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Father, we know the truth about Donald Trump and the weaponizing of the government at the hands of the Biden administration. Expose the truth and bring justice in this situation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why has Trump not yet been charged with insurrection? Could it be because everyone knows he never committed such a crime?

From National Review. You know insurrection is a crime, right?

Just to recap, under Section 2383 of the federal criminal code, a person is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment, if he

incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto.

Who is praying on the wall?


And why do we need a refresher on this? Because the Department of Justice has been investigating Donald Trump and the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot for nearly three years, yet no insurrection charges have ever been brought against Trump or anyone else. …

The Justice Department — the arm of the United States government vested with responsibility to enforce the insurrection law — has not charged Trump with insurrection because it can’t prove Trump committed insurrection. …

It’s not that Biden-DOJ-appointed special counsel Jack Smith hasn’t been trying. And it is obviously not that Smith is unwilling to stretch federal criminal laws to the breaking point to make a January 6 case against Trump. The insuperable hurdle is that the evidence does not support a charge of insurrection. …

After years of investigating, Smith and the Biden Justice Department brought a January 6 indictment against Trump in the District of Columbia, which has the most Trump-hostile jury pool in the country. They then hit the jackpot by drawing an anti-Trump judge out of central casting — Obama appointee Tanya Chutkan, who, in a courthouse where the bench teems with Democratic appointees who’ve meted out harsh sentences to January 6 defendants, manages to stand out as the scourge of the Capitol riot. …

Nevertheless, gifted with this greatest home-field advantage of all time, Smith and his team haven’t charged Trump with insurrection. That’s because they don’t have a case. They desperately want to bring one, but they know that nothing would explode the Democrats’ January 6 myth-making like an acquittal of Donald Trump. And even with Judge Chutkan presiding and a Washington, D.C., jury, that’s what they’d get. …

It is not enough to say that Trump was not charged or named as an unindicted coconspirator in the Justice Department’s seditious-conspiracy cases. Those cases themselves do not charge sedition — the wellspring of insurrection.

In the relevant statute (Section 2384), the word seditious appears only in the title, not in the charging language. That language prescribes five distinct conspiracy objectives, the commission of any one of which is a crime punishable by up to 20 years’ imprisonment.

The two most serious of these are akin to sedition as connoted by the Democratic narrative of the Capitol riot: (1) conspiracy “to overthrow, put down, or destroy by force the Government of the United States,” and (2) conspiracy “to levy war against” the United States. But while the Biden Justice Department’s cheerleaders like to tout the “sedition” convictions, the Justice Department did not charge anyone with conspiring to overthrow the government or wage war against our nation. That’s not what even the worst of the rioters were up to. …

Thus, the Justice Department had to resort to two of the three less serious, albeit condemnable, conspiracies codified by Section 2384: conspiracy (3) “to oppose by force the authority” of the United States government, and (4) conspiracy “to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.” (The fifth conspiracy criminalized by Section 2384 is conspiracy to forcibly seize government property.)

These are serious offenses, but they are not sedition, let alone insurrection. It is noteworthy, moreover, that the Justice Department’s rationale for invoking these Section 2384 provisions in January 6 cases could also have rationalized seditious-conspiracy charges against radical leftists who were stirred by the likes of Senator Elizabeth Warren to occupy the Capitol during the 2018 Kavanaugh-confirmation hearings, as well as, say, the radical leftists who firebombed the federal courthouse in Portland, Ore., in 2021. …

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(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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September 10, 2023

When it comes to dealing with human beings, things are rarely black and white. Almost always, they are gray. I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 but will not do so again. He has been like many presidents and has done some things which benefited Christians or helped most families. President Bush’s Faith Based and Community Initiative enhanced the influence of churches and even President Obama, who was so hostile to Christians, helped families when he extended health coverage to children until they were 26. So, President Trump did some good things which I appreciate. But the chaos in his administration, as, for example, the constant turnover of Secretaries of States, Department of Justice’s heads, Heads if Intelligence and etc revealed he was over his head and clueless when it came to leading a powerful country. His constant petty twitter fights with celebrities revealed a lack of emotional maturity and an inability to separate what is important from what is not important. So, I want to join others who have expressed concerned over the IFA’s constant attempts to promote Mr. Trump. But I care about him. I believe he is a brother in the faith, albeit a more recent one and thus has much room to grow as far as maturity in the faith. I think, moreover, the charges are a little extreme and are actually an attempt to influence the voters to vote for him.

Lord, raise up leaders who have the wisdom to navigate the complexity of our politics and are able to use wisdom to re-establish justice. Help Donald Trump. Give him wise legal counsel and fair justices.

Ann NMN Shaw
September 10, 2023

We trust in an omnipotent God to reveal truth.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Marsha Bashor
September 8, 2023

Dear Lord I pray for Donald Trump being falsely indicted and for not doing what Smith charged him for. Total “trumped up” charges they are. What a terrible shame! Please intervene in your way to free Donald Trump, and to make sure he runs in the upcoming election.
Please let the 2024 election be fair and true, not tampered with in any way. Please right the many wrongs and make our country righteous with your values. Please help Donald Trump, it seems that everyone that supported him when he was president has jumped ship, Lord help him to have a believing faith in your son, Jesus Christ. Lead and guide him and give him your wisdom, and rescue him from the evil one .
🙏I pray🙏

September 7, 2023

Amen Amen Amen
Where is the Justice for Clinton?
Both Bill and Hillary need to be held accountable!!!
FATHER, Obama, Biden’s, Comey, Hillary, Barr, Garland, Fauci, Collins, Etc… need to be locked up IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Darlene Estlow
September 7, 2023

Father, we pray for justice in Trump’s case. The discovered January 6 tell a different story from the ones the Jan 6 committee revealed. We ask for truth to come out and that hatred for Trump would not tell the final story. I pray for him to humble himself before you and walk in the fruit of the Spirit.

Brian lynch
September 7, 2023

This is such a travesty of justice! Lord Jesus, by Your mercy and grace, please, intervene in the evil mess that has been created by our government going after President Trump. Let the truth behind these lies be revealed, and may those who have been players in this inappropriate fiasco be exposed and punished for their evil actions. Thank you, Jesus.

September 7, 2023

The evil ones have been lying for decades. The evil ones made a huge mistake that cost them the 2016 election. Since the summer of 2016 the evil and greedy left have gone to war with President Trump and everyone who support him. Look at the hundreds of people on the left who never even got questioned by the FBI or DOJ. Maybe Thousands. Look at the union between Zuckerberg and the left. Look at all the lies from the FBI about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Look who is on the right and who is on the left. We can’t find any link between the truth and the left. It doesn’t exist. I urge all of you who are reading and praying about what they are reading on IFA. If you are awake, you are seeing no good works on the left. You will find no reason to support any left policies. The left has no connection to God’s laws. We need all to start looking within. We need to say to ourselves, “What is God telling me”? We have to start taking action. Action to make sure our values are installed back into this country. We are making sure that our votes are not being thrown away through electronic voting tabulators and cheaters who are doing Satan’s work in our elections. We must do all we can to expel the Satanic forces who have had a grip on our country while we have been asleep. God is calling us. I know most of you can hear that. Now is the time to be heard. Pray, listen to God’s word and act. God save America.

September 7, 2023

If we’re going to pray we have to pray for everyone alike stop being so one-sided God already know the truth evidently God is not the one you’re talking it is so clear what part you belong to but this should never be about a party no one is above the law and if Trump commit a crime he’s supposed to pay for his crime and move on just like everyone else this is not intercession you’re doing this is pure politics no one can bully God into doing what they believe he should do , this kind of behavior is exactly why the world is like this today we have to do better and remember who God is.

    Ellen Hoffman
    September 7, 2023

    The problem isn’t Trump paying for his crimes. If that were the case there would be prayer for accountability. The problem is the way they are going after him. The DOJ is no longer neutral. He is being prosecuted for crimes that bypassed the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It is about the unfairness of the system. That could be called political. However, our country is built upon justice being blind. It no longer is.

    September 7, 2023

    Checkout Platform
    Total Antichrist

Holly Timbers
September 7, 2023

I pray that God will touch Trump’s heart, and thus he will seek forgiveness for violent acts/speaks and sexual deviance.

September 7, 2023



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