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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, Judge of all, we pray that Your will would be done in our nation, and especially in our justice system.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is a critical moment in the history of our nation. This week, a former American president has been indicted for criminal charges. On the one hand, nobody is above the law, not even a president. (President Trump is actually the second president in American history to be charged with a crime. The first was President Ulysses S. Grant, arrested for speeding his horse buggy through the streets of Georgetown, just north of downtown Washington, D.C.)

On the other hand, the indictment of a former President has implications far beyond the jurisdiction of New York City. But before we address that, let’s understand what an indictment is. First, prosecutors have discretion about what cases will be brought before the grand jury. New York City Attorney General Alvin Bragg, newly elected to his office and backed by George Soros, was not required to pick up this case, yet he did. The grand jury hears evidence only from the prosecutor (in this case, Bragg). Twenty-three jurors hear the evidence, and a vote of 12 is required to formally charge a defendant with a crime.

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Our Constitution is based on the fact (and the belief) that it is God who gives us our laws. The Founders believed that we must know and understand the laws of God in order to implement a system of justice that honors God. As intercessors, we pray for the revelation of God’s law to inform every aspect of our justice system.

We see injustice and are grieved. In some cases, as the Book of James describes, injustice occurs when favor is granted unfairly to the rich and powerful. In other cases, the justice system is abused for political gain, which is also unjust. To many, it seems  that liberal politicians often avoid investigation, and conservative politicians do not.

The use and abuse of the judicial system for a political agenda is destroying confidence in our government. Whatever your personal opinion of President Trump, we must question whether the judicial system is being misused in this case.

Again, this is a critical time for America. In fact, some prophetic voices are sensing that the nation is now on a precipice and that this indictment is somehow related.

Will we embolden those who use the law for their own agenda? Will we further frustrate a great number of American citizens who wonder what kind of justice prevails in America? Will this catalyze greater tension, more extreme feelings, and more division?

America is a constitutional republic based on the rule of law. Many nations in the world persist in instability because there is no rule of law, or there is uncertain law, or there is law based on the whim of the mob or the controlling powers. This has not described the United States of America.

The weaponization of our legal system to neutralize a political opponent is an injustice that threatens the very foundations of our nation. Again, no one is above the law. There is a call for clear evidence that President Trump did not commit a crime. At the same time, Americans deserve clear evidence that a district attorney, or a prosecutor, or a jury, cannot, may not, and will not misuse the law for a political agenda.

When the righteous flourish, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, people groan (Proverbs 29:2 CSB).

Intercessor, what are you hearing from the Lord? Please share with the community in the comments.


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Jerome H.
April 14, 2023

“Where there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from God (Bible) is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruit, unwavering without hypocrisy and the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (James 3:16-18)
So unfortunate our nations standards have gone beyond the moral excellence of what the Bible portrays, which was the original intent of our forefathers . Through history when moral excellence declines; it sets a nation up for a major failure. There is a wonder throughout our nation why there is such chaos. The Bible says,” God nullifies the council of the nations, and he frustrates the plans of the people. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. And the people whom he has chosen for His inheritance.(Psalm 33:10, 12) This is why God has given us his word the Bible for counsel and direction to prevent the chaos and the disruption taking place in America today. My opinion is not significant at all. Everyone has an opinion and the question is who’s correct? And oh, how all this chaos can come to an end if we abide by the word of God. I am not ashamed of the gospel or the Bible. It’s been proven to stand the test of time and continues. We need to adhere of what it says Or destruction will follow.

Candy Crayne
April 9, 2023

Let God’s Perfect WILL be done in Donald Trumps indictment O Lord they God king of the Universe

April 9, 2023

Psalm 62:1 For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation.
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.
3 How long will all of you attack a man
to batter him,
like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
4 They only plan to thrust him down from his high position.
They take pleasure in falsehood.
They bless with their mouths,
but inwardly they curse. Selah

Lord help us all.
Open our eyes and hearts to see what Your will is and may it be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Thank You for Your mercy and grace.

Jane Hansen
April 5, 2023

As we bow at Jesus’ feet, He, most merifully, forgives us ….both the offended and the offender. May we bow at Jesus’ feet and plead His blood to both parties knowing that God, Most High, knows the real truth concerning these indictments. Many we, as a nation, hear and stand up with God to bring about truth in this matter and let every lie be broken…in Jesus’ name.

brenda Holtz
April 5, 2023

Thankyou Lord that Righteousness & Justice are the very foundation of your throne, You aren’t WILLING that any should perish but that all would come to repentance & the knowledge of YOU . THANKYOU LORD that No weapon formed against YOUR righteous ones shall prosper & that every tongue that rises in judgment against us we will condemn, this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord& their righteousness is from the Lord! God Bless PresTrump & surround Him ,Family, &our Nation with Your firewall of protection & let YOUR GLORY cover our land! So be it AMEN

April 5, 2023

When I first got saved in the early 90s, I bought a book: “Strongman’s his name… What’s his game?” (It is an “Authoritative Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare!” by Jerry and Carol Robeson). In this book it discusses that Jealousy is the strongman; and hatred comes from Jealousy! This is exactly what we are witnessing as irrational people hate Trump for nothing he has done,, and nothing they can explain! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect President Trump and his family and his supporters in JESUS NAME! I bind Jealousy and command that that murderous demon go to the dry places and not return to afflict people with hatred against President Trump! FATHER GOD I bind irrational thought where people accuse Trump supporters of worshipping a “golden calf.” We worship JESUS! And we still pray for Trump to be protected from Jealousy, hatred, and wicked and evil, irrational thought and people in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

April 5, 2023

I pray to the lord GOD almighty, to punish the golden calf called Donald J Trump, that False prophets will be sent to HELL for their sins of pridefulness, and condemn all Christian zealots who have corrupted your name for their own lust for power. Amen

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    April 5, 2023

    Thank God that our founding fathers, those ” religious zealots “, who must have most certainly been accused of the sin of pride and of lusting for power. In spite of tremendous personal cost and opposition they took a bold stand for justice and freedom. We would not exist today as a nation but for those and others, such as the “Black Coat Regiment “, and who were willing and courageous enough to stick their heads above the crowd and “face the giants” of their time. None of us is perfect or without sin – including Donald J. Trump. He needed the savior from sin, Jesus Christ, just as much as you or I. Our God is gracious, and it’s only by His grace anyone of us has been saved. I believe God has called and appointed this man for our times, as He has others through out all “His-story” to make a difference. He has heeded that call. To the best of his ability he is fighting for justice and for this nation. May we all, with the courage of our conviction, do the same. Amen.

    Rick Foster
    April 5, 2023

    What a hate filled prayer.

Dawnena Key
April 4, 2023

I pray in Jesus name that the Judge sees through the lies of this demonic NY attorney. They are so corrupt that we can smell them here in North Dakota. We need to shake the ground and stand up for our country. God anointed our constitution to provide these rights. Trump has due process afforded to him by the constitution. He is INNOCENT til proven guilty. I ask you Jesus to muzzle the lies that are coming out of NYC. There are so many unbelievers in this town, NYC. They will do anything to allow demonic forces reign. Our president Donald Trump deserves to continue to lead our country to the way you want us to, Lord. We put Donald J Trump on the altar to allow blessings come forth. We celebrate your resurrection this weekend. Allow us remember the sacrifices that were made to get our freedom. We have that freedom to worship you. It will be taken away if we don’t do anything. Give us the spirit of HOPE!!

Ana Fortich
April 4, 2023

Father we asked the shield of Faith be lifted high block all the arrows that the enemies attempt to send. Overflow the shield with your Son’s precious blood.

Dinorah Aadal
April 4, 2023

No weapon formed against President Trump will prosper and every that rises against him will die immediately!!!
God is his judge defender and protector.
These evil are going down. This I decree and declare, Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

Toni Kushner
April 4, 2023

Our God Reigns! Restore to our nation a righteous justice system for all. We pray that the fear of the Lord would come upon public officials so that their decisions would demonstrate justice for all without partiality, “for when justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”

Isis Loya Alvarado
April 4, 2023

The battle belongs to The Lord. We trust in Him that all evil will be exposed and the charges will be dropped in Jesus Holy Name.

joyceann Van Staaveren
April 4, 2023

This criminal act by this prosecutor…Is the description of a criminal. Many are involved…
There is much more in their hidden agenda ; that they are hiding from the American people. They have discussed plans of assassination in their group!
(The dirty Little secret) Just like this Government did to John F
Kennedy. They took him out!
The prayer warriors need to know
how serious this is…To stop them
in their tracks before it is too late. I
doubt there were any intercessors
at the time JFK made that fatefull
Trip to Texas.

This is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I have been praying for our President Trump.

    Daylynne Starr
    April 5, 2023

    Wow! It makes us wonder if that was why the Kennedy murder was covered up for 60 years! And the real truth in that case has still not been told!
    For this matter We can use: No Weapon formed against President Trump can prosper, and every tongue that rises against him in judgment we shall condemn. (Is 54:17)
    There are hundreds of verses we can use, I’ll be happy to send. 🙂

    April 5, 2023

    Joyceann you are correct about President Kennedy not being interceded for. I was 13 when he was murdered and no one expected that the Texas trip would prove fatal! I later read that President Kennedy was planning to do away with, to dissolve, the evil CIA as soon as he returned from Texas. He also was going to fire J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, and was going to revamp and reduce the power of the FBI! President Eisenhower, as he was leaving office, had warned the country to get rid of the “military industrial complex” (aka the deep state; the swamp) or that it would attempt to take down America! That was in 1960! FATHER GOD please send laborers to the officials in NYC that are so corrupt and evil that you can see the demons on their faces! I pray that salvation and revival comes to nyc quickly before they all die and go to hell in JESUS NAME!

Joel Addison
April 4, 2023

I know the Swamp want President Trumps scalp but this is also a ruse to deflect the more serious evil in the works of handing over our sovereignty to the WHO people to let them control every aspect of our livelihood when the next Planned demic is developed. We must contact Congress to stop all funding for anything if they let this go through

Kathryn Russ
April 4, 2023

May You, Lord God, raise up godly leaders in our country, our states, & our communities, and tear down the evil minded officials in our government . For your glory, & in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

    Barbara B
    April 4, 2023

    Amen! God hear our cry for a return of people in the government that are of the people and for the people. Those in power claim to be Christian but that are false Christians. They do not walk with you. We plead with you Lord to remove these people from power and return our country back to President Trump. He is a good president who tries to follow your laws. God, not man’s laws. We love you and praise you Lord.

April 4, 2023

My sense is that President Trump is the sacrifical lamb this ressurection passover season. I do not know if he will be resurrected

    April 5, 2023

    President Trump is NOT a sacrificial lamb! That was, is JESUS CHRIST! Alone! President Trump is a man who loves his country America and loves Americans and is courageous and intelligent enough to want to stop the evil filth that has permeated our country! I decree that President Trump shall NOT die, but live and declare the works of JESUS CHRIST! FATHER GOD thank YOU for President Trump and for YOUR Great protection of him and his family in JESUS NAME! Amen!

K McRae
April 4, 2023

I have been led to pray and decree Ps 64TPT from the YouVersion over President Trump and our nation. Believing for God’s LIGHT, TRUTH & JUSTICE to PREVAIL. It’s Time! So glad that we the People of the USA are uniting in faith/prayer & standing up against the tyrannical type gov the evil wants.

Monica Hansen
April 4, 2023

Lord- You guided Joseph and made him a ruler. Your ways are higher than ours. Thankyou for taking Trump and using him to free us from all this. I trust your hand and plan. I will not fear the arrows by day or nite for you are with Trump. We shall see a new America led by your anointed and your hand!! In Jesus name -AMEN

J Caldwell
April 4, 2023

America HAS ALREADY lost confidence in Congress, the FBI, the Judicial Branch of the government and President Biden.
New construction in Congress is currently in progress. We, the people who elect our representatives, will wait. God watches over His nation.

Light Bringer
April 4, 2023

May god bring his full righteous to bare on trump.

Sheri D
April 4, 2023

Lord Jesus, we come to you with fervent prayers asking that President Trump would be released of these 34 charges !
The slanderous and evil politicians who hate Trump are waging a war against Christians, ProLifers and our Constitutional rights.
We thank you Jesus for your blood and your sacrifice for all people.

April 4, 2023

Dear Prayer Partners,
Tbe Book of James is so full.of wisdom about each issue we are witnessing today!
To begin with, James 5 is all about Faith and Works, not justbone or the other, and putting our faith to work in many ways, such as Praying! Ja. 5:15-18, And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and The Lord will raise him.up, And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Confess ypur tresspasses to one another, and pray for one another, tgat you may be healed
The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man Avails much!

BEING HEALED, is not just about Health It is also about sin sick souls!
Not only are we to pray about our health and for eavh others, but Praying for each other to be Forgiven fo sins, this includes President Trump and every other person in government nationwide!
James 5 finishes with tellung about Elijah praying for rain and no rain, and God answered! Our Land, our world needs these prayers too! God is waiting for us! Let us not be distracted by every single thing going on. Let us all take a breath and Pray for healing, of souls, health, and cleansing of of our land! Its a Start. If each one, prays for just one other person, one part of our country, one issue, That is over 3,000
prayers in one day from this group!
God Bless Each of you on this journey of praying

Estella A
April 4, 2023

Praying Psalm 37:27-33 over President Trump;
27 Turn from evil and do good;
then you will dwell in the land forever.
28 For the Lord loves the just
and will not forsake his faithful ones.
Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed:
the offspring of the wicked will perish.
29 The righteous will inherit the land
and dwell in it forever.
30 The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom,
and their tongues speak what is just.
31 The law of their God is in their hearts;
their feet do not slip.
32 The wicked lie in wait for the righteous,
intent on putting them to death;
33 but the Lord will not leave them in the power of the wicked
or let them be condemned when brought to trial.

Pam Barre
April 4, 2023

“There is a call for clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime.”

In America it is supposed to be: “A person is considered innocent until proven guilty.”

Pam Barre
April 4, 2023

“There is a call for clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime.”

In America it is supposed to be that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Kelly Uchneat
April 4, 2023

Lord Almighty, we speak to this mountain and pray that you will move it from President Trump and all our leaders (whether in the quiet places or the front-and-center places). I pray that you will fortify each of us in the holy name of Jesus and give us the resilience, discernment and faith that comes only from you. Thank you, Lord, for loving us and hearing our prayers.

Speak to the Mountain: https://pandora.app.link/CSLaMATrJyb

April 4, 2023

I pray for President Trump and his family and also for America First because what they’ve done and are doing to Pres. Trump will affect even the far left progressives Constitutional Rights, which includes, religious freedom. America’s Rule of Law no longer exists and I pray the good Lord steps in to save his people and that all believers get out there and try to get God’s people to see that we all need Jesus. Romans 10:9 or John 3:16 is all you need; not corrupt government. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Arlene Eledge
April 4, 2023

This is the most revolting political process I have been forced to witness. I have been a proud Republican for most of my life. I no longer feel that way. Trump is the most narcissistic person I have been exposed to. He has corrupted the Republican Party. Stop being fooled by the News Media. Stop Trump!!!!

Dr chinyere Ifeacho
April 4, 2023

He is winning this battle and will surely overcome

Dr chinyere Ifeacho
April 4, 2023

The Lord shall arise and His enemies will scatter. Oh Lord cause confusion in the camp of the enemies of this nation, deliver your chosen vessel president Trump from the snare of the enemy, we cover him and his family with the blood of Jesus.
America shall rise again.

Rebecca Bueno
April 4, 2023

Father I thank you for hearing this prayer today. Lord Jesus have mercy on President Trump as they have come against him today. I think you for your grace and your love toward our president Donald J Trump. Let no weapon formed against him, prosper and every tongue that rises up against him you will condemn. Let your truth be revealed in and let your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven, God bless our nation with the truth. You are the way the truth and the life. We put this in your hands father God, in the name of Jesus amen.

April 4, 2023


Sharon Clark
April 4, 2023

Heavenly Father
I pray your kingdom come your Will be Done with Donald Trump, you are the just Judge and the one who Justifies, I plead the blood of Jesus over this case! You said in your word vengeance belongs to you alone. In Jesus Name

Susan richmond
April 4, 2023

Some say the judge may issue a gag order on Trump. I say we Christians hereby issue a gag order on every evil spirit’s voice and plan from speaking to all judges and lawyers against Trump. I pray and declare anyone doing evil will be confused and stop their evil doings.

April 4, 2023

Father I come before You in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth lifting up USA, asking for forgiveness. That Your People that are called by Your would Repent, that Your would hear our Prayers. Lord, we ask for Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace over our Country. Lord You are in Control and I ask for Donald J. Trump that You would give Your Angels Charge Over him. Holy Spirit surround that Courtroom Protect Donald Trump, his Attorney’s giving them all wisdom, knowledge, equip them all to accomplish Your will.

Lord Jesus cleanse the Courtroom, remove the evil. Lord You are King of Kings, Lord of Lords Creator of the Heavens and the Universe.

Oh Lord, hear our Prayers and grant Favor!

April 4, 2023

Dear Lord, You love justice, You are merciful! Lord, have mercy on our nation! Take out the evil and restore peace and order to our government! Guide, Protect and Deliver President Trump from the guiles, trickery and destruction of the Devil. You are the God of the Universe! Do not stop until You have made the earth a footstool for Your Son! Show Yourself strong on our behave for justice and glorify Your Name all the earth! Amen, Hallelujah! So Be It!

April 4, 2023

Lord, please do not let the your people be deceived. Please. The district attorneys in New York are aware that their case against former President Trump is weak. They are lawyers.
They have spent months examining their case. They do not need to convict him to achieve their goals of changing the direct of the election. Expose the evil intentions of their hearts. Expose their mis-use of the court system.

zDonna Lorton
April 4, 2023

Keep praising God in the storm. Hold up our hands and bless Him. Pray Gods promises and words to him like a child annoying his father.

April 3, 2023

God is faithful!

Eleanor Ciaravino
April 3, 2023

Right after the 2020 election the LORD spoke to me, Saying’ ‘ Donald J Trump is My president!. Donald J Trump is in the palm of My Hand! and Donald J Trump is playing My Hand! He showed me in a vision, President Trump seated at his presidential desk, behind him was a grey curtain, I saw a hand come out from behind the curtain and grab the back of President Trumps chair ( it was on wheels) and pull it behind the curtain. I asked the Lord what does that mean, He said I’m taking him beyond the grey area, behind the curtain to show him what’s going on. He has shown me many things beginning in September of 2015 until recently about Trump, our country, and the people out to destroy it. Donald J Trump is G-Ds president of the United States of America. He is not just a president, he is G-Ds president!!

April 3, 2023

OUR COUNTRY WILL NOT SURVIVE UNLESS WE HUMBLE OURSELVES, RETURN TO OUR KNEES IN PRAYER, AND ASK FOR OUR HEAVENLY FATHER’S FORGIVENESS FOR WHAT WE HAVE ALLOWED INTO OUR COUNTRY. WE HAVE BECOME SO LAX & comfortable with our everyday life that evil has come in the back door of our country. We MUST be more aware that Satan is prowling around & taking control of the government. My prayer is that EVERY CHRISTIAN go down on blended knee in prayer & ask JESUS to have MERCY on our great country before we are completely taken over by the enemy!! We do have the power, through the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and with HIS help, forgiveness, & mercy, we CAN WIN THIS BATTLE !! BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE!! GOOD ALWAYS WINS OVER EVIL!!! ALL GLORY TO GOD, OUR REFUGE!!

    April 4, 2023

    However-, please remember that the process you are referring to..
    started 150 years ago..in 1871- with a passage of a law that I admittedly cannot cite-, but I know from following Patriot information was the first law to begin the deconstructing of our system. Globalists under the name of bilderberger’s and Rothschild’s have been intent on dismantling our system-, based on freedom and responsible self-governance, since the beginning..when they saw it threatened their power structure. This is not new.. in fact-, they realized that as we became more successful-,and more accustomed to being free, and then getting comfortable.. that we would become more lax in our approach to things.. in our approach to responsible daily life.. and in fact that has transpired.. which is what Karl Marx wrote about in his Manifesto.. In instructing rebellious intended revolutionaries to take advantage of the natural tendency of humanity to create their own problems-, and to run with them.. and make them worse.. there by using our system of Freedom against the very people that cherish it.. that cherish that freedom. We would have done well to been aware of this a long long long time ago

Linda Thompson
April 3, 2023

Father God, put a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family. Protect them from all violence and keep them strong in the face of persecution. Keep your peace over this nation as we face this and so many other crises. Help all of us, from government officials to ordinary citizens to hear your voice in the chaos so that your will will be done in this great nation and around the world. Forgive us of the many ways we have sinned in this nation, have mercy on us and heal this great land. Only in following you can we have true greatness. In the precious name of Jesus.

Darlene DeAngelis
April 3, 2023

Father God I lift up your son Donald J trump our former president father God you see the evilness that surrounds this man father God you’re the almighty all powerful you will be done on Earth as it is in heaven you saw what your son did for the American people in the USA father God protect his mental stability make him even stronger father God he reminds me of when Nebuchadnezzar put the three men in the fiery furnace and they did not fear Donald J Trump stands for this father God give him strength father God I look at his last name and what comes to mind is the word triumph his name is in Triumph Trump will Triumph once again and also the trumpet has been sounded almost 2 years ago in the swamp has been drained in the creatures are out they do not like the light of the world they do not like your children but father God you are above all and there’s nothing to fear except what you can do to us father God break this evilness at its knees bring it down to the ground face first convict this evilness to the core of their soul make them Shake violently in the name of Jesus thank you Father God

    Patti Hardy
    April 4, 2023

    Thank-you Darlene, I thank you for your words of faith, power and encouragement! God bless you sister! Yes and Amen! More power to ya!

    April 4, 2023

    Our current President, ….and Amen!

April 3, 2023

I pray, Lord, that the attempt on the part of the DA in New York to distract from the serious charges against Mr. Biden and to manipulate conservatives into voting for the candidate of their choosing will not work. Lord, I pray that you cause a strong leader of principle to be raised up who will NOT try and mis-use his or her position to force the Department of Justice and/or our court to support his or her political agenda.

Kiki Btanch
April 3, 2023

I honor you Father God in praise and worship to your mighty name. Dear God I ask that you keep President Trump safe physically and mentally. I pray that no weapon formed against him, his company and his lawyers will come to pass. That the weapon will fall apart, whither and die in the great name of Jesus. I pray Father God that any and all evidence is false and will not stand up in the courtroom or before a judge, and cannot be used. Dear God I do not boost in chariots or men of this earth. I boost in my Heavenly Father who has never been defeated in battle. I decree in Jesus name that this indictment will fall apart and cannot be used. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over this prayer request for the answer to be approved in eyes of the Great I Am in heaven. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Mary Ann Canfijn
April 3, 2023

Thank you, LORD of heaven and earth, that You are the One just and ultimate Judge!
In You is our trust. Your throne is established in righteousness and justice. Reveal Your
holiness, of Lord! That men may fear You! May the Name of JESUS be lifted up throughout the land!

April 3, 2023

The enemy always goes after those who threaten their evil agendas and the power they gained through illegal means. The left has been after President Trump ever since he announced his run for the office for President of the United States of America. They hate him for bringing to light their evil schemes and will stop at nothing to destroy him along with our Constitution and our very way of life. God put him in office for a purpose just as He allowed the left to manipulate the 2020 election results and destroy all the good that was being done. I don’t know what God is up to, but I will continue to speak out against complete and utter injustices that are being hurled at Trump which directly affects each and every one of us.

What God hates, I hate.

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    April 3, 2023

    Wow! That scripture just described what biden and his crew has done since stealing the election! All of it! Things that GOD hates in JESUS NAME!

Lea Donaldson
April 3, 2023

Father God, we plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President Trump and we ask that you give him favor with this biased judge. We pray that you will protect our national judiciary system from people who use it to neutralize their opponents. In Jesus Christ name we pray. Thank you for answering this prayer. Amen 🙏

    Kiki Branch
    April 3, 2023

    I come into agreement with you Lea Donaldson. Praise God, He will fight the battle, and our Heavenly Father has never been defeated.

Cecilia Trinidad
April 3, 2023

I took an concerned that the liberals get away with doing evil but God sees everything and righteousness and Justice will prevail in Jesus Mighty Name. AMEN 🙌🙏

Michael Allen
April 3, 2023

Dear Lord,

Please Bless Donald Trump and Bless all of our political leaders. Help them to grow in their relationship with You. Please give them wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions.


Lola F Pierce
April 3, 2023


    April 4, 2023

    We are all Sinners saved by Grace.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    April 4, 2023

    Wow! That about covers it doesn’t it..
    I would hate be involved in something God hates..its one thing for man to hate it but when God hates it you are on shakey ground & you better look out..
    He is a patient God but this has gone on long enough..He says ” don’t touch my annointed” & President Trump has God’s ANNOINTING on him to lead our country out of the swamp & onto high ground.
    Lord cover him & his team & family in your Prescious blood.
    We bind the enemy off of this whole situation & we take authority over it ..it has to come down!!!

      Dr chinyere Ifeacho
      April 4, 2023

      The Lord said Trump shall prevail, it’s not about him. This is a battle between light and darkness. We cover him with the blood of Jesus. We are victorious

    Karen E. Kendrick
    April 4, 2023

    There are plenty of prophetic voices who are giving great words..
    HANK & Brenda KUNNEMAN o. Elijah List & Barry Wunch on Elijah Streams to name 2..very encouraging ( yesterday & last Friday)

Paula Ward
April 3, 2023

I feel strongly to pray for President Trump’s protection. I plead the blood of Jesus over him and his family and those around him supporting him. Protect them Lord Jesus and we ask for Your warrior angels to surround them. No weapon forged against President Trump and company shall prosper and every tongue that rises against him/them will be shown to be WRONG in Jesus name!!

    Susan Palm
    April 3, 2023

    I agree in Jesus name! I thank God for the protection that He has obviously had over President Trump all these years, and pray that righteousness prevails and the liars and the traitors fall into their own traps that they have digged!

      Karen E. Kendrick
      April 4, 2023

      He has been protected all this time & I believe our prayers are part of the reason & we will continue to do so..
      When he was 1st running I asked God to show me if I should vote for him & He gave me a dream..
      President Trump lived next door to me ( saying he was one of the people)
      He lived in a maybe 10×50 trailer & he was outside diggi ng in the ground with his hands as if he
      was a humble man who loved this country & the people..working like all of us.
      That was Gods way of tell ing
      me he was for us & this country God had made.

    April 3, 2023

    Yescwe bind him going into any prison ever in JESUS NAME! FATHER GOD let the trap Bragg has set catch himself, and then let him repent and get saved in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Pam Z
April 3, 2023

Dear Lord we cry out for justice within our system of justice. We appeal to You on behalf of any who are harmed by our country’s judiciary. We come against all who take part in fake justice in Jesus’ mighty name. Let their foolishness be mocked by all. Let their efforts come to nothing. And Lord prepare their supporters to meet the one You are sending as Jehu to our nation.

April 2, 2023

I felt lead to pray that God convicts the hearts of Alvin Bragg and all the jury ,members and that they are not able to sleep at night because of the wrong they are doing.

That somehow God turns the tables on our foes – just like he did with Hanan who tried to hang Mordecai but in the end God reversed the tables.

I have been praying similarly that all the evil forces pursuing this witch hunt will face the brunt of God’s wrath.

April 2, 2023

We are groaning. This is an area filled with Democrats. If I’m understanding correctly, only half of them are needed to move forward? Certainly, from this political group the vote will go as Mr. Soros has planned. .
Early President’s personal lives were not looked upon as determining how well they would lead a country and it did not.
May the Lord of all protect our country and move forward according to His will in this matter.

April 2, 2023

Lord this country needs you now , more than ever before. Lord walk through our justice system and correct what is wrong and make things right. Lord bring America back to you.

April 2, 2023

JUDGE of All Judges
by Eva

JUDGE of all judges,
Swift sentences do meet
Upon those lawless justices
Who sit comfortably on judgment seats.

They are judges who call good “evil”,
Whose hands dole out tyranny,
Who act on oppressing the righteous
And on setting the wicked free.

They rule against Your commandments
And Your authority.
They mock at Your holy standards
And with Your judgments, refuse to agree.

They hold tight to their earthly position:
Undaunted, unshaken, unjust.
They are driven by hellish ambition;
Forgetting they’re only mere dust.

JUDGE of all judges, O’ Righteous One,
Remove them from their throne!
Replace them with judges who’ll honor You
And honor You alone!

April 2, 2023

I believe this is another “witch hunt” trying to keep our rightful President out of office.
The Demo-rats are truly out to use any means to harm Donald J Trump!
God I pray you protect him, keep him safe, and cause those that seek to do him harm to fall into the pit they have dug.
May Chaos and Confusion control their camp.

Benella Bentley
April 2, 2023

I believe the rule of law is applicable in this indictment. Former president Trump is long overdue for paying for his many crimes over many decades. I pray that true justice will prevail in his case, and that he will truly repent for the evil he has perpetrated.

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    Ronald Price
    April 2, 2023

    Perhaps you are overdue for paying for your crimes as well.

    April 2, 2023

    So when Trump said that our nation needs a Savior and that Savior is Jesus Christ, that he is perpetrated evil?

    April 2, 2023

    I believe you are in need of salvation! Ask JESUS to save and deliver you from satan and delusions in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    Renee S Beltrand
    April 3, 2023

    Do not judge or condemn. Get the plank out of your own eye, before trying to get the sliver out of someone else eye.
    The Lord loves all people and He wants all to come to Him for salvation. I do not know if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior yet, He wants you to, He died on the cross for you and His shed blood washes away your sin and you are forgiven and have Him and the Holy Spirit to help you through this walk on earth. The time we spend on this earth is so short to the time we will be spending in Heaven or hell. It’s about your eternity, and this is the only important choice you have to make. Where are you spending eternity, Heaven or hell? I hope and pray it is Heaven. The Lord wooed me unto Him when I was walking in sin and I pray He will woo you also. Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior was the best decision I ever made. He pick me up out of the pit I dug for myself and helped me, healed me and gave me the peace that passes all understanding. I always have to choose to walk in His word to keep the peace that passes all understand though. I pray for a hunger for His Holy word for you. Get a bible and start reading it, taste it, chew on it, swallow it, digest it and share it. I also pray for you to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, our teacher, comforter and deliverer.

    Patti Hardy
    April 4, 2023

    What evil has Trump perpetrated?

Darlene Estlow
April 2, 2023

Father, I humbly bow before you and acknowledge that our putting things before you has resulted in the unrighteousnkess over our nation. Bring back true justice. May politics not win the battle, but your Holy Spirit. Spread your light over our capital and all of D.C. that they may acknowledge you and your right to rule and declare your truth. Thank you that you are sending revival. I praise your name as I bring these requests to you, in your authority I have in the name of your Son, our advocate, Jesus Christ.

April 2, 2023

Innocent until proven guilty! The demand should be for proof of guilt.

Claire-Marie Hemmerling
April 2, 2023

Father in Heaven, I pray that what the enemy planned evil will be used by the kingdom of God to reveal the evil ones! I pray & agree with others that no weapon formed against President Trump will prosper or take root! I thank you Lord for the miracle you are about to do in the USA, the Senate, the US Congress & the Judicial System !
Amen & Amen

Priscilla Meyenburg
April 2, 2023

“ Thank You, Father for sending Jesus. Thank you for loving us enough to reverse the Fall and bring us back into your family. Thank you for Salvation. God you are the conquering King. You never lose. Acts: 2: in the upper room many received Christ’s nature and righteousness. When I think of how Jesus endured the horrible things Satan tried to do to remove Jesus then the CROSS came, BUT Christ was able to endure the Cross because He knew that joy was before Him. “ Thank you Jesus that we are joint- heirs with You.” “ 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
New International Version
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[b] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Thank you Father for being our helper, to be the Only True Judge!! You are our conquering King! Father God I ask in the name of Jesus to “ remove the weaponization of our legal system to neutralize a political opponent is an injustice that threatens the very foundations of our nation” Father God the Democrats, Leftist politicians have had their hey day and I know you have heard and see everything they have done to our rightful President DJ Trump that has represented the American 🇺🇸 people, Jesus it is about time we call out those who are lying, because there is NO proper justice being Done! There is a call for clear evidence that President Trump did not commit a crime. At the same time a sin filled leftist person who is a billionaire is using his money to help destroy American peoples lives, committing crimes and getting by with it. Proverbs-29,4 “ By justice a king gives a country stability,
but I ask that In your love of DJT and America that you give us a second chance to regain your Trust. As I read Proverbs-29:10,12 it relates to what is exactly happening now with a proven corrupt Administration. “ 10 The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity
and seek to kill the upright.
11 Fools give full vent to their rage,
but the wise bring calm in the end.
12 If a ruler listens to lies,
all his officials become wicked..” Jesus these verses give a clearly true picture of what is happening to destroy your America. God I humbly ask you to help us turn this situation of propaganda and clear out the lies. Americans deserve clear evidence that a district attorney, or a prosecutor, or a jury, cannot, may not, and will not misuse the law for a political agenda. Of hate and evilness’s to destroy America. God with a grateful heart of Love and thanks, I praise you and honor you with gratefulness of what you paid in Full. As we come into this Resurrection year in 2023, we Declare that Jesus Has Risen” Father God there is no one like you: YOU PAID IT ALL !! I love you for all what you have done and STILL keep doing.. Father God, once again we express our gratefulness for another Victory, so AMERICA can be saved with the help you give us from great resources you provide. I declare that a “ district attorney, or a prosecutor, or a jury, cannot, may not, and will not misuse the law for a political agenda., “ because of your Constitutional that was established by God fearing men who loved our Father. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✝️🇺🇸 Amen!

    Claire-Marie Hemmerling
    April 2, 2023

    I agree in Jesus’ name! Amen!

    April 2, 2023

    What you wrote is awesome. Thank you! I declare those same words in the Name and Authority of Jesus!

April 2, 2023

My prayer is for our Father in heaven to come to President Trump’s rescue. All he did was rule for the people. Trump is not a perfect man but none of us are perfect! Through Trump’s victory may our Father in heaven be glorified.

Zenaida Baulita
April 2, 2023

God will protect the innocent. If President Trump is innocent of certain viiolations of the law- God will be his Refuge! God bless America!

    April 2, 2023

    GOD IS his refuge! However many innocent people with GOD as their refuge are in prison! That’s why everyone on here is praying! FATHER GOD please wake up YOUR people! Please deliver President Trump from the evil clutches of Alvin Bragg in JESUS NAME! Amen!

George Leaf
April 2, 2023

Father, it is the time to walk as though we see the end of the age. This season closes, the vines are examined for their fruit. Like the ages before “Prophet what do you see?” The masonry of their walls are bulging, the mortar has crumbled, the walls are ready to fall, yet those atop the walls cray louder and louder ‘all is well all is well’. Not so says the Lord God, your walls are ready to fall their strength but an illusion of your imaginations and the tales you tell each other as you gather in your darkness which you call enlightenment. I ask you the quality of your crop, is it ready harvest, for all its fertilization and watering has it grown any crop at all or just more and more vine? To all who read these words, Examine Your Vine, it is harvest time. Amen

April 2, 2023

Check out this spiritual warfare film. It is crazy but I can imagine that this is what is happening in America today! https://youtu.be/BN68xc7PrLA

Elizabeth Engel (Liz)
April 1, 2023

Indeed, the time IS NOW!!! If the Body of Christ as a whole, does not
speak up regarding the devastating issues we face NOW – using all
means of communication possible – then next month, next week, or even
tomorrow may be TOO LATE!!! God put us here for SUCH A TIME AS THIS –
(Book of Esther) – to do all we can to bring America BACK TO GOD –
again, before it’s TOO LATE!!! When we as believers enter Glory, will He
not ask each of us what we did to help turn back the tidal wave of evil in
America?! I’m sure He will!! If true Christians do nothing, then WHO WILL??!! So if WE fail, then America doesn’t have a chance – UNLESS
God totally steps in Himself – doing what WE should have done (in His
strength, of course!!). God is raising up His Army in this land during these
Last Days!!! Let us not hesitate to enlist, so that His Will CAN be established in America BEFORE HE returns for us!! To God be the Glory!!!

    Susan S
    April 2, 2023

    Next Tuesday is not only the day that Trump is arraigned but also the 13th day of Nissan in the Jewish calendar. It was on that day that Haman put out his evil decree. On the 16th of Nissan, Esther went before the king and on the 17th day Haman was hanged.

      Susan S
      April 2, 2023

      Correction : Nisan

      April 3, 2023

      Esther called for a three day fast before she went before the king to save God’s people. I’ll do that from Nisan 13-16 as well.

      Suzanne L
      April 3, 2023

      Wow! Very interesting!

April 1, 2023

Abba, Father, blow with the mighty wind of your Spirit, part the waters of “our” Red Sea, lead us across on dry ground, and may our enemies and Your enemies be no more. We rejoice now with timbrel and dance in anticipation of all you will do on behalf of we, your people, our beloved America, and all the nations of the world. It will be by your hand and your hand alone we receive our deliverance, and we put our trust in you. Show yourself strong as in the days of old. Bring glory to your name. Thank you for working even when we do not see you are working. We worship you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Mary Cresswell
April 1, 2023

My prayer is to cover our nation in His Shalom, that the Church and the people of America will speak out to their representative leaders
and ask them to stand for the “Rule of Law” forged in our nation by our Founding Fathers.
May The Fear of God fall upon our judges and those of influence in our nation.
May God Mercy be upon us. Truly what is happening to President Trump in no less than a show of evil.

April 1, 2023


April 1, 2023

Abba Father I stand with President Trump as do millions of others. I am 74 years old and have lived through many presidents, all except two who talked out of both sides of their mouths, who accomplished little if any of what they promised. President Trump is just a man but he’s your man your trump card. You accomplished more in 4 years through him than any president I have lived under. Father he is definitely not a politician he speaks the truth which is so foreign to our country today. I am often reminded of Jesus and the lies and injustices that he suffered. President Trump has laid down his nice life for America and we the people. I am standing in the gap on his behalf seeking you to defend and restore his honor and reputation, to show his innocence of all charges leveled against him. Lord rescue him from the mouths of the lions and the fiery furnace. My heart is grieved, he has done nothing but good for we the people and does not deserve this so be his guard, his protection and his deliverance in Jesus’ name. Amen

April 1, 2023

President Trump was redeemed by God, He forgave him , therefore, no one can judge, or accuse him again. The enemy is trying to bringing to judgment again but will not succeed. The Lord protects His chosen ones. The prosecutor and the people behind the scenes will be held accountable by the Lord because once we are forgiven we no longer belong to our sinful past but to the future with the Lord.

Jana Lee Clark
April 1, 2023

Please forgive our sins and continue to pour out your spirit upon your church.
Lord, rise up from your throne and do what only you can do.
We intercede for President Trump, and this nation. With one word, one breath, you can remove this evil.
We expectantly wait for your answer, for you are Justice and Truth.
We call every hidden thing into your light, and we call it done. You paid the price for every need we have and we thank you, and praise you, Lord.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done!

Karen A French
April 1, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father King of heaven and earth I pray for This President who has been lied about, attacked, hated, gone through two impeachments, never given due credit for what he has done for America by the liberal elites and the FBI,CIA, STATE DEPT., DOJ and the liberal media. God show Americans their need to vote these people out of office for their crimes against democracy but more so their sins against you Lord. I pray without ceasing for our Nation to return to God and for this evil to be exposed and God’s justice to come. We have lost our way as a nation and as your children Father God, I humbly pray for your mercy upon us.
Amen 4

Karen Ayles
April 1, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father King of heaven and earth I pray for This President who has been lied about, attacked, hated, gone through two impeachments, never given due credit for what he has done for America by the liberal elites and the FBI,CIA, STATE DEPT., DOJ and the liberal media. God show Americans their need to vote these people out of office for their crimes against democracy but more so their sins against you Lord. I pray without ceasing for our Nation to return to God and for this evil to be exposed and God’s justice to come. We have lost our way as a nation and as your children Father God, I humbly pray for your mercy upon us.

Pat Marrs
April 1, 2023

We lift up President Trump. We ask Father that these attacks be nulled and voided!! We ask for Grace and mercy and protection
We pray the Word Psalm 7:15 they dig a hole to trap others but they will fall into it themselves !!

April 1, 2023

I posted a comment (prayer) that was long and full of scripture. I do apologize for the length. It looks like a Pharisee or publican who is standing and praying a vain prayer.
It is not so, I kept receiving scriptures that applied to many. However, I confess I did not realize it was a prayer for us, The Body of Christ. It is in a grey box, but I don’t know what that means. So I am just asking forgiveness for just jumping in without looking at what I was supposed to see.

William Powell
April 1, 2023

Truly this indictment is for political gain. There is no doubt that Mr. Trump is a loud mouth braggart, a bully, and an immoral person, but these things are not against the law of the land. While Mr. Trump is no doubt a sinner, so am I. He will be judged by the only righteous judge, so will I. In my opinion, Mr. Trump proved to be a good President. He attempted to fulfill his promises while in office. He was hampered on every side simply because of personality or jealousy reasons. He has proved to be a man who loves his country, and I believe he loves the Lord. I hope and pray that true justice will prevail, and God will be glorified in this ordeal.

    April 1, 2023

    Also, keep in mind that we have had polished and cordial presidents-,like Obama- and the peanut farmer -,that did Terrible Things to this country ..but were very polite in the process about it

April 1, 2023

What I am hearing is that Soros, through Bragg, purposely planned this evil attack on President Trump to stop him from becoming the next president. There is an army behind Trump, but now is not the time to sit down and do nothing. Powerful men and women will come from all over the world to help President Trump get through this. More people will see the tyranny for what it is and vote for President Trump. However, President Trump will need the best attornies, favors from others up on high, and the best protection where he is at right now. We will continue to pray for President Trump. Amen. Cindy (Canadian Citizen)

April 1, 2023

I am very concerned about this unprecedented act. As was said, liking or disliking President Trump has nothing to do with it. The decision to indict Trump is very dangerous for the future of our republic.

    Carmen Hanna
    April 1, 2023

    It is not only dangerous but it’s unjust and double standard. If what he committed is the worst sin in this nation, then many politicians democrats and republicans including Biden should be arrested .on Tuesday.

April 1, 2023

Praying for conviction of the ‘kings and judges’ (Psalm 2) on earth to act righteously, knowing that God will judge them. Heavenly Father, expose the schemes of people merely jockeying for power and notoriety.

Susan Struwe
April 1, 2023

So who would the jurors be and are they going to be compensated for this?
That will make a diffrrence.

April 1, 2023

God, I pray your will be done that the world will know that you are the Lord!

Christine Kraus
April 1, 2023

This scripture comes to mind:
“I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery [bribery] and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward my people’s work. I will make an everlasting promise  to them.” — ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61‬:‭8‬ ‭GW‬‬

Holy Spirit, bring forth justice and truth in this case. You are a covenant making God, and a covenant keeping God. We trust in you for what you have promised for President Trump and for America!

April 1, 2023

Look up “George Washington’s Angelic Visit 1777. “ God gives him the prophetic destiny of this nation and it is His victory.

“For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? “ Isaiah 14:27

We decree the forces of evil schemes deceiving and seeking destruction towards Your purposes null and void. Praying for this brave , called man President Trump , his family and all those who are fighting for truth and rightness.

April 1, 2023

Psalm 35 ..
David’s appeal in this Psalm is fitting for this day.
Lord, please frustrate the enemy’s plans and restore out “Nation Under God”

Kara Craft
April 1, 2023

There is no question the law is being manipulated to support a very evil agenda. It’s not simply an attempt to neutralize ” a political opponent”. This is now in the arena of good vs. evil. It’s NOT democrat vs. republican. This is way beyond that. The puppets and players under and with George Soros are Luciferian elitists who are attempting to protect not only their money and power, but their child trafficking, child molesting, child sacrifice and other horrors that most people may be unaware of. The stakes are very high and Donald Trump is called by God for this particular time. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places and need to declare and decree God’s heart, speak it forth with power and might, in
faith, and watch what God does.

Tonjua Shepherd
April 1, 2023

The evil one knows his ultimate end is so near. Just as God has His people, the story of this spiritual truth can be found in the Holy Bible, to bring about His plans and purposes on earth, satan has his people to bring about his evil works. His schemes to harm and destroy will come to light. The enemy and those who do dark schemes are terrified this man will run again and will try to stop that with all their powers.
However, no powers of darkness can stop what God Almighty has ordained.

May He, In GOD WE TRUST, have mercy on America- His daughter nation, America. May He protect those fighting for truth and righteousness. May we make Him smile once again and May He have mercy on America. May He place a hedge of protection around President Trump and his loved ones. Strengthen all those who are fighting for His Name sake. Forgive us, restore us Oh God. Please oh God in Your great mercy, Do not allow the enemy to triumph. We see his evil deceptive schemes. May America bring you glory once again. May she sing your praises so they nations of the earth will praise you. Thank You oh God.

Tom Sanchez
April 1, 2023

I Believe the US Church, is partly responsible for the condition of America. That we need to repent. For 40-60 years we’ve stood back from politics, and the condition of society ; stayed in the comfort zone of our Church’s. Today we are paying the price.

Christians are hiding behind the expression,” End Times” and just conceding to it! A Partial Lie. Like we CANNOT do any thing against it.

Numerous times in Israel’s history they went fourty years until they cried out! Tolerated, stayed in Comfort Zone, did not want to get involved, It was secular & , worldly.

We’ve sown partial lies and now wonder how it got so bad!

Lynn Salmoria
April 1, 2023

Precious and Wonderful Fellow Intercessors,
What we are hearing here in the Homer House Of Prayer is that this whole thing that is being manufactured against President Trump runs so deep against this wonderful president, that we are being instructed to pray in tongues only. As the Holy Spirit knows, and sees where we do not. We are greatly praying in tongues over this whole thing and we are fasting. God bless you all in your prayers. And God bless our great nation.

    Tom sanchez
    April 1, 2023

    Agree. Tongues is a powerful tool.

    REv that church w a reputation of being alive yet denying its power’

    In general the Church is not knowledgible about the gifts of the Spirit. How can we fight when we do not understand the gifts provided. Too many fear the gifts! Humble Ask God to reveal himself to you about his giftings. What are your gifts?

    Roxanne Rice
    April 1, 2023

    THANK YOU for this reminder. I will certainly be much more diligent in praying in tongues. Praying in agreement with you for the fullness of God’s will and purpose to be done.

Vicki Small
April 1, 2023

No one is above the law, and that includes the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, etc.

    April 1, 2023

    The devil has been given a limited amount of time as his domain here on earth. His time will be up….within the next 10 years, possibly the next 7. He knows it too.

April 1, 2023

TOTALLY POLITICAL junk from DEMONICrats! But God’s STILL IN CHARGE! And this battle is between Him and satan( I know who wins, and I love it!) Justice System in our country is as much of a joke, than our current gov. I TRULY believe, that God has allowed Trump to be indicted for a good reason! Only He knows the reason. One of them is, that He will be GLORIFIED through it. I just pray that this country comes to repentance and our Lord will heal this nation. Today, Saturday, in Texas, there is a HUGE world wide gathering to worship satan. PLEASE PRAY that Jesus OBLITERATES EVIL, and that people will fall to their knees, and receive Him as their Lord and Savior!

    April 1, 2023

    I thought there is a huge gathering of Christians Sunday around 6 to worship The Father God and a huge cross of Jesus will be bought in to CWP. I don’t know about one to worship Satan… source?

April 1, 2023

President Trump – The Lord will make certain that you are triumphant again.

Mr. Braggs -In terms of you bragging about your indictment- Pride goes before the fall.

Stormy Daniels – Even through the left’s intent was to cause a storm among those seeking righteousness, God used Daniel to reveal the evil against those who were faithful to honor Him and Him only. Like Daniel, if we prevail in prayer (Daniel 9:2-3), and remain devoted to the only true and living God, we shall see the victory. Daniel was a man of true devotion to God and refused to compromise and God protected Daniel (Daniel 6:24). Alleluia!

    Miriam Ayala
    April 2, 2023

    Spot on Suzy 👍🏽🙏🏽😇🕊️❣️🙋🏽‍♀️

Karen Lemke
April 1, 2023

Bill in Ohio threatens Rob vs Wade and pro life rulings. Please pray this new legislation will be removed and not reach court.

April 1, 2023

Lord, I pray against this flagrant misuse of our judicial for political gain. I ask that You stop assault against our political system. In Christ name

Eugenia Rollans
April 1, 2023

Isaiah 8:10
Devise a plan, but it will be thwarted; state a proposal, but it will not happen. For our God is with us.

Jean Florin
April 1, 2023

Father, We turn to You in our hour of need. You hear the cries if Your people. Please Lord, place a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family to keep him safe and from suffering all of this injustice. Please Lord, expose the evil that Soros and the Davos crowd are doing to our nation, trying to put us on our knees, but You Lord are the only one I will be kneeling or bowing to. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I know what has been done in a fit of rage. You will take that evil and turn it around for good in the name of Jesus. We give you praise and glory and pray You take care of our nation. We all know this is not Justice under the Law. It’s in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Ann Shaw
April 1, 2023

Only God sees the heart-any heart. It is not a surprise that the leaders that are in power are going to use every possible means to heap lots of dirt on any and every opponent. My prayer is that all of us would storm the Throne room with prayers for God’s glory to be revealed. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I offer up my prayer for justice and freedom reign in our nation under God. Amen

Lorraine Splear
April 1, 2023

A nation divided cannot stand! This is all Satan’s plan to divide us even us Christians. We like never before need to pray for a nation and need to pray for Donald Trump! We are better united then we are divided.

April 1, 2023

President Donald J. Trump had the 360Degree scoop i.e. ins/outs-politics backdrop to Godly family up bring. God equipped & used this president to clearly reveal ‘the swamp’… God’s own workmanship=> wrecking-bulldozer! Like it or not:
– ‘always surfaced ‘truth’ their venom was not able to thwart all the good results
– Respected as a worldwide leader. Pulled away from all programs not beneficial to U.S. . Giving away his ‘pay’ just see VA reforms
God will cause such an implosion upon all right and all wrong, God will Himself arise, He does not roll-up His sleeves in vain.) Psalm18

April 1, 2023

I don’t know how or when, but I believe that I am hearing the Lord say “I will save America.” Praise God! God will intervene for our President!

    April 1, 2023

    Look up “George Washington’s Angelic Visit 1777. “ God gives him the prophetic destiny of this nation and it is His victory.

Paulus Petrus van Beek
April 1, 2023

This indictment for criminal charges is not the way justice should work. I believe the President Trump has more than enough evidence of his innocent. G-d will turn His ways for vindication. and that’s also my prayer. Protection, opposing the enemy, exposing these evil doers, Justice for Mr. President Trump! Shalom

Arline Reed Trowbridge
April 1, 2023

There are more of us than “them”. However, they are vocal. We are not. Holy Spirit. bring your words into our mouths, Your words are a sword, mightier than theirs. Amen

April 1, 2023

I see this same weaponization of the legal system with the January 6th prisoners who are still being imprisoned falsely. How is this possible?

Renee Storms
April 1, 2023

We thank you, Lord, that you keep protecting President Trump and his family from the attacks of the evil one. This is another evil attack. We trust you to handle this as well and see THEM and US through this! Who of us could have survived all of the false accusations that Trump (and his family) have endured, since 2016, unless you undergirded them with your strength? President Trump, the man, is CALLED into the highest places of our land, and, therefore, he is a THREAT to the established enemy and the devices of the enemy. It is the enemy who undermines the law to achieve his purposes.
Kangaroo courts and/or those who manipulate our justice system do so to achieve an unrighteous agenda.

Easter is around the corner. Christ, himself, was judged by a group that believed the ends justified the unjust and unrighteous means.

Those, in our government, who are pointing the finger at Trump, have three pointing back at them for abusing their powers (and the law) as well as their prosecutorial powers.
This is only serving to unite those who see rightly and have the mind of Christ on what is truly happening in our country.

Take heart, brothers and sisters. It is GOD’S will that will be done and that will come to pass. But standing still is not an option. President Trump knows this. He is on God’s side. Sadly,
they are not. The Lord keeps making him a stronger person. True leaders are born (and crafted and honed) through heat. God is with him and those of us who are on God’s side.

Lord, please continue to show each one of us our parts and what you would have each one of us do in the matters before our nation. Give us courage and wisdom that is bred from you, alone. Thank you for YOUR sacrifice for us. In Jesus’ Name..

April 1, 2023

I have a cousin wrongly convicted of a crime. He spent over 20 years in jail for a crime he didn’t commit until it was proven that he did not commit the crime. That’s American justice. They falsely accused him because he fit the description. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “Injustice anywhere is a threat of justice to everywhere.” Also in the words of Malcom X, it’s just a case of the, “chickens coming home to roost” or possibly what you sow, you reap. If Trump is innocent justice will prevail, hopefully it takes over 20 years, like it did for my cousin!

Lord, I pray that your will be done on earth as it is inn heaven!

    Paulus Petrus van Beek
    April 1, 2023

    I was also wrongly accused and even convicted for crime i did not commit at all. But G-d gave ne His favor and could reverse all of it and won 100 % But it was a time of great trials and tribulations, with a lot of pain and financial burdens. yes indeed: the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “Injustice anywhere is a threat of justice to everywhere.”

    April 1, 2023

    Why do you hope it will take over 20 years if he’s innocent? It was terrible what happened to your cousin! It’s also terrible, and not of God, to wish it on another innocent man who had nothing to do with your cousin’s injustice. Our standard is Christ who was the most innocent victim in history who did not hope for the same torture for us as He endured and yet it is we who deserve it!

April 1, 2023

Abba Father, we proclaim and declare Your name Yahweh Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts, The God of angel armies to be released over this whole situation and all the people involved in trying to promote injustice. Grant them repentance that leads them to a knowledge of the truth, so they can come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will. (2 Tim. 2:26) But You came, Jesus, to release captives. Father let Your light from on high dawn upon these that sit in darkness and the shadow of death. (Luke 1: 78) O God remove and lift the veil over their minds so they can see and so they can turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of satan to the kingdom of God. (Acts 26: 18) God Almighty we ask that You would faithfully bring forth justice to our land and nation. (Isaiah 42:1-4)

    April 1, 2023

    JJ- I hope you don’t mind,, but I copied and saved this prayer to use as a template to pray, as Jesus told us, for those in authority- Sometimes it’s hard to pray for those in authority, when they are so ungodly- I’m from Wa. State, and we are under a very tyrannical governor.. will be praying this!
    Thank You & Blessings 🙏

Tori Todorovac
April 1, 2023

I agree with everything said in this article except the statement that “there may be a call for President Trump to prove his innocence”. This is the opposite of our judicial system. We are considered innocent until proven guilty….it is the government that must prove otherwise. Unfortunately, by not explaining the difference, it tends to misguide people even more.

    April 1, 2023

    I read and reread this article and I cannot find that sentence. Can you help me find it in this article?

      Tori Todorovac
      April 1, 2023

      Hello Linda…In the last paragraph after the sentence “Again, no one is above the law” comes this statement….”There is a call for clear evidence that President Trump did not commit a crime.” This may mean people want clear evidence before charging him, but it can also refer to the justice system demanding he prove his innocence. My point is the reference is unclear and needs a little more explaining simply because it can be misconstrued.

Emma Whitaker
April 1, 2023

Father may we not let justice fall in our streets. Lord Jesus give us men and women who uphold the laws of the United States of America. Help us o Lord Jesus and deliver us from evil

April 1, 2023

I feel there is much more important issues to prosecute. Our justice system is a disgrace and there are folks in high places trying to destroy this country focused on his sex life instead of the very real issues affecting quality of life in America. I feel we lost our country and media should be in jail prosecuted for their abuse of power and acts of treason in the country and make no mistake media I hear not one American person I know agreeing with the garbage you people report. I’m praying for our country , rights, freedoms, safety, and I want things that matter to Americans meaningful to our politicians. In every way I feel our country is no longer free. And everyone I know is right there with me. Very dangerous of our elected officials and media many should be in jail or extradited right out of this country. Disgraceful advancing other countries agendas and hate for our beautiful people.

    April 1, 2023

    I think we lost our country to the mob and the third world is coming here and we can thank our disgraceful media and politicians for failure to fight for our rights. They’re erasing our history and teaching America is bad. I never heard such treasonous nonsense so dangerous to the very country I love. There is no country founded on moral superiority you ridiculous fools. The people are angry . Thank you for praying to God about these very serious issues and very real lack of wisdom in the media and elsewhere. I tell ya what other countries are laughing at this foolishness wake up people speak out to something more important than his sex life

      April 1, 2023

      Our town did not celebrate 4 th of July last year it’s never happened before but it makes sense we lost our country

        April 2, 2023

        I have not lost my country America! As long as GOD is in his Heaven and I know how to pray for America, it is not lost! Try speaking those things that be not as though they were! I decree that GOD is in charge of America and the enemies are scattered in JESUS NAME!

    April 1, 2023

    Truer words have never been spoken! Lord God of ALL creation, remove the blinders from the eyes of Americans who’ve swallowed the lies of Soros and his henchmen. Although their deeds are done in darkness and secret, YOU ARE THE LIGHT and YOU CAN EXPOSE THEM no matter how hard they try to hide their evil hearts, actions and agendas. Have mercy on Your remnant Lord and those who are yet to know You in Your goodness in the land of the living!!!

Rosie OGrady
April 1, 2023

Trump committed crimes.

No more entitlement

Time for jail

Reply Report comment moderated
    Darlene DeAngelis
    April 1, 2023

    We are all guilty of crime we are all guilty of our past but Jesus gave us all unless we know for sure and we have lived with anybody we cannot be the judge because every time we point a finger at someone we only assume there’s always three back at us when we need to look at ourselves he did more for this country and the people in it than any president after Eisenhower we should be praying for president Trump I have never seen so much persecution and it is disgusting it makes me sick to my stomach and I can’t imagine what it’s doing to God God knows his son we do not we need to look at our own sins because if we were to look at our sins we should be thrown in jail forever

    April 1, 2023

    Oh Rosie, take the blinders off. I believe you are not seeing all the Truth! We all have sins. Yet, we must insist upon fair justice for all, not just those we do not like.

Paul A. Schwab
April 1, 2023

This week, the beginning of Holy Week, ironically, is the exact time that a President, who loves America, and would go through all this persecution for its people, be marched before a judge, who has proclaimed to hate Mr. Trump. Those, who wish to charge a President, who is devoted to Make America Great Again, with allegations, true of not, strive to disgrace this man in front of the whole world. We will never be the America, we knew, if we continue allowing this to happen. Wake up folks and proclaim your voice at the voting polls. God help us all.

Shirley p.
April 1, 2023

The Lord sent me to Matthew 10! The Lord is warning his Apostles they will be hated as they are His sent ones , His sheep going out among wolves.
He has also said to me. I asked Him about this situation President Trump is in with this particular indictment how will this injustice end up? He said: “a nothing.” I said a nothing? He said: “nothing! It will fizzle rather than sizzle, egg will be on their face for even trying!” He said: “It will be even much, much more, trust me! Injustice in My nation has roamed free due to threats and bribery, an assault against Me! For “My name, I will claim My nations, My Kingdom’s fame!”

Sheila Dunn
April 1, 2023

I pray for President Trump and his family for peace and also every lie and deception will be exposed in the name of Jesus. I pray for our nation, and those I ewho are standing with and for the truth and the truth will prevail. I pray especially for those in our judicial and political arena and those that are not for the truth be exposed and released from their position.

Martha Wyatt
April 1, 2023

All praise, glory and honor be to our God who causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.
The Lord’s word tells us:
There is no Wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but VICTORY rests with the Lord.
Standing with President Trump and his Family and praying for them.
God justice will prevail no matter how it looks.

April 1, 2023

We need to pray oh so hard, to offer up sufferings to the Lord, asking for the help of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are in a fight between the powers and principalities of good and evil. Ask God to bring about a great awakening to save America. Remove the blinders now! Something is terribly wrong in our country! Pray for the good people traveling across the country carrying a piece of the true cross and blessing America! Pray for those praying constantly for America, for our good leaders, for our country! Pray that evil can no longer hide and that God will expose it in every corner of America! Pray daily to save America, pray prayers of exorcism from evil. Our Lord will act, the Holy Spirit will act and bring about divine intervention! Amen

Karen Michelsen
April 1, 2023

This indictment is an indictment against the freedom of every American. There is no case. The statute of limitations has run out. This is a wakeup call to the people of this nation. Every leader, especially in government or in our churches or elsewhere who has a response to this indictment of “nobody is above the law” or “let’s just trust the justice system” instead of speaking out against this clear abuse of the law is in fact condoning it, and does not support the US Constitution. Who will the enemy come after next, should Trump be removed? Us. This is a spiritual issue that is occurring on the mountain of politics and government. We must pray for God’s truth and justice in this case, and decree the downfall of the cabal/deep state. It is time for peaceful objections and protests, however we are each led by Holy Spirit to respond. To be clear, I am not suggesting violence of any kind.

Father, we pray for Your ongoing protection of President Trump, and for Your truth and justice to return to America. You have judged the truly wicked, and Your judgment will come swiftly. We ask that You will give one more chance to those who are about to have Your judgment fall on them to come to true repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Karen Michelsen
April 1, 2023

This indictment is an indictment against the freedom of every American. There is no case. Even Stormy Daniels has said nothing happened. This is a wakeup call to the people of this nation. God’s heart is for America to be free. Every leader, especially in government or in our churches or elsewhere who has a response to this indictment of “nobody is above the law” or “let’s just trust the justice system” instead of speaking out against this clear abuse of the law is in fact condoning it, and does not support the US Constitution. Who will the enemy come after next, should Trump be removed? Us. This is a spiritual issue that is occurring on the mountain of politics and government. We must pray for God’s truth and justice in this case, and decree the downfall of the cabal/deep state. It is time for peaceful objections and protests, however we are each led by Holy Spirit to respond. Merely praying is not enough at this point. There are more of us than there are of “them.” Our nation, our freedom, and our children’s lives and freedom are at stake. To be clear, I am not suggesting violence of any kind.

Father, we pray for Your ongoing protection of President Trump, and for Your truth and justice to return to America. You have judged the truly wicked, and Your judgment will come swiftly. We ask that You will give one more chance to those who are about to have Your judgment fall on them to come to true repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Joy P
April 1, 2023

The Lord Will Not Forsake His People

O Lord, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth! Rise up, O judge of the earth; repay to the proud what they deserve! O Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked exult? They pour out their arrogant words; all the evildoers boast. They crush your people, O Lord, and afflict your heritage. They kill the widow and the sojourner, and murder the fatherless; and they say, “The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob does not perceive.” Understand, O dullest of the people! Fools, when will you be wise? He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see? He who disciplines the nations, does he not rebuke? He who teaches man knowledge— the Lord—knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath. Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O Lord, and whom you teach out of your law, to give him rest from days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked. For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who stands up for me against evildoers? If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute? They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge. He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness; the Lord our God will wipe them out.
Psalm 94 ESV

April 1, 2023

Let us remember-
Exodus 14:13,14
Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today… The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
BELIEVE AND WATCH! God’s got this!!
Jesus, send us a Jesus Revolution!!!!

April 1, 2023

As Daniel was vindicated from the lions’ den, may President Trump be publicly vindicated

Steven M. Turoski Turoski
April 1, 2023

GOD’s word says”. You have not because you don’t ask” and when you ask; you ask amiss”.
Help us GOD to ask you according to your will. Guide us into that realm. Help us to not ask “amiss” but according to your will. None of us are perfect. But you can make up the difference. We trust in your will for this country. Mold and shape us. Use us in our imperfection. May your will be done on Earth as well as in heaven. Guide us and lead us HOLY GOD.

Bonnie Berg
April 1, 2023

Correction – Haman was hanged on his own gallows – Mordecai was miraculously saved by God’s intervention –

Bonnie Berg
April 1, 2023

In the book of Edther, Haman built gallows to hang Mordecai and was determined to destroy all Jews. But God….intervened, Mordecai was hanged on his own gallows, the Jews were saved and many Gentiles turned to the One True God. Lord, we pray for your mighty hand of intervention in this case against President Trump and all Christians in our nation. Stretch forth Your mighty hand and turn what is meant for evil into Your purpose for good. We trust You and it is in the mighty name of Jesus, King of kings and Lord of Lord’s that we pray.

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
April 1, 2023

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
(Romans 3:23). As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one.
(Romans 3:10). If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8). God is the righteous Judge and we as Followers of Christ have the Holy Bible as TRUTH. Every tub has to stand on it’s own bottom and no matter how we feel about someone, they have to come to the TRUTH for themselves. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7).
God is neither Republican nor Democrat. Every man is going to be judged by his own works, and He is not a respecter of persons as some of us are. The clock is ticking and the hour is drawing near. People need the REAL TRUTH and we need to tell it without apology. Help us, O God!

    April 2, 2023


Linda Fisher
April 1, 2023

I definitely believe Trump’s indictment, and every other attack against him, is politically motivated. We are seeing things in the US that previously only occurred under totalitarian govenments. But I keep remembering during Trump’s first campaign (I voted for him and would again) that he would gleefully get a chant going about Hillary, “Lock her up, lock her up.” I wonder if this is a consequence of that. I believe he was appointed and annointed by God to do the job of overturning the Deep State, but his pride was never humbled and this indictment might be God’s tool to bring him to the end of himself.

    Nancy Berkey
    April 1, 2023

    Linda. Don’t judge lestye be judged….

    Shirley p.
    April 1, 2023

    The Lord has revealed much to me concerning President Donald Trump as He has many other prophets. But it is too long for here. What I can tell is this, I asked our Lord is there something more ( I can reveal) about “45” or not. Does it mean he is done as President ( recognized), is there a positive here, I need to further hear?
    Our Lord said; “Resurgence! He is not done, neither am I.”

    Note: there is a complete prophesy given by our Lord about the whole reason things have been. and are going concerning Our President, unrecognized for the last few years if you care to hear reply to me by email.

    April 2, 2023

    It is not wrong to speak truth! Hillary should be locked up! She caused our Ambassador and his staff to be murdered by ignoring their pleas to be removed from Benghazi! Then she lied about it and was caught in the lie! She created the Russia hoax against President Trump, and was found guilty by evidence but was never indicted! Many people close to her that crossed her have all turned up dead! And on and on and on! She should be tried for treason and thrown under the jail! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr
April 1, 2023

When President Trump was in office. I received numerous awards for the ministry I’m doing in Hollywood, California. I’ve known President Trump for years and I’ve know him to be a Man of Honor. As I am . The Persecution that we’ve both received because how we stand, is out of order. How can you indict a man who is completely innocent. I continue to pray for the leadership of this nation. Without the proper leadership the future of this nation is uncertain. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Joseph J La Pointe
April 1, 2023

I pray daily for our country and it’s leaders we are going way of the way of the Lord, we are creating life changing our sexes, the Lord created a beautiful being the way he wanted us to be in his image and we are going against his will in doing it our way not his.
We can thank God we have a loving Jesus in our lives as he gave his only son for us, Pray that we use our free will that he died for us, we use in his honor and obey him.

hannah hunter
April 1, 2023

Please let this great leader know the world is praying for him and believes in him. I am an American serving in Kenya. The tribe I have most leaders are Luo- same as Obama. They stand with Trump and his values and beliefs. When I go to prayer and fasting with them Trump is on their lips as is the USA. They know so goes USA so goes the world.

    April 2, 2023

    Thank you so much Hannah! May GOD bless you and yours in JESUS NAME!

kay randolph
April 1, 2023

Almighty God, have mercy upon America now through your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Send down your Holy Spirit among all true believers. May all we pray, speak, and do be accd, to your Holy Will.

Karen Macdonald
April 1, 2023

Lord, hear our petitions. May your will be done.

April 1, 2023

Democrats and Republicans should work together and promoted
a peace ,.not a division ,
We are all one National ,a those matter where we come from .

    April 2, 2023

    Most democrats are demonized! Look at how they act! Look at what they support! The democrat party removed GOD from their platform! In the absence of GOD, satan rules! What fellowship does light have with dark? The republican party prays and embraces GOD! They may not all be saved, but GOD is embraced in the party! What fellowship does GOD have with belial (satan)? FATHER GOD please send laborers to the democrats and let them renounce their evil ways and get saved in JESUS NAME!

Carolyn A. Guggenheim
April 1, 2023

I agree with your position 100%. I pray for God’s will to prevail. Our government is in the hands of our enemy, satan. But our Father in heaven will work it for His good purposes.

Mark Thibodeaux
April 1, 2023

I pray that you strengthen and encourage President Trump and his family. Protect him from false charges and a politically motivated jury and judge. May Your justice be served, Lord.
In Jesus name, amen

Darrell W. Chilson
April 1, 2023

Bragg’s prosecution of Trump is political and is being demonically aided (driven). Ultimately, at the deepest level, Trump was/is a threat to the globalist/anti-Christ movement to force a one world anti-Christ government on all. The issue is not whether Trump ever did something morally wrong. The issue is, will American intercessors stand up against and defeat Satan’s anti-Christ agenda to destroy God’s plans and purposes for America. Now I pray and declare in Jesus’ name the words of Psa. 33:10-11, “Yahweh foils the plans of the rulers, He thwarts the purposes of the peoples, but the plans of Yahweh stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.”

Grace Ocasio
April 1, 2023

A certain individual interjected race into this discussion, but the persecution of President Donald J. Trump isn’t about race at all. It’s about spiritual warfare: those who believe in the blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ stand for truth. What Black Lives Matter does as an organization is to teach people to blame others; it teaches people to see themselves as victims. Critical Race Theory presents the idea that there is an oppressed class who need to fight against an oppressor. Unfortunately, many blacks have bought into today’s propaganda. I wish more black people in the United States of America would choose Jesus Christ over race. Unfortunately, many blacks bow down and worship at the altar of race. It is a sad state of affairs.

Recently I attended an event in Charlotte sponsored by Hillsdale College. I was saddened to see that there were very, very few blacks in attendance. Hillsdale College is an outstanding liberal arts institution where students of all races attend. The ultimate goal of this school is to shepherd students to become God-fearing leaders who will shape the world around them to reflect more of a biblical view.

I commend the lady Carol who commented under this article for her service during the civil rights movement. Her work is admirable.

Finally, there is much spiritual blindness in America and other nations. Many want to blame others for the woes their ancestors endured (thus, the push for reparations). Many want to benefit from so-called causes to promote themselves. One only needs to look at how men are now dominating in women’s sports–men pretending to be women.

My prayer is that God will release vast groups of people worldwide from their spiritual blindness. And I think that I am not alone when I share a portion of words from Revelation 22:20: “Come, Lord Jesus.”

    April 1, 2023

    Absolutely agree with you! Very well said.

    Shirley p.
    April 1, 2023

    Yes, wonderfully said. Remember since “the Garden” Satan has been after the women and our Lord’s seed. Genesis 3: 13-20

April 1, 2023

The past 2 years, with the evil & corruption we have seen in Washington, we have heard from many people that the only way our country will survive is through a repenting & prayer to our Heavenly Father. I believe this is what we are seeing now! God IS in control & His will always prevails over evil. I believe this is a turning point for our country, and if we don’t continue in sincere prayer, out country will be doomed to socialism & communism. We MUST stand with Jesus Christ, put on the full armor, & fight for truth. I believe THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO OVERCOME THIS EVIL, AND THE LAST CHANCE FOR THIS COUNTRY TO REMAIN A FREE REPUBLIC ! STAND STRONG AND BE OF GOOD CHEER, THE LORD IS FIGHTING WITH US AND FOR US !!

April 1, 2023

Father God we come before you and ask for justice and help to bring our nation under Your Guidance and no other. Restore true freedom we pray, in Yeshua’s Name, Amen

April 1, 2023


Gwenn Joseph
April 1, 2023

Father You Are In Control Over This Nation! Let Your Perfect Will Be Done In Jesus Name!

Virginia Wisor
April 1, 2023

Praying that the will of the Father be done and that evil be overcome
God help the United States in our hour of great need

Elizabeth Crouse
April 1, 2023

Bragg is wrong and vindictive. Bind him. Soro is not good either. Praying for President Trump.

April 1, 2023

He needs to be accountable for the things he’s done….

    April 1, 2023

    Who, joe biden? Hunter biden? Hillary? Who? What who has done? Name the things please. May GOD’S Mercy reign over America in JESUS NAME!

    April 1, 2023

    Let the one without sin cast the first stone.. President Trump has not done anything to deserve this. They may have done even worse. Where is their accountability? I pray that the enemies plans be null and voided and thrown to the ground and pray for all charges to come to nothing in Jesus name.

      April 1, 2023

      Amen to the fullest
      This whole scam is from the pit of hell. We have all sinned. This isn’t about what Trump has done wrong
      This is about stopping Trump from the possibility of being our next president.
      The Antichrist global agenda can only proceed with the democrat party at the helm
      Every American needs to wake up to this reality and pray hard for this evil perpetrated on America to end.

    Nancy Berkey
    April 1, 2023

    ˋStephanie, If u don’t know Christ as Saviour I pray u find him visiting this site

    April 1, 2023

    It doesn’t matter what you think of President Trump. This is not about him. It’s about the rule of law and equal justice before the law. When laws can be contorted and twisted to bring a case against anyone, even you or me, no one is safe. “When all the laws are flat” (A Man for All Seasons), what will protect YOU from some powerful DA who just doesn’t like something you did, anything he can conjure up, comes for YOU?

    The number of congresspeople who have paid out hush money (from TAXPAYER MONEY) is stunning. Read this:
    $18.2 Million Congressional Slush Fund for #MeToo Claims
    By Adam Andrzejewski
    March 24, 2021
    The former President paid, out his pocket, his lawyer for legal fees, perhaps hush money but not proved to be as there is evidence against that idea, The money in the “Congressional Slush Fund” is my money and yours. Using our money to pay for their, congresspeople’s, indiscretions is wrong on many levels, but nothing is done to hold them accountable. There are many other examples of husa payments, Bill Clinton, etc. The rule of law, if that’s your claim for accountability, means that everyone is held to the same standard.

    I pray for God’s will to be done in this case and in this nation, as well as every nation on earth. Amen

April 1, 2023

Lord, Jesus, let your kingdom come and your will be done in America. Let your sovereignty prevail and your providence reign throughout this nation. Cancel the plans of satan, release your angels to carry out your will in this matter. Tear down systems, rules, laws, and agendas that operate contrary to your word. Remove people from positions of authority that don’t have your heart. Raise up your annointed warriors who have your heart and will relentlessly pursue laws, agendas, and systems that stand in opposition of your will.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

    Jill Myer
    April 1, 2023
    April 1, 2023

    Amen!! I pray God’s Divine protection over President Trump and his family ! I also pray President Trump and his family will turn to God for strength and guidance in the midst of this difficult time and develop a closer relationship with God!

    Ana Tirador
    April 1, 2023

    Amen prayer changes things. As history tells us , Winston Churchill asked the people to pray to stop the Germans invasion. God heard and delivered

April 1, 2023

Through all of this we keep our eyes on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We know that our president Donald Trump honors God by his actions and his words. We lift him up to you Lord and his family we ask you to keep him and his family. We apply the precious blood of Jesus over him and his family. Send out angels protecting them. Let the fear of God grip every person in that court room, from the judge to the jury, and also Alvin Bragg. We know that your eye is on the righteous. Thank you Lord for watching over our president Donald Trump, his family and also the United States of America!!!!

April 1, 2023

Lord, let great exploits be done in Jesus name for our President DJT and America future amen

April 1, 2023

Satan is working to destroy our trust in the judicial system. This trial is totally aimed at removing President Trump from bringing down a sea of corruption in government, often called the Swamp, and all of the money that flows in this greed and corruption network. Pray for truth and honesty to prevail.

    Nancy Berkey
    April 1, 2023

    I pray that God shows mercy and President Trump is victorious over his enemies. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. In Jesus’Holy Name. Amen.☦️

Mary Ann Robinson
April 1, 2023

I Pray Lord that you surround President Trump with your most holy and courageous angels to protect him from harm.

David Ortiz
April 1, 2023

Let there be an end to the witch hunt already.
LORD, You know where the witches are.
Deal with them.
So be it.

    Mari Williams
    April 1, 2023

    .John 18:6 When Jesus said, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. .” O beautiful for the situation, our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ, say but the word and all your enemies will fall to the ground. GLORY TO GOD! Amen!

April 1, 2023

Stormy Daniels said under oath that President Trump paid her no money. In that statement the trial should be done and case over. It’s just another witch hunt. My prayer is that the truth come to light in every area in our government, church, and the cabal be brought down.

Diane Wipf
April 1, 2023

Lord Jesus, we pray for all those in authority over us which you oversee. We ask you to give them unbiased wisdom and insight and spiritual revelation. May we as your people humbly be putty in your hands as we see all the craziness going on in our country; the deceptions, the emptiness, the divisions, the lostness. May we lead the way for revival and spiritual awakening. May we not become so angry that we’re no longer reflecting Your image and character. Make us gentle and receive all that You have for us during this challenging season. Bring the prodigals home, bring revival, wake up our churches, teach us to pray. And we pray for president Trump that he and his family would draw ever closer to You during this trial and that You’d have Your way with him for Your glory and honor. We pray for truth and Your brand of justice.

Valentine Portela
April 1, 2023

I’m prayingGod will surround the President with His angels to protect him from harm and sending them before him to prepare a way for him and to prosper him. The evil that Soros’s minions are bringing against our nation will be halted

April 1, 2023

Dear Father I pray that your will will be done in our nation and stop this deceit and destruction in our justice system.

April 1, 2023

Lord, Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done.

April 1, 2023

I also heard the word precipice on January 11th of this year. Also Alvin Bragg has a reputation for dangerous criminals out of jail. Because of his lack of integrity as a leader I believe there will be a boomerang affect unless he retracts his plan. Father God we put this man in your hands and ask for your Holy Spirit to press his heart toward repentance before he makes the biggest mistake of his career. He has been deceived and bought out and we pray for an awakening to take place in his life. Actions for political gain will backfire. We ask you to protect those who are standing for truth and righteousness in this situation and expose those who are against you and your plan in Jesus Name

    David Ortiz
    April 1, 2023

    LORD, there is Alvin Bragg.
    And there is George Soros.
    There they are.
    Deal with them, Almighty LORD. Deal with them.
    Let it be so.

April 1, 2023

I disagree with the premise of your argument. You do not know the facts of this case, yet you are defending the accused. This is preposterous. Yet I have not hear you defending police brutality nor systemic racism against minorities in this society 🤔 I pray that God grant you a discerning spirit

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    April 1, 2023

    Yes, because in the American system of justice, one is “innocent until proven guilty!” With your logic, no trial is needed, just string up all of the “arrested!” Also I am a black 72 year old woman and marched during the 60s for “equal rights” to education, housing, and jobs, for all oppressed! Since the Civil Rights legislation of 1964 systemic racism does not exist! How could I have gone to college and became a teacher? I can live in any neighborhood I can afford! Please do your own research and may GOD bless you to find out HIS truth about America in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Rick Gibbs
April 1, 2023

I pray our trusted leaders not weaponized law enforcement agencies for political ends 🥲🙏

robert hendricks
April 1, 2023

When good is bad and bad is good the ones with the gold rule.. Proverbs 29:2
As for me an my House we will follow the Lord …
We declare that God will prevail and justice will be served
We declare that America will be saved

April 1, 2023

Father God, we pray and invite your Holy Spirit as well as Your mighty warring angels into the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government from the national level all the way down to the local level. May He strengthen the godly, draw the ungodly and for those not drawn unto You we invite Your heavenly hosts to come and war on behalf of Your children and remove the ungodly out of office. Ps 103:20 Praise the Lord, you mighty ones who carry out His plans…Ps 7:9 clearly states the Word of God, “Let the evil of the wicked come to and end, but establish the righteous..” Your Word states in Mt 16:19, “I give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” In accordance with Your Word, I bind the evil perpetrated across the United States and loose the Goodness of God across the United States. Christ called out from the cross, “It is finished!” Therefore it is over and Jesus defeated the enemy at the cross. The enemy is a DEFEATED FOE! Angels, of the Most High, you are ministering spirits sent to minister for the heirs of salvation—that is us—we call you forth to war on our behalf and send the defeated foe back to hell, his habitation. Thank You, Father, that You said we can come boldly to Your throne of grace to obtain mercy in our time of need. As a Blood-Bought Child of God, I come boldly before Your throne and ask. And this is the confidence that we have in Him if we ask anything according to Your will, You will hear us and we will have the petitions that we desire of Him. I have asked in accordance with Your will. IN JESUS’ NAME, THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Amen.

Ruth Watts
April 1, 2023

I see this as the mercy of God toward former President Trump. His leading of chants for Mrs. Clinton to be locked up, his blatant disregard for the truth, his distain for congressional subpoenas, his attemp to extort Ukraine’s president to investigate a situation there to help discredit his opponent for reelection, not to mention the January 6 insurrection which he instigated: he is now learning that the mighty Donald Trump is not God. These rich, powerful, and unscrupulous men and women meet God’s mercy when they are humbled.

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    Susan Park
    April 1, 2023

    If you listen to the leading prophets of the nation, they are all saying the same thing. Donald J Trump has been the upholder of Christian values such as: marriage is between a man and a woman; life begins and conception; theUS is a defender of the nation of Israel he had the embassy moved to Jerusalem and stands for God family and country. Compare that with Hillary Clinton, who goes by the name Killary in many circles and her stance on abortion, sexuality and her betrayal of her own brave countrymen in Benghazi as well as destroying over 3,000 classified emails whist subpoenaed to release them. The Biden’s dealing with the Christian persecuting CCP are fully evidenced as well as there dealings in Ukraine. Anyone who has any knowledge of what is going on and is not influenced by the bought and paid for main stream media, know that this is a witch hunt and travesty of justice and God hates injustice.

      April 1, 2023

      And we pray that God will continue to use President Donald J. Trump for Your will and blessing on America. Therefore, Almighty Father God, Ruler of the universe, we pray for Your divine protection, that no harm will come to him or his family and his allies, and that the precious blood of Jesus would be an impenetrable covering over them all. Grant him and his advisers Your wisdom on how to respond to this attack with righteousness, courage and unwavering faith in Your justice. Mighty warring angels come forth and fight for our nation, expose and bring down every wicked person being used by the devil to harm this nation. We bind them all and all the wicked spiritual entities influencing them and turn them over to You for Your judgement O Lord. We pray for the repentance and deliverance of these deceived human souls and that they begin working to make right all the wrong they did. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Julie Belzeski
    April 1, 2023

    Ma’am, I humbly submit that you turn off CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC news and simply read your Bible and pray in the Spirit. Everything you stated above is demonstrably false – including the media talking points about Trump. We need true believers to have a discerning spirit and not be manipulated by the media. May Father God, The Good Shepherd, anoint your eyes to see the truth, and bring you back into the safety of the fold, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

      April 1, 2023

      Who are you talking to? If it’s Ruth, I stand in total agreement with you. Amen. 🙏🏻

      Holly M.
      April 1, 2023

      I agree with Susan and Julie-have you ever known another President who has done so much for Christian values and working against abortion than this man?! I’m getting sick and tired of seeing people who call themselves Christians knock the one man who actually did do something for God while he was in office more than any of the other ones that profess to be Christians… and I’m talking Republicans here. YES!! PLEASE stop watching the liberal media-look at conservative new sites and do your homework before coming on here with nonsense. I’m sorry but I can’t sound calm at a time like this-it’s time for people to start getting smart about where they get their information from. I think by now Christians would understand what the deal is with our media…this is not a time for ignorance and really there’s no excuse for it. And who are the people here agreeing with her remarks? They don’t deserve an “Amen”! And as far as President Trump instigating January 6, I watched the whole speech that day and you can look up the clip where he said to protest peacefully. Everything this man does get stomped on and I’m sick of it. People in America better wise up because we are on the precipice of losing this great country, who many died and gave their life for, and it’s not a game. I am appalled that are many great soldiers died and spilled their blood only for it to turn into what it had turned into. These churches who are liberal and think homosexuality and abortion and everything else is A-OK had better soon wake up… I can’t even believe what I am seeing-in the Christian world and outside of it. God have mercy on all of us and I mean that.

        Holly M.
        April 1, 2023

        Sorry for typos-“News” not “new”-and “our soldiers” not “are”. Do not wish to look illiterate.

        I’ m sorry for the typos but I’m obviously upset at seeing such remarks as that here on the very site that tries to stand for good. Please people, start listening to better commentators on TV and radio.

    April 1, 2023

    You have been DECEIVED,
    what is the source of news?

    Ronda Orchard
    April 1, 2023

    A double minded man is unstable in all his/her ways. Choose this day, whom you will serve.

James Allen
April 1, 2023

George Soros, globalism, & Marxism. This has nothing to do with “no one is above the law”. There is enough evidence on Hunter’s laptop to have the whole family indicted. Biden took showers with his daughter as revealed in her diary. You don’t need “revelation” from GOD to see that we have a two tiered justice system. Spiritual warfare is of the uttermost if things are going to change

Jack Harwell
April 1, 2023

I am a pastor and minister a teacher and I have and am going thru Revelation and America is not in it. I see Biblical Prophecy coming true. I know that the powers that are at work are not right and we are in spiritual warfare and we need to put on the armor of God. I am ready for Jesus to return. Come Lord Jesus Come.

    April 1, 2023

    And if JESUS is not ready to come? Then what? Pastor?

      Julie B
      April 1, 2023

      Jesus has been ready since He left, I imagine. It is the Father who determines the times – including Christ’s return. The “now what” is that we obey – we pray – we trust God. On a micro level in our own homes and families and on a macro level, for the Nations, as we are led by the Spirit. We trim out lamps with oil and remain expectant, but like the Children of Israel rebuilding the Temple, we have one hand on the work and the other on our Sword. Occupy until I come again – be about the work of our Father until Jesus comes again. Use your gifts and talents like the good and faithful servant, as long as you have breath.

    April 1, 2023

    Pre TRIB RAPTURE is a lie if the devil started in the 1830’s in Scotland.
    Read about Mary McDonough.
    Read what Jesus said about His return in Matthew 24 starting at verse 29.

    Shirley p.
    April 1, 2023

    Chicken little said the sky is falling, the sky is falling! The Lord has provided us His protection throughout His word. The mother hen calling her chicks to come under her wing when things get scary and threatening but some refuse…they are setting themselves up for the enemies plan to take them out! The Lord does not want to take us out He wants us to stay in, to do all we can and then stand and see Him take off the Goliath’s head through us…..trust Him to see us through! We are to be overcomers, not senseless chickens running around for their heads being cut off! Dear Lord in our weakness, make us strong! In Jesus name…Amen!

Lori Meed
April 1, 2023

Father, You are the God who sees all, knows all and reveals hidden things. Reveal every wicked thing and defend those who are wrongly accused. We long for righteousness and justice, the very foundations of Your throne but we know that we also see and know in part. God arise, and scatter Your enemies! Let truth flow like a cleansing river through this judicial process causing the enemy to fall into his own traps. And finally, use these trials to bring Donald Trump to salvation. Give him a new heart, a flesh heart in which Your law is written. Glorify Yourself! Amen.

    April 1, 2023

    Donald Trump came to salvation many years before he was president! He honored GOD every day he was in office! Just look at what he supported and fought for! Look at what he stood against! He was for what GOD is for, and against what GOD is against! FATHER GOD please wake up those that call themselves Christians to YOUR WORD and YOUR Heart in JESUS NAME!

Julie Bloom
April 1, 2023

Thank you Lord that You established this nation for Your glory!🇺🇸🙏🏻 You, Almighty God will have Your way with this nation! Just like the Revolutionary War, when everything looked absolutely impossible, Your people appealed to heaven! You delivered us from tyranny then and I believe You will do it again! We stand in faith and we will not run in fear. You will make a way again, just like You did for the children of Israel at the Red Sea. They stood still and watched the Lord completely deliver them and take down every enemy. The greatness and glory of the Lord was so magnificent it terrified every other nation. Thank you Lord that you are making a way where there seems to be no way and Your glory will be spread throughout the earth!

April 1, 2023

One thing that keeps popping in my spirit about this is how the enemy tries to dig out from our past when he can’t find anything in the present to accuse us. Whether we like the man or not, Trump did what he said he would do and stood with Israel and Christians during his presidency. My prayer is that he and his family will cling to Jesus during this ordeal and that the church will back him up in prayer and support as Father leads. The enemy has overplayed his hand and I am persuaded this will be turned around for Yahweh’s glory. Until then we need to pray and not waver for soon we will witness the demise of pharaoh and his armies. AleluYah!

    Julie B
    April 1, 2023

    Absolutely! Count me as agreed with you, Sister! Amen!

    April 1, 2023

    I personally voted for. Trump twice, & will a third time, because of his promises that he keeps. I did not vote for his personality, I voted for him because he has been the only man in the history of my life that is brave enough to want to destroy the SWAMP ! Our country need more like him !!! May our Lord continue to be with PRESIDENT Trump & lead him through this witch hunt !

      April 1, 2023

      Truer words have never been spoken! Lord God of ALL creation, remove the blinders from the eyes of Americans who’ve swallowed the lies of Soros and his henchmen. Although their deeds are done in darkness and secret, YOU ARE THE LIGHT and YOU CAN EXPOSE THEM no matter how hard they try to hide their evil hearts, actions and agendas. Have mercy on Your remnant Lord and those who are yet to know You in Your goodness in the land of the living!!!

Patricia Taylor
April 1, 2023

Thank you for such a clear analysis of this witch hunt against President Trump. May God Almighty intervene, let His people intercede for His Will to be done, His Kingdom to come. God, we pray you expose the evil agendas of the accusers. We are all sinners, but the Blood of Jesus covers all. Let the scales of justice be fair and righteous. Let not evil triumph, but God’s Will prevail. Amen

Andrea Buettemeyer
April 1, 2023

On a recent prayer call for Israel and our nation, toward the end of our prayer time as all had been praying in the spirit by the Spirit, I heard, “Jesus’ Blood has cried out for justice and the Father has heard and so will it be.” I was astounded at how emphatic it was. As I considered this and how I could cooperate with what He said to me, understanding came. It is the victorious Blood of Jesus that we apply by faith over people and situations here on earth that cries out for justice especially in such a time as this when all rules of law and justice seem to have been cast aside. It gave me an even greater depth of appreciation and understanding in the application of the Blood. So now in this instance, I apply the precious Blood of Jesus over President Donald J. Trump, his household, attorneys and advisors. I thank you Father for their protection and that Your justice rules and reigns as I apply the Blood against all unfounded charges brought against him. I further thank You and praise Your name that all self-serving motives will be brought to light and there would be great division and confusion in the enemy camp while a spirit truth, clarity and unity keeps President Trump and his team in Your perfect peace. And Father I give you great praise and thanksgiving that the Blood of Jesus Speaks today and You always hear!

Linda H
April 1, 2023

I pray that “No weapon formed against him will prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgement will be thrown down” in Jesus ‘ Name. Amen.

April 1, 2023

Psalm 94:20-23 HCSB
Can a corrupt throne one that creates trouble by law become YOUR ally?
They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. But the LORD is my REFUGE; my GOD is the ROCK of my protection. He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. The LORD our GOD will destroy them.

April 1, 2023

Continued Prayer is what we need. The Lord hears our cries and answers us. At some point, the truth will be revealed to everyone and no matter what happens in the interim, we must continue to seek truth and pray for justice and deliverance for our country. Praying for strength for President Trump and for anointing from the Lord to guide his words and actions. Pray for his family as well.

April 1, 2023

I am praying for this country first and foremost. We are a nation founded on belief in God. I am praying for Donald Trump. The way politics are going in this country United We Stand Divided We Fall

April 1, 2023

Jesus have mercy on us & the whole

Carol Flowers
April 1, 2023

No weapon formed against President Trump shall prosper and every tongue that rises against him in judgement, he shall condemn! This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME saith the LORD! These liars and cheats will be coming for Trump supporters next! Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all! There is nothing to say except we should not be here right now! If Trump had been supported when the election was stolen, neither we nor our country would be here right now! Trump will be ok. I will be ok! Double minded, weak minded men and women, so call Christians, will not be ok! Any person with half a brain knows what this is! They are afraid they can’t cheat and win in 2024 so they want him out! Their father the devil hates GOD and all who loves and honors GOD! They are still mad that the Embassy was moved to Jerusalem! They are mad when he said “go into the bathroom of the sex that is on your birth certificate! They are still mad that with no political experience, every system in our country was running smoothly and correctly! They are mad that he honored GOD and our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST every step of the way! FATHER GOD please protect President Trump from the evil ones and their lies! Please protect his family! Please bring this debacle, and the trans and the joe biden and the hunter biden and the letting dangerous criminals out of jail to kill again debacles to an end! Do with the liars and cheats as YOU Will! THY Will be done, not mine! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

Ronda Orchard
April 1, 2023

Lord, we humble ourselves, we take a knee to show respect to our advocate and ultimate judge. Yeshua Adonai. We pray that even the judges of our nations be held to a higher standard that justice prevails with wisdom and a countenance of humility toward humanity.

As Pharoah capitulated to a darkened heart so now political correctness takes precedence over wisdom. THIS is the precipice, the weight of a scale that tips toward favor or disfavor. May your hand of Justice prevail Lord God at all times and in this time, that judges be found weighed in the balance of policy vs politics, good vs evil.

The table is prepared for a feast of rejoicing as your verdict prevails. Then we will sing unto the Lord, for You will triumph gloriously, the horse and the rider cast into the sea. The Lord, my God, my strength my shield will now become our victory.

Rejoice in the Lord. Amen.

April 1, 2023

Dear Gracious God, creator of all, you know the truth and I am praying for that to be made clear to all. Your way is the only way. You decide.

Donna Deter
April 1, 2023

The first thing that came to my mind was “Let he who has no sin cast the first stone”
This indictment sets a precedent that can be used against anyone. They may have opened a Pandora’s box.
My prayer is that God will use this, and it will boomerang against those who meant it for evil.

Roselyn Brown
April 1, 2023

God is the rigorous judge and he indeed will be judging this matter in the court of heaven. I pray in the name of Jesus, that what is going with President Trump will be over turned and the real criminals will be arrested and charged and never return to society. This is on act of revenge on President Trump. But God has the final answer. I prayed whatever mistake President Trump make to call on Jesus, repent of his sin to God and he will forgive him of all unrighteousness and so too for all the others. They all needs to accept Jesus in there lives and walk out of darkness. To everyone Jesus is coming soon and where will you all spend your long eternity open your eyes he is right at the door ready to enter. Heaven or he’ll pick your choice.

    April 1, 2023

    The other day, President Trump was being prayed over by a group of pastors. Before he ran for President he had Bible studies for about 15 years with a pastor who is a friend to my pastor! He isn’t perfect, like I’m not perfect, however he has given his heart to JESUS CHRIST, and he knows how to repent and ask for forgiveness! His strength comes from GOD! He has honored GOD and GOD will honor him! JESUS said he who honors my FATHER, my FATHER will honor him! FATHER GOD please keep YOUR hands on President Trump and protect him and his family in JESUS MIGHTY NAME!

Louisa Priore
April 1, 2023

The weaponization of the justice department should be of concern to every American; every American – Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal. Allowing for the party in power
to use the justice department to reach their political objective puts us all at risk.
And now, Christians are being targeted for their refusal to adopt and confirm false philosophies. A transgender literally shot and killed children. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

April 1, 2023

No matter what happens God has his hand over President Trump. I plead the blood of Jesus over him and his family

April 1, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us president Trump, and for giving him strength to fight for us! you are the justice, please do something about this matter! Thank you lord!

    April 1, 2023

    I was quickened in my spirit to pray against a civil war. Many globalist terrorists were purposely bought into our country as illegal immigrants and are being armed and trained as cell groups throughout our nation. Pray with me that God would expose them all, that all their weapons and all their communication systems would fail, that they would fight only amongst themselves and incriminate each other, and that the top organizers and foreign nations and treasonous US instigators would all be exposed, judged and condemned. Not one single innocent person would be harmed. All the criminals arrested and/or destroyed if they do not repent Give the true patriots wisdom, discernment, and protection from these counterfeiters and their traps, We pray against a fabricated civil war. We stop it in Jesus name. Amen!

April 1, 2023

Now for his other crimes against the country, this was nothing in comparison

    April 1, 2023

    What crimes?

      GOD'S Daughter
      April 1, 2023

      Biden, a sitting vice president sold influence and the way to obama to Ukraine for millions of dollars! Obama sent millions of dollars in small bills to our enemy Iran! Biden has received millions from China our enemy! Why would China give him millions of dollars? Do your own research! Obama and Jeffrey Epstein and little dark haired boy in a boat on Epstein Island? Why? Schumer with no shirt on, on internet kissing on the mouth a little black girl? Why? Do your own research! In government now are a bunch of evil sick people committing crimes regularly! Do your own research!

Susan McCullough
April 1, 2023

This is totally a messed up situation. President Trump does not deserve this. This is a Democrat power trip. To be honest, it is very frightening.

Canada Jerry
April 1, 2023

In prayer for our nation and the leaders. Asking for truth and honesty. But also aware our God reigns.

Mrs Brown
April 1, 2023

Let Them With Out Sin Case The First Stone , This is wrong . What about Bill Clinton he did wrong in the White House , WEhat About The Biden’s so crupt and such a trader to the USA and Kamala Harris , then you have the Obama and lets not for get about Pelosi dirty hands . I Pray for Mr Donald Trump and those who are casing the first stone by judgeing Mr Trump . You Need To Go After The Real Crooked People Who Is Selling Out The USA and Giving Away The USA Money To Terroist Country’s For Their Military and Leting China Buy Up USA Lands Right Next To The USA Military . The USA Is Not Even Safe Any More Prices Has Gone So High Even Gas Prices Are High . I Pray For The Lost Souls Of The USA

    Patricia Taylor
    April 1, 2023

    Thank you for such a clear analysis of this witch hunt against President Trump. May God Almighty intervene, let His people intercede for His Will to be done, His Kingdom to come. God, we pray you expose the evil agendas of the accusers. We are all sinners, but the Blood of Jesus covers all. Let the scales of justice be fair and righteous. Let not evil triumph, but God’s Will prevail. Amen

April 1, 2023

Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.
Lord Jesus have mercy on this nation… It seems there is hardly any justice left in this land. We pray for Your truth and justice to supercede the corrupt political agenda and to break the will of those who intend to use their power for gain. Reverse every evil intention of satan himself so that it would only turn out for good for those that love You. In Jesus name.

Nancy Buck
April 1, 2023

I often here that people are grieved about the injustice we see. But, only half the people see this as injustice the other 1/2 is cheering. They don’t care about justice, they only care that their position (which is usually ungodly and against God) and their guy is winning.
Our country is being destroyed from within and it is sad to watch.
But God has a plan….Jesus is coming back! Hallelujah!

Kay E Norfleet
April 1, 2023

To say that I’m upset that this great country is going down down down, is a mild answer. BUT I KNOW THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL. SO PRAYD!

Karen Secrest
April 1, 2023

This action successfully takes the focus from criminal acts of the Biden and banking families.
This struggle is a vain attempt to prevent an election that is not going according to the enemies plan. The Father showed me many on the ladder leading upward on a tall building are going to be so surprised to find they were on God’s ladder not their own they were so confident in.
May God arise and the enemy be scattered.. Psalm 107.

Lorraine DuBouchet
April 1, 2023

You write that there is a call for clear evidence that Donald Trump did not commit a crime- that would be the equivalent of guilty until proven innocent and that is not how our justice system is supposed to work. This is a travesty.

April 1, 2023

Our God is The Creator. He also established Law and Order in our land. The Lord also had told us in The WORD Be as Cunning as serpents and harmless as doves. To come against Principalities, requires us to seek the Lord, to be exact, precise in our strategies and not to show “our hand we will play.” In all our atheletic competitions strategic positions are used so they group will be victorious. Let us seek and ask the Lord for creative ways to write formal documents, Godly judges, Representatives, Congress to press charges against every person involved in doing acts of Treason against Country and the People of the United States. Get a conviction, freeze their assets and lock them up; remove licenses never to be able to hold a government position again. Hold Soros accountable for ALL ACTIONS and Funding to Evil Organized groups that sow chaos, lawlessness. Freeze ALL ASSets hem in ALL and Every loophole he will use to benifit himself. Keep a money trail on him. Remove his source of funds that he uses to bring down governments of countries. Remove his passports. Make sure every T is crossed and every I dotted. God will guide and lead us to break this Albatross once and for all.

Charleen Ecuyer
April 1, 2023

Holy Father in Heaven, May Your Name be great in all the earth! We bind the work of the enemy and we loose the blessings of God! Fear of God fall on all the earth!Send your Presence! We plead the blood of Christ over President Trump! He blessed Israel and he will be blessed! Show Yourself strong on his behalf! Make Your Name known in all the
the earth! Ministering Spirits perform the Word of the Lord! Remove unrighteous leaders and help us to recover all! We trust what the enemy means for evil You Abba, will work for good! Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! Bless you His angels that excel in strength! In Yeshua’s Name we pray!

April 1, 2023

Nothing takes you by surprise. You are Sovereign. You are mighty, you are Powerful! You know all things. We bring our Nation to you father, we need help! Give us wisdom! Guide us! May we keep our eyes on you!

Jack Craft
April 1, 2023

Yes this is a battle of good vs evil as this left wing scum has become emboldened because of a very weak corrupt Republican Party who continues to say they are dealing with all this treason & illegal activity but then beg for your money from the other side of their mouths. Our great country has declined & are now in a world of hurt under this regime & we have no hope if we cannot turn it around soon. All we can now do is pray for change & replace the spineless Republicans with ones who love our country like President Trump, Repair our broken Justice system, and stop the “fake news” Propaganda network from spreading it’s lies.

Donna Pendergrass
April 1, 2023

When seeking God about the events and state of our United States of America, God said “things are not as they seem”. This has encouraged me. I will continue to pray that the Father has His way on this Earth as it is in Heaven!

Naomi Krstinic
April 1, 2023

Father God, we declare and decree that You Alone are God and Your Will will be done in this nation! May Your Justice reign! May all who oppose You be revealed and may those whom You have chosen be raised up by Your Mighty hand. We know the battle belongs to You. We rest in You, our trust and our faith is in You! Our eyes and our hearts are firmly fixed and rooted in You! We shall not be moved or shaken! Father God, please forgive us and please have mercy on this nation as we cry out in repentance for all that we collectively have done. This I ask, pray, declare, and decree this day in the overpowering authority of The Name of Jesus, The Name above all names. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌

Kelly Stronach
April 1, 2023

Repent and believe in the gospel . Wake up America we are all responsible for the trouble of our times . Offer up frequent acts of. Reparation and pray for the ability to love as Jesus loves . People of God return now to My ways and be obedient to My commandments . For the eyes of the Lord are upon you and all you do . Nothing is secret from me . Return my people the day grows short now . Repent and be healed . My love is sufficient for the day.

Viera Anabalon
April 1, 2023

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus I lift this nation before you during this time of great turmoil created by evil men and women that want to see this nation fail. These evil emissaries of the devil that for many decades worked at eroding the foundations of our wonderful nation that has been a shelter to many, This nation spread the Word of God around the world, making many, many of us the beneficiaries
of receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Lord I Pray that you, with your mighty hand would stop their plans of destruction. Lord Have on mercy on America Dissmantel all evil plans against AMERICA!

Peter A-E Okorugbo-Goodnews
April 1, 2023

God is awakening and enboldening American Christians to take their place in the global scheme of things in alliance with the church globally as the salt and the light of the world.
Father, enlighten the understanding of the church not only in America but also around the world to take lead in initiating the global narratives beyond domestic boundaries for the furtherance and glory of the Kingdom, and the Son by the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

April 1, 2023

Matthew 7:15-20
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
New King James Version

Vito Randazzo
April 1, 2023

Dear Lord as your son Jesus Christ was rising a Donkey and people lining the street with palms welcoming him to the city watching and listening to him teach and profess his messages then turn on him while pilot tried not to convict him in the end the crowds shouts to give then Barbarous and lead Jesus off to a merciless death on the cross. There appear to be similar scenario taking place. God please remove the evil satanic presence that is rearing its evil head globally more prevalent now then ever in my life tim protect our children and grandchildren from them. You are our lord creator of all whose patients was scene from says of Noah for people to return to you.

    April 1, 2023

    DO NOT COMPARE and actor-politician to JESUS!

      April 1, 2023

      They compare the Evil, not Christ. The Evil is on the Rise. Lord, Replace the Evil with prayers to thwart Evil in our nation.

      GOD'S daughter
      April 1, 2023

      John, That is you comparing Trump to CHRIST! No one else has done that! Many have said Christians worship Trump. That is not true! We worship our GOD alone!

Karen E. Kendrick
April 1, 2023

There are many Godly prophetic voices right now who are prophesying great things for America & some ..have said its going to get worse before it gets better. Dutch Sheets..Johnny Enlow.. Barry Walnuch from Canada…Hank Kunneman (flashpoint)…all have great words from God..
You can watch many of them on Elijah Streams..
I am never one to jump on the bandwagon of gloom & doom..
God is not a God of gloom & doom….Many of us intercessors have been praying & standing in the gap for years & yes it can be disheartening at times as these evil wicked people who are doing satan’s bidding get in control but God has told me to keep my eyes on Him & listen to His voice..He is still in control..sa tan will not win..We have our part to play..keep going forward with God..We win if we don’t quit!!!

    Kelly Marie Nixon
    April 1, 2023

    So thankful the Lord sits in the heavens and laughs at His enemies! Your kingdom come Your will be done as it is in heaven. Use this Lord to refine President Trump and all of us and please remove Biden.

Anon Servant
April 1, 2023

DT is false “light” — a charismatic herald for the actual Adversary, the deceiver — the one who works behind the scenes ushering in the NWO, who now takes the form of artificial intelligence.
DT has always been a pied piper and always will be until people take the blinders off. Biblical end times, yes he got that part right, but he and every politician or ACTOR is an agent of Saturn/Satan/Baal/Mithras/A.I. and their immortality-lust cults.

Let us pray:
“Father God: thank you for exposing these occult practitioners and thank you for giving us genuine prophets of Truth to help show us the way through these end times. We thank your for bringing forth the new heaven and the new earth. We rejoice that the old corrupt world of perversion and sin is now laid to waste. Thank you for sending your Son to be the example of Truth, Justice, Freedom, Peace and everlasting Light. We are brave, strong, steadfast in our Faith, and we are not deceived. We thank you for our free will and power of DISCERNMENT to overturn the lies and falsehoods. Together the children of God prevail. Amen”

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    April 1, 2023

    Overturn lies and falsehood. Thank You Lord for your servant hearted DT. He was placed among us to serve Christ. Amen

    April 1, 2023

    You’re deceived regarding DT. Why don’t you take off the blinders yourself.

    GOD'S daughter
    April 1, 2023

    D T, I suggest that you ask GOD what is going on! Nothing you said is truth! May GOD direct you from this day forward in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Carrie Galloway
April 1, 2023

(Isaiah 54:17.)Lord I pray Let no weapon formed against President Trump prosper and any tongue risen in judgement against him would be shown to be in the wrong. I pray this also for the impact that this situation is attempting to have on America as well. Please bring in Christ Jesus Authority to bear on this situation. Let it be like when You made water into wine Lord (John 2)which makes man’s heart glad Psalms (104: 15.) Please make our hearts glad with Your “Creative”help In Jesus Name I pray Amen

    April 1, 2023

    Heavenly Father,
    As it is written in Matthew 18:18-20 “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
    19 “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” 20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
    And as it is written in
    Matthew 18:21-35 “Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?” 22 “Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.” 23 “Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.” 24 “And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.” 25 “But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.” 26 “The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.”
    27 “Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.” 28 “But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.” 29 “And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.”
    30 “And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.” 31 “So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.” 32 “Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:” 33 “Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?” 34 “And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.” 35 “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.”

    I stand in. agreement with this prayer, having forgiven all who have sinned or trespassed against me, as it is also written in Matthew 6:14-15 14 “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:”
    15 “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    Our Father which art in heaven, YOUR WILL BE DONE in America Bring all those that YOU gave to JESUS who are in this time rise up in prayer with the right words of prayer to YOU, in JESUS Holy Name.
    Please place the right words in the ears of those hearing this case, not allowing any weapons, schemes, tricks or wiles of the devil to prosper against YOUR OWN, including the wild limbs grafted in. Many times we pray amiss, not perceiving the true root of the matter. Please don’t let this be the case here. Bless our eyes to see and our ears to hear; that we may answer these charges in the way that stops this injustice in its path. As it is written in Matthew 13:16 “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” 17 “For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”
    Help us that none fail YOU in this hour. In YESHUA/JESUS Name I pray. Amen.

Mike Kirby
April 1, 2023

God sees all

April 1, 2023

“He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he who is SEEKING the glory of THE ONE WHO SENT HIM, He is true, & there’s no unrighteousness in him…” John 7:18 HOLY LORD, dispense all anger, resentment and vain glory from the accused. Hold him up by your righteous right hand and instruct his heart to hear your voice, to speak your will, to rise above the ugliness of his enemies. Sanctify the accused. Fill him w the HS, to mend what is torn, bind up what is broken, and humble what is proud.. Amen

    Carol Vigo
    April 1, 2023

    Amen! Yes, this is what I also pray in agreement for President Trump. Beautiful prayer. Thank you.

Jane Jenkins
April 1, 2023

Lord protect Donald Trump! Take down the instigators of this scam!!!!

April 1, 2023

I believe the Lord is judging the United States for its wickedness. As a Nation, we have turned our backs on the God of the Bible, Creation and who blessed and prospered us.
The United States isn’t even mentioned as a world power in last day prophecy.
We should pray for this Nation and vote for godly leaders. But, Christians’ hope is not in our government, but God.
We should have peace, be lights in the darkness. Know that God is in charge of leaders and governments.
He is in charge. If evil is prevailing, we should look up and be prepared for His return.
In the meantime, be witnesses and light in this dark hour. Above the fray.
“May Your kingdom come May Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

    April 1, 2023

    The good people of this nation were misled into thinking there were literal good guys and bad guys in government. They’re all fallen souls; utterly corrupt and probably beyond salvation. and actually, good innocent people, including good Christians have been deceived generation upon generation. The meek and humble have been silent victims but their day of rest is coming and vengeance is the Lord’s. The punishment to come is for those who’ve posed as benevolent, while leading the lambs to slaughter. Yes, there are those soulless and wicked who will meet their punishment, but Our Nation is not fundamentally wicked. It’s too late for godly leaders to save the day. Our salvation is in Christ alone.

    April 1, 2023

    Many of us HAVE NOT turned our back on our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! Please speak for yourself and stop attempting to speak for me! Period!

      April 2, 2023

      C: My comment says nothing about condemning or judging anyone. Please stop misreading my benevolently intentioned words…PERIOD!

April 1, 2023


Rev. Vernon York
April 1, 2023

The Bible clearly teaches us that God (Yahweh) puts up governments and takes them down, and that RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTS A NATION…Proverbs 14:34 It doesn’t take a scholar to see that ANYONE with basic 7th grade reading skills can readily see that the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution is antithetical and seditious to God’s First Commandment, but sadly most Americans are not familiar with either one! Our constitution makes the object of our worship the whims of We The People…. God has given us a mirror image of our rotting transgressions, that is our present government. The US government of today is nothing more than a cesspool of organized crime, hedonism and debauchery. “If my people who are called by My name, will HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY, SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN WILL IHEAR FROM HEAVEN, FOR GIVE THEIR SINS AND HEAL THEIR LAND.

    April 1, 2023


    April 1, 2023

    I believe our government was established as men sought God and is divinely inspired. It is not just the whims of we the people. That would be true if it were as many think a pure democracy. The beauty of three branches that have checks and balances and the representative legislative branch are part of what sets it apart. I do agree it’s been horrible corrupted as you describe by evil forces. Our enemy desires it to fail. I believe God is working on a turnaround and we need to get on board. He’s not done and He does use individual people. He also gives us free speech. He is all about freedom. From sin, from sickness, from lack from the control of the enemy by curses etc. God is a winner and Satan the forever loser!!

      Rev. Vernon York
      April 1, 2023

      DEVINELY INSPIRED??? YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NEVER READ THE CONSTITUTION OR THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. It is academically irrefutable that One say’s have “No other gods before Me” and the other says if respects no god or disrespects no god. One refers to God for authority and one ignores God totally and defers to We The People for All authority. Americas early colonial documents referred to “Thus saith the Lord and His 10 commandments for authority, and the current constitution DOES NOT!!!! No Amount of wishful thinking or brainwashing can change these irrefutable facts! What we are seeing today is a direct result of making an idolatrous god out of We The People and their one true god is MONEY!

Ariel Butterfield
April 1, 2023

We need to pray that Jesus will tear down the demonic stronghold that are in the George Soros network. Please pray and fast for soros as being lead from the holly spirit. We want them saved and delivered from the evil stronghold in their lives. We ask this in Jesus Christ mighty authority. Amen


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