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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray against the influence of Satan over our nation, our states, and even the members of The Satanic Temple. Protect us, Lord, for we know that You will defeat the Enemy!
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The Satanic Temple’s “Worship” tour, titled “Let Us Burn,” wants to perform in Indiana’s Statehouse, threatening legal action to achieve their goals.

From Indiana Capital Chronicle. A band with ties to The Satanic Temple wants to play at Indiana’s Statehouse in a bid for “religious liberty,” following a conservative Christian activist’s prayer rally at the site this spring. And it’s willing to sue to get in.

Who is praying on the wall?


Musician Sean Feucht’s multi-year “Let us worship” tour, which began as a protest of pandemic-era restrictions on in-person religious services, touched down in Indiana’s capitol building in May. Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch played a key role.

Satanic Planet frontman Lucien Greaves accused the preacher-influencer … of pursuing a fusion of religion and governance. He argued that public spaces that accommodated Feucht should also welcome his band and its “Let us burn” counter-tour. …

Spat over separation of church and state

Crouch spokesman Ron Green said the lieutenant governor “accommodated the request of event organizers to move the event indoors because of anticipated inclement weather.”

The Satanic Temple Congregation Head Riley Phoebus began asking the state in mid-May how to book time in the capitol building …

Administrative back-and-forth

The agency in charge, the Indiana Department of Administration, denied the request, according to the emails. …

“Unfortunately, the type of event you are requesting is not permitted in the Statehouse. We allow ceremonies and speaking presentation type events,” IDOA Director Tracy L. Jones wrote in one email. Jones also cited a use policy for the building. …

Greaves said his team asked the agency on June 12 to categorize the event as it saw fit, saying that the band wanted to perform “on whatever terms Sean Feucht was allowed to play.” Greaves said he hadn’t heard back.

A lawyer for the group sent a letter Wednesday evening — shared with the Capital Chronicle — demanding that the state approve the usage request.

“The lack of response is unacceptable to my clients,” Matt Kezhaya of Minnesota-based Crown Law wrote. He requested a reply by July 21. Otherwise, he wrote, a lawsuit would be next.

Satanic Planet is fundraising for its planned tour, but has said that if its performance requests were denied, that the funds would go toward legal challenges.

How are you praying against the plans and schemes of The Satanic Temple? Share this article to encourage others to pray!

(Excerpt from Indiana Capital Chronicle. Photo Credit: Canva)

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July 13, 2023

I went to Saen’’s Let us worship at the Indiana State House. It was so Holy Spirit led. It was peaceful as was the walk down the streets of downtown Indianapolis after the singing and worship. I wondered then if people from the satanic side would demand their time to worship the devil inside the state house. So sorry it has happened
Please pray this will get resolved without these Satan worshipers inside the Indiana State House

July 11, 2023

Lord, we thank you for the power and authority you’ve given us over all the powers of the enemy, where nothing shall by any means harm us. We cover our states in the blood of Jesus and decree and declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We pray freedom to all the captives. Lord, you don’t even desire the wicked to die. We call Saul to Paul conversions and that those that never sought You or have been deceived by Satan be set free by the Spirit of Truth and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. With God all things are possible.

Teresa Snyder
July 10, 2023

We had Mr. Greaves try to get a satanic memorial in 15 miles N. of where I live.

It was frightening but it put many people on their knees.
At the very last minute he was on trial with the State of Minnesota and lost.
What a victory! Tucker Carlson had him on his show and really brought has
his Satanism to light.
I did have a chance to witness to two of his men. They were angry when I responded on you tube to other believers who wanted to know what they could do. Just pray.

They must have been keeping an eye on the different ones. Knowing a little about how
people get into to satanism. I responded with……I am guessing you had a very tough.
childhood. Where very hurt at times. God is unconditional but Satan will turn on you at
some time. They did not know how to respond. I pray that was seeds planted.

I will pray for their group again. God wins!

Victoria Z
July 10, 2023

Father, in the name of Jesus, who through his obedience to you unto death won back authority of our world from satan, I give all authority over this matter to the true church of Jesus Christ, to bind any/all
USA government cooperation with Satanism/Luciferian worship. Father the nation rightfully belongs to Christ so we claim our nation’s spiritual roots in Christ grow up strong into every branch of government, military, our justice system, our education system, both nationally and locally. We declare to Satan and his cohorts this day: the USA is one nation under Jehovoah God of Israel, all thanks and praise to Jesus, our savior, in who’s authority we break the bonds of all satanic/luciferian influence over our nation, we expose and remove satan worshipping luciferian public leaders from their posts, we say no to their agendas as well as those who serve Satan and luciferian interests unknowingly. We claim our nation back to Christ, in Jesus name. We tear down all progress they made and their structures. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

July 10, 2023

No to let us burn
Satan you lost forever
God rules in this world
You need Jesus
Amen 🙏🏽 hallelujah m

July 10, 2023

LORD, we ask that the plan of the enemy against our nation will not prevail in JESUS’ name. Amen!

July 9, 2023

Amen! Yes, Satan is defeated and can never ever outdo what the King of King fors🙏 choke on the Blood satan🤺🔥. The tables are turning🙌. Can’t wait to see the King bash satan on his head🥰!

Ann Shaw
July 9, 2023

Those who know Jesus know the truth and we have the weapons to defeat Satan. The victory is already won!

Grant Windholz
July 9, 2023

These satanic, devil worshipers have no idea what they are doing. To be cool, trendy and hip is something a human never wants to get themselves into! Satan hates all of mankind because we represent God our creator! REPENT AND CAST YOUR EYES ON Jesus, he is the only way!!!

July 9, 2023

First, the prayer accompanying this article is incorrect! GOD has ALREADY defeated satan, not WILL defeat satan! FATHER GOD please take charge of this situation and remove the threat to the statehouse. Speak through the spokesmen and women to defend against the wiles and attacks of the devil! Give them YOUR solution and strength to stand and say NO knowing that YOU will back up those honoring YOU in JESUS NAME!

July 9, 2023

Continual prayers in Jesus Name to bring down the demonic strongholds .

Nan Johnson
July 8, 2023

Praise to our mighty and powerful and loving God that the abortion ritual of the Satanic Temple has been forbidden by the law in Texas. May this law spread and cover every state. May the deceived satanic worshipers eyes be opened and their ears hear and they come to know and follow God’s truths. May God cause this group to dwindle and eventually pass away as the Church assumes the victory given us by our Lord and Savior Jesus!! Read 2 nd Timothy 3:1-5 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, unthankful , unholy, unloving,unforgiving, slanderers,without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” …..
2 nd Timothy 3:9 “but they will progress no further,for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. “. …
2 nd Timothy 3:14 “ But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, …” Amen. 🙏

    Susan CC
    July 9, 2023

    2 mighty prayers Nan, Amen!

    🙏”May the deceived satanic worshipers eyes be opened and their ears hear and they come to know and follow God’s truths.”

    🙏”May God cause this group to dwindle and eventually pass away as the Church assumes the victory given us by our Lord and Savior Jesus!!”

Jen Forsyth
July 8, 2023

I believe this might be why in the prophetic dream that was shared, we are to protect each of the States boarders!

Susan CC
July 8, 2023

Douglas Mesner aka Lucien Greaves states, “He does not worship Satan, nor do followers of The Satanic Temple; rather contemporary Satanic beliefs focus on personal sovereignty, independence, and freedom of will.”

“Satanic Planet frontman Lucien Greaves… argued that public spaces that accommodated Feucht should also welcome his band ….”

“A lawyer for the group Satanic Planet sent a letter Wednesday evening…(demanding?) that the state approve the usage request.”

Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.” They are corrupt; they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good.
Psalm 53:1 The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.” They are corrupt, and they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good.
Psalm 74:18, 22 Remember this: the enemy has mocked Yahweh, and a foolish people has insulted Your name. Rise up, God, defend Your cause! Remember the insults that fools bring against You all day long
Psalm 92:9-7 How magnificent are Your works, Lord, how profound Your thoughts! A stupid person does not know, a fool does not understand this: though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be eternally destroyed.

Dear Heavenly Father, You are God Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth and Douglas Mesner aka Lucien Greaves. He is ignorant, brutish, mindless, senseless and all the other descriptors of foolish that I found in the different translations of Psalms. His deeds are vile and corrupt and his whole focus of existence is to mock and insult all things Godly. He demands approval which I hope he NEVER receives.
I pray You will personally reveal to him the origin of his hatefulness.
I pray You will do what only You are able and bring this man to his knees.
I pray You will open Douglas Mesner’s eyes to the truth of damnation.
I pray You will give him a vision of what awaits the unrepentant
Please let this man know ONLY You can save his soul. You are Sovereign, he will NEVER be and only in Christ will he will know real freedom. I ask this for Your Glory and do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Claire Taylor
July 8, 2023

Lord Jesus We stand for Your Word & speak to the Satanic Tour events & command it to be removed & cast into the sea in accordance with Mark 11:23. We speak confusion & chaos into the enemy camp & its leaders. We speak God’s Word & truth into the atmosphere where any demonic events are planned. We give You All the Glory Lord God Almighty❣️ In the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen ✝️🙏🏻📖🕊🙌🏻

July 8, 2023

In the name of Jesus “it shall not stand; it shall not come to pass.”‘ Isaiah 7:7

Darlene Estlow
July 8, 2023

Father, satan is angry and pulling out all the stops. We pray the satanic temple would not be permitted to perform in Indiana’s state house. Since they are designated as a church, this decision could be overturned, but may there by legal standing not to allow it. If it does go on, use it to your glory and help your people to reach out to those who would attend and share the gospel with them.

July 8, 2023

Heavenly Father in Jesus name you have given us dominion and authority over Satan and his influence in our lives.You have already disarmed the principalities and powers He made a public spectacle of them ,triumphing over them in it.(the cross)We render this attempt against the Indians state house useless and void of power in Jesus mighty name.Dismantle and destroy any attempts against this state in Jesus name that your will be done as it is in heaven.In Jesus mighty name we pray and declare Satan has been denied access to the Indiana State house for use there ever.Amen

July 8, 2023

LORD, please bless those who are putting tighter reigns on these decisions. May they prosper as well as their families. Teach them to continue following your ways.

Tracey Powers
July 8, 2023

Abba, Father, we worship You alone through the power of Your Holy Spirit through Jesus our Redeemer and Lord! Please give Your strength and wisdom to Your children on the front lines of this battle to keep Satan’s influence away from our land & people! Come reign over us Lord Jesus! We give You all the places where the worshipers of Satan want to perform & pray there will be no place found for them. Instead, please send repentance and revival among all those who are blinded by Satan’s lies. Bring them from darkness to Light by Your power to save, Father in Heaven! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we ask this!

Nancy Eggert
July 8, 2023

The IRS approved the satanic church as a church under the tax laws. This must be reversed. The Body of Christ has been passive and ignorant. Wake up America ! This is not a communist country.

David Ortiz
July 8, 2023

@”Satanic Planet frontman Lucien Greaves accused the preacher-influencer [Sean Feucht] … of pursuing a fusion of religion and governance. He argued that public spaces that accommodated Feucht should also welcome his band and its ‘Let Us burn’ counter-tour. …”

Do tell. Seems to make sense. Except that it doesn’t. Here’s the difference:
Feucht represents Almighty God; Greaves represents satan; but there’s no equivalence.
Almighty God is Creator and Lord of the universe, the earth, and all the nations.
And satan ain’t.
End of argument.

July 8, 2023

Stand firm let nor intimidation sway your resolve to stand against evil.
Is not GOD more than able to defend you against this Satanic group?
Put your ARMOR on.
In Love 🙏

Sheila Price
July 8, 2023

Father God, You better than anyone knows how deceived the minds and souls are of those in satanic groups. You and only You can remove the blinders satan has on these leaders and their followers. We ask You, in Yeshua’s Holy Name, and by His Blood that You do so. Remove the blinders. We come in agreement to bind the demonic forces behind this entire group and we loose the people who don’t truly understand what they are doing, from the grip of evil. Each and every one of them are really searching for Your Father Love but have been too deceived to know that.
Flush out the lies with Your Truth by flooding them each with Your Father Love.
If Perfect Love casts out fear, He also casts out everything that is not of, You, The Father.
Open their spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the Truth.
In Yeshua’s Holy name and by His Blood.
Yes and Amen.
And NOW we give You praise for how You will answer.

Brian lynch
July 8, 2023

I pray that the plans and schemes of the Satanic Temple will be shut down predictably and consistently throughout our nation.

Marsha Bashor
July 8, 2023

Dear Lord God I pray that ALL plans of Satan and his Satanic Temple will be dismantled in Jesus’ name. Defeat their efforts once and for all. I pray that their thoughts, their plans, their monies, their ambitions, be turned completely around to you Oh Lord. Let them see that you love the little children and you want them to live , let them see the error of their ways, and give it up unto you Lord!!! Amen

Debra L Campbell
July 8, 2023

I pray that God’s mighty angels would cause confusion and chaos within the band and they would turn against each other as in the days of Gideon.
I pray that the lawyers would drop them as clients and that their their funds would dry up. In Jesus mighty name!

July 8, 2023


July 8, 2023

St. John 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Lord shine your light in Jesus Name.
Paint the borders of your State, city, countryside, every road you travel Declare and Decree it is God’s territory. No weapon formed against it will prosper in Jesus Name Amen.

Greg Peterson
July 8, 2023

We need to do and against all demonic strongholds over our states, and this nation we need to ask God to give us a revelation of what demonic spirits are at work in their nation at this time. When praying a few weeks ago over demonic, spirits and strongholds God showed me a spirit of Solomon and Gomorrah over America. So I stand against the spirit of Solomon in the Maura, is trying to have authority in our nation, and in our states in JESUS Holy Name, we rebuke them.

July 8, 2023

Keep them out.


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