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Pray for this funding of Planned Parenthood to stop and send a message to your senators about this. Click HERE to share your prayers and concerns with your senators.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.ā€ (Jeremiah 1:5)

The Republican-led Senate has passed a Defense appropriations bill that includes funding both Planned Parenthood and research that uses the fetal tissue from aborted babies.

I am a Republican because I am conservative. I am a conservative because I believe the Constitution and the ideals it asserts on behalf of all Americans are worth protecting. That includes the lives of unborn Americans. https://t.co/jpsBNz5Gdm

ā€” Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) September 21, 2018

ā€œFor the second straight year of unified Republican governance, unified pro-life governance, Congressā€™ annual spending bills will include no new reforms protecting unborn children or getting federal taxpayers out of the abortion business,ā€ Utah Sen. Mike Lee ripped his GOP colleagues in a floor speech about the bill that ultimately passed, 93-7.

Lee continued:

The House version of this Health and Human Services spending bill included multiple reforms. It denied taxpayer funds to the largest abortion provider in the country, Planned Parenthood; it eliminated Title X family planning grants, which cross-subsidize abortion providers; it prohibited federal funding of research on aborted fetal tissue; it included the Conscience Protection Act protecting pro-life people and groups from funding discrimination. None of these modest, common sense spending reforms survived the House/Senate negotiations. None of them. None was made a priority by the people in power to set priorities.

Under this bill, neither the unborn nor taxpayers are any more protected from the abortion industry than they were under president Obama and a unified Democratic Congress. I understand that fighting on contentious issues comes with a cost. I understand that itā€™s not easy, but other things come with a cost, too. Itā€™s not just this that comes with a cost. So too does not fighting on them, especially in the rare moments when we could win.

Senate Appropriations chairman Richard Shelby announced in August that H.R. 6157 ā€œmarriesā€ the two largest fiscal year 2019 appropriations bills ā€“ Defense and Labor-HHS-Education.ā€

ā€œEach of these bills carries the near unanimous support of the Appropriations Committee,ā€ Shelby said.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul filed an amendment to H.R. 6157 that would strip taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.

ā€œOne of the top priorities for a Republican Congress that professes pro-life values on the campaign trail should be to stop taxpayer funding for abortion providers,ā€ said Paul. ā€œThis is our chance to turn our words into action, stand up for the sanctity of life, and speak out for the most innocent among us that have no voice.ā€

ā€œMy amendment would end the funding of Planned Parenthood, yet my amendment is now being blocked by Republicans,ā€ Paul said.

ā€œMany voters think Republicans actually care about the unborn,ā€ he continued. ā€œMany voters think Republicans are really opposed to government-funded abortions. But the dirty little secret is that Republican leadership is blocking my amendment to defund Planned Parenthood.ā€

While GOP Senate leadership allowed a vote on Paulā€™s amendment, Republicans failed to pass it, 45-48. (Excerps from Susan Berry article on Breitbart.com)

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October 10, 2018

as a conservative , I vote republican
, and was shocked to find out they are supporting planned parenthood through a defense bill. as conservative republicans we must hold the truth of GODS WORD that declares the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination , this the LORD HATES.IASK THAT WE TAKE A STAND TO DEFEND THE INNOCENT, STOP FUNDING ABORTION AND PARIAL BIRTH ABORTION.

Donna L
September 29, 2018

Comments and prayers here are good, but voice your opinions, desires and outrage with your elected officials directly so they know where you stand.

Sandy Hess
September 28, 2018

May Our Lord God have mercy on us! The blood of these innocent children cries out to our Lord! Wake up America! We are allowing the slaughter of these innocents! We are living in the day where good is truly evil and evil is believed to be good. We are their voices crying out for justice… research Dr. Gosnell, educate yourself as to just what happens when you vote pro choice. Be informed! Lord open the eyes of our Senators, bring TRUTH and convict their hearts as only You can. We put our trust in you!

Felicia Penner
September 27, 2018

I am enraged by this, Lord God, and i ask that you would do a mighty work in the Republican Senate, that you would remove the hostage situation on the hill that those praying Senators are enduring, that you would remove the oppression off your people of funding the slaughter of the unborn with our taxes. Lord God, you hear the cry of the Voiceless, does not their blood cry out to you? Help us Lord, release us from this grip of Murder, Lord God, have your way in DC and in our hearts. Keep those fighting for the Unborn from becoming weary in this fight. Bless Rand Paul and his fellows, make the crooked road straight before them and bless the works of their hands, to your glory Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

Mary Ann Canfijn
September 26, 2018

HOW is funding for Planned Parenthood in ANY way part of Defense Spending?!
This has got to STOP! We must not all be complicit in this National crime!

Felicia Penner
September 25, 2018

Lord God, we continue to labor in this fight for the unborn. We continue to pray that a mothers womb will again be the safest place in the world. We pray for the millions of woman who have been caught in the trap of abortion, we pray for their souls healing and that it would draw them to you Lord. We know the aborted children are with you, and here is some relief from the horror of Abortion. We know that the reason our Republic hangs by a thread is because of Abortion for you said in your work that you would bring down any nation that sacrificed their children to idols. Worse is that our idol we sacrifice them to is ourselves, or the American dream that these sweet little ones have inconvenieced with their little lives. Lord help us, we have opened up Pandoras Box and do not know how to close it. We look to you, Lord, in Jesus name, Amen

Vincent Sheehy
September 25, 2018

Congress should be supporting LIFE, not DEATH. Planned Parenthood is the nationā€™s largest
abortion provider, which performs hundreds of thousands of abortions annually. Among these abortion victims are what would have been the FUTURE doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists,
technicians, and national leaders of our government. Our nation will rightly suffer in the future
because of the destructive and vile abortion business, especially Planned Parenthood.
Congress should be ashamed of its lack of decency when it votes to support any abortionists.

Joyce Wisemiller
September 25, 2018

As a tax payer, I request that no federal or state taxes be used for the purposes of abortion. We should use tax dollars to support women who feel they have no other alternative. I prefer we spend our tax dollars to support women and to protect the unborn. We should be helping these women to allow their babies to be born and placed into their own homes or placed for adoption.

Paula Claiborne
September 25, 2018

Defund Planned
Parenthood now for the sake of those that cannot speak for themselves!

Jerry E Sauls
September 25, 2018

This kind of action by our US Senate reflects the statement in the Bible spoken by the prophet Amos 3:10, “My people have forgotten what it means to do right,” says the Lord. Far too many in our Nation have turned their backs on God and His Word, therefore, blindness has come upon them making it impossible to discern between that which is right and that which is wrong, hence their minds have been defiled.

Betty L Deaver
September 25, 2018

How sad that the Senate fails to defund Planned Parenthood!. I urge them to do this while there is still time!

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