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Father, bring reform to our border. Move upon the hearts in the Biden administration so that they will address this crisis!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The border crisis is straining every state and major city, not just those immediately along the border. When will the Biden administration act? Pray about this.

From Fox News. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warned the entire country “is at stake” if President Biden doesn’t spend resources addressing the migrant crisis that is overwhelming his city.

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The progressive leader appeared Wednesday on CNN to talk about the surge of migrants into the sanctuary city. He argued that leaders in his state and around the country need to work together in a more “coordinated” approach that is backed by “significant” financial support from the Biden administration.

Johnson touted his administration’s efforts providing housing, healthcare and schooling for migrant families. However, he admitted the city’s resources were being stretched and needed the federal government’s help. …

“[W]ithout real significant investment from our federal government, it won’t just be the city of Chicago that won’t be able to maintain this mission; it’s the entire country that is now at stake,” Johnson said.

Over 20,000 migrants have appeared in the Windy City since August 2022, Fox32 Chicago has reported.

Johnson also blamed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “reckless” and “dangerous” move sending buses of migrants to sanctuary cities and states. …

At a city council meeting in November, Chicago residents demanded officials end its sanctuary city status.

The outraged residents complained the city was spending taxpayer funds on housing and meals for illegal immigrants while the Black community had been “left behind.”

Despite the rising challenges at our border, the Biden administration seems reluctant to address the crisis properly. Share your prayers for righteous leaders who will fix this.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: grandriver/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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Sharon Culp
January 1, 2024

Lord we pray Your Will over the border crisis and for closing the border. Lord expose the true motive behind the open border crisis. Thy will be done Lord!
Protect our Nation from those crossing our borders with the intent to do harm, overthrow or weaken our Nation. Thy will be done to open the eyes, heart and minds of the American People (The Church) to know the truth and pray.
May Your mercy be over a stiffed neck people to see the truth and repent and pray Thy Will. In Jesus name. Amen

brother Don
January 1, 2024

A nation under judgement. And the church of Jesus Christ responsible, has not walked in the truth. Has not been a “city set upon a hill” shining brightly! “Judgement begins in the hiouse of God”. so be it, a Holy Spirit deep flood of conviction of sin and deep repentance, nothing less is sufficient for our time. REPENT!


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