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Lord, please protect students in Pennsylvania and across the nation. Keep dangerous individuals like this man away from children!
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This trans teacher has harassed female students multiple times, even after receiving correction. Should he keep teaching these kids?

From The Epoch Times. Incidents involving a transgender, part-time high school tennis coach in Pennsylvania have made some students and parents uncomfortable. And now, the school board is divided on whether to renew the coach’s contract.

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Employed at Gettysburg Area School District, the coach was hired as David Yates. Mr. Yates now goes by the name Sasha Yates, and publicly identifies as a transgender woman, according to the Gettysburg Times. …

After incidents involving students, one in the fall of 2022 and another in the spring of 2023, the school board had decided not to rehire Mr. Yates for another season. However, no replacement was hired and, to the surprise of some board members, in July, the name David Yates reappeared on the hiring list for another season of tennis coaching.

A vote on Aug. 7 to rehire or not rehire was deadlocked at 3-3, with one person abstaining. They will vote again on Monday, Aug. 21, in what promises to be a packed school board meeting. …

‘You’re a Man’

In the fall of 2022, the tennis coach entered the girls’ locker room where the girls soccer team was changing. Mr. Yates changed his clothing too, stripping down to bra and panties, a school board member familiar with the situation told The Epoch Times, adding that students reported that it was clear from what they saw that Mr. Yates was still fully a man. …

At that time, the school board decided not to rehire Mr. Yates. But when the name Sasha Yates was used in the next round of coach hirings, not everyone on the board recognized this as the same person.

During an April 12 softball game at Gettysburg Area High School, Steve Carbaugh’s 16-year old daughter went to use the girls bathroom. Mr. Yates soon followed, and the student found herself alone in the bathroom with the tennis coach. She told her father that Mr. Yates tried to strike up a conversation. The student texted her softball coach from the bathroom as it happened, Mr. Carbaugh told The Epoch Times.

“Michelle, this … tennis coach just walked into the girls bathroom,” the text she made to her softball coach said. “Like, [expletive] You’re a [expletive] man.” …

It’s Not About Hate

Mr. Carbaugh also states he was told in April that Mr. Yates would not be rehired for another season of coaching, so he dropped the matter — that is until Mr. Yates ended up on the list of coaches again.

“Now, everybody in this area seems to be crying that it is hate — that nobody wants this guy back because he’s transgender and it’s hate. This has absolutely nothing to do with hate on my part. I don’t care what the guy wants to call himself,” Mr. Carbaugh said. …

“My job as a parent is to protect my child. And he had no business going into that bathroom, and his actions proved that he cannot be trusted. He went into a girls’ locker room and changed while the girls varsity soccer team was in there. They talked to him about it. And he went into a girls’ restroom facility. When is enough enough?” Mr. Carbaugh asked. …

Share below your prayers for the protection of children.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)

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Teknik Telekomunikasi
May 28, 2024

Why was Mr. Yates’ name reconsidered for hiring despite previous decisions? Telkom University

Teknik Informatika
May 28, 2024

What specific incidents have caused concern among students and parents? Telkom University

Desain Komunikasi Visual
May 28, 2024

Who is the tennis coach in question and what is their current name and gender identity?

Telkom University

August 26, 2023


Irla Loudermilk
August 24, 2023

What is there to discuss. Your first priority is the children,not the teacher. Years ago this teacher would be brought up on charges, what has happened now?

Peg B
August 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, this man disguises himself as a woman to expose himself to youth in his perverted ways. He has manipulated the same school board multiple times, intentionally deceiving. He has lost his way, cannot be trusted and needs delivered from the lies. Therefore, I seek Your help in saving him, but also ask for his removal from any school at this time. Give wisdom to this school board, protect the children, guide the parents and grant them favor and close the mouth of the liar. In Jesus mighty and precious name. Amen.

Susan CC
August 23, 2023

“At the Aug. 21 meeting, the Gettysburg Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to remove Yates from the administration’s list of recommended hires. Yates, who is transgender, was listed on the agenda by her legal name of David. She has been the district’s tennis coach since 2018.”

Jeremiah 32:27 Orthodox Jewish Bible and Holman Christian Standard Bible
🔥”Hinei, I am Hashem Elohei Kol Basar; is there any thing too difficult for Me?”
🔥“Look, I am Yahweh, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?”

Mark 10:27-OJB, HCSB
🕊️Having looked at them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says, “With Bnei Adam [this is] impossible, but not with Hashem. For all things are possible with Hashem.”
🕊️Looking at them, Jesus said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God, because all things are possible with God.”

NOTHING is too difficult for You Heavenly Father! You are Elohei Koi Basar, the God of all Flesh and all things are possible with You. In Your first day of creation, You said “let there be light,” and saw that it was good. I am praying the same for Mr. Yates, that You will bring Him into Your light. Most importantly though, I pray You will protect our children. They are in the crosshairs of the enemy, please show us how to fight. I am praying in the Name of Jesus Chris. I am praying for Holy Spirit power to strengthen us in every good effort. I am praying for Your Glory and the good of all children who need so much more. Amen

Judy Wetterman
August 23, 2023

This Trans coach should not be teaching children and should be dismissed immediately. The protection of children is first priority.


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