I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray against this ballot initiative. We ask that You would put a stop to abortion across the nation. Continue to protect the unborn in Arkansas!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After securing the enshrinement of abortion in Ohio, activists are turning toward Arkansas. Will they be successful in overturning this state’s numerous protections for the unborn?

From Breitbart. Activists are working to put abortion on the ballot in Arkansas, adding to a growing list of states that may be voting on the issue in 2024.

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A non-profit called For AR People announced the creation of a new group on Monday called Arkansans for Limited Government, a ballot question committee that will support the “Arkansas Reproductive Healthcare Amendment.”

The proposed amendment would “prevent the state from restricting access to abortion within 18 weeks of conception, in cases of rape or incest, in the event of a fatal fetal anomaly, or when abortion is needed to protect the pregnant female’s life or health,” according to the organization. Abortion is currently completely outlawed in the state except to save the life of the mother. …

Rose Mimms, executive director of Arkansas Right to Life, said the initiative is concerning and “broad.” …

The state attorney general is reviewing the proposed amendment, according to local media. If approved, the group would be allowed to move forward with signature collection.

“According to the Secretary of State’s office, since this is a proposed constitutional amendment, 90,704 signatures would need to be collected to put this on the November 2024 ballot,” the report states.

If the measure makes it onto the ballot in 2024, it would require a simple majority to pass.

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash)

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Ann Shaw
December 3, 2023

God created each embryo and we should protect each one. God bless us each one.

Jessica Renshaw
December 2, 2023

I used to pray that women would come to know and believe that abortion is the taking of a living human life, that it is murder. But women people HAVE come to know that and it doesn’t faze them. They still continue to believe they have a right over their own bodies that includes the right to take the life of the separate being within them. Now I pray that they will love that life–and their own–and know they have other options.

Jessica Renshaw
Author, GIANNA: Aborted and Lived to Tell About it
and COMPELLING INTERESTS: A novel about abortion from the hearts of
people on both sides

Deirdre Waters
December 2, 2023

Oh Lord, as we weep for the aborted babies, please keep this evil out of Arkansas. Please send your warring angels to guard the borders around the entire state of Arkansas. May those in favor of abortion have a divine encounter with King Jesus and see the wickedness of their ways, turn from their wicked ways and become pro-life supporters. Lord protect the innocent throughout the United States and the world. May prodigals return to you and join the Kingdom side of this spiritual battle. We love you Lord and give You all the praise, glory and honor You deserve. In the precious name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Yvonne Pendleton
December 1, 2023

Father, We cry like Rachel for the babies who have no voice. Change hearts of clueless on abortion to get it right.Return this country to life for all. We declare decree speak life in authority of Jesus. Amen


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