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I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for justice. Let your justice be done in this case, Father.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

History is being made as former President Trump is appearing in court right now. Let’s pray.

From Fox News. Former President Donald Trump is being arraigned in court Tuesday afternoon after surrendering to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office earlier in the afternoon.

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The former president of the United States, and the leading Republican presidential candidate for 2024, was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury Thursday after a years-long investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

The former president is being arraigned before Judge Juan Merchan, the trial judge presiding over the case, in the courtroom on the 15th floor of 100 Centre Street in New York City.

Trump was not handcuffed, as some are during an arraignment, after making arrangements with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. …

The unprecedented arraignment and indictment of the former president comes after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been investigating Trump for hush money payments made leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

These include the $130,000 payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, and the $150,000 payment made to former Playboy model Karen McDougal. Both women were paid for their silence on alleged affairs with Trump — affairs Trump has repeatedly denied. …

Trump has slammed the DA’s investigation and the indictment as “Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.” …

He slammed Bragg as a “disgrace” and said he was “hand-picked and funded by George Soros.” …

The investigation into Trump was opened in 2019 by then-Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance. The probe was focused on possible bank, insurance and tax fraud. The case initially involved financial dealings of Trump’s Manhattan properties, including his flagship Fifth Avenue building, Trump Tower, and the valuation of his 213-acre estate Seven Springs in Westchester. …

You can read the actual indictment HERE.

From Fox News. The charges against former President Donald Trump have been revealed after he was arraigned on Tuesday.

Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. He pleaded not guilty before State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan. …

Share your prayers for former President Trump below.

(Excerpts from Fox News and Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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April 5, 2023

My heart is so broken. Our Republic is being attacked by ruthless, godless people. This is unimaginable a former President indicted and arrested. A true patriot who is deeply concerned for the welfare of every American. Father God I pray that You will shine Your light in this great darkness. Hold all who are liars, evil and wicked responsible for their actions and deeds. Romans 12:19 Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay. I pray the wicked will see Gods love for them and turn from their wicked ways. Save Our Republic Lord!!!

Wendy Schild
April 5, 2023

The government will be upon His shoulders . Lord, thank you for working all things together for our good and the furtherance of the gospel . Thank you for your revelations continuing. For setting the captive free …drawing all men together under Christ and thank you for your anointing on our President . Thank you for your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the glory of God . Thank you no weapon firmed will ever prosper ! Thank you for your planLord and blessing us in Christ Jesus

April 5, 2023

Lord I thank you he is your chosen one and that’s why persecution is great but you who sit in heaven laughs at those who are against him, have them all in derision and may they even turn on each other in that courtroom, instead of exposing trump may they expose themselves and if your servant Trump opens his mouth you fill it with the words that he needs to speak if he knows not what to say. Be his judge, and jury for you are the God of justice that sees all things know all things. Thank you for victory!!!! Amen

April 5, 2023

I apply the blood of Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth over President Donald J. Trump and his family and all that pertains to them and declare no weapon formed against them shall prosper, every tongue spreading lies against him is confounded and condemned; and all traps and snare set against and for him shall caught those setting them.
We confound these evil tongues release the spirit of confusion over Braggs, the jury and all involved in this witch-hunt against President Trump. Lord fight against those who are fighting against him; let them NOT say ahh so would we have it, but turn their wickedness upon their own heads. Yahweh God we ask You to cleanse America of this illegal justice and political system and reinstate Your just and legal system; Lord completely purge this Nation —United States of America from all her idolatry and evil and restore her Judeo Christian values, as Your Nation of Light 💡, in the name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen!

April 5, 2023

When I first got saved in the early 90s, I bought a book: “Strongman’s his name… What’s his game?” (It is an “Authoritative Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare!” by Jerry and Carol Robeson). In this book it discusses that Jealousy is the strongman; and hatred comes from Jealousy! This is exactly what we are witnessing as irrational people hate Trump for nothing he has done,, and nothing they can explain! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect President Trump and his family and his supporters in JESUS NAME! I bind Jealousy and command that that murderous demon go to the dry places and not return to afflict people with hatred against President Trump! FATHER GOD I bind irrational thought where people accuse Trump supporters of worshipping a “golden calf.” We worship JESUS! And we still pray for Trump to be protected from Jealousy, hatred, and wicked and evil, irrational thought and people in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

    April 5, 2023

    The reason people accuse Trump supporters of worshipping Trump is the way they strongly stand by him even when he is clearly wrong. We saw that in Jan 6, the classified documents incident and numerous lies he tells.That’s elevating somebody to a god because everybody, even Trump are human and so, can be faulted. The fact that Trump has rarely been brought to account for anything in his life makes things worse. It emboldens him to act with impunity and to lash out at anyone who tries to accuse him of anything. is it any wonder that he once said that in his prayers he sees no need for praying for forgivness even from God? Its a scandal that some christians cover up for him like this, that’s why this is like idol worship. Even king David, a man whose heart was after God, could be faulted and punished. This does not seem to apply to Trump

      April 5, 2023

      Xavier, Trump did not incite people to riot on Jan 6. Another lie! Did I hear you complaining during the blm/antifa riots that burnt down or destroyed businesses, and killed policeman and citizens in Portland and Seattle and NYC; and did the drive by stealing in stores in Chicago and other cities? If you have a problem with Trump or Trump supporters, I suggest that instead of accusing them falsely, you should take your grievances to the LORD in prayer! Also don’t take my word for anything, do your own research! FATHER GOD please help America and all Americans to know TRUTH in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      Susan S
      April 5, 2023

      Trump is not perfect. None of us are. Only Jesus. However, I have never in my life seen anyone in the U.S. treated like him. Constant investigations in kangaroo courts while democrats who are doing much worse go on with their lives and no one ever holds them to account. If you are a Democrat, how would you feel if democratic politicians or supporters were facing trials in the most conservative counties in WY, WV, FL or TX with MAGA judges and juries on trumped up charges?

April 5, 2023

I pray that ALL charges be dropped and our former President be reinstalled, in Jesus’s Mighty Name

April 5, 2023

Using just one of several examples from God’s word, we are seeing Acts 17:1-15. Father, God of Angel Armies, You see how they persecute Bibi Netanyahu because he recognizes Israel is Your land and can not be divided among the nations. You see Donald Trump, who lifted Your name above the USA, blessed Israel and You and in return You gave him unprecedented favor. They are both hated for their stance with and for You. So, Father, while I ask You to forgive them because they don’t know what they’re doing, I also ask You to expose Your righteous right arm and execute justice in their behalf. Let the world know that YAHWEH is God. It is You only Whom we seek at a time of desperate need to save millions of people from eternal separation from You. Father! We call on Your mighty name to act!
“Arise, O God, defend your cause; remember how the foolish scoff at you all the day!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭74:22‬ ‭ESV‬‬

April 4, 2023

Father God – Loving Creator of All:

“The Passion of our Lord shall prevail over the trappings and snares of the devil!
Please turn the minds and hearts of all Christians toward your Son Jesus this Holy Week. Help them stay focused on the Cross and His sacrifice. Shield their eyes from deception and shift their attention to their families, their communities, their churches, and the renewal of the Resurrection!
Imbue them with the power of discernment that they my see past the media and distractions in the “news”.

Let NOTHING undermine the light of truth, or take away the true spirit of Easter and Passover!
All glory and praise to you O Lord,
in Jesus’ eternal name, Amen!”

April 4, 2023

Father, do not grant the wicked their desires–do not let their evil schemes succeed (Ps. 140:8). We ask that You rend the heavens and come down, and make Your Name known to Your adversaries that they may tremble at Your presence (Isa. 64:1-2). Turn the tables and let terror seize the enemies of God (Isa. 13:8) as You intervene on President Trump’s behalf, “for it is from the LORD that one gets justice” (Prov. 29:26). We also ask that Your people would be anointed with strength to be bold as lions (Prov. 28:1) so that they do not tremble before the wicked (Prov. 25:26). We decree that “What the wicked dread will overtake them; what the righteous desire will be granted” (Prov. 10:24), in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Debra L. Cofer
April 4, 2023

Thank you for providing a time to pray together for President Trump and our nation. It is so comforting and encouraging to be reminded to put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. May Yeshuah richly bless this Passover week in your work and families.

Rita Pope
April 4, 2023

Father, we come before your throne of grace on behalf of our President, Donald J. Trump, Sr. He has done so much good for America. He has been our warrior and, although it seems he is walking “through the valley of the shadow of death”, we are confident, and we will not fear. We have the assurance that You, LORD, will see our country through this dark time. Allow Your WORD to be a lamp and a light leading him and our country back to a righteous path.
We pray in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.

April 4, 2023

He has nothing to Bragg about. He put his hand on a Holy Bible and is called an attorney. When you use your power to release criminals, and try to put away conservative leaders, you are evil. That is the opposite of God’s way. So as a result, of this evil act, the Saints of God are praying for Trump, his attorneys, and family. We are ALL OVER AMERICA. Our God is a just God. He is the one who corrects us, and He is the one we repent to. This indictment is a hate move by a racist. God bless him and forgive him for using the Holy Word of God to do his own thing. He will be ashamed, and regret the day George Soros funded this evil trick.

April 4, 2023

Father have mercy on this beautiful nation. We all repent and cry out for your intervention in this hour of need. Extent the scepter of your Kingdom that is Justice and truth over America. We plead the blood of Jesus over our president Donal J Trump. Arise Lord let your enemies be scattered. We need You. We return to you as a nation.

Phil Schaefer
April 4, 2023

I’m Praying Right Now.

April 4, 2023

My heart has been heavy today,I’ve walked in a daze today, my eyes have weeped today. My prayers go out to my President today. I pray for our President Trump & his family, or nation, may the non-believers, Believe, may the evil be defeated! Amen

    Barbara Butler
    April 4, 2023

    I agree we should be praying for President Trump’s family as well as our President.

Shelly Morden
April 4, 2023

In out family we love our PDJT! We pray for him every day!🇺🇸🙏🏻

Liz Sherrell
April 4, 2023

Thank you to all those who have made this prayer time possible. What an honor and joy to take part. Father, I repent for not praying in years prior to this moment, I ask forgiveness for myself and for our nation and the congressional leaders, pastors, attorneys who have not firmly stood for national righteous. I lift up our nation and President Trump and ask for Your divine mercy and grace to bring us all back to righteousness in America. In the Holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Deborah Bass
April 4, 2023

We thank you Father that you are a covenant-keeping God. We cry out for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done in America. We rely on You to right the wrongs and move those out of positions of authority that are against You. Redeem this land Father. You are our only hope! We know You hear our prayers and remember those that reverentially fear your name LORD. We pray for justice and vindication of President Trump. We pray those who have exalted themselves will be humbled and for those who have humbled themselves before You to be exalted. Glorifying Yourself in our nation God… for the sake of our forefathers covenant with You and Jesus who shed His blood for us. We plead the blood of Jesus over America and pray for redemption, restoration, and revival in our land. In Jesus name. Amen

Bridgette Wright
April 4, 2023

Father, Your word says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Weapons have been formed against President Trump but they will not prosper. Keep your hand on him. Protect him and his family against these attacks from the enemy. I bind every lying spirit and I release the Spirit of truth. Expose every lie. Take the crooked and make it straight, make the rough smooth and let the glory of the Lord be revealed Thank you for President Trump and his family. Cover them with the blood,

Vicky Thomas
April 4, 2023

Praying with and for President Trump.

April 4, 2023

New to this website. Listened to the teleconference call for national prayer with President Trump. Bookmarked page when I saw there were sections for “news”, “action”, and “prayer guides”. Standing against evil and tyranny is a chief purpose for mankind and I am excited to enter into this battle with other like minded Believers. #FiredUp! To God be the Glory, and may we all find our purpose in serving Him and His purpose.

Sandra Hogue
April 4, 2023

Heavenly Father, we come to you as a body of believers who seek You for guidance in how to pray, You are the Sovereign Lord of the whole universe and you love righteousness and justice. You see the wickedness and lies being put forth as justice. it’s a stench in the nostrils to You and to the people in America who know you as Lord and Savior. Easter, Resurrection Sunday is coming, and it makes my heart get glad that because Jesus is alive, the dead body of the Savior was raised to everlasting life and so will we be. Turn the hearts of Your own people in every church all over the world to cry out for You intervention into the rotten affairs of men. Forgive us for tolerating such tyranny for so long. In the name of Jesus, we say, this land belongs to God, and His name will once again be taught to our children, not darkness and witchcraft, our churches will be full of praise and worship….no pretense, truth of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives daily. We ask that you would protect President Trump, turn the evil one back to shame and disgrace. Lift up this man, whom you have made to be bold and courageous, use Him according to Your divine blue print for America.
Restore righteous law, true justice, and those who have made a mockery of it, may they be put to shame and all misused power removed by Your own hand…..even today. Humbling ourselves before You, in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Darlene Francis
April 4, 2023

I saw a beautiful bald eagle today on top of a street light on US hwy 1 in Fort Pierce, Florida while driving to my granddaughters and praying for this nation and President Trump! They aren’t rare here, but not very common, especially sitting on a heavily traveled road. I saw this as answered prayers for our Nation and our rightful President Trump. We shall triumph and freedom is so very close. Yowza, I have goosebumps everywhere! With God WE WIN!

Loraine Howard
April 4, 2023

We are believing believers standing on the Word no matter what it looks like in the natural His word is truth. Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Amen in Jesus name~♡ So be it!

Cathy Doolittle Butts
April 4, 2023

If God be for Him who will stand against him. President Trump. God gives His Angels charge over you.

Yolanda Callegari Burton
April 4, 2023

Heavenly Father, we Your people who are called by Your name, humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways. Thank You for hearing from Heaven, for forgiving our sins, and for healing our lands. In JESUS’ Name. Amen!🙏🏾

Kelly Redwine
April 4, 2023

Praying you our President Donald Trump.

Ronda Campbell
April 4, 2023

Praying and will continue! God, you are the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE! We seek you and pray for YOUR Justice to prevail!

Toni Kushner
April 4, 2023

Father, May the Blood of Jesus protect President Trump and his family from the assaults coming against him. father, you have raised up this man for this time and I pray You will be his strong tower and strength. You have revealed truth as we have prayed and we give thanks. May the peace of God be upon him and this nation as we move through the information and the events before us. May you keep this a peaceable time without any violence, place a hedge around all. Father, you gave me three words to stand in faith, to wait upon the Lord and to Watch for the GLORY of the Lord will be seen. We watch for Your GLORY to be seen . May our President know Your love, Your faithfulness and Your GRACE in this time of trial.

Lisa Marie Pontarelli
April 4, 2023

Psalm 123:title–4 (ESV): A Song of Ascents.
1  To you I lift up my eyes,
O you who are enthroned in the heavens!
2  Behold, as the eyes of servants
look to the hand of their master,
as the eyes of a maidservant
to the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes look to the Lord our God,
till he has mercy upon us.
3  Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us,
for we have had more than enough of contempt.
4  Our soul has had more than enough
of the scorn of those who are at ease,
of the contempt of the proud.

mary adams
April 4, 2023
    mary adams
    April 4, 2023

    Praying 🤲 God’s favor and grace for President Trump & exposure of the hypocritical accusers🙏

April 4, 2023

Father God, thank you that you are on the throne, and what is impossible for man is not impossible for God! This is political crap! Trump is not guilty, any more than Pelosi was honest! And we know she orchestrated smear campaigns from the start, including, but not limited to her movie she made of the Jan. 6 chaos!! Thank you for your protection of President Trump, and for your continued help, delivering Christians from evil! Forgive our leaders, and help your children to seek you, and repent of our waywardness, and we trust You to heal our land, dear Lord ❤️ In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Susan & Ray Anderson
April 4, 2023

Lord Jesus Thank You for Your mercy! We are in this place because we were asleep while the enemy was hard at work destroying! Lord, please forgive us and keep us awake!!! In Jesus Holy Name we humbly ask!

Tina Swindle
April 4, 2023

This is 5 :15pm CTime .I’m praying for God to place walls around President Trump.I know God is in control.I know these evil people who are asking for indictments that theses evil ways will be turned toward them.Prayers for sinners to be saved.This in the name of Jesus ,I pray amen and amen.

Monica Hansen
April 4, 2023

Psalms 94- I have posted 3 times and nothing works.. Im not rewriting a 4th time

Rashonda Schild
April 4, 2023

Heavenly Father, we graciously thank you for putting us on this earth to do your work. We ask that you help us wake those up to put your armor on to fight the evil that thwarts upon all of us. We pray that all evil is unraveled, and those doing evil will be brought into the light and truth will uncover them so the people can truly see. We pray that you continue to fully protect our American President Donald J. Trump, his family and those who are working diligently in your favor. We ask that you allow your light to uncover the lies, darkness and evil that has been working in your country Oh Lord. That people that have been cloaked and stunted by evil are in awe of your light, your glorious love and truth. We ask that your army of angels are set across the earth to fill the hearts of your warriors and wake them to their purpose. Raising children for such this time, warriors for you. Please protect our country. Please show the people your light, truth, love and that this country was built in your name. We praise you and ask of you to continue to grant us strength to stand with your armor for the purpose you have delivered to us. In Your Heavenly Name we Pray, Amen!!!

April 4, 2023

This is the saddest day in American HISTORY besides THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, SLAVERY, AND THE CIVIL WAR. Only ALMIGHTY GOD JEHOVAH AND CHRIST JESUS can enter into and remove the Veils of Evil to let righteousness PREVAIL. AMEN

April 4, 2023


Kathleen Houser
April 4, 2023

Praying for this sham to be exposed. And praying for America 🇺🇸

April 4, 2023

Father God, we give everything to you. You are the King over all creation. Your Word says, “Do No Bring False Witnesses Against Your Neighbor”. We pray that you protect our American President Donald J. Trump as he faces these probable fabricated charges. We ask that you remember the wishes of the Founding Fathers of America who set a Constitution as the rule of law over this country. We pledge that we are one Nation under You our God. Please Lord let your truth prevail! Please protect our country against these ungodly people! In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray, Amen!

Gloria Miller
April 4, 2023

All this evil that is tearing it’s ugly head makes me so angry!
I’m so sorry that Our true president is being put in another horrible witch hunt! I’m a senior who loves America as well as Donald Trump. I’m praying!

Hope Sierra
April 4, 2023

Let evil be uncovered, let enemies assigments be unraveled, let injustice be thwarted and let Justice prevail. Lord God send ARMY ANGELS to war for our President and pritect he and his family and those who help him

Stephanie M
April 4, 2023
April 4, 2023

Abba Father your children cry out for justice, righteousness and your will be done, may the Host of heaven surround President Trump and give him peace in the midst of all this plan of the enemy, may he rise up and be heard ,may we The People that love you and this nation and the rightful president be heard as we pray over the nation and the people as we stand for President Trump . Hear us , answer the prayers of the nations asking for justice, peace, and your continued plans for the United States of America.. amen

Dr- Ivy
April 4, 2023

Beginning Sunday’ been in prayer and fasting.
‘Brought to the Lord TO DO IT AGAIN as HE did with PETER when he was in Prison. The Church prayed and HE let him out. HALELUIA!
Acts 12:13

April 4, 2023

No weapon formed against him shall prosper. We continue to pray for him and our country. God is with him.

April 4, 2023

May all of the contrived evidence be discovered and be dismissed through the mercy of our Lord Jesus.
Please cover Donald J Trump in the protection of the blood of Jesus.

Richard Rosier
April 4, 2023

What the enemy makes for destruction God turns it around . It always back fires. God has His hand of grace on president Trump. Kim Clement was always target on His words ring loud and clear 2 terms and we need to stand on that and with great expectation expect Gods intervention I often think of David and Goliath he spoke he acted and the enemy got defeated. God established this country He has not abandoned us. Mark 11: 22-25 the enemy is messing up and running scared we are not we are at peace knowing our Father in heaven has this. We pray we vote we support we speak out, God does the rest. Oh watch and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

April 4, 2023

I call and decree now all contrived charges to be dismantled and dismissed. All contrived charges be dismantled and dismissed and dropped now in Jesus name ‼️

Susan S
April 4, 2023

I do not know what to do but you do. Injustice and unequal scales upset you more than me because you are holy and perfect. You are slow to anger and full of compassion and mercy but you are also just. Doing this during holy week and on the anniversary of Haman’s decree on the Jewish calendar seems to be mocking you. However, according to Galatians 6:7, you are not mocked. We are at a loss for what to do so we turn our eyes toward you. We are tempted to ask for reciprocity but anger from the flesh does not serve your purposes. Deliver Trump from the hands of the wicked. May your name be glorified throughout the universe. In the holy name of JESUS, I pray. AMEN.

    Laura K
    April 6, 2023

    Amen and Amen. There is nothing hidden that shall not be made known. Let evil be exposed, let justice reign and truth prevail.

Naida I Rodriguez
April 4, 2023

I prayed for President Trump 🙏🏽

Agatha Hankins
April 4, 2023

I prayed for President Trump, for strength & endurance through this
Political & unethical attack.

April 4, 2023

LORD, WE BELIEVE YOU WILL BRING JUSTICE for Trump and free him from his adversaries. Amen In Jesus name.

Mary Pat O'Donnell
April 4, 2023

Dear God our Abba Father, please give President Trump strength and fortitude to face the evilness of these charges and to know that God is in full control and to have faith in Him and His wonderful love and mercy for His beloved child President Trump. We ask this in Jesus’s name.Amen

April 4, 2023

Father God give President Trump peace No weapon formed against him shall prosper. Psalm 91.

Teresa A Godard
April 4, 2023

Praying Psalms 64 and 94 for President Donal J. Trump.
But I know that all their Evil plans will boomerang back on them. Psalm 94:23

    Jenny Wong
    April 4, 2023

    Amen to the boomerang effect of this case. Let the evil be exposed and people be awakened. Lord God, we ask for the greatest revival.

Debbie Hone
April 4, 2023

Heavenly Father I pray in your Son Jesus Christ most precious name all of the charges brought against President Trump will be thrown out. Lord I pray for the United States of America all evil will be removed! Heavenly Father please find favor in President Trump. Please guide and direct the attorney’s (President Trump’s legal team). Please Father God touch the heart of the judge and the judge will find there is no probable cause and everything should be thrown out. God as we watch Your Word coming to life please protect all of your children. Thank you Heavenly Father for answering my prayer. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

    Ronda Tucker
    April 4, 2023

    Amen and Amen. Couldn’t have put it any better. God bless ya and your family.

    April 4, 2023

    Amen. Father God send the Lords Angels to protect him from all evil that roam the earth. I pray the Lords peace is upon President Trump. AMEN. THANK YOU JESUS

      Peggy Willis
      April 4, 2023

      We send all the 23 k Angel armies that belong to President Donald J Trump to surround him the time of evil slanderous attack. That lawyer will be Jael warrior to attck and set back those thst are trying to take President Donald Trump down. They will be snared by their own evil deeds. President Trump will be vendecated of all charges. Then be reinstated as the real PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. In the name of Jesus

Kelly Stronach
April 4, 2023

I am looking forward to the re inauguration of President Donald J. Trump . God will provide ! He is the best President ever ! God Bless you President Donald J Trump may the lion inside of you roar loud and proud may God Bless America and the Trump Family !

April 4, 2023

As it is in Heaven so let it be done on earth.

April 4, 2023

We have satan at the helm of our once great nation to take down the only man in our country that can save us all.
God Help us to get it right!!!
We are NOT a banana republic with anything and everything goes…
We have people in positions all over our country that have nothing on their agenda but, power and money.
We the people have to be educated and respond with power to take down the the left and secure our future for our children and those that seek security and love of Jesus without persecution. AMEN

    April 4, 2023

    .. and not only that-,as you stated-, but what this points out- is that in our legal system, that was founded on the concept of -innocent until proven guilty-.. is that our system regularly castigates people and persecutes, them as guilty before being proven innocent- on a regular basis.. especially those that are in the public light

April 4, 2023

I am praying for President Trump. Thanking God for favorable results in Jesus name 🙏

Nelida Torres
April 4, 2023

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! In Jesus name Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen 🙏🏽


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