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Father, we pray for honest and productive negotiation in congress. Keep the U.S. from defaulting, Lord!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the U.S. draws ever-closer to defaulting, two prominent left-leaning senators are calling for genuine, bipartisan negotiation.

From Washington Examiner. Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) may be the GOP’s key to victory in the battle over the debt ceiling, as Democrats and the White House push for a deal to raise the limit without any negotiations.

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In a break from their Democratic caucus, both senators are calling for negotiations and could stall Democratic pressure in the Senate for the House to pass a debt ceiling resolution with no stipulations.

Manchin has called on President Joe Biden to negotiate with the GOP and other congressional leadership and has expressed optimism for a planned meeting between the parties next week.

“I hope President Biden’s invitation to Congressional leaders is sincere and he is genuinely willing to negotiate because the country cannot afford a failed negotiation,” Manchin said in a statement on Monday. “Every day without action brings the American government closer to default and the American people closer to economic chaos. I urge President Biden to show true leadership and finally put politics aside and the well-being of our nation first.” …

Sinema, who left the Democratic Party in December 2022, also expressed concern over the coming debt ceiling deadline and has urged both sides to negotiate.

“Both sides need to come together, put down the partisan talking points, and discuss realistic solutions to prevent default,” Sinema said to the outlet. …

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said the U.S. is set to default on its debt obligations on June 1, leaving a short window to raise the debt ceiling. Biden and congressional leaders from both parties, including McCarthy, are set to meet to discuss the debt ceiling on May 9.

How are you praying for the U.S. in this tumultuous time? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Anna Moneymaker and Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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Peg B
May 8, 2023

Heavenly Father, we praise You for insight and sound doctrine, which our nation needs and You possess. Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let these words be spoken and upheld in both our congress and by our President. We thank You for using the voice of reason through Senator Manchin. We can no longer spend beyond our means of repayment. Father forgive us when we have not heeded Your wise counsel, but instead turned away from Your word. Silence the prideful voice and deceptive tongues. Bring a spirit of peace, humility, unity and obedience to You. Circumcise the hardened hearts of self-interest and replace them with a softened heart of service to You and to the people of this nation. In Jesus’ steadfast name. Amen.

Doris Ehlenfeldt
May 8, 2023

I am praying for Godly intervention in the lives this administration.


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