I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for Kristen Clarke and the rest of our leaders. Soften their hearts toward the Jewish people and make them righteous before You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Jews around the world are facing increasing amounts of hate. Will our leaders do what’s needed to protect God’s people?

From The Daily Signal. Kristen Clarke, who leads the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, is responsible for prosecuting hate crimes and making sure that school officials don’t discriminate because of ethnicity or religion.

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This means that Clarke is the official in Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Justice Department responsible for policing antisemitic hate crimes and antisemitic discrimination on campus. These incidents have spiked since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel that left 1,400 civilians dead and over 200 held hostage.

Unfortunately, there is little evidence that Clarke, who like Garland was appointed by President Joe Biden, is doing anything about antisemitic hate crimes and discrimination. And, distressingly, there are reasons to think she might not want to.

Clarke’s radical views show she is a zealous believer in the oppressor-oppressed worldview so popular among the radical Left.

At Harvard Law School, she hosted speakers who defended violent anti-government activists and murderers of police officers as “political prisoners” because they were racial minorities. She parroted pseudo-scientific black supremacist views, writing, “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities” than people with light skin.

According to former staff in the Civil Rights Division, Clarke doesn’t believe in the race-neutral application of civil rights laws. She has said that law enforcement created “decades of oppression and racial violence.” And she rushed to the defense of disgraced actor Jussie Smollett, saying that Chicago police were “demonizing” him in investigating his hate-crime hoax.

None of this is new. But the recent outbreak of vile antisemitic rhetoric from far-left activists reveals that many who share Clarke’s oppressor-oppressed worldview also have antisemitic beliefs. This is so, as my Heritage Foundation colleague Mike Gonzalez explains, because they see Israel as another “oppressor, another white settler-state just like the U.S.”

Little surprise, then, that Clarke has her own past scandals involving antisemitism. At Harvard, she invited the antisemitic and Holocaust-denying writer Tony Martin to campus to give a talk about his book “The Jewish Onslaught.” In that book, Martin argues, falsely, that an international cabal of Jews orchestrated the international slave trade. Clarke later said that it was a “mistake” to invite Martin, but she insisted that he “bases his information on indisputable fact.”

Clarke also edited a journal with Amiri Baraka, an antisemitic and anti-white poet who wrote that Jews are “a dangerous germ culture,” that white people are a “cancer” who “can help the world’s people with [their] death,” and that Jews had inside knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America.

When Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked Clarke during her confirmation hearing about her time working alongside Baraka, she denied that it ever happened.

Archived copies of the journal masthead proved that she wasn’t truthful in her sworn testimony.

In 2018, Clarke defended left-wing activist Tamika Mallory after Mallory was criticized for making antisemitic statements, such as saying that Jews “uphold white supremacy,” and for supporting antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who, like Martin, has said that Jews are responsible for the slave trade.

Since then, Clarke has said that she doesn’t support antisemitism.

And yet, Clarke’s Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department is AWOL in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel, antisemitic violence on college campuses, and increasing antisemitic hate crimes.

As of this writing, no press releases or other statements posted on the Civil Rights Division’s website discuss how Clarke and her team plan to combat this rising threat. In the dozens of press reports since Hamas’ terrorist acts a month ago, you will find only one small mention of antisemitic crimes.

On Nov. 1, Clarke spared a single sentence for antisemitism in a speech about hate crimes more generally. After discussing hate crimes directed against black people, Clarke mentioned in passing that “antisemitic hate crimes rose 25% from last year,” before quickly moving on to discuss hate crimes directed at Muslims or LGBTQ+ individuals.

Clarke didn’t explore why antisemitic hate crimes are rising. She did not address the increasing violence faced by American Jews in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks. She didn’t address the hatred and harassment they face on college campuses. And, worst of all, she didn’t say that her DOJ division was doing anything about it.

The hatred and violence that Jews face right now falls under Clarke’s purview. Jews need to know that Clarke’s Civil Rights Division is just as eager to defend them as it is black men who “identify” as women and drag show organizers.

But although a press release would be nice, it is not enough.

Given Kristen Clarke’s commitment to the oppressor-oppressed worldview that morphs so easily into antisemitism, and given her past dalliances with antisemitism itself, American Jews need to see the Civil Rights Division step up to the plate and take deliberate actions to defend them.

Until it does, it is reasonable to doubt that Clarke is willing or able to protect Jewish Americans.

Share your prayers for Jews, both in America and around the world.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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November 16, 2023

by Eva

There’s always been a Haman,
A Hitler, a Hussein:
Satan’s evil cohorts
Who would spur the nations to blame
The children of Israel
For all the world’s upheavals,
Like economic woes,
Bad weather… unbelievable!
But what is really behind
The vile hatred of the Jews?
You won’t find the answer
On the “six o’ clock” news.
Why are the Jews so hated?
The answer is not so odd!
They constantly remind the world
Of the True and Living G-D.

Susan CC
November 15, 2023

The (majority) vote for Ms. Clark was 51-48 to confirm. EVERY Republican voted “N0” except Susan Collins of Maine.

1 Kings 18 Elijah and the prophets of baal
2 Kings 19 Isaiah, Sennacherib and King Hezekiah
John 4:22…salvation is from the Jews
Isaiah 43 Israel’s Only Savior, https://biblehub.com/isaiah/43.htm
I, yes I, am the LORD and there is no Savior but Me.
I alone decreed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you.
So you are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God.
Even from eternity I am He, and none can deliver out of My hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?”

Dear Abba Father and Almighty God, You are the Majority and Your Word protects. Elijah was always about Your business but King Ahab called him “the troubler of Israel.” He lived at Your command and stood alone before the 450 prophets of baal. He prayed loudly to You, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. He prayed You, The God in Israel and he prayed as Your servant acting at Your command.
You answered his prayer.
I remember King Hezekiah when besieged prayed, “And now, O LORD our God, please save us so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, O LORD, are God.” That very night, Your angel went out and struck down 185,000 Assyrians encamped around Jerusalem.
You answered his prayer
I remember Jesus said, “salvation is of the Jews,” which continues to be fulfilled. You are blessing the seed of Abraham, the sons and daughters of Israel, as well as all Christians who are Your adopted children. Kristen Clark can do nothing to oppose You. She cannot deliver out of Your hand or reverse Your will. I pray our confidence and faith in Your Word, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, will protect all of Israel’s sons and daughters for salvation and victory.
Lord, please answer my prayer.

Lori Meed
November 15, 2023

Although this is a very interesting question intellectually, and definitely something to pray about, God did not request or command any government entity to take care of his people. He called us, the believers in Yeshua Messiah and his followers to protect defend and even die with the Jewish people if necessary. And his clearest command in the Old testament to us is that we help them to go home. The crying is real right now is bring them home, and of course that is about the hostages. But our cry here in the West is that his people would see the anti-Semitism unmasked and go home. It is our job to help them. Father, that the North American Church would wake up to their responsibilities regarding the Jewish people. Those responsibilities are not primarily governmental but we are to lay down our lives for them to ensure that they return to israel before it is too late. In Amos 9, God tells us that He is going to shake the Nations and He’s going to shake out the Jewish people like kernels through a sieve. The only ones that will not be saved during that time will they be those who say nothing bad could happen to me here. Does that sound familiar? After Eric Metaxas’s exhortation to us at the 50th Gala we should all be sober about the possibility that this is a season when our nation is turning against Israel and the Jewish people. We should all be ready to do our part.

    November 15, 2023

    Well said, LORD GOD Almighty help us to stand firm in helping the people of Judah return to their “safe” land, as we even now see an Exodus occuring.


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