I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Vice President Harris. Strengthen her, God, and draw her closer to You. Change her heart!
Reading Time: 1 minute

Why are Democrats leaking their disdain for Vice President Harris? Let’s pray for our elected officials to be saved and transformed by the power of Christ.

From Fox News. Some Democrats are leaking their disdain for Vice President Kamala Harris to the press, with a few political bigwigs arguing openly that Harris is a major liability for 2024.

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Harris is struggling to “define her vice presidency. Even her allies are tired of waiting,” the New York Times headlined in an article Monday.

That’s because one of the few issues that some Democrats are in agreement on — whether they’re allies of the vice president or not — is that she is a disappointment at best, the Times reported. …

Even some Democrats who were supposed to be supporters of Harris “confided privately that they had lost hope in her,” according to the Times.

Democratic fundraiser John Morgan was one of the few voices to speak out on the record against Harris, arguing that her weakness as vice president will be “one of the most hard-hitting arguments against Biden.” …

Multiple polls reflect Harris’ general unpopularity with voters, with roughly 39% of Americans saying they approve of the vice president’s job performance, according to polling site FiveThirtyEight. …

How are you praying for Vice President Harris? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Wendy Ullrich
February 9, 2023

We pray she would be delivered of all depravity concerning pre born babies. They are not as disposable diapers. May she realize dear Jesus that children are a gift from you. In Your mercy Lord may her heart be turned toward You and may she by supernatural Holy Spirit power be an advocate for children. Nothing is impossible with You Lord. We pray in Jesus’ name.

February 8, 2023

FATHER GOD please send YOUR laborers to Kamala Harris that she might repent and ask “what must I do to be saved?” Please deliver her and save her! Also please remove her and joe biden and their entire cabinet out of office quickly before America and most Americans are harmed even more than in the last 2 years; with the government sponsored covid and vaccines; the rise of censureship of Christianity and those that are conservative and moral; the harm to our children with crt and gender ideologies; defunding the police supported by government; supporting the burning down of many of our communities by blm and antifa; and the attempted forcing trans folk and the lgbtq folk lifestyle on every American including invading all girl spaces; and on and on ad naseum! I pray this in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    February 8, 2023

    Carol, best prayer.. could not have said it better.. I agree wholeheartedly -I do not see what good would do though-,as the article suggest ..to pray for her to be strengthened.. I am just saying this from my point of view not any type of statement on your prayer..

    -,Lord-,she should definitely be convicted of her error – in her heart, and that she should be terrorized in her night dreams the way we have prayed for many others -,that from the Lord- that she would repent..in Jesus mighty name, Amen

    February 10, 2023

    I agree, amen, best prayer. God have mercy and remove those who lead this country in wicked ways. These are not just incompetent leaders these are wicked leaders who steal, kill, and destroy.

Ken Budz
February 8, 2023

Lord please help our leaders do what is best for the country. Father God please give our politicians wisdom, courage and strength to do Your will. Lord Your ways are higher than our ways. You see what is happening. Please Father guide us in the way we should go. Amen.


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