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Father, move in the hearts of our officials, and give us more leaders who follow You.
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NYC Mayor Adams is determined to talk about God. What does it mean? Are his policies improving New York? He says he believes faith must be part of society. What do you think of this?

From The Christian Post. Calling himself “the perfectly imperfect child of God that shows the power of God,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in a fiery Father’s Day speech on Sunday that he won’t stop talking about God and the importance of faith in society, despite attacks from the media about it, because God told him to do it.

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“This is an Esther 4:14 moment. God made me for such a time like this. God took the most perfectly imperfect person and brought him to a level of being the most powerful man in the city of New York,” Adams said in a message to congregants at Lennox Road Baptist Church in Brooklyn, led by senior pastor, the Rev. Kirkpatrick Cohall.

Adams, 62, who identifies as a Christian, was raised in the Church of God in Christ but now attends mostly nondenominational services.

He revealed that God told him more than 30 years ago that he would become the mayor of New York City and it came to pass. So when God told him recently to start talking about his faith publicly, he is choosing to be obedient again.

“Thirty-something years ago, I woke up out of my sleep in a cold sweat. God spoke to my heart and said, ‘You are going to be the mayor January 1, 2022.’ And the message was clear. God stated, you cannot be silent, you must tell everyone you know. Because it’s a Judges 7 verse 2-7 moment,” Adams said.

Judges 7:2-7 recounts the story of how Gideon wins the battle against the Midianite army that was 135,000 strong, with only 300 men, because God had him send home all the men who were scared to fight.

Adams, a former police captain, said God allowed him to become mayor despite his background being dyslexic and getting arrested as a youth because God did not want him to credit himself when he became mayor.

He said as he followed God’s vision that led him to become mayor, he would get inspiration about what needed to be fixed in the city as well as who could help him turn the city around.

“I would start seeing the people who I needed to be part of my administration. So the people you see in my administration, they’re not here by accident,” Adams said. “They are non-traditional people who did not come up through … the normal way of politics.”

He said he chose to do things differently by not choosing traditional experts for his administration because despite their history of involvement working in the city, 65% of black and brown children are still not able to read in the school system, and the city was still struggling with issues such as homelessness.

At the city’s annual interfaith breakfast on Feb. 28, Adams urged faith leaders to boldly exercise their faith in the public square and said it was a mistake for the U.S. Supreme Court to ban school-sponsored prayer in public schools, triggering public criticism and national headlines.

In his message on Sunday, Adams said he was just following God again.

“The same message I got 30 years ago, a few months ago I woke up [in the] same state,” Adams said.

“God said, ‘talk about God.’ And I started to say, ‘don’t tell me about such separation of church and state. Don’t tell me that when you took prayer out of school guns came in. Don’t tell me that I have to remove my feeling of God.’ And you saw what happened. You saw all the front pages and the national stories. You know, ‘How dare the most powerful mayor on the globe start talking about God,” he added. “I don’t care what anyone says. It’s time to pray. It’s time to pray.”

Adams said he intends to keep talking about faith, suggesting that the lack of faith in the nation today was leading vulnerable children, especially to a life of despair.

“What do they think they can do to me?” he said of the press.

You try to beat me with your news articles. I’ve got the scars already. You try to beat me with your commentary. I got the stars already. You can’t do anything to me,” Adams said. “I know whose voice I hear. I know my role.”

Are you encouraged by Mayor Adams’ faith? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Used with permission. By Leonardo Blair from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Alex Kent/Getty Images)

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July 1, 2023


“While NYC is turning into Gotham, Adams acts like his biggest problem is getting his feelings hurt because an older white lady pointed her finger at him while making valid points about his lack of leadership.”

This is not a Christ centered response. This is not a secular professional response. This is a Leftist response to avoid accountability. This is a real time example of lack of leadership and lack of resolution to residents facing serious economic threats because of the lack of honest political leadership. These are words and actions in direct contrast to this opinionated article presented above.

June 27, 2023

I’m very disappointed by this article. If the author has really been following what’s been happening in NYC and Adam’s actions since he became mayor, he would realize that his actions DO NOT FOLLOW God or godly principles. He stands for abortion, the “rainbow” agenda, open borders, and soft on crime policies. NYC has become a living nightmare for those who still live there. Just because someone says “Jesus, faith, God, Bible, etc.” DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE A TRUE CHRISTIAN. As believers in Christ, WE ARE TO FOLLOW CHRIST- NOT MAN. The Word says that we will know true fellow believers by their fruits. Adams’s fruit has been all rotten. So before Christians start patting him on the pat and lauding his “successes”, be sure to check what HE DOES and NOT GO BY WHAT HE SAYS.

We need to pray for those in authority over us. We need to pray that God will convict their hearts so that they will make decisions based on what is good and righteous. We need to pray that if they will not do what is good and right, that they will be removed and someone willing to do what is good will take their place. We also need to pray for forgiveness as a nation and turn our hearts back to God and our eyes back on Jesus!

Cheryl Campbell
June 27, 2023

Jesus said we would know people by their fruits. Scroll down in this link to see Eric Adams boldly participating in the pride parade. God can certainly use anyone for His purposes, but we should hold back our praise of a man who blatantly defies Scripture by his actions.


June 26, 2023

I don’t know how any Christian can be a Democrat on the abortion issue alone!

Ofelia Claudio
June 25, 2023

Is this true? Is this real? New York City’s mayor is a CHRISTIAN???? If he indeed loves God, and is a bold follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I say …..PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I will be praying for him. I love all the quotes attributed to him in this article. May Mayor Adam’s faith be truly authentic; may he truly be a man after God’s heart, listening to His voice, and always seeking direction from Him. I will b praying for him.

Denise McMeekin
June 23, 2023

He does not represent God or Christianity with his policies, which are anti-Christ. That should be stated in this piece. IFA is not representing truth on this one.

Mariellen Galbreath
June 23, 2023

I have heard him say a lot things but not that.

Inese Svalbe
June 23, 2023

He needs to back up his words with action on his policies as major of ny city.

Janet Berneburg
June 23, 2023

Thank you Mayor Adams

God Bless you, keeping you in prayer

June 23, 2023

Let’s add Mayor Adams to our family prayer lists. Can you imagine the change that his influence could bring about in NYC and the ripple effect it could cause?

June 23, 2023

Time for prayer, indeed. Praying Daniel 2:21 ” It is the Lord God of Israel that changes seasons and times and the course of world events; HE removes those in authority and sets up others. HE gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to scholars.” If Adams is truly a brother-in-Christ and authentic about this prophetic dream, God will manifest His righteous right hand of authority for HIS glory and on behalf of the people of NYC. I am praying for Mayor Adams – strength, protection, courage, wisdom, favor, loyal helpers in the faith. What a mess we Americans are in. But there’s a more powerful “mess”age to follow!

June 23, 2023

Jesus in the marketplace.
That’s where you and me need to be.

Terri K
June 23, 2023

Thank You Lord for raising up Mayor Adams for a time such as this. May more God fearing men and women begin rebuilding what our institutional leaders have destroyed

Debbie Perkins
June 23, 2023

I’m frankly so disappointed with the discernment or lack of displayed by this article. If you had listened to Major Adam’s speech he gave glory to himself. He said he was standing in his own power and glory. He knows what voice he listens to? but he didn’t give any glory to God or his savior Jesus Christ. You should revisit all of this.

    June 24, 2023

    Totally agree – praising a man who evidences no fruit of being a true Christ follower. These kinds of articles are why I am so skeptical of IFA and to your point their lack of discernment

June 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, in Yeshua’s name we pray that you send the Ruach HaKodesh to bless Eric Adams and guide him to truly walk the talk of his profession of faith in You.

Put him on a path away from the ungodly lawlessness that he has been aiding and abetting, and towards a government that is more clearly aligned with Your Kingdom and Your laws. Guide Him to stop misrepresenting You and Your commandments in order to receive worldly praise and accolades from unbelievers, but instead to be in awe of You so that he repents of pride and hypocrisy, and conducts government in such a way as to be good in Your sight, so that all Your people in NYC may live quiet peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence.

As Mayor Adams invokes Your sacred name and proclaims faith in You, convict him to turn away from corrupt and unrighteous polices, ideologies, and actions, and instead let him act rightly and bear good fruit, for Your glory.

Soften the heart of Mayor Adams, let him no longer be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and let him not be one to whom Yeshua says on the day of Judgment “I never knew you, department from me, you worker of lawlessness”. Guide Mayor Adams to be one who builds his house on unshakable rock, not upon the shifting sand where he is currently standing.

You are the God of miracles and only You can work a miracle of true repentance and courage in the heart and life of a flawed leader such as Eric Adams, so that he is truly able to stand for Your Kingdom against the schemes of the devil.

We also humbly pray that you work such miracles in the hearts and lives of us all, for in one way or another, we are all Eric Adams. Along with Adams, we are all flawed, but we also are all part of Your body, in which no part is better than another, and over which the only head is Yeshua.

We thank you and praise You, Lord, for all Your mercies and blessings upon us, and for leaders such as Adams who, however flawed, publicly claim faith in you. For as it is written, even faith the size of a mustard seed can ultimately move mountains. Grow his faith, Lord, so that he can become the kind of leader Your Kingdom and our country need him to be.

In Yeshua’s mighty name we pray, amen.

    June 26, 2023

    What a beautiful prayer! So filled with Holy Spirit love for others. Thank you for the kind words you speak on behalf of all us sinners! It is refreshing! Be GOD blessed also in YESHUA’S name🙏

    Marua Aguilar
    June 29, 2023

    Amen to your prayer but !in conclusión, If not Lord, replace him with someone who will honor you and give Glory to you Lord in everything he does! In Jesus mighty name! Amen

Grant Windholz
June 23, 2023

Lord Almighty please bring significance to the minds and souls to all American government officials starting with the NYC Mayor that you are all true and cast our eyes on Christ Jesus! He’s our only Savior!!!

June 23, 2023

Praise the LOrd for this man! May the Lord God Almighty give him renewed strength and boldness for every decision. We need more people in government like him.

Kathy Bolam
June 22, 2023

I find this an answer to prayer. I have praying for God to bless those who are in the political arena to be filled with God’s truth, wisdom and justice.
Mayor Adams, you are one of those who have heard the word of God and I will pray that God’s annointing be upon you and that God will call more like you to this nation. Continued blessing be yours in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sheila Price
June 22, 2023

I think the question really is… which god is he referring to?
So far I have not seen fruit of a follower of Yeshua who is Holy Spirit filled.
We are known by our fruit.
I pray he is speaking of Yehovah God and is a believer in Yeshua and I pray that God will bring into his circle of influence someone who IS Holy Spirit filled and not afraid to talk about it into Mr. Adams life. In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Yes and Amen.

Mary Ann Canfijn
June 22, 2023

Thank God for men who dare to be bold! Thank God for Mayor Eric Adams of NYC!
May the Lord God shield him from evil. May he “not grow weary in well doing.”

Debbie Larkin
June 22, 2023

When looking into this mayor I watched him encourage the LBGTQ+ community to come and thrive in New York!
Better do more research

June 22, 2023

Believe the mans actions over his words. Do his policies line up with the Father’s heart?? In a recent article ‘Politico’ stated: “Adams announced a slate of plans to expand access to medication abortion at city sexual health clinics and grow the number of medical professionals who perform the procedure within the public hospital system.”

June 22, 2023

I wholeheartedly agree with the many comments about his supposed “faith” not matching up with his policies – policies that are antithetical to the morality and justice of the Word of God. The Bible clearly speaks of false professions of faith in the last days (Matthew 7:21, 24:11, 2 Peter 2:1}. Also, God’s Word is final and complete and He is not speaking prophetically to people today. The full counsel of God to each of us IS God’s spoken Word. Revelation 22:18-19. IFA you should retract this article. You need to exercise much more discernment in the declarations you are making about individuals who claim they are born again believers.

Ms Mary
June 22, 2023

There is hope for America! God can put whoever He wants into office! This guy is the real deal. Praise God! Lord, send us more like him, mayors, governors, senators, congressmen…and the school boards!

    Ms Mary
    June 22, 2023

    I did some research, after I posted this, and he is supporting gender affirming care. We can’t judge a person by whether they talk about God. Let’s pray that he does the will of the Lord.

S. Sigler
June 22, 2023

“By their fruits ye shall know them.”

June 22, 2023

Amen to being obedient!!

Maria Altizer
June 22, 2023

Praise God for Mayor Adams. Lord Jesus keep him safe, encouraged, inspired , bold & courageous and keep talking to him in the direction YOU want him to go. May he never waver from your voice. We bless him with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ! Amen!!

June 22, 2023


Consider Jimmy Evans’ discussion with Rick Renner on Tipping Point who highlights Jesus’ warning about deception, deceivers, deceiving decisions within governance, overall deception of the Fallen World & Fallen mankind, and etc. Christians must accept Christ’s warning and the reality of deception including those who call on His name. The authority of God the Father through God the Son is all that matters and He speaks from authority. Amen🙏🏻

Kathy G
June 22, 2023

That’s all well and good but from what I have seen and heard from him a lot just doesn’t match.

June 22, 2023

I am surprised and pleasantly stunned if this is true. One can never believe what one reads.
If true, then God bless and accompany him on this perilous journey.

June 22, 2023

Lord knows, God knows, it will be by the NYC mayor’s deeds and actions that will show the people AND God Almighty how aligned he is with God and the Holy Spirit. Time will tell.

Susan David
June 22, 2023

What a beautiful testimony Mayor Adams voice is being heard by all who will listen. God is with this man, and all of us, to live our lives as God has given us. I hope all will pray for Mayor Adams as he does his job. Thank you for your voice in the middle of the turmoil in our county.

Linda Killman
June 22, 2023

We are seeing God move into the perversion, corruption and evil of our society and it’s encouraging. This pastor is an example of that. And he had been preparing long ago for such a time as this. So “God’s got this.” We need to do our part of intercession and be bold in our faith as well. God will honor it!

Ana M Villarreal
June 22, 2023

I applaud Mayor Adams’ faith and his outspokenness about it! Thank You, Lord, that you have put him in this position for such a time as this. May You also give him much wisdom in getting this city back on its’ feet, and all that the enemy has done against these people be restored to good as per Your Word! May other mayors continue in this example of exalting God! May intercessors rise up to the occasion and pray for this man to succeed in the vision you have given him. Praise God!

Barbara Surprenant
June 22, 2023

Thank You Mayor Adams for truly HEARING AND ACTING upon what you as a child of God was told to do. …to be courageous in this time of history and face not one giant but many giants. You will be blessed with the abundant wisdom, and army of angels to cover your back as you trust The Lord and do His bidding. May you be an example to many others to speak out loudly and boldly.

Linda Bilton
June 22, 2023

Hallelujah!! LORD, please protect Mayor Adams as he uses his voice to advance Your Kingdom purposes in NYC!

Glenda Rascoe
June 22, 2023

May God bless you
Keep the faith
Hang in there with God

Roma M Buchanan
June 22, 2023

If you have never had GOD speak to you , you dont know what you are missing. I am so glad this mayor has declared his faith in GOD. People do not realize how powerful GOD is , HE has the power to wipe the world clean of sin any moment and one day this earth will burn and people will see how great GOD is. HE is THE I AM.

June 22, 2023

You go straight to a false Jesus after reading the article!?! Incredulous. Ever think you could be part of the problem?

Arlen Williams
June 22, 2023

What does he even mean?

“Don’t tell me that when you took prayer out of school guns came in.”

The Bible warns of false Jesuses. It will be interesting to continue to watch this man. Of course, we pray for ALL Americans, since all Americans are our co-sovereign leaders under God. In the godly prayer issued by a believer named Charles, “God bless us every one.”

Mary Key
June 22, 2023

It’s sad to see all the negative, “know it all” comments about this man. He clearly isn’t making this up, and many of you don’t realize that God can use anyone. This man’s not perfect. None of us are, but he is speaking out about the things God is doing in his life. That’s huge!! Pray for him.

Cindy cunningham
June 22, 2023

Thank you God for opening the eyes of politicians including Mayor Adams. Politicians have difficult jobs and we are grateful when they follow Gods law.

Jackie Beaulieu
June 22, 2023

Curious about what God he refers to.

    June 22, 2023

    The God of the Bible , by his references
    to its scripture.

June 22, 2023

He calls himself “the most powerful mayor”
That is self focused. And his “non-traditional” team? What does that mean?
Praying he will actually be visited by the Holy Spirit of God and give glory to Jesus.
“Ascribe to the Lord, glory,
Ascribe to the Lord, glory and strength.”
Psalm 29
Perhaps he is going to have a real wake up call. I pray so.

Debra Jantzen
June 22, 2023

I live in NY. This man’s actions speak louder than any words he recites.

ALL his actions are anti-Christian.

Don’t be deceived by words.

Cheryl palew
June 22, 2023

When changes the abortion laws in NYC. That’s when I will believe that he is walking eith God.

June 22, 2023

Well, I’m not saying he doesn’t have faith in God… but unfortunately, I see a great disconnect between his statements of faith and his everyday policies. It’s as though he thinks they can stay separate. And let’s face it….NYC is fast becoming the armpit of the east, if it’s not already so. Mayor Adams can talk about Gideon’s army, etc. – that’s all well & good. We’re glad he seems to have an active knowledge of scripture. Yet many things don’t line up, such as his allegiance to a political party that has commitment to the “destruction of an unborn child ” in their platform. Adams is a former police officer, yet his policies on crime are so weak, soft & favor criminal activity that it looks like he owes others “favors” in order to have been elected to office. Talk is cheap. I want to give Adams every opportunity to succeed but he needs to kick it in gear, tell those he owes political favors to “to go fly a kite” & start overhauling NYC policies. If he doesn’t know where to start, talk with Rudy Giuliani – he’ll get you started. In order for Adams to be successful, he has to first humble himself and seek out those who have been successful in the past with policy that works “in real life”.
If I think of going on vacation, NYC, even with it’s rich & deep history – it’s the last place I would go. At this point in time, it’s not a safe city & sadly, citizens get in trouble for defending themselves or helping others. And that needs to change Mr Adams. Also, fire your NYC D.A.’s, prosecutor’s, etc. – that’s a good first step. Because if you want to represent the people of NYC, it means you have to be fully willing to get off the fence & rub certain other political interests…the wrong way.

hannah hunter
June 22, 2023

May his tribe increase. GOD protect and empower him.

T Ackerman
June 22, 2023

Regarding Mayor Adams – you say he is a Christian- He is a Democrat- does he support abortions – murdering babies ?because most democrats do. I’m not sure but I don’t thinks a person can be a true Christian and still agree with murdering babies. But I will pray for him.

Linda k Rice
June 22, 2023

Talk is cheap. What actions?

June 22, 2023

I’ll believe him when he turns from his wicked ways and actually shows Christian ways. Actions, not words. Then I’ll believe him.

June 22, 2023

Has IFA come to NYC to see the devastation this man has brought? His policies are evil and anti-God. Please retract this story. The man needs prayer but he is NO Christian no matter what he may say. Look further please.

Naydean williams
June 22, 2023

Praise God thank you Jesus for giving him strength to stand up for the word of God continue to bless him

June 22, 2023

WOW!!!! Thank You, Father!!!! Hold this man strong as You are President Trump and Sean Feucht!!! Let the blows that come to him only make him stronger!!! Praise You Almighty Lord, In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen. Shalom Shalom

June 22, 2023

Well I’m Sure when He said God, He is well aware of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The voice of The Only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Mighty God of Israel, Yahshua, Jesus, He can Only Be Good, we serve a GOOD and MIGHTY GOD!
If he isn’t serving that God, you will see no fruit or favor, but remember only God sees our true Heart. Only Jesus can change a person heart to do what is good and right and Holy

Bill Martin
June 22, 2023

Shared it with Lexington Ky mayor

Karen Grube
June 22, 2023

Like all #Democrats, @NYCMayor supports killing pre-born babies. This man is no Christian. I’m appalled that you lauded his fake faith this way. Yes, we should pray for him, but not for the success of policies like that. #NYC needs a TRUE Christian Mayor.


    Victory in Jesus
    June 22, 2023

    Thank you for sharing this. Wow!! He was all over the news supporting abortion. How could they have missed this information??? Thank you for the link. I will be sharing YOUR link, not this article.

June 22, 2023

Pay close attention to many who speak of god but never invoke the name of Jesus. They talk a lot of spirituality and freely say god just dont assume their God is the Father in heaven. Jesus’ 1st warning to his disciples when they inquired about end times was DO NOT be deceived! Even the NY Gov. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden say God but don’t mention Jesus.

Lisa Lankton
June 22, 2023

Wow! Hallelujah thank you God! Thank you to this Mayor for being obedient to God, praise God. God sees all and He knows your faithful heart.

    Jacqueline Fitzgerald -Zook
    June 22, 2023

    The problem I se he really isn’t though. He speaks of GOD but doesn’t mention JESUS OR THE HOLY SPIRIT. He’s soft on crime. He believes women can and should be allowed to have an abortion right up until the baby is born. Late term aims murderous and we know that our TRUE GOD want for his people. Eternal life is GODS plan!

June 22, 2023

He never says Jesus; his God could be Satan. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. His fruit does not represent the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Mary Ann Martino
June 22, 2023

This is good to hear and I praise God for this news. However, Mayor Adam needs to speak out against his party’s policies on abortion and treatment of President Trump! To not speak out against the dems illegal activities and hatred of anyone who dares to say anything against the dem’s agenda is, to me, to approve of these issues.

A friend of IFA
June 22, 2023

IFA, please listen to the negative comments here, do your homework, and publish a correction. Your research in this case is gravely lacking. No one should promote a man who has stood by while New Yorkers under his govt have suffered so much. Please ask why so many people are fleeing his city.

June 22, 2023

I read what he “said” but what I’ve seen is different. Doesn’t it say in the Bible that “we shall know them by their fruits?”

Joanne DeBord
June 22, 2023

Wow. I love this article! Thank you! It encourages me and strengthens my resolve. I’m going to share this with others. Also I will pray for Mayor Adams.

June 22, 2023

2 Thessalonians 2:3
New King James Version
“3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [a]sin is revealed, the son of perdition,“

How can a man be affiliated with the destructive Democratic-Leftist-Socialist Party, known for an un-Godly lifestyle, currently operating from office with financial partiality, speaks without first repenting for these associations, etc… -but is believed when he claims God the Father? He’s a politician backed by an anti-God political party, how is this encouragement and not apostasy? May God reveal the truth in this seemingly diabolical situation🙏🏻

    Patrick Quirk
    June 22, 2023

    “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7: 15
    This distorted man has already lied to suburban NYC communities in sending illegal immigrants to their towns, without notice.
    Beware of this man

    June 22, 2023

    I agree. But let’s pray that God softens his heart and works through him for the sake of the people of nyc.

Angel Davis
June 22, 2023

Praise God for Mayor Adams boldness and obedience! May it bring great fruit and be multiplied!

Donald Cook
June 22, 2023

claims, but His actions prove different.

    June 22, 2023

    Please don’t be deceived. Mayor Adams, may say one thing, but what he is allowing to happen to NYC is a sin, and many people are suffering. I do hope that the Lord convicts his heart, and I pray his soul is saved.

sheila taylor
June 22, 2023

Well, if you live in NY City and see the overwhelming crime and deteriorating conditions, and the policies he has implemented, you may have a lot of ??? to his statement. God is the Judge, but the word does say you shall know them by their fruit.

June 22, 2023

Bless this man, Lord! Thank You for appointing him to this role. Bring victory to his little Gideon army. All for Your glory!!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

anthony marquize
June 22, 2023

I am happy to hear this as a pastor if God speaks to me nothing anyone else says matters, I need to hear mayor stand up for the unborn also! He is on the right track speaking about God and needs to also speak about God son Jesus the Christ because no one can come to the Father God by through Jesus the Christ Gods son!!

June 22, 2023

I do not know the Mayor Adams & did nothing t see what he personally spoke! The Word says you will know them ( His people by their fruit!! Lots of people believe in God today!! Sam even say Satan, is there God! So my question would be what god are you speaking of?? How do you come to your “ God” ?? Is it by the bloody cross of Jesus Christ!!! Do you live in relationship with the Messiah according to the Holy Scriptures in obedience? People call themselves Christians and they want contrary to the word of God!!! so calling yourself something doesn’t make you fat it’s a life lived! I don’t like to see people mislead by a title! Be careful whom you believe try the spirits !! I’m not saying Mayor Adams is not a Christian! This is the 1st I’ve heard of it!! Now I need o check the policy he is passed! Does it lin up with the Word of the Lord! Does He believe Jesus is God Come in the flesh, died upon the cross for the sins of humanity?? The church needs to stop being so gullible how many people call themselves Christians and therefore Moleck Worship!!!

June 22, 2023

Thank you for being a example of a strong godly father, leader and child of God!

    Camille Campo
    June 22, 2023

    He is destroying NYC and many people are suffering. Those of us, who can’t leave feel under attack all the time with crime and filth. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict his heart. Personally, he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

      June 22, 2023

      Praying God will keep you and your family safe from harm while He works convicting your elected officials and helping you find a way out
      In Jesus name

Michele S
June 22, 2023

We must have faith in our Lord’s decisions as to who He puts in office. Pray for every leader who claims Christ as their own as well as for those who don’t. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and soul…

    June 22, 2023

    He never mentioned Christ Jesus. Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

June 22, 2023

Father God,
Thank You for raising up a Christian to lead NYC. I pray for Your protection and for Your wisdom, understanding, insight, discernment, knowledge and revelation to guide Eric Adams.
Thank You for giving him courage and boldness to be unashamed of Jesus. Surround him with people who will do what is right and good in Your eyes and give Mayor Adams and his team success in managing NYC to be a good place to live and work.
May all this be done in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

June 22, 2023

We need to compare his words with his actions!
It’s not what a person says but his actions speak better. “By his works you will know him”

June 22, 2023

The FRUIT…look to the fruit. No matter the words, the fruit always speaks

Jaime Watson
June 22, 2023

Mayor Adams is taking his calling seriously. I’m encouraged by those in local, state and federal government who are willingness to stand the foundation of our Lord.
This is what world needs.

Diana Scott
June 22, 2023

Finally a politician willing to be real and share his faith

June 22, 2023

What a joke!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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