I Prayed have prayed
LORD, Your remnant is asking You to refine and purify us. Remove ethic bias and pride from our hearts, forgive us for operating toward others from a place of superiority, pity, lordship or resentment, and restore Your Ecclesia’s love for one another as Christ loves us. Please redeem the time and power we have lost while pitting ourselves against one another, as we seek to walk in unity that is rooted in the grace and truth of Yeshua.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Were you surprised or dismayed that Claudine Gay played the race card as her chickens came home to roost? What can the Ecclesia do to finally make our Enemy regret continuing to play this same old dirge in America?

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9)

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


The Puritans planted the root of a gospel commission in our nation. A counterfeit, ugly, parallel root grows in our nation: the demonic idea of one’s value being determined by their ethnicity (aka race).

The latter root is evidenced in the horrors perpetrated against Turtle Island’s (America) First Nations people, the wickedness done to Irish and Asian indentured servants (slaves) and communities as the new nation formed, and the inexplicable horrors done to those kidnapped from Africa and the West Indies.

America’s history is multifaceted, and the subjugated has often become the subjugator. Consider the complexity of the Buffalo Soldiers. They are considered pioneer heroes who helped expand America westward despite experiencing abject racism. But they also participated in some of the most violent covenant-breaking campaigns against First Nations peoples.

In America’s history, there is truly enough blame of evil to go around for everyone. At some point, the Body of Christ has to say “Enough!”

We have to decide if we are truly of One LORD, one faith, one baptism (Ephesians 4:5 – 6), and if we believe that all of us are equal in the eyes of GOD, because He shows no partiality and accepts no bribes (Deuteronomy 10:17). He commands us in Romans 12:3, For by the grace [of God] given to me I say to everyone of you not to think more highly of himself [and of his importance and ability] than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has apportioned to each a degree of faith [and a purpose designed for service].

In America, the church is complicit. Fake Reverends, self-loathing liberal elites and others continually stir the fomenting pot of hatred; adding more hate-based lies, programs, and initiatives to the mix every day.

How can we respond? Matthew 11:12 speaks about violent men seizing the kingdom of heaven by force of violence.  I believe we must learn the art of godly spiritual violence. Spiritual violence is that which is rooted in all of who GOD is, is led by His Spirit, and violently resists the Devil so that he must flee. It is deployment using the WORD and word of GOD.

In October 2020, I submitted an opinion piece to a Christian publication (not IFA) titled, Christians Voting for Democrats are Being Herded to Destruction.  The piece was published with a new title: I am a Free Black Woman. Why I won’t vote Democrat this year.  Why the editorial change?  Was it to draw clicks, because the race card attracts and sells even amongst Christians?

In February of 2021, I publicly renounced my “Black Card” membership, because I finally accepted that membership in good standing is predicated upon advancing and/or tolerating things that GOD hates.  This may seem extreme. But I see the evidence of how our Enemy and his legions have used the modern construct of race and ethnicity to deride and divide America. I also noticed the ease with which I once settled into many of those constructs.

Once I received the revelation, I needed and wanted to violently uproot every spoiled seed, destroy every rotten fruit, and fully surrender to the LORD’s refining fire. Thankful that GOD first chose me, I finally chose Him completely. The process continues, but I hope that I’m increasingly sowing seeds and producing fruit of righteousness and justice, judging the heart rather than appearance.

Has the Church helped to stack the race-baiting and race-card decks through acts and beliefs of omission and commission?  Has Christian white guilt hurt our nation and our witness? Arguably, yes.

Let’s advance the Kingdom of Heaven by taking back what’s been stolen. Let’s respond with biblical, spiritual violence.  Personally, this necessitated me returning the divisive and scientifically inaccurate label of Black and its associated Black Card back to its hell-bound sender, while surrendering to the process of having my mind renewed about who I am and who others are in Christ.  To start the year, please prayerfully consider what this might look like in your life.

What did you think of this article? What is God telling you to do in the new year? Share your revelations and prayers below.

Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools Board of Education in 2017/18 and the Maryland Senate in 2022. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion.  She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Sushil Nash on Unsplash.

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January 15, 2024

Your article blesses and challenges me. Thank you for your honesty and courage. Blessings on you, your family and your ministry!

May the Lord continue to purify and unify His bride, in the name of Jesus!

January 12, 2024

Thank you Mavourneen for speaking forth reconciliation as we are instructed in II Cor 5:18.

January 11, 2024

First, thank you for being so open and honest sister!
I am very happy for you, we are all His poetry in motion, hopefully we are kind to each other and ourselves when we have growing pains to remind us, we are also His work in progress!
Also, no, C. Guy did not surprise me one bit, but I’d rather pray for her than bash her, as I know how much it hurts to admit one’s own responsibility for wrong done….just one of those things that awes my about Poppa G-D, no wonder HE calls us children!

Jacquelyn Hakim
January 11, 2024

Christians Voting for Democrats are Being Herded to Destruction
could also be titled: Jews Voting for Democrats are Being Herded to Destruction. Possibly annihilation.
Dear G-d, please open the eyes of every thinking person.

Darlene Estlow
January 11, 2024

Thank you Mavourene Robinson for your words. We pray God will change each of us and our nation where we let race be our determining stand. We are one in Christ! And science has found that we are all one race. May God open our eyes to that fact!

Mary Beth
January 11, 2024

I’m so thankful for your strong, clear voice for truth and reason! Make us truly one in You, LORD!

January 11, 2024

Racism is a sin of the heart ,
We have all sinned
Racism is not so much what we do but what we don’t do
As we love each other because we were made in the image of God

Allena Jordan
January 11, 2024

What a statement! I am moved to tears.
Lord, I forsake all that I might be known as belong to You and You alone. I stand for righteousness, truth, justice. I am a sinner saved by grace. I believe in Jesus Christ, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. I am Christ’s. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Mari Williams
January 11, 2024

I was not born in the USA–Color means nothing to me. How you treat me means something to me and, unfortunately, I have met a few people who disapprove of my King and country–that is their prerogative but it is also their shame. ALMIGHTY GOD who created the entire world obviously loves variety! And if HE loves each and every one of us –and HE does, then who are “they” who disapprove of HIS choice of the color of our skin, or of our ethnicity?


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