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Father, we lift up this situation before You. Expose the truth of this matter.
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Months ago, Prigozhin challenged Putin when he marched on Moscow. Today, he likely lies dead amidst shrapnel. Was Putin involved?

From Fox News. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Russia’s Wagner Group who challenged the rule of Vladimir Putin just months ago, was involved Wednesday in a plane crash that has left 10 people dead outside of Moscow, state media is reporting.

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The business jet was traveling from the Russian capital to St. Petersburg went it went down in the Tver region, according to the TASS news agency. …

“Prigozhin was listed among the passengers, according to the Federal Air Transport Agency,” read a post by TASS on Telegram. …

In late June, Prigozhin initiated what observers called the most significant challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime in his 23 years in power.

After marching his 25,000-strong mercenary forces to within 125 miles of Moscow, Prigozhin abruptly ended the operation and ordered his troops to return home before heading into exile in Belarus. …

Under a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Prigozhin agreed to end his rebellion in exchange for amnesty for him and his fighters and permission to relocate to Belarus.

Putin branded Prigozhin a traitor as the revolt unfolded and vowed harsh punishment, but the criminal case against the mercenary chief on rebellion charges was later dropped. The Kremlin said Putin had a three-hour meeting with Prigozhin and Wagner Group commanders days after the rebellion.

Is Prigozhin dead? Did Putin have him killed? Share your thoughts AAaaand prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: SERGEI ILNITSKY/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

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August 25, 2023

Pray truth to be revealed who is who in this great deception dear ones. The true battle is spiritual, where is the a huge population of Orthodox Christians? Why Zelensky closed Ukrainian Orthodox Churches and put priests in prison? Decernment dear ones, pray

August 25, 2023

I feel like the bible teaches us that life and death are in God’s hands. If Prigozhin died under suspicious plane crash circumstances the bottom line is that God allowed it. Had he been God’s and called out to God like Jehoshaphat did in the midst of a battle that nearly claimed his life, he might have lived to give glory to God. Man’s days are determined; you (God) have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed” (Job 14:5). The words “He” and “man” in this verse are general, if it was just the righteous or just the wicked the verse would have stressed it. If anyone has a “it is written again”-type verse please share it.

August 25, 2023

I am of the more rare belief that the oligarghs of Ukraine and their puppet president Zelensky are far more evil than Vladimir Putin. When the corrupt media pushes and loves a man the way they loved Zelensky and pushed us to do the same, and hates a man like Donald Trump and pushes us to do the same, you have to wonder. Prigozhin was another warlord, and another war victim. Putin did not want this war in the first place. Read the real news not the corrupt media version.

August 24, 2023

Coincidence?? No way. If I were a betting person I’d lay it all on Putin. God is the ultimate Judge.

August 24, 2023

Benny was terminated,
No doubt about it!
Arise and bring Truth and Justice

Chee Chan
August 24, 2023

Things happen more than meets the eye. It may or may not be the work of Putin!

Cindy Sue
August 24, 2023

And now Ukraine will be legalizing Pornography,

August 24, 2023

Different subject prayer request: Pray for revamp of welfare 1) to add incentives and ways to get trained to work (similar to Christian women’s or Men’s Job Corp training), and 2) to remove $ incentives to not marry (because when marry, instantly lose welfare, so scary to poor women who know man can’t earn as much as welfare). Also pray God breaks cycle of women having more kids though unmarried (maybe as survival technique incentivized as way to get bigger welfare welfare check when more kids).

Edith Sanni
August 24, 2023

I pray that God who is a revealer of secrets Daniel 2:22, reveals the truth on the death of Wagner chief in His mercy in Jesus Mighty Name.


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