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Lord, we pray against perversion and indoctrination. Protect our kids from these people and this movement, God!
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Is the LGBTQ movement tipping its hand, revealing what we knew all along? 

From LifeSiteNews. At New York City’s drag queen parade celebrating “pride month,” LGBTQ activists were heard chanting, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

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The parade of sexual perverts who prey on children marched through New York City’s Tompkins Square Park on June 23, beginning the city’s so-called “Pride Weekend” to mark the anniversary of the pro-homosexual 1969 Stonewall Riots. The march went through NYC’s East Village, ending at the Stonewall Inn, where the riots took place.

Video shared on social media showed obscenity and nudity on the part of marchers. Outraged at the event, conservative voices responded on Twitter, condemning the aggressive agenda of sexual predation that now flauntingly stands front and center of the “drag queen” phenomenon. …

Members of the anti-Catholic hate group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence could be seen throughout the drag queen parade. The vulgar group of transexuals blasphemously mocked religious sisters who dedicate their life to God and the service of the needy as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ, desecrating the crucifix in the most-vile manner imaginable. …

How are you praying against this dangerous movement? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from LifeSiteNews. Photo Credit: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash)

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Denise Moore
July 2, 2023

Father You See and Hears , YOUR future children’s, is getting attack by the mind of men’s and women’s, LORD You said you made Adam and Eve, man and woman and no in between,, Father I asking You to given the parents revelation of your TRUE Word, but with Love, Which is Greater bigger and stronger, MIGHTY than anything,, so I asked You for Guiderance of all, Your children’s will get the knowledge of You Jesus in Jesus name Amen

July 1, 2023

Abba, we cry to you. Forgive them. They know not what they do. We forgive them. They know not what they do. Thank you that you already came for your children. You sent your son. We thank you for the blood you shed. Cover your little ones in your blood. Give them discerning hearts at a young age and a distaste for the waywardness of the world. Secure them in your word and your ways. Teach the children of your righteousness. Ignite a young generation on fire for you. Spring up, Well, within them. Give them supernatural strength, courage, boldness, and all consuming love for you alone, Lord.

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 1, 2023

It is wonderful to think of Jesus interacting with a child. Children are needy and dependent, and they know almost nothing about life. They function mostly on emotion rather than reason. Yet Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Scripture often compares believers to children (e.g., Luke 10:21; Galatians 4:19; 1 John 4:4). In fact, Jesus told those following Him, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.“ Like children who implicitly trust their parents, believers trust God. Faith is not about knowing everything or doing everything right. It is about knowing that, no matter what happens, our Father will take care of us. That trust in Him, even when life is terrifying and sad and makes no sense, is what makes a believer like a child. These words are enough to stabilize that Parents and Jesus have control over a child’s life. Not other people, not LGBTQ, not any one who are not parents to a certain child. Father God I lift up prayer to heaven that any foul or perverted words will fall on deaf ears to the children or any actions they the sin filled group their eyes will not remember and their minds will be cleansed from confusion and corruption. 2 Timothy- 3-3 says people in the last days “ will be without natural affection”. God we take Authority over this pride groups they will fall away from the Demonic spirits that hold them captive. 🙏

Sandra Lee
June 30, 2023

Abba Father..In the mighty name of Jesus, I come against the vile spirit of Belial..I know, by your Holy Spirit, this is the principality that is commanding these people to be this way and to indulge in these sinful practices..I also pray for the souls doing so as I know they are being deceived..Oh, Have mercy on them Lord Jesus!.. for truly they don’t know what they do..Protect our children, O Lord, and wake the parents up to the deception!!..I pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened!!..Thank you for your goodness and your mercy!!..In the mighty, matchless name of Jesus I pray..Amen..

Susan CC
June 30, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so encouraged. I prayed through these prayers and say AMEN! I hope it will please YOU to uphold each one for YOUR glory and the good of our nation. I agree in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. Amen

Patty Vogel
June 30, 2023

Father God, We repent for allowing this demonic influence to spread throughout our nation. We cry out to you LORD, to deliver us from evil. We plead the blood of Jesus over our children to protect their innocence. Help us to rise up as parents, grandparents and the church to say ”enough is enough”. Jesus has given us authority in his name to bind principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, so we BIND them now off of our nation! We pray for those who have given themselves over to these demonic forces that they might be set free! Help us to “transition” them back to a sound mind by speaking the truth in love. By your grace, we will not be overcome by evil, but we will overcome evil with good! Arise, shine, for the LIGHT has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee! Isaiah 60

June 30, 2023

Dear Father God, You are so Beautiful in all You have created! We honor You for Your Goodness and good plans You have for each soul You designed. Thank You dear Jesus for coming to set men and women free from sin. We as intercessors come befor Your throne bodly tgthr in agreement asking that You turn what the enemy meant for evil around for good. For these poor souls who are deceived, we petition Heaven for new beginnings to happen in their lives bc of our prayers for them and the Power of the Holy Spirit convicting them of sin. Lord, show Your church, Your bride what to say and do if You bring them in our midst. Thank You Holy Spirit for empowering us to love them with the Truth of Your Word, in Jesus Name, amen. I decree for a landslide and that this mountain of sexual perversion be cast to the sea, unproductive and wilted on the vine in Jesus name, amen. Glory to God in the Highest! Praise Jesus for souls saved, amen!

June 30, 2023

Father God, I cry out to You right now to stop this perversion one way or another and to protect our kids from this idolatry of self. Change the hearts and minds of their parents to let them be epos3d to thus and put a hedge of protection around them. Make it stopLord. In Your all pow3rful name

Karen Secrest
June 30, 2023

Not on my watch.
We have placed the Blood Line around our children by which no enemy can pass

June 30, 2023

We are praying, declaring, standing at the altar before the LORD almighty Father against the demonic spirits that has sprung out of the pits of hell: for enough is enough: as JESUS said to the demoniac: what’s your name : he said legion for we are many: as they spoke they requested to be sent to the pigs: how many of them are in our nation? That need to be set free? We thus speak to them in the name of JESUS: come out of our family members:

barb m
June 30, 2023

Precious Father,

I have never been more ready to wake up to a new month! Please protect my grand gifts and all the children from this outright sickening satanic attack, undisguised any longer. “Pride” comes before a fall – so we pray united & mightily that this heinous movement fall & crumble into a million pieces. Let Your perfect shed blood cover the children, Lord Jesus, we pray!

Karrlee Thomas
June 30, 2023

Abba Father your word says for us to live and walk in authority you give us. We bind the spirit of confusion and perverseness in Jesus name. We command you to leave our children alone the blood of Jesus covers our children’s heritage in you Jesus. We bind ourselves and our children to your will,our souls to your truth and ask you to protect our children’s minds and hearts in Christ Jesus name. We thankyou Jesus for protecting our children.

June 30, 2023

Please Lord Jesus – forgive us all. We pray that this movement will see you and come to know you so they will stop this horrible move of satan. Please help us as Christians to pray for them to come to you as their Lord and personal Savior. We pray all this in the matchless name of Jesus!!

Danny Druk
June 30, 2023

Dear God open the eyes of the people who sin against you. Do not let their sick thoughts and actions have any effect on others. Rather show all who sin the truth and show them mercy through the light in witch you may heal them from their evil thoughts and deeds. We pray in the glorious name of Jesus.


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