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Jesus, we ask that You would guide our government today. As they decide how to handle this problem, we ask that You would lead them to the solution that benefits America and its citizens the most.
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Years after COVID first shut down the nation, many federal employees are still working from home. How should the government handle this?

From Daily Mail. Republicans say billions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted based on unused federal office space and employees taking advantage of the White House‘s liberal work from home policies. …

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More than 75 percent of the available office space at 17 different federal agencies is still empty, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Now the GOP have a message for the White House: Get employees back to work or sell the offices to pay off the spiraling national debt. …

Agencies spend about $2 billion a year to operate and maintain federal office buildings and over $5 billion annually in leases.

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, told DailyMail.com that Biden must hold a ‘clearance sale on unused office space’ – which could help pay off the $32.9 trillion in U.S. national debt.

Federal employees have capitalized on Biden’s telework policies to work from bathtubs, shoot pool and sign off early for happy hour at the same time the backlog of passports continues and veterans have to wait months for appointments with their doctors. …

Ernst said the ‘impact of telework’ on meeting an agency’s mission must be ‘evaluated.’ …

The Iowa senator wrote to a handful of agency inspector generals earlier this week to express concerns about their misuse of taxpayer funds.

She says that downsizing the amount of space at a number of several agencies would help cut down on waste. In particular, reducing office space at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headquarters alone would save $30 million taxpayer dollars per year.

The senator also called out one USPTO patent examiner who ‘never showed up to work’ and was paid ‘$25,000 for 730 hours not worked’ while he was golfing and engaging in other activities.

Biden’s Chief of Staff Jeff Zients issued a directive ordering all federal employees to return to the office this fall after years of remote work. …

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Reps. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., wrote to the Biden administration this week demanding to know if telework policies led to decreased productivity.

They have also requested information on precisely how many federal employees continue to work from home three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. They say they’ve been stonewalled by the administration so far. …

Comer cited reports that just a third of federal employees are back in the office since the start of the pandemic.

In February, the House passed the SHOWUP Act, which seeks to restore pre-pandemic telework levels.

In the Senate, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., introduced a companion bill to the SHOWUP Act. …

Should federal employees come back to work, should the government sell the office space, or should something else entirely be done? What do you think?

(Excerpt from Daily Mail. Photo Credit: alacatr/Getty Images Signature)

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Carol R
September 7, 2023

Why are we acting like this biden government is a “normal” government? We had fairly normal government (except for 911 and war) with Bush and a completely normal government and a respite with Trump. Nothing about biden is done for the betterment of any person outside if biden’s family! Biden chose this guy as ambassador because he knew this guy was anti-semiric. FATHER GOD please remove biden and all of his administration and his cabinet choices quickly from office in JESUS NAME! AMEN!

September 6, 2023

If we are going to replace the evil with the righteous this would be a good time to do it..by filling those positions with Grassroots activists -,conservative Believers that are average people, instead of more government bureaucrats.
Also there is a reason that those buildings are being left vacated.. remember they are building 15 minutes cities..they are changing the landscape-, the things that were thought to be conspiracy theories on the internet for the last 15 years are turning out to be real. We do not want to refill those Office Buildings with more bureaucrats. We need to be picking up the mantle as soon as we can to be a self-governing nation.
They will probably be leveling those Office Buildings-, getting rid of them or using them for some nefarious purposes.
Lord help us to be enlightened to see the opportunities to be Grassroots activists in standing against evil and occupying the land as it says in Luke 19…in doing our part to occupy this great nation with your goodness until you return.
In Jesus Mighty Name..Amen

September 6, 2023

Keep in mind that originally there were only supposed to be 3 functions of federal govt.
1.Protect out bordees
2. Be the custodian and Protectors of our constitutional rights.
3.To interact with and do business with foreign governments
At this time I believe the number of government departments or agencies however you would say it numbers in the thousands. Each one of those departments or agencies are bloat, and are illegal. Now I will confess that I am currently living on Social Security and I have been for 7 years now as I have not really been able to get retrained in another skill at 69 years of age..although I am trying. A friend of mine that I don’t see very often.. that I believe God chose to be a street evangelist- basically he’s very successful at it ..supports his wife and eight children- and is really amazing at how well he can talk to anyone- and I mean anyone abought the Bible-, had pointed out to me that no one is supposed to be living off of Government subsidies-,except for maybe the briefest of time.. Whether or not there is Grace for that is irrelevant. So what the reason I bring that up is not to cast judgment myself like I’m so perfect-,obviously I’m not..but it’s just another reason for us to be under the wrath of God.. and of course we do live under grace.. but His wrath is building.. slowly and is coming to.. probably.. culmination point- along with abortion- ..thank God in heaven that that roe versus Wade was overturned. So these are two reasons why we are in the mess we are in.. besides it is written-,these things must come to pass-, but after just having read all the conditions for answered prayer-, by Derek Prince, I must default back to Grace-, and just keep praying as I was-,because just trying to keep up with all those requirements- increases my stress level.
As it says in that prayer supplement guide – God is gracious and DerekPrince and his associates were very gracious towards us-,so I live by grace -,and that’s all I can do- -,and I will continue to stay the course and be as faithful as I can in prayer.
Lord I thank you that corruption is being revealed and that actions like mayorrcas being subpoenaed-, taking place, and that our prayers are having the needed effect ..and that you are moving in our midst- Lord help us to continue to be steafast in prayer and not grow weary.
Lord thank you for drawing us out of our hiding places and I thank you for those intercessors here that are so much more well spoken and obedient.
In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

    September 7, 2023

    Normal social security is not a subsidy, it’s money we paid into a retirement fund by force, and now the government is giving back a very small portion of what was forced from us, back to us while the government steals the rest.

September 6, 2023

Why should the people who are doing the required work from home be punished?
What a good way to weed out the tares and clean house. Those lower govt workers who are sincerely doing their work from home and those that are not complying.

The Bible talks about the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:37. I pray this over all govt workers.

Pray Lord.

He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sold them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom, all things, that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father, he who has ears to hear, let him hear.

I pray for a smooth transition Lord, in your time and in your season Lord to replace the evil with the righteous. To seek the buildings that need to be sold at the right price to the right people at the right time to help pay off some of the debt. That no weapon formed against anyone involved righteously with this situation will prosper. I call down heavenly angel armies to bless this situation, in Jesus name, thank you for hearing this prayer and bringing it to fruition. Amen and Amen.

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