elizabeth Ojutiku (third from left)

As the House wrapped up for recess, we sat in the gallery, where citizens come to observe legislators in session, and we watched a final session. May more of our churches and pastors wake up to understand what it really means to be “salt and light” in our halls of government during these desperate times.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14–16).

What do you think of this article? Have you ever toured your own state’s Capitol? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Photo Credit: Ahnbang/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Grant Windholz
January 20, 2024

Lord God Almighty 🙏, may all believers in Christ stand strong for you through these times of increasing spiritual warfare throughout this country! We are salt and light in this world and let’s represent the strength of God like never before!!!

Debra Askew
January 19, 2024

This is the heart ❤️ of God,thank you for sharing this story. We all must be the salt and light in this world we live in.

Karen Stavrinakis
January 19, 2024

God of peace, help us to speak out and to get involved as these intercessors did. Thank You for the hopefulness of this story. Just as the mustard seed, I pray these seeds of faith and intercession grow strong in the state of Georgia and throughout the whole 50 states. Let us return to the roots of those seeds planted so long ago by our founding fathers.

I reach out for Your commands, which I love, that I may meditate on Your decrees. Psalm 119:48

Cheryl Gibson
January 18, 2024

God is so good. Pray that would spread throughout our nation. I have not visited state house yet but I look forward to it

Ollie Thomas
January 18, 2024

As now a resident of Georgia, I was deeply grateful for this coverage and this story about the move of our Intercessors in the halls of the Georgia government. Thanks for reporting this trip and its fruitful spiritual results and encouragements. It provided me with information I was unaware of and now will be able to follow up with prayers and intercession in a more understanding and fruitful manner.
Blessings and grace and a covering of the Spirit over all who are involved at this level in and for the Georgia government and our nation. Amen

January 18, 2024

Thank You Lord for this encouraging article. Help me to
be Your salt and light in my community and boldly pray not only for our government representatives but our pastors and churches. Holy Spirit, move in our midst. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

January 18, 2024

As an intercessor for IFA I do not pray for specific people in government and the issues in my state and the U.S.
I pray in general daily for the leaders in my state (MS) and for the country’s leaders.
This article has compelled me to begin to pray for each person and the specific issues. As was said, I need to pray effectively for all in office locally , state- wide and nationally. Thank for reminding me to do as you do.
Blessings, Richard

Darlene Estlow
January 18, 2024

Thank you for this article and the call to pray and act.

January 18, 2024

I am a retired educator from CA. I got involved in politics in 1996 after volunteering to serve at a National Convention. That led to me speaking out at a rally on the steps of the capital in favor of a bill that would end tax payer funding for moral agendas in public schools. I put my job on the line, but God had me covered. I currently serve my county party as Chaplain. I cannot underscore enough the need for Christians to get involved by attending political party events and supporting grass root movements to reform our country. We are in a huge spiritual battle that needs intercessors and folks willing to take action! It’s our spiritual and civil duty!

Brian lynch
January 18, 2024

What an excellent example of hoe to intercede for our elected officials! This is a great way to be salt and light in the midst of our elected officials, who desperately need our prayers, encouragement, and witness. Please, Lord, by Your grace, give us wisdom and guidance as to how to pray for, and encourage our legislators during these desperate times that we find ourselves living in. Thank You, Jesus.

Vicki Matte
January 18, 2024

It would not hurt any of us to read Derick Prine’s Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting. He deals with our (my) short comings in praying for our government and how there is a lack of emphasis of this teaching in today’s churches.

Allena Jordan
January 18, 2024

This article encouraged me to pray for our local pastors to become involved with local representatives.
Father, so impress our pastors in every community to speak and pray with/for our local representatives as well as all our state leaders. Prod them. Help congregations to encourage this action.
And help me, Lord, to obey You in whatever You’re calling me to do in my local congregation. Thank you! Amen.


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