I Prayed have prayed
LORD, You ask what agreement God's temple has with idols. There can be no agreement with idols of any kind within us, Your living temples.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Can there truly be godly unity without absolute truth? If your answer is no, that raises the following questions: Why have we settled? And what can believers, specifically, the Bride of Christ, do to ready ourselves for the return of Yeshua?

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Scriptural and experiential evidence suggests that we are now enduring the consequences of centuries of relative truth. It is marketed and in many places actually preached to us as Christian politeness, compassionate tolerance, and/or the acceptance of anything as long as it doesn’t distort the main thing: namely, that Yeshua is Lord! To each his own. Live and let live. Over time, the distortion of truth and of the one who is Truth has left most people unable to see the forest through all the trees. Consequently, the main thing has been repackaged as some set of negotiable things.

Truth is no small thing in the kingdom of Heaven. In John 14:6, Yeshua speaks of Himself, saying: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In John 16:13, Yeshua promises us that the Spirit of truth will guide believers into all truth, speaking only what he hears from Father God. In John 8:32, He speaks to the Jews who will receive Him as the Messiah, saying that if they continue in His Word, they will know the truth and that the truth would make them free. In John 17:17, one of Yeshua’s final requests of the Father in our behalf is that He would sanctify us in His truth, noting: … Your Word is truth.” Yeshua goes on to say that this request is because Christ-followers are not of this world, just as He Himsef is not of this world, although we are in the world.

In many ways we are neglecting a main thing: our mandate to address the commonness of what and who is identified as the Church, by contending for the faith — all of it. And not merely as another thing on our to-do list, but rather as a way of praying, hearing, and obeying the Lord’s correction, availing ourselves of this aspect of the refining process, individually and corporately. Moreover, as watchmen and intercessors recognizing full well that more is coming in the area of shaking, correcting, cleansing, and, yes, persecution for uncompromising followers of Yeshua, it is time for us to know where we stand and with whom we are standing in this world. Our prayerful consideration and obedience to what each of us hears from God in this matter cannot await pastoral initiation, because each one of us must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (see Philippians 2:12).

When we are ready to begin this step onto the narrow way leading to life, we may begin by asking ourselves (and God) if it is possible to live in Christian unity befitting all of who He is and all of who we are called to be in Him within the commonness and acceptance of compromised Christianity when:

  • we are required to separate ourselves from among those who refuse to see or have hardened their hearts to the truth, or have chosen comfortable Christian celebrity above absolute truth (see 2 Corinthians 6:17);
  • Yeshua is preparing a wedding feast, for which we are to remain faithful, vigilant, filled with the oil of the Spirit of truth, lest we be left out of the wedding;
  • His Body has generally resisted addressing the blue-whale-sized evidence of confused sheep, and the accompanying parasitic foxes and wolves freely operating within every office of congregations. So we stay silent, not wanting to upset the leader or lose our social connections.

Matthew 18:15 and Galatians 6:1 offer examples of biblical wisdom for restoring repentant brothers and sisters, helping to strengthen brothers and sisters who are merely immature in their walk, and welcoming all who desire the right relationship with God through Yeshua without caste-like exclusions. These are not those about whom we are instructed to separate ourselves. Rather, we are to come out from those whose own ministry leader, teacher, and counselor of truth is not the Spirit of truth.

The refining temperature is rising daily, and the heat will intensify until the day of Yeshua’s return. Let’s rightly judge where we are still compromising with well-packaged, compassion-label lies against truth, because more than ever, our understanding and willingness to walk this out must surpass our cultural understanding of what and who the real Truth is.

Lord, don’t stop refining and drawing us toward Yourself in purity of heart, purpose, and relationship. In every place where You have directed us to come out, give us the courage to obey. Then place us in godly community as You prepare us to become places of refuge for those soon-coming seekers of a pure and holy ministry. Amen.

Share your prayers for unity and truth below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Dee from ภาพของSakorn Sukkasemsakorn.

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Bob Huseby
November 29, 2023

Father we unite to stand against any and all attempts to compromise your TRUTH!! Let not anyone who says that Jesus is Lord be influenced in the least by this sneaky attack from our enemy.. In our Saviors name we pray Hallelujah!!

November 28, 2023


Brian Lynch
November 28, 2023

Lord, this is an issue of utmost importance, that we live in unity with our fellow believers. It is also paramount that we are in alignment with Your will and to live our lives in alignment with YOUR Word. Since you are the Living Word, Lord Jesus, please give us Holy Spirit guidance and direction as to what Your purposes for us are in these End times. We need to be completely ready to do Your will and to actively be engaged in the End Time harvest. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Richard Spurlin
November 28, 2023

And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:14-15.

Mary Beth
November 28, 2023

May we as the people of God walk in the daily, moment-by-moment attitude of humility and repentance you are suggesting – subjecting ourselves to His refining process. Then we can truly be transformed into that Eph. 5:27 bride – “set apart for God, . . . clean, . . . a bride to be proud of, . . . without spot, wrinkle or any such thing, . . . holy and without defect.” This is the bride for which Yeshua is returning!

Richard Spurlin
November 28, 2023

We are commanded to not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them; therefore, it is abomination to resurrect the ungodly, idolatrous and demonic “cultures” of what are referred to as “indigenous peoples”.


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