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Lord, we lift up Maui before You. Bring healing to this island and restore what the enemy stole!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As America softens and tries desperately to support Maui in any way, a Hawaiian resident and the wife of IFA’s recent webcast guest, shares some tips and warnings.

From The Christian Post. Thank you for your outpouring of love, prayers, support, concern, donations and assistance for our beautiful island home of Maui. We are a small community. Everyone has been touched in some fashion. We are mourning. Many are angry. We need your prayers. We currently have an overabundance of mismatched supplies and volunteers. Financial support is helpful, and tourism is one useful way to offer it.

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There is much conjecture regarding how the fire that destroyed Lahaina started, but insufficient evidence to draw conclusions. The leeward side of our island is suffering under drought conditions and there were hurricane-force winds on that day. The fire spread incredibly rapidly. The residents of Lahaina had little warning and limited means of escape. The horrific result, and authorities’ response to it, have appropriately broken hearts, eroded trust, invited scrutiny and criticism, and fueled anger.

One source of anger has been strict control of access to the west side of Maui. In no way minimizing the devastation of 85% of structures in Lahaina destroyed by the fire and the necessary containment required, the total area affected in terms of the land mass of the west side of the island is very small. Attempts to restrict access to this small area of the island have resulted in: 1. unnecessary restriction of access to homes, businesses, and infrastructure that are intact; 2. separation of families; 3. frustration for those wanting to help; and 4. suspicion regarding what is being hidden from scrutiny.

There has been difficulty matching the overwhelming material and volunteer resources with actual needs. The hospital was not overwhelmed with burn victims (sadly and bluntly, most victims likely did not survive to make it to the hospital). Physicians, nurses, the hospital, and clinics are doing outreach to find and meet medical needs. Shelters are not overwhelmed. Though this may change, they currently have more goods than they can use. Volunteers are being turned away. Offers for people to occupy vacant homes and condos are going unanswered.

Answers to the perplexing question of “Where is the need?” are answered by knowledge of our local culture and actual access to what we affectionately call “the west side.” Maui is small and close-knit. Lahaina probably represents less than 10% of our population. The remaining 90% of us are, for the most part, able, willing, and doing what we can to help, obstruction by local authorities aside. Extended families are large. Hawaiian culture celebrates the concept of “hanai,” where we take in as family those that aren’t officially family. Due to the expense of housing, people are used to putting many people in one abode. I believe residents displaced from the west side to the other side of the island have largely been taken in by others.

The strict control of access to the west side of Maui means displaced residents who were not forced by evacuation to the other side of the island have largely refused to leave, fearing they won’t be permitted to return. They desire to be with family and protect the property that remains. Many are choosing outdoor camping and cooking, which are cultural norms, or even foregoing medical needs, such as dialysis, over getting “stuck” on the other part of the island or in a shelter.

I’m prayerfully reticent to discourage the overwhelming desire to help coming from those who do not live on our island. I respectfully suggest it be channeled through local organizations, churches, and volunteers, who already have cultural knowledge and infrastructure in place. And, contrary to what you may be hearing, visiting us as a tourist is a very practical way you can help. Most people I talk to are very concerned for our island’s economy which was just starting to recover from the effects of COVID-19 restrictions.

We appreciate and need your prayers. Pray for those in mourning. Pray for those who have lost homes, businesses, and employment. Pray for transparency. Pray for humble repentance on the part of any whose errors contributed to this tragedy. Pray for healing. Pray whether to give and to whom. Pray for the recovery of our tourism industry and the overall economy of our island. Pray for the unity of the churches on Maui. Pray that we may love our neighbors well, bringing glory to God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Dr. Kimberly Milhoan’s husband, Dr. Kirk Milhoan, appeared on Pray with America’s Leaders last week to share a spiritual perspective on Hawaii’s wildfires:

Share your prayers and scriptures for Maui below.

(Used with permission. By Dr. Kimberly Milhoan from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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Joan Diane Bartruff
August 28, 2023

Father, in Jesus’ Name, strengthen, encourage, renew, and guide those in leadership positions to
make best decisions for bringing recovery, and a “new beginning” for Maui and all who have suffered devastating losses, due to the fire. May your comfort, peace, healing saurate the Maui community as they recover. Amen

Michele Dimond
August 27, 2023

I was blessed as a 11 year old child that my Mom and Dad fell in love with the Hawaiian Islands when they went on an Anniversary trip in the late 70’s. After that, we visited every few years all the way up through 2016, the year before my beloved Mom passed away.

I have always told everyone who would listen that the Hawaiian Islands were my favorite place to be next to my home and my Church. Maui, in particular holds the fondest memories for me as a child, then as a newlywed and as a Mother. The magic of Lahaina and Front Street are pretty much embedded in my DNA. The Hawaiian people have a special place in my heart and my prayers are with you. May God comfort you and heal you and bless you for all eternity.

Lisa Campbell
August 25, 2023

Thanks for all you do. Making a difference.

Glo Richard’s
August 24, 2023

Abba Father
I pray that the people of Maui – especially those in Lahaina who have lost everything ( including my daughter) will find a new level of comfort, love. Healing and peace as they look to you for wisdom and guidance going forward as they rebuild their lives.
I ask that their eyes will be opened to truth and that they will not blame you for the destruction!
God of justice thank you that you see them and you will not abandon them! In Jesus name I pray amen🙏❤️🩸📖🎶🍞🍷🕊

berend mulder
August 23, 2023

verschrikkelijk wat daar gebeurt. mag de waarheid boven komen en wij vragen om Gods hulp voor de
bewoners van het eiland

August 23, 2023

Dear God, in the name of Jesus, as you so masterfully do, turn bad into good. May the people of Maui come, in full measure, to Christ as the Healer, and Provider and the Comforter and the Restorer and Friend. Please bless them in spite of this tragedy. May God’s comforting words and provision wash over them right now in Jesus name.

August 22, 2023

Me and my Bible study group have been praying for Maui. There are lots of people lifting them up in prayer 🙏
God bless everyone 💕

Susan S.
August 22, 2023

1. There are contradictory messages getting out. Tourists should come to the other areas of Maiu and the other islands and then others say you are selfish and insensitive if you do.
2. There should be an investigation into the fire and determine what changes need to be made and what lessons can be learned. Maybe a different sound on the siren for fires and another for tsunamis and another for flash floods. I saw in the pictures a house untouched as well as the church surrounded by devastation. Was it a miracle? Was it luck or the building materials? Why wasn’t the electricity shut off when they knew there would be high winds and dry conditions? Why wasn’t all the available water used to fight the fire? I read that the water used to fight the fire was shut off because of equity and the sacredness of water. Why wasn’t the national guard and coast guard prepositioned? Was there any training or disaster preparedness exercises? If not, why not?

    Jerry M. MASHEK
    August 22, 2023

    Amen to ALL of this!!!

    Keith and Megan
    August 22, 2023

    Susan, if you read all the way down, several Intercessors answer many your questions. Praise God for your discerning heart.

Dagmar Obert
August 22, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father,

This is a beautiful area. Protect it from deceitful people or swindlers who would offer monies for precious property and homes. Bring wise, godly caring leaders to painstakingly sort through the damage done here and that the truth of what can and needs to be done is made straight and a clear path for restoration in every way: financial, spiritual, and emotional.

Thank you for being a faithful God!

Sue J
August 22, 2023

Dear Lord- Move upon those in authority to drop the restrictions against having access to the west side, so that residents can move around freely. Please bring back the tourists to help the economy recover. Comfort those in mourning and surround them with your children to help them. Provide everything they need, in Jesus Name, Amen

Sheryl Carlson
August 22, 2023

I think that the message that tourists are welcome (if they are), needs to get out there. I personally have seen a couple discussions online where people are wondering whether they should cancel upcoming reservations or not. Obviously noone expects the affected areas to be ready for tourists but if the rest of Maui is, let that be known. Praying for God to comfort and be close to the Hawaiian people.

Donna Spiegelman
August 22, 2023

Yes we should get our money back!

Laverne Miller
August 22, 2023

It’s time for the BODY of CHRIST to engage in this “War”; No longer can we turn a Blind eye from the Nation that the Father made HIS Covenant with even the Nations abroad! Are we willing to yield, surrender in contrition & humility to finish the Will of GOD?!

Jeannette Taylor
August 22, 2023

Father…meet needs of those who literally lost everything..May friends be loving all neighbors well
May many come to know you through all this because of Roman’s 7:28
In your holy name Jesus Amen

Stefanie imbriale
August 22, 2023

This was NO accident!!
I pray for Gods strength, provision, protection and mighty revaluation to all of His followers
In Jesus mighty name, amen

    Jacque P
    August 22, 2023

    It sure wasn’t. It was deliberately set afire. This is evil personified. While the “Christian’s” have been asleep satan has been plotting and scheming. I feel God’s judgement is on America because they have asked Him to leave. Prayer out of school, abortion on demand and even the church has pushed God away and has taken on world. Even though we are in the world not of it. I guess it’s the great falling away as spoken of in the bible. I pray Lord deliver us from this evil. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

marilyn mcclintock
August 22, 2023

Pastor Kirk spelled it like it is. He is humble, compassionate, and accurate in his assessment of the situation. I am in prayer for him as he continues to serve the Lord in many new capacities, as well as the residents of Lahaina, all of Maui and Hawaii, and the USA! We need revival!! Only God can turn things around, but He can!

david burgher
August 22, 2023

Suffering for whatever reason is never easy. Yet God stirring up His will for revival of dependence and repentance, and revival of His love at the deepest hours of needs. Suffering exposes to bring out the true motives in all of us.
Lord, may your power and grace be ever present to the lowest moments of those remaining in Maui.

August 22, 2023

Psalm 57:1-2 prayer to you all: Be merciful to us O God, be merciful to the people devasted by this disaster! You are their refuge, in the shadow of Your wings, may they all take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. We cry out to You, God most high, who fulfills Your purposes for everyone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Nancy Norvell
August 22, 2023

We are praying for you. Please watch Pastor JD Farsi’s 8/20/23 Prophecy Update from his Calvary Chapel in Hawai’i. It is eye-opening!

David Ward
August 22, 2023

Heavenly Father May your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven and Heavenly Father May you comfort the Hawaiian people Heal their land and their Hearts. It’s in the precious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we Pray. Amen.

T. Smith
August 22, 2023

I as an American Citizen and Viet Nam era Veteran am very pissed off at the entire Democratic Party and the entire Biden Administration. In my opinion, this fire was deliberately set in order to run off the inhabitants and buy the land at a dirt cheap price. The individuals include Oprah Winfrey who is also a Pediophile! The Government should provide 6 Billion Dollars to re-build Maui Hawaii and assist the people and families on this island. Japan and American Companies should donat labor and materials/supplies to re-build Maui. Charity belongs at home! Money should not be given to illegals and Ukraine! That money is the American Taxpayers money and not the Fedral Governments to spend as they see fit! God Bless the people of Maui and America.

    August 22, 2023

    In typing an amen and replying i accidentally hit the report instead
    Please ignore

    What an answered prayer peole are seeing the light and what’s taking placing before us 🙏🏼

    Keith and Megan
    August 22, 2023

    T Smith, you could have made your point without the offensive curse word that does not lift up nor edify the victims.

    Having said that, you are very accurate in your analysis as this and the Canadian wild fires were geo-engineered both through weather manipulation and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). American intelligence agencies are run by satanic international globalists who run the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and on and on it goes. You can observe their satanic rituals online under the guise of Opening Ceremonies and other celebrations. Recent decades of Olympic Opening Ceremonies are a good example.

    These globalists are chopping up areas of the United States as they create DEW, pandemics, and other nefarious crises to weaken Americans resolve. We have been drugged up, fattened up, and dumbed down over the decades so that we are too soft and lack the will to speak out. The citizenry just sits back and watches in real time without conscience or outrage as our satanic pedophile leaders destroy our Country.

    In contrast, we are impressed that Intercessors have gradually increased their 0understanding of the times as the sons of the later Korah that praised God understood the times in the Old Testament.

    Heavenly Father,

    Thank You for Your mercy on our nation that is under judgment. We ask that You rescue the souls of the Lahaina unbelievers, the enemies of our Savior, and those who are confused and dazed over why these catastrophes happen. Draw them nigh unto Your Son that He Saves them by His grace and Biblically disciples them.

    In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

      Andrew Harris
      August 22, 2023

      Vulgarity is not the same as curse word. We are exhorted to not be vulgar- comes from the Latin word used as in ‘the Latin Vulgate’ meaning common language.
      Bodily functions are created by our creator, and sometimes the Language referring to them is vulgar, but needn’t be.

August 22, 2023

“The Lord will lay bare His Holy Arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our GOD!”
Isa.52:10 🙏🙏🙌🙌

Darlene Soule
August 22, 2023

I pray Father in Jesus Name, UNITY, intercession and travail for our children and all people. I pray release your higher ranking Angels to save the children, and all people, Expose and Deliver us from evil.
I pray Your wrap around Presence around all, especially in Maui and CA. Protection from the fires , flooding, storms and all evil.
Send Your Glory!

Alena Dennis
August 22, 2023

Im sorry but the physics of fire do not change. Steel does not melt at 1400 degrees. That is the temp of wildfires. It takes 2400 degrees to melt steel. Although google has changed this fact. That is a lie. I pray that eyes are open to the disgusting truth of the fire. That Gods truth will be revealed. That cognitive dissonance would be removed and the veil of deception would be removed. I pray the evil ones would be exposed I pray that our Heavenly Father would fight for the Hawaiians like He did in the day of battle.

    August 22, 2023

    Yes, I stand in agreement with this prayer and thank you Lord that You are in the battle for good, and that just as Genesis 50:19,20 says our enemy meant it for evil, but God, You meant it for good to bring many people to Truth and Life in You. May truth and your goodness be known far and wide and rise far above this, and so many other evil plans and lies.

    Denise Nielsen
    August 22, 2023

    Amen! Psalm 46 🙏

Teresa Minnick
August 22, 2023

Lord, we pray for true wisdom and discernment to guide the actions of those in authority that recovery would be helped and supported, not thwarted or hindered. We pray for those persons and organizations desiring to help, that they would be led by real wisdom and knowledge and their plans and actions would be truly helpful. We pray that Your church on the island of Maui would lead the way in loving help and healing. We pray that strength and health and courage would be imparted to any affected by the fires. We pray that out of the smoke and ashes, new rising flames would be seen–the flames of revival. We pray that hearts would experience Your loving kindness in such a way as to dissipate anger and any thoughts of malice. Lord, turn mourning into dancing and weeping into song as, in great and mighty ways, Holy Spirit moves on Maui. In the name and authority of the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

August 22, 2023

Lord I stand in the healing gap with prayer for Maui and Lahaina and my brothers and sisters who suffered in this devastating tragedy. Healing and hope in Jesus mighty name. Amen

August 22, 2023

Oh, Lord, please be with your people in Hawaii who are in desperate need for so much during this time of destruction, death, anger and fear. Be with those who are there to help, such as the first responders, neighbors, families, the church. Please use this tragedy to draw people back to You so that You will be glorified and that beauty will arise out of the ashes through revival. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

Kay Bast
August 22, 2023

Sturdy sound people who know Jesus. Tourism is their business. Go, spend, spread cheer and help them get back on their feet. I believe they do not wish to be victims. If I were 20 years younger you better believe I would be there. God be with all of them.

Sue M Nofziger
August 22, 2023

In addition to the spiritual and emotional support that the residents need, perhaps some of those donating could be channeled in time to invest in small businesses so they can get up and running again. We pray for their broken hearts, especially those families who lost loved ones and children and we pray the problems that helped stimulate the fires will beresolved quickly. In Jesus Name.

Ada Andrist
August 22, 2023

Father God,
I pray for Your continued blessing over the people of Maui. Expose the truth and incredible love.

August 22, 2023

Looks like the elite run government has started an open war on the people

Kathy Johnson
August 22, 2023

Thank you for this honest and heartfelt description and analysis. It is particularly helpful to read about the people of Maui and their interconnected, strong, close-knit communities and extended families. This is a heartwarming keyhole into the native culture and resilience of decent people. I will pray for this cohesive spirit of community, cooperation, and resilience to continue and to strengthen as Maui heals and rebuilds. Keep your culture, friends., because it is beautiful. God bless you all.

August 22, 2023

I pray you don’t sign anything provided by fema or the Red Cross! I pray you don’t lose your property to the elitists over a very sad “land grab”. I pray your hearts and lives are safe from all suffering! In Jesus name Amen🙏

    Cheri L.
    August 22, 2023

    Please do not lump American Red Cross in with FEMA, which is a federal program. The American Red Cross is not a federal program and is not a threat to the people of Hawaii.

Sheryl Harner
August 22, 2023

Yes and amen! We can’t go back but can move forward in practical prayer and support. Thank you for helping us understand how we can make a difference. God always takes what the enemy means for evil and turns it to good.

August 22, 2023

May the people of Maui be under the special protection of the Blessed Mother Mary’s Mantle and May she bring the healing hand of her son Jesus to all those in need and all those who mourn. May God comfort all those affected by the wildfires and all those who have lost loved ones. May God protect and heal all the families broken and disheartened and separated from this disaster. God will bring out good from this devastation. Sometimes what we need the most is God in these situations. Although we may not see it. He is there with each and every one of you in your need and He will not forsake you. May our prayers be with you and your loved ones and may you find hope and healing during this difficult time. To Jesus through Mary

    Keith and Megan
    August 22, 2023

    Wonderful prayer Kimberly!

    Jesus said “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. None come to the Father except through me.”

    God’s Word says you can approach Jesus directly without going through His blessed mother. He is our Salvation, not Mary and yearns to intercede to the Father for us.

    I loved your prayer and replaced the virgin Mary with Jesus. He is our Author and Giver of eternal life through His Salvation by grace and not by works. Jesus Saves, not Mary.

    Linda K
    August 22, 2023

    Blessed Feast day Kimberly.

    Wonderful prayer you posted. Just as Jesus is the only way to our Heavenly Father, Mary is the surest way to the Lord Jesus, Her Son and His Sacred Heart beating with desire for all humanity.

      Keith and Megan
      August 22, 2023

      Linda, Mary is not the way to Jesus. You can go directly to your Savior.

      Jesus is the only way to Jesus. He said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Noone comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus is the only Intercessor that You need, not the Pope, not Mary, and not a priest

      This does not demote Mary from her position. She is elevated for all eternity as God’s chosen vessel to bare His Son. We love Mary as much as we love and honor James, Jesus’ Brother, Moses, Abraham, Jesus’ apostles, and our family members. But we don’t elevate James because He was the Lord’s Brother nor do we elevate Abraham because He was God’s chosen prophet. Fortunately, Mary does not have more standing before Jesus than you or I have. He died for us as much as He died for Mary.

      My Father was a Catholic Priest who was kicked out because he married my Mother. Interestingly, the Catholic Church brought him back into fellowship before he died. We were raised Catholic but Daddy understood the difference between Salvation by grace and salvation by works.

      We cherish your and Kimberly’s hearts for our Lord and pray that He continues to give us all wisdom to understand His Word.

        Linda K
        August 22, 2023

        Keith & Megan,
        In God’s Holy Name, please refrain from misinterpreting, misquoting and misjudging fellow contributors.
        This is a space for any to offer prayer according to conscience and what’s been laid on their hearts.

          Keith and Megan Johnson
          August 22, 2023

          Linda, I understand your rebuke yet, clearly, in John 14:6,

          “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”

          Your issue is not with me, it is with Jesus Himself.

Maria Fillyaw
August 22, 2023

Dear Lord God we pray for your hand upon Maui for restoration and healing and peace in the name of Jesus. Be with your church there and guide them in how you want them to approach and to help those in need. May faith in Jesus Christ be restored and Revival arise in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus name amen

Beth Hoem
August 22, 2023

I remember Maui as a beautiful place, We went on a sunset cruise and saw whales, visited with people we will never see again and munched on snacked., watched surfers. It was are last stop before we came home,we pray for the people that they can rebuild , and that developers will not come in and take over the land. God has this and will be with you always .

August 22, 2023

Oh residents of Maui, please accept any help you are receiving from the mainland. I pray the authorities will cooperate in rebuilding your small community the way you want it and no one will fleece of your souverain property rights.

August 22, 2023

I don’t understand why you would suggest someone coming as a tourist in these conditions. It sounds like people aren’t even allowed to go to Lahaina right now. Can you explain?

    Keith and Megan
    August 22, 2023

    Great question Jan. They are trying to restore normalcy while grieving great loss of loved ones, homes, businesses, and their way of life that satanic forces have destroyed. One primary method of restoring normalcy is to grasp onto what is familiar. Tourism is much of their livelihood in the same way that farming is familiar to a farmer.

    Unbeknownst to many Hawaiians and Americans, there are evil forces attempting to swoop in to take advantage of their victim status and vulnerabilities who are seizing their properties. One government official even said so publicly under the guise of building a memorial to the burn victims. Sounds very reasonable and compassionate, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, they won’t use already established government-owned lands but eminent domain or other tools to seize private property.

    Oprah Winfrey recently bought over 800 acres of land in Hawaii in the same manner that China has bought up American farmland and Bill Gates is one of the largest landowners in America. Remember that, historically, the Hawaiin Islands are a valuable strategic military geographic location.

    Proceeds are profits from tourism that will help to protect individuals and small business owners to ward off land predators.

    In addition, local authorities such as the first responders and the Coast Guard were ordered NOT to assist in certain life-saving instances. Some were even threatened with arrest if they did so. Life-saving water processes were also withheld under the guise of bureaucratic bloat. Efficient warnings such as alarms were disabled before the fires started rather than actually being caused by the fires as is the official narrative.

    Satan uses natural sounding explanations to convince the public that these fires were natural weather-related accidents because he counterfeits God’s methods of using His people and natural occurrences to bless others. This is why it is critical to stay in God’s Word so His Spirit can give us discernment to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

    God’s hand is still in the individual lives of each victim and orchestrates His will to bless them regardless of outside evil intentions. The normalcy of returning to tourism offers a sense of stability during such a life-changing catastrophic event.

    Heavenly Father,

    We remember that Your Word reminds us Jesus is in control because all governments rest upon His shoulders. We know Your Spirit is moving fluidly within and through the hearts of the Lahaina people. Cradle each individual soul in Your Your Son’s arms close to His heart so He Saves them by Your grace and Biblically disciples them.

    In Jesus’ Name we pray. Anen.

      August 22, 2023

      This is a well written article.prayer above However, upon digging much much deeper as I have because I love Lahaina – have been there and since this happened the Lord has put a HUGE burden on my heart regarding this situation and the survivors.

      Would suggest you all go to the Christian website “And We Know” can be found on the WWW which does excellent Truth telling on situations such as this. There are many websites which have reported the Truth but this one in particular being Christian I would recommend. The fact of the matter is: THIS WAS NOT A WilDFIRE. This was a DEMONICALLY planned and executed MURDER of children carried out by a Directed Energy Weapon. You have to have a VERY open mind to be able to accept this horrific information. We are living in a world that is being attacked by MONSTERS. Time to WAKE UP Christians and put on your armor and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY,

        Keith and Megan
        August 22, 2023

        Amen Eva. Will follow up on your “And We Know” suggestion.

    August 22, 2023

    Tourism on the North, South and East coasts of Maui will help the island survive. I don’t think anyone is suggesting people visit Lahaina. Hollywood stars telling people to stay away from Maui is so typical of where we are at. Do we really need their direction on how to live? Please, let the people of Maui speak for themselves. They are saying, “Please come spend money on Maui. We cannot survive without tourism. Lahaina is one very small part of Maui. The rest of Maui is open for business.”


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