I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You would stop the Biden administration from treating our southern border so flippantly. Give our leaders wisdom as they seek to stop the relentless onslaught of illegal immigration.
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Even as blue cities struggle under the strain of a porous border, Biden is seeking billions to further fund illegal immigration

From Breitbart. President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation.

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The request is being touted as “border security” even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants. For example, Biden’s deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in September alone. The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal migrants and temporary workers.

Instead, much of the requested money would be used to help more job-seeking migrants reach the U.S. border, register and release them, and then bus them to hotels, job training, and American workplaces around the United States. …

The massive request — buried in a larger $106 billion request — may be intended to cover planned migrant aid by Democrat-run cities through the 2024 presidential campaign. That cash flow would help pro-migration groups minimize voters’ recognition of the huge costs to cities, taxpayers, and Americans. …

The Washington Post reported:

The request includes more than $6 billion for “border operations,” including $4.4 billion for DHS [Department of Homeland Security], and $3.1 billion for additional border patrol agents, asylum officers, and processing personnel. The request also includes $1.4 billion for state and local governments to help them with shelter and services for migrants. …

Extraction Migration

The federal government has long operated an unpopular economic policy of Extraction Migration. This colonialism-like policy extracts vast amounts of human resources from needy countries, reduces beneficial trade, and uses the imported workers, renters, and consumers to grow Wall Street and the economy.

The migrant inflow has successfully forced down Americans’ wages and boosted rents and housing prices. …

Migration — especially labor migration — is unpopular among swing voters. In September, a Reuters/Ipsos poll of 4,415 adults showed that a 54 percent majority of Americans said immigration under President Joe Biden is making life harder for all Americans, up from 48 percent in July. Fifty-seven percent of independents agreed with the “harder” view, while just 17 percent of all adults “strongly” disagreed.

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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October 27, 2023


Legal immigration fails the DEMs/FOOLs theft of elections:
🛑”The ethnic chauvinists and Democratic Party elites needed new constituents, given their increasingly unpopular agendas. They feared that the more legal Latino immigrants assimilated and integrated into American society, the less happy they became with left-wing radical abortion, racial, transgender, crime and green fixations.”

Illegal immigration STEALS ELECTIONS for the DEMs/FOOLs to have power at the State & Federal level:
🛑”Democratic grandees had always bragged that illegal immigration would create what they called “The New Democratic Majority” in “Demography is Destiny” fashion. Now they slander critics as “racists” who object to left-wing efforts to use illegal immigration to turn southwestern red states blue.”

DEMs/FOOLs created the illegal immigration US CATASTROPHE:
🛑”The result is elite bottled piety — but not firsthand experience with the natural consequences of millions chaotically fleeing one of the poorest countries in the world to pour into the wealthiest. Without background checks, vaccinations and health audits, legality, high-school diplomas, English-facility, skill sets or capital, the result is an abject catastrophe.”

DEMs/FOOLs HATE “WE THE PEOPLE” and break the Supreme Law of the Land EVERYDAY since Biden took the office of president:
🛑”Polls continue to show that the American people support measured, diverse, legal and meritocratic immigration as much as they oppose mass illegal immigration into their country and the subsequent loss of American sovereignty on the border.”

DEMs/FOOLs bring an end to America’s existence:
🛑”They understand what the Biden administration does not: No nation in history has survived once its borders were destroyed, once its citizenship was rendered no different from mere residence, and once its neighbors with impunity undermined its sovereignty.”

💡America is the only mortal force to protect Israel as an ally. If the demonically possessed people of the rogue Democratic Party destroy America through the criminal swamping of illegal aliens, their debauchery rules as a tyrant (President Washington warned about this in his 1796 Farewell speech), and Israel will no longer have America as an ally. Prophetically this may bring God’s judgment of the destruction of 1/3 of mankind as written in Revelation 8 and 9. America is NOT mentioned in the Bible and ironically all these illegal aliens may be breaking America’s immigration laws to reach their deaths.

🙏🏻Yah, we praise You for Your Truth, Godly character, Your Holiness, Your sacredness of the Christian family, Obedience to You first even under persecution then the law, discernment of those that are wicked, revelation and rejection of those that are wicked and their teachings of wickedness. Thank You for law and order because that is Your nature. Thank You for revealing to Your children the wickedness of America’s rogue Democratic Party and their lying, cheating, thieving nature in rigging and stealing elections through illegal immigration. If You choose these wicked people to carry out Your judgment, may it be so, but, if not, may we Your children be blessed by Your righteous power in witnessing Your divinity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Thy will be done, Amen.

Mark W
October 25, 2023

Father, we thank you for your delegated authority. So now in the Name of Jesus, we as citizens of the United States and as citizens and ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven, declare and decree a cease and desist petition that the earthly Biden administration would be bound and inhibited from any distribution of funds to further illegal immigration. So let it be done in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

Darlene Estlow
October 25, 2023

Father, we commit all this to you. We come to you in humility and ask for mercy
Restore our nation and grant us leaders who will use your wisdom in leading.

Beverly A.
October 25, 2023

Hi prayer warriors of IFA community. Thank you for this article. God has put something on my heart to share about immigration. It may not be a popular perspective, but God uses the foolish to confound the wise.

I have had to learn and relearn history, myself. Learn to seek God and pray for our nation so as to be part of the solution in the mess our country is in.

I believe that the immigrants need to step up to the plate for their own countries and nations. They need to learn to be responsible and manage their own countries. For their own sake and that of their children’s future. They need to have a relationship with Jesus. They need to read the Bible and follow Biblical principles to regain control of their lands and countries. The United States cannot do that for them.

Perhaps some of the people are law abiding citizens in their own countries that come here. But then they come into our country illegally. Are they still law abiding citizens? Not in our country. They broke our laws, whether intentional or not. Instant seared conscience.

Our country has been thru the American Revolution, WW1, WW2, The Viet Nam war. Our founding Fathers read the Bible. They had a relationship with Jesus. They persistently prayed. Our founding fathers fought for our freedom using Biblical principles. They started with nothing. They mobilized. They were innovative and creative. They built factories that made machines. Armories that made weapons to defend our country from thieves. These thieves had the devil working thru them to want to kill, still, and destroy the United States and the people who lived here. Try to take our freedom away from us, not.

The only way immigrants are going to learn how to take care of themselves is to fight for their own freedom for their own countries. This is a Biblical principle. Learning who you are in Christ and how to be skillful at using your authority in Christ. That is what the immigrants need to learn to do, learn to take care of themselves in their own countries. Fight for what is right in their lands. Lay hold.

Mr. Biden is not helping them by allowing free, illegal access into our country. He is hindering. And Mr. Biden is hindering his own people in the process, loosening our rule of law, established by our Founding Fathers. This is poor leadership IMHO, with all due respect to the office and position of the President. Our own country is becoming a place where one cannot achieve the pursuit of happiness. Proverbs 29:2 when the righteous increase, the people rejoice. But when a wicked man rules the people groan.

I pray for the immigrants to learn how to skillfully use the Sword of the Spirit. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land. I pray for the immigrants to uncover the strong man in their nations. Be it fear, discouragement, or any other spirit, reveal that spirit to the immigrants and help them get delivered from it. Raise up your army Lord among the immigrants to help them develop strength in you to take back their lands. Help the immigrants raise up their own Davids, Moses and Abrahams, Lord.

I pray for our own country, the United States. I pray for the rule of law to be upheld. I pray for justice and against opposition. I pray for Mr. Biden to turn his heart to you, Lord and to follow your leading Lord. I pray against the sin of rebellion and witchcraft, 1 Sam. 15:23 “ rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft”.
I bind the spirits of rebellion and witchcraft over the United States, now, in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord thank you for hearing these prayers. Amen.

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Susan CC
October 25, 2023

“Father, we ask that You would stop the Biden administration from treating our southern border so flippantly. Give our leaders wisdom as they seek to stop the relentless onslaught of illegal immigration.”

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You will stop this administration from every flippant decision they attempt. Will You raise up wise men and women who WILL enforce our laws? Will You remove the imposters posing as leaders? This administration is responsible for the relentless onslaught of wrong, which is draining our resources on SO many levels. We need the just and courageous to lead, please open the door and lead the individuals in. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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