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Dear Lord, we lift up this study and its results before You. If the COVID shot truly is causing immune deficiencies, we humbly ask that You would heal those affected. Restore what the Enemy has stolen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New studies indicate that the COVID vaccine may be causing immune deficiencies in people. What does this mean for children and future generations?

From The Epoch Times. recent study on the immune effects of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has scientists raising concerns over vaccine-acquired immune deficiencies.

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Vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is a new colloquial term coined by researchers and health practitioners since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Though not recognized as a medical condition, some experts believe the COVID-19 vaccines may impair or suppress immune responses.

While the new study does not use the term VAIDS, the researchers recognized “a general decrease in cytokine and chemokine responses” to bacteria, fungi, and non-COVID viruses in children after COVID-19 vaccination. …

The researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, took blood samples of 29 children, both prevaccination and after two Pfizer mRNA doses.

They found that blood samples postvaccination had a lower cytokine response to non-COVID pathogens compared to prevaccination. …

Professor Retsef Levi, specializing in risk management and health systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) that the study “adds to cumulative evidence suggesting adverse immune alteration” by COVID-19 vaccination. …

Accumulation of Studies Suggesting Decreased Immunity After Vaccination

The study is one of many suggesting declined immune response after COVID-19 vaccination.

preprint study in 16 adults inoculated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccines had similar findings of a reduced innate immune response in participants exposed to pathogenic fungi. The same paper also found long-term changes in innate immune cells. …

Since the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, there has been an increase in cancers in people under 50, with some experts suggesting vaccine triggers. Leprosy cases have also increased, with proposed relations to COVID-19 vaccines.

peer-reviewed study in mice also showed that mice injected with the same lipid nanoparticles used in mRNA vaccines had a reduced innate and adaptive immune response. …

Share your prayers for healing below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Braňo on Unsplash

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sheryl dawson
September 11, 2023

This is a very good summary of some of the evidence that the vaccines have caused compromised immunity, disease, and death. I have compiled extensive research from the beginning of the plandemic: https://celebratingchrist.com/2023/04/04/easter-passover-where-is-the-promise-of-his-coming/ My own brother died of turbo cancer after taking 5 shots. I have another friend dying of liver cancer after taking the shots. Several in my network have gotten bladder cancer. I have heard of many other illnesses in young people who were not ill before the vax. They say each shot reduces immunity 7%. The key is to stop taking these mRNA shots and detox — excellent protocol below in the comments from The Wellness Company and FLCCC. Spread the truth as the fall shot was just approved by FDA — they do not care how many people die or are injured or disabled — they have immunity under the PREP Act and from the childhood vaccine schedule to which they added this abomination. Read Edward Dowd’s research to see the data on disabilities. I agree with Dr Tess Lawrie that everyone including the church has an obligation to share the truth about the dangerous vax: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/cp/136925141 Even Dr. Paul Offit admits young healthy people do not need the vax: https://palexander.substack.com/p/imo-dr-offit-has-contributed-to-the?publication_id=579356&post_id=136930367&isFreemail=true&r=14wzct He cannot bring himself to admit NO one should take them! https://kirschsubstack.com/p/major-whoops-jama-paper-shows-the?publication_id=548354&post_id=136922595&isFreemail=true&r=14wzct Being vaccinated with mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna etc.) for COVID dramatically escalates your risk of being infected, or becoming re-infected; this vaccine drives you to become infected. Having no vaccine gives you the least risk of infection. Dr. McCullough among others believe Trump was lied to and deceived by the Covid Committee and CDC/FDA et al. I agree. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web&r=14wzct

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September 8, 2023

Dennis, thank you for posting the DETOX protocol. I am familiar with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and other people including Dr. Bryan Ardis. Dr. Ardis discovered that nicotine keeps people from getting COVID. He recommends wearing a nicotine patch or chewing the nicotine gum. My prayer is that the makers of this so called “Vaccine” will be brought to justice because they knew exactly what they manufactured and the media was in on the plan as well. Depopulation. The New World Order. Only wanting 500,000,OOO million people to be left on this earth after what I called the jab. These people are evil. They are so full of themselves. I hope people don’t believe the next “vaccine” they plan to roll out is going to be any safer than this last one. None of them are safe. I don’t trust any of them anymore. This is being done under “Obamacare”.

Janet M Craig
September 7, 2023

I watched my sister die of Cancer that had spread throughout her body that started in her lungs. Her oncologist asked if she had taken the COVID shots and she said yes, all of them. He told her that this only pushed the cancer to a no cure. She had the Radiation for the cancer in her brain but after that she was so thin, she couldn’t have the chemo for the rest of her treatment.
If an oncologist says these COVID vaccines are not good for anyone than we should not be giving them to anyone especially our children.
Father God protects those who have taken the COVID vaccine. Let them know that you are with them, and you have never forsaken them. Remove the fear and Help them to trust in You. Father Help this Nation and Your Children to have discernment, wisdom, and knowledge, and pray and seek Your face before making decisions of any kind. Lord that the Blood of Jesus would cover them and deliver them from all the lies that have come against them. In Jesus mighty Name.

September 7, 2023

In Your mercy and compassion, dismantle the mRNA, spike protein and any other harmful agent in the shots in the bodies of all who took them. I plead the precious Blood of Jesus over every cell and their immune systems that they would be restored to normal. Protect all who took the shots from cardiac, autoimmune and any other form of disease in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

September 7, 2023

An Effective, DETOX
Breakdown spike protein;
Nattokinase 2000 FU 2 X day
Bromelain 500 MG daily
Curcumin 500 MG 2 times daily

Virus spike stays in body 2 years
Vax spike, forever per Dr. Peter M.
America Out Loud .Com
MD Peter McCullough .Com

99% of covid labeled DEATHS
(Hospital coded for ^ $ paid)
* * Were NOT Covid * *
BUT Regular Flu, Pneumonia,
COPD, Heart disease, Kidney
disease, Diabetes, Old Age,
Accidents, etc…

I will Not comply
Because They Lie

September 7, 2023

Very happy I never got jab. Had covid and never got it again unlike so many that have been vaxed. Lord I pray for awakening to use the the other natural medicines and vitamins to boost ones immunity and stop this insanity.

September 7, 2023

Sure glad I never got the jab. It just spelled D-A-N-G-E-R from the get go.

September 7, 2023

“Lord, may you cause the counsel of the heathen to come to naught and make the devices of the people of no effect where Your people are concerned!” Ps 33:10

Pat Groves
September 7, 2023

Not surprised. Sure glad I never got them. My natural immunity to Covid has been off the charts for over 2 years, since I had it. Praying for all who believed the lie. Bring to Justice those who perpetrated it.

Mary Beth
September 7, 2023

LORD, Your arm is not too short to save, nor is Your ear too dull to hear. (Isa. 59:1) For those who trust You, healing is available. LORD, I do trust – help my lack of trust! (Mark 9:24)

Pamela C
September 7, 2023

Why I no longer trust the medical profession. They perpetuate the lies. May God deliver us.


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