Answered Prayer! State Defines Gender as Biological Sex
Answered Prayer! State Defines Gender as Biological Sex
States can pass effective laws defining gender as biological sex, protecting women and girls by keeping men out of women’s spaces.
From The Epoch Times. Kansas has become the first state to adopt a definition of gender with the passage of legislation that keeps men, no matter what gender they identify as, out of women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and other intimate spaces. …
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The move came late in the afternoon of April 27, when the state Legislature voted to override Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of S.B. 180, which became known as the “Women’s Bill of Rights.”
Under it, a female is defined as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova.” A male is defined as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.”
It also defines gender words calling for “woman” and “girl” to be used to refer to human females and “man” and “boy” to refer to human males. It defines “mother” as a parent of the female sex and “father” as a parent of the male sex. …
Opposition Forces
The legislation also had plenty of opposition, with critics calling it anti-trans and reminiscent of racial segregation in the 1960s.
“It’s the same sayings,” state Rep. John Alcala (D-Topeka) said at a public hearing on the bill. “I don’t want you in my bathroom. I don’t want you drinking out of my water fountain. I don’t want you over at my house. I don’t want my kid hanging out with you.”
Beth Oller, a physician who testified against the bill, said the title was inappropriate and violated women’s rights. “This is [in] no way a women’s bill of rights. The bill does the opposite of protecting women; it causes harm.”
Oller said that medical doctors “for decades have agreed that there is no sufficient way to define what makes a woman.” …
Female Spaces in Danger
Following public testimony against the bill by Rev. Carolene Dean, an associate pastor with the Plymouth Congregational Church, an attorney for WOLF asked whether Dean, a female, “had ever been unfortunate enough to find herself in a domestic violence shelter, rape crisis counseling, or a women’s prison.”
Attorney Lauren Bone said that with many states now opening such places up to men, women are at “increased risk of further violence and harassment.” …
Similar gender-defining bills to the one passed in Kansas are pending in other states, including Oklahoma and Montana.
Nationwide, there have been a number of reports of assaults on women by men identifying as women. …
Are you encouraged by the passing of this law? Share this article with friends and family to encourage them!
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)
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Powerful and Holy Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for the passing of this law in Kansas! Please Let every state in the nation recognize the inherency and immutability of gender as defined by You oh Holy God.
I pray that all our leaders will follow Gods direction and do what is right in all the laws and issues that are presented and pass them to protect our nation and our children.
As a Kansan I am so excited that we have become the first state in the Nation to correctly identify there are only two genders Male and Female.
As a retired nurse and living in Topeka I sat in on many of the hearings and voting and am thankful our prayers have been heard.
This is so good to hear and I pray alone with my brother and sisters in the Lord, that other states will follow suit and define who is a man and who is a woman. I am not confused, It is just as the Father created them in the beginning.
We pray, declaring and standing for the children from the womb to adulthood: that the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah will be broken: that the spirit of kamosh,behemoth and other blood thirsting gods be broken in our families all over the world: so everyone can be saved from the horror of defilement. We thank God almighty the father and the HOLY Spirit and JESUS our kinsman redeemer for what is being done.
I am very thankful for the brave politicians who passed this bill! However, I think your wording should be revised. This wording is confusing,, “It defines ‘mother’ as a parent of the female sex and ‘father’ as a parent of the male sex. …” I think what was intended was to say, “It defines ‘mother’ as the female parent and ‘father’ as the male parent,” since the gender of the offspring doesn’t affect the title of the parent.
This needs to pass in all states, cities, counties, rural areas, towns, neighborhoods and homes across the United States of America. And real natural born women (according to God’s Word) need to stop being stuck on stupid and not allow men (dressed as women) define who women are. We deal with it every day. Bravo to Kansas.
Lord, Thank You for being in the mist. In Jesus name, amen.
I am not political. I do not represent a political party. I am a genetic genealogist. Here are the FACTS as I know them:
There are two sexes, controlled by the presence or absence of a Y Chromosome in the 23rd chromosome pair. If you have a Y chromosome you are a male. If you have two (or more) X chromosomes and no Y you are a female.
Those are the only two options.
No disfiguring surgical procedures nor hormone treatments can change this fact. The chromosomes cannot be changed.
Any other position or belief is considered Gender Dysphoria and is recognized as a mental condition.
And they’re are not even options. They’re assigned. Thank you Allen Foster.
I am personally very happy about this about the passing of this bill.
Dear Heavenly father, thank you for taking mercy on those of us who want to honor your word. Father we pray you will lay conviction on those standing in the way of ALL states following Kansas’s lead. Father we pray this will be a turning point to bringing your people back to obeying your athourity. Father we know we are not worthy of all the goodness and mercy you have given to us, and we humble ourselves asking that you will forgive us of any wrong doing. We love you Lord. Without you we are nothing. Father of heaven and earth, please continue to cover us with your blanket of protection.
Lord, you are the only way.
To think that you gave your only son to die for us is unthinkable. God teach us how to witness for you, how to win souls for you.
In your son’s most holy name, let it be done. Amen
Than God for biblical gender laws in Kansas! It’s the truth from the Holy Bible from God! Man is man and woman is woman straight out of the book of Genesis! Kansas blazes the trail of truth for other states to follow!
Wow! Kansas is a common sense state. Only 49 more to go?? Praying it happens.
Well, except when it applies to abortion, but let’s believe & decree that they will also take the right stance on abortion in the near future!!
Thank God! Let us pray all the other 49 states accept this ruling and follow the same in passing the same laws protecting biologically birthed women, females, girls and babies! I pray that all babies, in the womb and newborn will be continually protected to continue to live, grow and thrive.
Thank you Lord God for giving these legislators the wisdom and courage to do what is right in protecting women and girls.
I didn’t read the article nonetheless of course am happy with their direction.
Having said that ,the need for individual private lockable bathrooms is a long time coming . I surely never want to hear that my granddaughter was abused in school or in a box store bathroom.
This construct of men allowed in women’s spaces began with obama. In fact the total change (destruction) of our country began with obama. People, of both parties, were so in love with the color of his skin that they blinded themselves to his destructive policies! He advocated to remove police and said that America would be better off with a “private” police force. Like the black panthers private bullying force that were out intimidating voters the first time and second time obama ran for president! They may have morphed into the blm destructive police force! He destroyed medical coverage in our country with that foolish obama-care! He called everything racist so now people say everything is racist! He said men could go into women’s spaces if they thought they were women! Obama began the policy of men in women’s spaces. Many women and girls have been raped, molested, exposed to men’s genitals, all thanks to obama! When president Trump got into office, he immediately rescinded the trans order and said everyone had to use the spaces that coincided with the sex listed on their birth certificate! So biden comes along and makes things 10 times worse for women and girls! Thank GOD that state legislators are standing up for sanity. Why would 2 supposed heterosexual men, obama and biden fight so hard to have lgbtq and trans people usurp women’s rights and spaces? I only know that GOD created male and female! FATHER GOD thank YOU for these state legislators fighting to right the wrong committed against women and girls and their sports and spaces! Please bless these legislators and keep them safe! Remove every evil thing done in America by obama and biden! Send laborers to save their evil souls from hell! Return Americans that have been under the spell of obama and biden to rightful, GODLY thinking and acting in JESUS NAME!
Very astute post, Carol. Definitely agree. I know a pastor who thinks Obama may be the antiChrist. I believe Obama is certainly a practice antiChrist, at the very least. Satan is always trying to raise another antiChrist (Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, etc., etc.,) and certainly Obama and Biden are more of his demon possessed attempts.
How very sad for America.
And praying in agreement with you here, Carol, in Jesus’ Matchless Name; amen!
Awesome, may we remember how to steward victory with dignity meekness and integrity. No more unfair and deceptive behavior
I have been saying this same thing for years. Gender is brain perception of self, not an identity of physical sex. Gender is above the shoulders and sex is below the waist. In fact, a letter I wrote on this subject was recently published in our local newspaper.
How I might ask is it harmful, as argued, for sex and gender to be clarified for what they really are? Transgender is a social construct designed to give some sort of medical cover to transvestism. Gender has become a ‘shadow’ term, not a biological one although society has been fooled into equating both as if the same.
Excellent laying out of truth!