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Lord, we lift up these two men before You. Heal Mark Crosby and Dick Schaefer, God, and give them justice!
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Two pro-life men were assaulted in Baltimore while praying in front of a Planned Parenthood.

From The Daily Signal. Two elderly pro-life advocates were viciously assaulted outside of a Baltimore Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, several witnesses confirmed to Baltimore police.

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Jay Walton, the head of Baltimore County Right to Life, said Tuesday morning that 73-year-old Mark Crosby and 80-year-old Dick Schaefer were “viciously attacked” while they were praying in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Baltimore.

“It is important to note that the two victims were not robbed,” Walton said in a statement. “This was a vicious attack on two men because they are pro-life. This should be treated as a hate crime and denounced by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott (D), as well as Maryland Governor Wes Moore (D). Their silence on this attack will continue to put pro-lifers in danger throughout the state of Maryland.”

LifeSiteNews first reported the assaults. The outlet spoke with pro-life activist John Roswell, who said that the assailant asked a Planned Parenthood escort to hold his drink, then lunged at Schaefer, who believes his back was turned at that time to the assailant.

“Mark, who was in the street, tried to go to Dick’s aid and was hit in the face, knocking him on the ground, and the man then kicked him in the head,” Roswell told LifeSiteNews.

The Baltimore Planned Parenthood did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

According to a police officer’s narrative of the situation provided to The Daily Signal by the Baltimore Police Department, Crosby told police that he went to Schaefer’s aide after an “unidentified” white male attacked Schaefer, after which the unidentified man attacked Crosby. (Crosby’s and Schaefer’s names are redacted in the police narrative.)

He “could not remember many details immediately after being attacked,” but the officer noted that Schaefer, the second victim, “was outside the Planned Parenthood, being attended to by nurses from a local business.”

Schaefer told the officer that “the suspect had approached volunteer members of the Planned Parenthood clinic and spoke with them before directing his attention to him,” then “spoke with him in an aggressive manner, opposing Mr. Schaefer’s pro-life ideals, and without warning, tackled him into a large flowerpot.”

“Mr. Schaefer advised that the suspect then went after Mr. Crosby before walking away.”

A number of people were present at the time and witnessed the incident, the officer said. According to one of them, the conversation that took place between Schaefer and the suspect was about abortion, “their ideas about pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints.”

A security officer reportedly showed the Baltimore police officer camera footage showing the suspect, a white male with brown hair and a full beard, wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes, “cross N. Howard St. on W. Mulberry St. and continue beyond the building down W. Mulberry St.”

The suspect then walks up to the group in front of Planned Parenthood and then has a “visibly aggressive conversation” with Schaefer.

“The suspect is then observed about to turn away, but rushes at Mr. Schaefer and tackles him over a large flowerpot,” the police narrative continues. “The video then shows Mr. Crosby running over to assist, and the suspect turns and shoves him down with both hands. The video continues and shows the suspect strike Mr. Crosby in the face with a closed fist as Mr. Crosby is on his back on the ground. The suspect is then observed standing up and, with extreme force, kicks Mr. Crosby directly in the face.”

After that, the suspect walked away down West Mulberry Street, the police officer’s narrative said, noting that the camera footage would be obtained upon the return of the head of security to work.

Photographs of Crosby show him dressed in a bloody T-shirt that says “pro-life.” His face is dramatically disfigured, with one eye swollen shut, and blood dripping from his eye socket, forehead, and nose. Crosby’s injuries were so severe that he had to go to the University of Maryland shock trauma facility, Walton told The Daily Signal. According to the police report, a doctor diagnosed Crosby with a large hematoma, hyphemia, and head and neck pain.

Roswell told LifeSiteNews that Crosby’s “plate bone in his upper-right cheek is completely fractured.” Crosby was also said to be “bleeding from some unidentified area behind his eye and the bone eye orbit is completely shattered and will have to be replaced with metal.”

A GoFundMe link for Crosby has raised almost $4,000 since Saturday.

“One of our volunteers, Mark Crosby, was brutally beaten on May 26, 2023, while he was praying in front of the Planned Parenthood in Baltimore City,” the GoFundMe says. “Mark is currently in the hospital being treated for the serious injuries he sustained. Please make a donation to help Mark recover financially from this terrible experience.”

“For years, Mark has prayed in front of the Planned Parenthood in Baltimore City to let the scared, young abortion-minded women know that they are loved, that their baby is loved,” the description continues. “Please donate to show Mark how much HE is loved. Your donation will go to Mark to help him pay for medical expenses.”

How are you praying for Crosby and Schaefer? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

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Billie Stoker
June 1, 2023

Father, in the spirit of agreeing with the divine wisdom of your Word, I pray every intercessor is caused to understand that abortion clinics and areas in close proximity thereto are spiritual warfare grounds. Call to the memory of every warrior, no demon can stand in the presence of God. HolySpirit/HolyGhost, I ask, thank, and give praise to you for causing every warrior to behold your command to be spiritually armed with power from on high before hitting the battle fields of warfare. In Jesus’ name and to the powerful praise of his glory. Amen

Angela Dubber
June 1, 2023

Father, we pray for the man who committed this hate crime to be held accountable for his actions.
May those in authority prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law for this crime. Bring healing and restoration to Mr. Crosby and to Mr. Schaefer in the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

Elizabeth Miner
May 31, 2023

Lord Jesus, I pray you heal Mr. Crosby & Mr. Schaefer fully. Only your healing hands can cure them immediately, supernaturally. These are your people, praying for life in front of a murder site (Planned Parenthood). Cure them Lord Jesus, cure them today!

    Billie Stoker
    June 1, 2023

    Father, I agree as touching Elizabeth’s prayer for healing hands to bring quick and total restoration to intercessors Crosby and Schaefer. I agree as touch with Elizabeth also, Father, in her categorization of planned parenthood as murder sites. Father, in light of the fact the spirit of murder is not restricted to the abortion room, I ask that Elizabeth be among those divinely led to likewise agree as touching with my posted prayer for the HolySpirit/HolyGhost to cause every intercessor to be fully suited, booted, powered up with the kingdom of God’s weapons of warfare. As no demon can stand under the sound of your voice; nor in the presence of your spirit, I ask that Elizabeth and every Believer agree as touching that the fullness of your power be stirred up and quickened within every intercessor. I declare and decree this prayer sealed by the blood and name of he who is King of kings, Lord of lords, Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

Sherry Menchaca
May 31, 2023

Father, I pray for those that stand up for the innocent lead them and guide them by your Holy Spirit show them how to pray and what to pray over those places give them strategies on how to infiltrate the enemies camp with wisdom to tear down the lies of the enemy be there shield to protect them from all arrows of evil sent to attack your people who stand up for truth and righteousness ! God save our children open the eyes of the people expose the lies to those people who’s eyes are shut give the a Saul experience 🙏

May 31, 2023

FATHER GOD I command total healing for Mr. Crosby and Mr Schaefer. Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect them and their families in JESUS NAME! Let this attack not hinder them; and convict the attacker to turn himself in to the police. FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of the Pro Life people in the forefront of the movement to save babies and to help confused women choose life over death in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

Susan CC
May 31, 2023

Revelation 9:21 And they did not repent of their murders, their sorceries, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.

Revelation 16:9 …and people were burned by the intense heat. So they blasphemed the name of God, who had the power over these plagues, and they did not repent and give Him glory.

Revelation 16:11… and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, yet they did not repent of their actions.

Acts 26…‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’

Dear Heavenly Father, You know who this man is, where he lives and every detail of his life. I pray very soon, he will face man’s justice. I pray as well for Your justice to break his heart and draw him into true remorse and repentance. I also ask that Mark would know total healing and restored health. As I looked through Your Word, You reminded me of Saul. Yes, he was a most diligent persecutor until…..have your way with this violent man too Lord. I ask this and so much more in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

May 31, 2023

Sad news! I am praying for these 2 men who were called to share the Light of Christ and pray for the innocent in Baltimore. I believe for their health to be restored. I decree a Supernatural Divine touch from the Lord to bring steady recovery to their physical bodies and that they will not give up in faith for a turnaround of the laws in Maryland to protect the unborn, in Jesus name, amen.

Christy Foley
May 31, 2023

Lord move in the hearts of these officials Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, as well as Maryland Governor Wes Moore,…regardless of their political affiliations, open their eyes and take off the blinders from their eyes Lord. Only You have the power to do this Almighty God! Have mercy on these men. May they speak out against this atrocity. Crimes against the elderly is a felony. We pray for justice to be served Lord.

Christy Foley
May 31, 2023

Father God we lift up Dick and Mark to you and ask your healing hand to be upon them. Speak Your Word over them Lord, and heal them, and send angels to minister to their souls oh God. We lift up the assailant and ask you to bless him toward repentance and new life in Christ Jesus. Mark and Dick are sharing in the sufferings of Christ as it talks about in 1 Corinthians 15. Lord, we pray that their sacrifice will draw many to your throne of grace and mercy. We specifically want to lift Mark up to you right now and ask you to heal him completely, mind, body, and spirit. Strengthens him Almighty God. And the powerful and precious name of Jesus!


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