I Prayed have prayed
Father, make us like the men in these videos! Help us to stand up against sin and to be courageous when called to testify.
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What do you think of these two clips of men who stand boldly for what is right and against what is wrong?

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In America today we witness a battle between good and evil. Satan has tipped his hand — attacking our children, our churches, and even the truth itself. However, in these drastic times we are seeing believers stand uncompromisingly for what the Bible says.

In this first clip, Florida State Rep. Randy Fine stands for the innocence of childhood, stressing the importance of protecting children from the sexualization and inappropriate topics that come with the LGBTQ agenda.

In this second clip, an older man refuses to dance with or endorse biological men posing as women. He stresses that he is a “man of God” and that he will “pray for them,” but he absolutely refuses to condone their behavior.

The man in the second clip ends by saying: “It’s time to stand up and be a man of God!” Let’s follow his example, as well as the example set by State Rep. Fine, and stand up as men and women of God.

“And I sought for a man among them who should build a wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it …” (Ezekiel 22:30).

How are you standing up for God’s word and truth?

(Photo Credit: Canva)

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Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
April 26, 2023

In JESUS holy name. Amen and Amen

Stephanie Howell
April 25, 2023

I am in full agreement with both gentlemen we are to stand up and fight for the chicken and what’s right.

April 25, 2023

Father, Help! We need YOUR Ruach HaKodesh to guide us to be Wise and Gentle in the world of litigation.
We are to LOVE, but NOT TO BE AFFIRMING or to CELEBRATE practices.
Father, bring an Awakening to the world and a Revival to the Ekklesia IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Barbara Janicki
April 25, 2023

I admire both these men and we all should follow their example in our own spheres of influence – being bold enough to speak God’s truth in love. This is not about hating trans people or anyone else (as they said) – they are the victims of this false ideology which has led many to destroy their God given, healthy bodies in an effort to fit in or to find an identity for themselves given to them by other people to replace the identity God created them with in the first place. We are to have God’s love and compassion for all people, including trans and LGBTQ etc. But we also need to protect our children from these destructive ideologies that will cause them irreparable harm – we have protected children in the past (ie. must be 21 yrs. old to drink legally, 16 yrs. old to drive, 18 yrs. old to get a tatoo, we used to not allow children into R rated movies or even “PG” 13, there used to be agreed upon standards) and all of a sudden those standards of protection have vanished? They are labeling protecting and caring for children as being “anti-trans” or “hateful” when it is simply being pro-child – when we don’t give alcohol to minors people aren’t accused of being anti alcohol or in favor of prohibition.
Trans individuals may be victims of this false movement, but the solution is not making more people victims of the same false set of beliefs that hold so many captive currently. The voices of the detransitioners need to be heard loud and clear. That’s who should be having doughnuts with the high school students. Only God’s truth will set each and every individual free from this lifestyle that enslaves, controls and dictates that one must destroy their body with blockers, hormones and countless mutilating surgeries which lead only to more problems and more confusion as the individual continues to search for an identity or to adapt to the new identity they are trying to create for themselves. Truth is the way out, we are created in God’s image, we are created male and female, we are created as God’s masterpieces – God has not made a mistake when “He formed us in our mothers’ wombs” – we are “wonderfully and fearfully made.” We are all children of God – that is our identity. Lord, may our children be taught these truths which will protect them from believing the lies of the enemy. Let us be diligent to teach Your truth and to protect our children. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Michelle Bradford
April 25, 2023

Lord, please give us the strength and wisdom to fight this satanic fight. Please help us in my own little town to stand strong and fight off this physic fair that is supposed to take place here this weekend. I know we’re just one little town, but help us put an end to this evil activity, and give us the courage, words, and appropriate actions to get out the message that we do not want this type of ungodly activity in our little mountain town! Amen!

Laura K
April 25, 2023

Good for him, the man who walked away from the drag queen, and stated that he was a man of God and could, not and would not do it.
Lord I ask You to raise up men and women to e bold and take a stance against those things that are an abomination in Your sight.

Sheryl Dawson
April 25, 2023

It is time for all men and women of God to stand on the Word of God and proclaim Biblical truth. The church must stop compromising for “getting along”. There is no unity in false teaching and apostasy, only deception and confusion. Regardless of political parties, Christians must stand on truth. It is not our place to judge, but it is our responsibility to speak the truth in love.


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