I Prayed have prayed
Lord, restore our justice system. Permit no one to be above the law, and bring back truth and justice for all.
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Is Hunter Biden’s plea deal a just result? Intercessor, what do you think?

From National Review. Hunter Biden, the ne’er-do-well and perpetually scandal-ridden son of President Joe Biden, has reached a deal with the Justice Department.

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According to court documents filed Tuesday, Biden will plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of willful failure to pay income taxes which, after years of dithering, the Biden Justice Department is accepting in lieu of felony tax-evasion charges that would have carried potential five-year terms of incarceration. This will allow him to be sentenced to probation.

More mind-boggling given the Democrats’ anti-firearms theatrics, Biden is being allowed to enter “pretrial diversion” (essentially a counseling program) in lieu of being prosecuted for possession of a handgun by a user of illegal narcotics. That’s a federal felony, carrying a potential ten-year prison sentence, based on a statute that was shepherded through Congress by none other than then-senator Joe Biden during the Clinton administration. …

Justice Department plea guidelines call for the government to seek a guilty plea to the most serious readily provable offense. It’s outrageous that this isn’t happening on either the tax crimes or gun offense. …

Of course, the Hunter Biden story does not end here. His alarming and highly lucrative influence-peddling with foreign interests is a far more serious matter than the tax-evasion and gun-possession matters. …

… [I]t is clear that Hunter Biden’s business dealings with shady foreign nationals warrant more investigation. David C. Weiss, U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, indicated in a press release announcing the plea deal that “the investigation is ongoing.” Hopefully, he means it, but anyone who has paid attention the last few years can be forgiven for having serious doubts.

What do you think of Hunter Biden’s plea deal? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: acaben – https://www.flickr.com/photos/35034346178@N01/3218619335/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81248529)

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June 23, 2023

I mean this literally: God have mercy on this country!

Which is worse? Hunter Biden selling one secret at a time or Donald Trump leaving boxes of classified and top-secret documents (hundreds of documents) easily available in his bathroom and ballroom (not in a secure vault under guard)!

Lord, open the door for men and women of integrity and wisdom to assume leadership in this country!

June 23, 2023

FATHER GOD please suddenly and immediately release to the public all of the videos and information that both John McAfee and Jeffrey Epstein had on every pedophile and child trafficker in our government, past, present, and future! Shine YOUR Light on ALL of their evil and Filth, no matter who they are! Please then remove every last one of them from office and let them be prosecuted and put in prison in JESUS MIGHTY NAME!

June 22, 2023

He nor his father nor all players in this and all other corruption are and will be revealed and no matter whether we see justice in our life time, two things will surely happen: 1) They will reap what they sow. 2) God will continue to reveal what is in the dark and He is shaking this country, as with all past kingdoms. He is the All Mighty and reverence for Him must return. If time has run out in the natural, we can not complain because of the multiple years of warnings we did not heed. True lovers of the Most High God will be lights in the darkness and He will never leave or forsake His own. May it be America turn and bless God, rather than begging God bless America.

Sheila Price
June 22, 2023

If any of the children of #45 had done any one thing that this lost soul is getting by with, they would have been thrown so far into the prison system they’d never see daylight again.
He’s up to something!
Truth and Justice WILL PREVAIL!

June 22, 2023

yes Hunter Biden is guilty of much more severe shady dealings with foreign countries…. this administration is very corrupt.

Marta Gallegos
June 22, 2023

Corruption is no more hidden They are feeding it to us daily And Seems like we are allowing it No one seems to have a solution PRAYING FOR DIVINE INTERVENTION We serve a GOD OF JUSTICE CHRIST JESUS IS LORD AMEN ✝️

Barbara Davis
June 22, 2023

Hunter should serve prison time, just as you or I would. If he gets away with this corruption, he will continue to be corrupt and bring his corruption upon us and our country. In all truth, his father, Joe, is also corrupt and should be investigated. What a travesty! In the early days of this country, they would have been charged with treason. Treason could bring a death sentence if found guilty.

Darlene Estlow
June 22, 2023

Father, we pray for Hunter Biden. May he see. His life for the empty place it is. Give him a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Give him a spirit of sorrow and repentance for the way he has led his life. Bring him to salvation. May his salvation affect his whole family and the dishonesty and corruption of our government. Restore your righteousness and justice to our land.

Mary Anne Smith
June 22, 2023

This article is not worth the paper it’s written on!

Donna L. Graham
June 22, 2023

This is a traverty! Hunter Biden should be treated as are those unrelated to President Biden, not by a different standard!

Jacquelyn Miller
June 22, 2023

Well, he’s not the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. He is guilty of a crime that most with lots of money are guilty of.

Susan C
June 22, 2023

Whatever Hunter Biden has tried to conceal may it be revealed by Jesus. We ask you Jesus to reveal all that Hunter Biden has done. We ask you Jesus the Supreme Judge to bring justice tothis case. May God’s justice be prevail

June 22, 2023

I truly wish a platform that could be set up for believers to be able to sign a petition when these type of things happen in hopes we could get millions of signatures that state our tax dollars are being wasted on these types of plea bargains, etc. At some point we have to rise up in unity and let our voice be heard that this is not acceptable for one person to basically be exonerated of all wrong and then some average Trump supporter is imprisoned before they are even found guilty.

Wendell Owens
June 22, 2023

Up and until ALL these people who have intentionally & with malice that have corrupted our democracy are prosecuted and wear orange jumpsuits, there remains no Justice system in America. As the prayer leader for the State of NM, I have often called for God to intervene and bring His justice back to our country, for without equal justice for All there is no laws that cannot be broken/usurped by the powerful & wealthy elites.

Debra Galloway
June 22, 2023

No he did not get anything but a slap on his hand,if even that. If a normal everyday person was charged with any of these counts,first of all they would be federal,than they would be in prison and the keys throwed away. Unfair unfair unfair. All we can do is turn it over to God. And let him handle it.

June 22, 2023

I think the DOJ and FBI are disgraced by the plea deal for Hunter Biden. This shows that there are two levels of justice–one for the elites and one for the common man.

hannah hunter
June 22, 2023

They only addressed minor issues. Full disclosure and justice must be administered.

Linda k Rice
June 22, 2023

A plea bargain with Hunter might expose the puppetmasters. Just a thought I heard from Trevor Loudon.

Kathi Jentzsch
June 22, 2023

The church needs to stand up corporately to protest this two-tier justice system, which is accusing and holding former President Trump guilty of minor violations and not holding Hunter Biden accountable for ALL of his verifiable treasonous crimes with “back-room deals” being made to benefit him and take him “off the hook.”

People of God need to wake up and speak out against all that is occurring in our culture today. The twisted application of Romans 13 with churches spouting obedience to leaders in power has caused the body of Christ to become complacent and ineffective. We definitely should NOT obey government that is operating in opposition to God’s commandments as many prophets and leaders did in both the Old and New Testaments. I am not promoting insurrection but encourage all believers to engage in strong warfare prayer, to speak out, and seek to influence and become part of the community, educational system, government, media, etc. so that they can be influential in incorporating godly changes within all levels of society. If the church does not wake up and begin taking its rightful place, America will fall. God help us all!!

    June 22, 2023

    We should have been standing up 60 years ago when prayer in schools and discipline were removed from schools and two parents started working outside the home… leaving no one to raise a Godly generation (or two now)…. Church went to sleep, adapted a “go along, get along” attitude, sought comfort and materialism and now we will lose it all.

    There is a remnant fighting and have been. In addition to IFA, see IvoterGuide.com, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Washington, DC, and for NC, see NC Values Coalition, Raleigh, NC and others who have been and are standing. GET INVOLVED, STAND, GO TO SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS, COUNTY COMMISION MEETINGS, CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, BE A POLL WORKER and VOTE!!!

June 22, 2023

America has been suffering massive corruption not only politically but spiritually. The Lord and His Son have been dishonored, and this will certainly bring God’s wrath upon us, as it has on all nations that have willfully turned from him. Ancient Israel suffered His correction with severe punishments, and so will our nation if there is not national repentance, particularly if the gross perversions of sexual immorality, political corruption, abortion, gender “re-affirmations”, etc are not addressed. Our current illegally “elected” administration, who should be at the front of endorsing a Christian inspired governance, have only fanned the flames of hatred and chaos.
We have much to pray about.

Julie Hitchens
June 22, 2023

Praying for truth to prevail and justice to be served in Jesus name 🙏

Linda Trott Dickman
June 22, 2023

Lord of all the Universe, Reveal all about this situation so that Hunter and his father can be set free from the bondage of lies. Find that remaining spark and fan the flame of their faith, move them to confess. Lead them to you.

In Jesus’ name,

Gene Snelling
June 22, 2023

They need to prosecute Hunter and his dad to the full extent of the law!!!!! The rich gt richer and the poor get poorer!! God help our country to clean up all this corruption!!!!

June 22, 2023

This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice! If this had been you or me brought up on those charges, we’d be in prison.
The double-standards being utilized today is so blatant & disgusting that I have to wonder what has happened to my wonderful USA.

Patrick Quirk
June 22, 2023

Dear GOD Our Father, You cause leaders to rise, and leaders to fall. We humbly ask that You bring America new leaders who have the courage to seek Your will First and always to replace all those currently in leadership roles who have made themselves “gods in their eyes”

Michele S
June 22, 2023

While I am not at all surprised, I also know that if justice here on earth is not served, God’s justice will prevail in the end… He ALWAYS wins. May God look upon Hunter and his family with favor in the future, because His favor is first and foremost and above all else.

Jamie Hotelling
June 22, 2023

YES! Let us continue to cry out to The Lord God Almighty that His justice and truth reign in our government and justice system. Pray that corrupt leaders fall under conviction and repent of their wicked ways !

June 22, 2023

Satans time of free reign on our Earth is soon coming to an end!!


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