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Lord, we thank You for bringing out the truth about COVID. Continue to reveal the truth and bring justice where it is needed.
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As more and more information about COVID’s origins has come out, many scientists are demanding that the “facts” be corrected.

From The Daily Wire. Prominent scientists are demanding a full retraction of an early, highly influential paper on the origins of COVID-19 that downplayed the lab leak theory and was praised by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

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“The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” published in March 2020 in the journal Nature Medicine, declared that COVID did not come from a lab despite private doubts from the authors that a lab leak was possible, and even “likely.”

“Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus,” wrote the five prominent scientists who authored the paper. …

However, emails from early 2020 that came to light earlier this year show that Fauci and the paper’s authors suspected all along that the virus may have been the result of a lab leak.

A total of 47 scientists and other STEM professionals signed an open letter to Nature Medicine journal calling for the paper to be retracted.

“We, as STEM and STEM-policy professionals, call upon Nature Medicine to publish an expression of editorial concern for the paper and to begin a process of withdrawal or retraction of the paper,” the signers wrote.

The paper is “scientific fraud,” declared one of the signers, Richard H. Ebright, the Board of Governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University. …

Neil Harrison, a professor of anesthesiology and molecular pharmacology at Columbia University, also signed the letter calling for a retraction.

Harrison said there is “no evidence” for the conclusions that the virus had a natural origin or that the pandemic began at a seafood market, and the authors’ private messages show they knew this at the time. …

The COVID-origin paper’s authors agreed to downplay the lab leak theory, “given the s*** show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release,” one said in a private Slack message in February 2020. …

In April, Fauci would cite the study from the White House podium as evidence the virus jumped from animals to humans. …

Share your prayers below for exposure of the truth.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: J. Scott Applewhite-Pool/Getty Images)

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August 2, 2023

Fauci needs to be prosecuted for his role in the human rights abuses that he helped foist on our entire nation.

Jean T
August 2, 2023

I pray for justice to come to the gate, as the Bible says in Amos 5:15. May justice be at the gate and fulfilled! Praise God!

Karl-Henry Schneider
August 2, 2023

It’s about time. Anen

August 2, 2023

Lord, I pray for justice in my life to come based on Multiple lies, controlling my Mind and life, Manipulation over my Heart and decisions,I Ask you Jesus that Your Holy Spirit and Truth ,based on facts will come to the Light. The fact that I was lied for over 4 Years by a playboy and porno addicted Psychopath, WHO was stealing my life vision and selling my Identity, my data to prostitutes with many pastors from the USA,corrupted,perverted and with wicked plans in Mind. I pray against all corrupted opponents WHO decided to prey upon my life and my God’s vision,who by evil doing tyrannised me,abused Mentally, Emotionally, financialy and Spiritually …all whores WHO were betraying me with this Ill sick Mentally and Physically ,Spiritually Narcissist from New Zealand, a False Preacher with a sexual immorality running through Him and fueling Him Daily . Please, Lord, save all these devils,all wicked spirits,all Tyrants and harassing me Daily people . Reveal Your Light and Your Love to them. And mostly ,save this porno addicted Liar,Thief and Impostor from NZ WHO stole my life vision, my Fruits, my work , my all resources,and my people !!! Please, save this lost in flesh and sensuality playboy , a circus clown WHO through Idolatry for money ,Has Been LYIng to milions of people Daily ! Desacrating Your Holy Tample . In Your precious name Jesus I pray. Amen 🙏💜🌎🗣️✅

    Karl-Henry Schneider
    August 2, 2023

    MaggieMaggie., may you experience the Lord. I truly feel empathy with you

    Susan CC
    August 4, 2023

    Dear Maggie,
    I am thinking you are the imposter. I am thinking you have posted this confused prayer as a mockery. I suspect you are on this website to parody IFA and its supporter’s faith and reliance in Christ. If I am thinking in error, please forgive me. If not, Jesus spoke these words to His disciples.

    “Listen,” He said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where (I) the Son of Man will be betrayed… They will sentence (Me) to die and hand (Me) over to the Romans. They will mock (Me), spit on (Me), flog (Me) with a whip, and kill (Me), but after three days (I) will rise again.” Mark 10:33-34

    And from Isaiah 53, He was despised and rejected— a Man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care….Yet He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.

    I pray your parody will be substituted with praise or your pain substituted with praise. In either case you need the Lord and He is near. Call out to Him and He will answer. This is my prayer……

    In deep sincerity,

    Susan CC

Nancy Bryda
August 2, 2023

What is hidden in darkness has come into the light. I decree the lies about covid are and will continue to be exposed and that proper prosecution is and will be done to bring justice to this situation. There was illegally spilled blood due to suppression of effective drugs and the hidden safety profiles about the vaccines and covid viruses. Use of less effective patented drugs which were pushed for profit were pushed to the public.. Science based info was suppressed for profit and greed motives. This medical fraud did kill many people needlessly and their blood cries out for justice and truth and proper consequences. This is a season of exposure and justice.


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