I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that You would keep our government from shutting down, although we ask that Your will would be done.
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This bill does not cut any meaningful spending, but it doesn’t increase anything either. Intercessor, what do you think?

From National Review. As Friday’s shutdown deadline looms over Congress, the House overwhelmingly passed a two-step temporary-funding bill on Tuesday that can partially fund the federal government through the beginning months of 2024.

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The stopgap bill was met with more than two-thirds support from 209 Democrats and 127 Republicans, with a final tally of 336–95. … The bill now heads to the Senate, where it is also expected to pass.

The latest continuing resolution, which Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) proposed over the weekend, provides funding for some federal agencies until mid-January and others through early February, keeping different parts of the government functioning until then. The Democratic-controlled Senate must pass the legislation, and President Joe Biden must sign it into law by 12:01 a.m. on Saturday to avert a potential fourth shutdown in a decade.

The legislation, which does not include any aid for Israel or Ukraine in their respective wars, extends the deadline for four appropriations bills to January 19 and the eight remaining bills to February 2, giving Congress ample time to pass the dozen spending bills. …

What do you think of this stopgap spending bill? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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Grant Windholz
November 18, 2023

Oh Lord God our government is incredibly corrupt and doing everything to implode itself in any way it can. We need you in any way to completely keep us from completely “crashing and burning!”

Mary Beth
November 16, 2023

I agree with your stated prayer because I know a shutdown can be very disruptive to our economy, but couldn’t agree if you had not added – Your will be done! I think sometimes we are not willing to receive with humility and gratitude the tough love and discipline that might be required in order to see God’s redemptive purposes accomplished – in our personal lives and/or our corporate lives – as the church, as organizations, as nations. Father knows best!!

Nikki R Bird
November 16, 2023

I prayer that through Mike Johnson and those in government who know you by name Lord, Jesus Christ, will seek you for every decision they must make. You are a God of order, accountability, truth and structure. I thank you that your hand is on America, you have not forsaken her. I pray that your will be done, continue to expose the lies, treason and unjustly actions of everyone in government. I prayer Mike Johnson and his supporters can redeem the budget through your wisdom. We cannot continue to operate an upside down financial system. I call it bound in Jesus name. I loose your peace and protection on our government official. I prayer each and everyone humble themselves and on bended knee ask for your forgiveness, repent and call your Lord. Bless America through your church as she rises up and takes a stand for the truth. In Jesus name. Amen.

Marsha Bashor
November 16, 2023

I trust in you Lord, I look at what has happened. That it was you who put this man, Mike Johnson in as Speaker of the House. He was your choice and he has great faith in you. I must trust in you that your will be performed through this man , that you have given him wisdom to lead the House.. please lead and guide him for your utmost will to be done.

November 16, 2023

Maybe our fake, too big, over-powerful, non-accountability, anti-American government NEEDS to shut down.
Lord, let YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done. May YOUR government rule in American and upon the earth.

Brian lynch
November 16, 2023

It is very unsettling to know that our government has such problems passing a permanent budget. While it is good that the Congress has taken moves to ensure that there will not be a shutdown, this is not a good sign at all. what message is this sending to other nations? Lord, you are in control, even in these unsettling and tumultuous End Times that we are living in. I pray for Your will to be done in this situation. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Julie W
November 16, 2023

I wish the House would stand their ground. Speaker Johnson said that the Senate had several bills in front of them that they refused to look at. Why is the House taking the heat? Why don’t they release what bills were sent to the Senate and when and then allow the American people to see who is really the problem? We are still compromising. We have to stop covering for those that are deliberately not doing their jobs. As an intercessor, I am praying that every person that is willfully and deliberately stalling for wickedness, be removed and replaced by righteous leaders. It is time

Nancy Smith
November 16, 2023

God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,
Holy is Your name, righteous are your ways I come with gratitude for Your heart to enter into the affairs of man. Praying for our legislators to seek your wisdom and guidance for our country’s budget. Pray it would be one that honors You; Your way, Your Word and Your will for our nation. Thank you that we are using this ladder approach to the budget that allows Congress the time to seek You. Praying that all people pray daily for our country to follow You. Let us keep Israel always before You in support. In Jesus Name and for Your glory.

Jackie Mead
November 15, 2023

All of these points are vital for us to return to better governance. The arguing and near physical bouts within Congress is heartbreaking, at least for me. It does say they are firm in their stance.
I pray for our government daily, whether I agree with political ideals or not. The Bible tells us to pray for all those in authority in the world, that we might have a peaceful life. I’m 76 years old and since my birth there has been little peace in this world. We must make a decision to follow the decrees of the Lord first, before we can gain any semblance of peace.
It would be my prayer, that we will aid Israel in whatever way they need our help.
Thank you for serving our nation and not party guidelines.

Amy Herring
November 15, 2023

Praying in agreement. Also praying the southern border is addressed.

Barbara Gray
November 15, 2023

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank You that You gave Speaker Johnson wisdom as to how to begin the process of forcing congress to deal with issues in a timely manner. Let it just be the beginning. Lord, we ask You to bring our country back to righteousness, righteousness in government and righteousness in the hearts of the people. Let us not assume that we have a great amount of time to get this right. Our nation is under judgment. Lord, please help us run to You! Let us not slumber any longer. Give us great wisdom and powerful prayers. Let every word that comes from our mouths bring You glory and move the hearts of those who hear to repent and worship You instead of the false gods of selfishness, greed, lust and independence from You, we ask in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏

John Gibson
November 15, 2023

I think much of the spending is not needed. So much waste, and not much accountability.


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