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Father God, we pray for truth and justice, and for Your will to be done for President Trump and everyone involved in this and all his legal cases.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

President Trump’s trial date is set for March 2024, unusually soon for a trial this complex. How are you praying?

From The Washington Times. The federal judge overseeing former President Donald Trump‘s election interference case on Monday set a trial date for March 4, 2024, a critical moment in the Republican presidential primaries because it is the day before Super Tuesday, when voters in more than a dozen states will cast ballots.

Mr. Trump’s legal team pushed for an April 2026 trial date, two years after the presidential election. They argued that the large amount of discovery in the case and Mr. Trump’s ongoing legal issues in other jurisdictions necessitated the lengthy wait for his federal trial in Washington.

“Never in the history of the United States have we seen a case of this magnitude go to trial in four months, and this man’s liberty and life is at stake,” Trump’s attorney John Lauro said Monday. “He deserves an adequate representation. He’s no different than any American.”

Federal prosecutors with special counsel Jack Smith’s team have pressed for a January trial date with jury selection starting in December. They said the earlier date would “vindicate the public’s strong interest in a speedy trial.”

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said neither proposal was “acceptable.” She said the special counsel’s proposal was too soon, but Mr. Trump’s offer was unreasonable. …

Judge Chutkan added that the public has an interest in the fair and timely administration of justice and that millions of pages of discovery have already been turned over. She also said she wouldn’t change a trial schedule because of a defendant’s professional obligations and used the example of a professional athlete with a trial during a sports season. …

A federal grand jury in Washington indicted Mr. Trump this month on four criminal charges stemming from his efforts to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential election. The charges are conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction and conspiracy against the right to vote and have one’s vote counted.

Mr. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The former president faces three other criminal cases in state and federal jurisdictions.

Share your prayers below for President Trump and those who are with him.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo by Seth Wenig-Pool/Getty Images)

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Cheryl Rees
September 1, 2023

Father God, You are the One who protects us from all evil. Even though 10,000 come against us we will be victorious with the Lord on our side.

September 1, 2023

We are praying ALL of Psalm 35 for President Trump. It is too long to insert here, but these are verses 22-26:
This You have seen, O Lord;
Do not keep silence.
O Lord, do not be far from me.
23 Stir up Yourself, and awake to my vindication,
To my cause, my God and my Lord.
24 Vindicate me, O Lord my God, according to Your righteousness;
And let them not rejoice over me.
25 Let them not say in their hearts, “Ah, so we would have it!”
Let them not say, “We have swallowed him up.”

26 Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion
Who rejoice at my hurt;
Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
Who exalt themselves against me.

May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done for the President, dear Father. We pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN!

    Darlene Wolske
    September 1, 2023

    Yes. Praying the Word us power over the enemy. God is gearing and the enemy is trembling. Kept pressing on warriors. For His Kingdom is coming, In Jesus Name

August 31, 2023

Dear Lord, please protect Pres Trump of any untruth
against him. That your justice will prevail. Give strength and courage as he goes through these trials.

August 31, 2023

Lord, raise up a leader who can step outside of the Biden vs Trump conflict and remove the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the courts from being used by politicians to further their cause.

Dawn Pickerel
August 30, 2023


Dawn Pickerel
August 30, 2023


Candice L Cheek
August 30, 2023

I cancel satan evil motives on all the people that are against President Trump in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST. THEY WILL BE EXPOSED ALSO FOR ALL THE EVIL THEY HAVE DONE IN THE 2020 ELECTION AND FORWARD THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlene Estlow
August 29, 2023

Father, we ask for your justice in these charges. Move the judge’s heart to act righteously. May the jurors not be those who hate President Trump but will listen to the charges and decide righteously. May these charges be considered on true legitimacy, not on the hatred these people feel. Replace those who hate him be removed and those who truly truth to replace them.

    August 29, 2023

    Darlene, there DA’s and prosecutor’s have been hand picked so that only those who hate Trump have been appointed. This is similar to the isrealites, Moses pleaded with the Paroah to let His people go. He refused. God sent several plagues on the Egyptians. None of them fell on the Isrealites. Jack Smith must Go. Only then Trump will have a fair trial. Let us pray that the people in this case will be systemarically removed for Justice to prevail

Elizabeth Brewer
August 29, 2023

Heavenly Father, please do not allow the United States justice system to be weaponized against it’s people and remove their freedoms and liberty. Please don’t allow our nation to descend into third world corruption and please protect Donald Trump and his family from the evil that is constantly being directed their way. We know that you are sovereign over everything and whatever is meant for harm you can use for good.

Mary Lou Titus
August 29, 2023

I pray God will turn the head of this judge toward His Will for President Trump. I pray He visit her in the night and warn her of possible evil involvement in this travesty and that she will bow her knee to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

August 29, 2023

I pray for truth to come forth and that justice would prevail.

Wanakee M Brown-Belin
August 29, 2023

Darkness will never overcome, outdo the light! Thank you Father for the truth coming forth, no matter what!

Brian lynch
August 29, 2023

What a travesty of justice! Lord Jesus, I pray for Your will to be done in this fiasco of going after President Trump.

Katherine M
August 29, 2023

God, please protect this man from the evils of his opponents, who want nothing but to destroy him and this country. He’s not perfect, like all of us, but he is passionate about this country and the freedoms we enjoy by living here. He is FOR THE PEOPLE! Amen!

    August 29, 2023

    Excellent prayer, Katherine!

    Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

    August 29, 2023

    Trump was chosen by God. One minister in UK was praying. Everytime, the name Trump flashed in his mind before 2016 election. He did not know what it was. Later he found out that Trump was a Presidential candidte for the office,Biden stole his 2nd term. God will return it to Trump. Biden desperately wants to be elected. Otherwise, he will end up in jail. No one can rescue him. This is why all the dems want to remove Trump’s name from the ballot. Our God will prevail Trump will be elected. Let us pray for courage, wisdom and strength for Trump so that he will stand, fight and win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Trump was chosen by



Bonnie K Berg
August 29, 2023

Lord God, the Almighty God, King of Kings and Lords of Lords – we come before You in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Father God, we ask that You intervene in these trials and accusations against President Donald J. Trump. Lord, we have been praying for years for this man. We know that You created him for a purpose, and You created us for a purpose. Lord, we are here for such a time as this! We ask that You intervene and bring forth truth and justice. We confess that we have not sought Your face as we should, that we have not turned from our wicked ways as we should but Lord, we are doing so now, and we humbly ask that You work mightily in this situation. We also ask that You continue to raise up other righteous leaders and turn this country once again to our Judeo-Christian foundations. Lord, we know that only You can save this country and we ask that You remember the covenant You made with those at Cape Henry and that You heal our land. We ask all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Amen

Nancy Krueger
August 29, 2023

Praying for President Trump that the Lord would free him from all the charges brought against him. He loves America and the people in it.

Marsha Bashor
August 29, 2023

Dear Father God, you are a God of all wisdom, all grace and all mercy. You are able to turn this horrible evil situation around to good and we all believe that you are willing to do just that. Please save President Trump from all this garbage and protect him and his family from any threats of harm against them. Please help this man and let it be for your glory alone. Please save our country from the enemy that wants to take it down and destroy it. Please make it a country that pleases you in all ways. In your son, Jesus’ name we pray🙏🙏✝️🙏🙏

August 29, 2023

Dear Presdient Trump and all those indicted with you,
I pray over you and the others every day. I plead the blood of Jesus over your minds, wills, and emotions. I declare what the enemy meant for harm King Jesus will turn it around for good! I think of the Bible character of Joseph who was falsely accused but was vindicated. I think of the Bible story of Esther and how the gallows were built for Mordaci but Hamman was the one who hung on the gallows. I pray for your families that God would supernaturally grant you great peace and great grace! I declare that No weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up in judgement, thou shalt condemn. I declare that God is for you and not aginst you!!!!

    August 29, 2023

    Jack Smith hates Trump with a passion. This is why he was hired. He was elected by the America hater and the communist George Soros(A Hungarian who owns our voting machines) Smith hates Trump. Let us pray that whatever Smith is doing against Trump will be reversed and all charges will be dropped and Trump will be freed to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    August 30, 2023

    What a beautiful prayer

Marta Gallegos
August 29, 2023


Debbie Hill
August 29, 2023

Jehovah Saboath, Your mighty arm is strong to deliver righteousness to our land and all who are involved in this legal battle.
Your Justice is like the great deep. I pray along with multitudes for true Justice and Rightousness in our courts and in our land. Tear down the strongholds of wickedness and deceit in our land, vindicate the innocent all over America who have been wrongly accused and detained. Open the eyes of Americans to the Truth and give us hearts of courage to stand for truth and justice, in Jesus’s name..

Sharon Krotts
August 29, 2023

There’s a big difference between “election interference” and “trying to overturn an election” and questioning the reported results. We should all stand united when the validity of an election is questioned and see to it that it has not been tampered with in any way. It has been proven over and over again that the 2020 election was tampered with. Anyone denying that does not want to expose their own dereliction of duty, hesitation to put their toes in an uncomfortable situation that might interfere with their own personal interests, even for the sake of our country. All of these indictments of Trump are a sham and proof of current election interference from a weaponized legal system and government. So sad to see in America, thought we were better than that! Trump 2024…even if I have to right it in!

    August 30, 2023

    Today,the democrats have packed the court dates so that Trump cannot campaign.I spite of this, Trump’s support has been growing. specially among the blacks. They have always voted for the democrats. Now, they have turned against the dems. This is a huge voting block. Let us pray that the GOP volunteers will reach out to the black community and let them support the GOP and reelect Trump.

August 29, 2023

GOD’s got his back!

betty hamblen
August 29, 2023

Holy Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and all that dwells within, come and work that miracle of changing America’s view of Jesus as the suffering lamb into that roaring Lion of Judah that conquers the world and expose those who need to be in the lions pathway. Bring to justice those who are under minding our country and causing it to move downward into the arms of the evil one. Lord, cause the wicked to be brought forth in Jesus’ name and for your glory.

Allena Jordan
August 29, 2023

Lord God, Father of Lights, You are Truth, Life, all goodness and justice and righteousness. Father, protect all people who’ve been charged with wrongdoing, and protect their families. The trap seems to have been set by those who want to bury the truth of 2020 and all that happened. I intercede on behalf of all who are charged. Pull them out of the net which has been boldly laid for them. Be their strength.
Psalm 31:4 4 You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, For You are my strength.
We don’t know at this point what is true and what is false. We do know that You despise falsehood. And that You will deliver those who trust You from evil men. Deliver them all, Lord. Provide funds for all of them. Let them see Your hand in their lives as they are tried for things they most likely did not do.
Psalm 35:7
7 For without cause they hid their net for me; Without cause they dug a
pit for my soul.
Be their strength, Oh Lord God Almighty. Deliver them all and set them safely on the other shore.
Psalm 31:4
4 You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me,
For You are my strength.


August 29, 2023

President Trump was not seeking to change the results of the election, but to encourage investigation of election interference, for which there is abundant evidence. That is the difference here. And at the same time, those who have come into power as a result of that corruption are now doing all they can to destroy our country from within … and from without. President Trump has not been seeking a power grab for himself. He is trying to save our nation from a criminal enterprise, who have weaponized a seemingly unlimited stream of money to infect the very soul of America.

    August 29, 2023

    If what you are saying is true, why has Trump lied so much? For example he continues to say the 2 election workers (mother and daughter) handling the suitcases were cheating. Also shouldn’t Trump welcome a speedy trial if he is confident he is innocent? It will vindicate him before the voters. Instead he wants to suppress the case and dismiss it if he becomes president.

      August 29, 2023

      You are a fool to think
      they didn’t do evil…
      All Republican workers
      were sent home while
      they continued to count
      un-verified ballots!!!!
      You are the liar…
      We cry JUSTICE JUSTICE for the workers of evil, especially unjust Judge’s IN Yeshua’s HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

      August 29, 2023

      Dear Xavier,
      Blessing to you. I believe as we pray for this country we are being lead by Holy Spirit to discern the spirits and the times. We can clearly see the corruption and evil agenda are against us and our country. I believe they are using President Trump and persecuting him because he has spoken out against this evil and wickedness. They want to put fear in everyone to silence us. The indictments against him are not Constitutional and we will stand ‘as one nation under God’ against such things. So may we all as the body of Christ come together and not be divided but see Truth. As it was stated in a earlier President Trump is not perfect, but the goal is to stand for the Bible, our country and Truth.

    August 30, 2023

    Ann, the dems are actually interfering with the 2024 election by packing the court dates so that Trump cannot attend the rallies. The Dems are those who are interfering with the elections. They have always done it. But, when they are exposed, they cry Wolf. Please pray that the table will be turned against them and Trump will win. This will be the greatest miracle of the 21st century. Thank God!!!!!!!

Sue Hill
August 29, 2023

Heavenly Father, We pray Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! We declare in Jesus name that the truth will come out in all the world and that the corruption be brought to an end. Please protect and guide President DJT and the whole team surrounding him. You have chosen him for this mighty assignment and we trust in You Lord. In Jesus name Amen

Rosemarie Lichti
August 29, 2023

President Trump: Stay strong and stay true. Trust God to bring to naught the deep state’s wicked agenda. Keep your eye’s fixed on Him who is able to deliver you. I pray frequently for your family, your health and prosperity, and that God will fill you daily with His wisdom, peace, and comfort and always keep you safe. Thank you for taking a stand and for upholding religious freedom, freedom of speech, democracy, and the constitution. Thank you for saying “yes” to enter into this dark spiritual battle. God surely goes before you and will slay the enemy. To all of those who are called to work along side President Trump I pray also that you will have God’s wisdom, walking in unity and upholding truth and righteousness. May God bless you with courage, wisdom, health, and protection. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


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